The effects of global warming are the social and ecological changes because of increment of global temperature. Causes of the greenhouse gases due to the human activities are shown below: On the other hand, human [...]
When we consider the materials used in making the Maya paper in the ancient times, we find that the major material was the bark of the fig tree.
This is due to the fact that the production of nuclear power involves the release of radionuclides into the environment during the front and the back end processes.
The environmental issues on earth have extended radically in the past decades and are currently among the main threats and challenges which have impacts on people lifestyles and organizations processes around the world.
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, ENEC, brought together six UAE member states, the International Atomic Energy Agency and other countries such as the United States of America. The assertions made above indicate that UAE relies [...]
With the uncertainties in the oil market and the rapid deterioration of other sources of energy, it is time that the American government and other concerned organizations considered revolutionizing this source of energy in order [...]
It is known that wetlands serves very important roles in the societies, ranging from ecological matters to educational, there would be an assessment of the contribution of the wetland and that of the land it [...]
As a result, the defects in the switch and the failure to inform the users of how critical the padlock was caused an escalation of the incident. This was as a result of the fuel [...]
Increased public awareness From 1960s, policies that affect management of national forest have led to increased information about planning and management of forest to the public as well as their participation in the process.
The changes in climate that have occurred are not sufficient to make the assertions that the world is in danger. The challenge is that the climate change supporters have gone to extents of politicizing the [...]
The development of the national grid led to a switch to electric power as the main source of energy.hydroelectric power and Wind power are yet to be utilized.
The formation of fuel NOx depends on the nitrogen content in the fuel as well as the level of oxygen in the reaction medium.
Thus, the establishment that the use of fossil fuels adversely affects the environment is important in explaining the shift to the use of renewable energy sources.
Al Gore mentioned that the bold steps that are supposed to be taken in order to deal with the climate crisis are similar steps that are supposed to be taken to deal with the problem [...]
This essay addresses some of the disturbances which have been experienced in the coral reefs of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary together with measures which have been implemented to salvage the ecosystem.
Although it has been argued that the nuclear disaster of Fukushima Daiichi would have a direct impact on the nuclear policy of the United States of America, this disaster should not have any effect on [...]
According to Torgerson: "The environmentalism that came onto the public scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s was part of an outburst of activism in civil society that was followed by the emergence of [...]
On the other side, while the conventional school of thought considers sustainable lifestyle as a continuously improving form of lifestyle in terms of the standards of living of the citizens, it is clear that improvement [...]
The study emphasizes on the negative effects of this features to the environment and methods of stopping them from harming the environment.
Campaigns to inculcate the concepts of green consumerism are on and echoed in an abundant way all over the world but the question as to whether "green marketing contribute to the greening of a states [...]
Another advantage is the fact that most of the turbines that are used in the generation of wind power are located in ranches, and on farms.
The aim of the research is to provide substantial proof that nuclear energy is not efficient and sustainable. It is also argued that the whole process and the impacts of nuclear energy production make the [...]
The principal emissions that contribute to acidic precipitation are sulfur dioxide and the various oxides of nitrogen that are as result of the burning of the fossil fuels.
Though economic benefits of such drilling are obvious, they do not outweigh the need to preserve the pristine nature of the area o the benefit of thousands of animal and plant species that depend on [...]
There is sufficient evidence that recent climate change is a result of human activities."Warming of the climate system is unequivocal; as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, [...]
The long wave radiation absorbed by the space rises the temperature of the earth and the atmosphere and the heated greenhouse gases radiate long wave radiations allover and majority of it is redirected to the [...]
On page 6, Sutton, is of the opinion that there is a great connection between environmental damage, industrialisation and urbanisation; he observes that human beings have altered the natural environment and resulted to living in [...]
The end result of reducing the number of predator and carnivores in a given ecological system will cause an imbalance that allows organisms in the lower levels of the food chain to multiply to the [...]
Burying of animals in regions which are not appropriate poses the risk of contamination if both water and soil. Areas which are frequently prone to flooding are likely to increase the chances of contamination.
Due to the similarity in the landscape of Iraq and some parts of the gulf, some effects of the Iraq war are similar to the effects of the gulf war.
Thus, the use of nuclear power presupposes a number of positive short-term and log-term consequences for the economy of the country and the environment of the planet.
Efficient use of some sources of energy such as fossil energy reduces instances of pollution, translating to the fact that people will enjoy healthy lifestyles. The government must encourage citizens to use renewable sources of [...]
The article Australia's Water Crisis brings to light the grim effects of the dwindling water resources within the city of Sydney.
This content analysis is based on the centrist and decentrist methodology which are the common methods that are used in the debate of planning and constructing cities in this modern age. The subsidiary themes of [...]
This Nuclear Policy Act gave the U,S Department of Defense the responsibility of finding a site and to build and operate a nuclear waste facility in the subsurface.
The use of solar energy can be critical for environmental and economic sustainability of many communities that can be located in different regions of the world.
To add to all the problems is the fact that the Earth is seeing a major depletion in the natural resources and fossil fuels which are the established source of energy that must be greatly [...]
The Conlin-Beavan family answers the question about the source of inspiration making them adhere to the environmentalism thoughts and tells the readers about the reasons of their choices in their day to day life.
Technologies can hardly be defined as merely tools; instead, they can be evaluated on their own merits, as the indicators of the progress of the civilization and the measure of people's possibilities in terms of [...]
Speaking of the effects of a power plant that is run on natural gas, it is necessary to point out that the effects on the environment are drastic, as a rule, seeing how the use [...]
In the field of climate change and human health, skills of project management are necessary during planning, evaluation of options, development of effective policies, and arrangement of program actions and resources to produce fruitful outcomes.
By definition, the greenhouse effect is the process through which the atmosphere absorbs infrared radiation emitted from the Earth's surface once it is heated directly by the sun during the day.
The country has the opportunity to enhance its capacity to generate electricity from nuclear following the approval of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build and operate between three to four units of the Vogtle [...]
The qualities of environments in the world are noted and the article makes a particular focus on the energy use industry, its modes and the effects that it has on the surrounding nature and people.
Political and environmental experts foresee the role of NGOs in environmental politics increasing in the future[17]. Even though they have been criticized from different quotas for a number of vices, the role played by NGOs [...]
There is great dependence on the abilities of the plane and weather, and a person has to make quick decisions in directing the machine.
In my opinion, global warming causes adverse effects that outweighs the positives and therefore, efforts should be invested to manage it through mitigation in order to lessen greenhouse gases emissions, adapting to its effects and [...]
The case of the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal people and the Fortescue Metals Group is an excellent case of the above scenario. The miners are in pursuit of the land owing to its richness in iron ore, [...]
Prolonged pollution of water has even caused some plants to grow in the water, which pose danger to the living entities that have their inhabitants in the water.
The actual evaporation is high in Berkeley as compared to Terre Haute as a result of high temperature and pressure in the region.
Thus, in regard to reduced ranges of temperatures, it is evident that the region experienced some of the harshest conditions in the wake of 1970s as well as the dawn of 1980s.
The mandate of this report is to study the project in relation to ethical issues encountered in its management. This is against the code of ethics in project management.
In the recent past, many countries have been accused of damping hazardous waste in the form of nuclear waste in various parts of the world especially oceans and in third world countries this trend is [...]
Science of the greenhouse effect has been known for quite a long time where the similarity between the radioactive properties of the earth's atmosphere and of the glass in a green-house has been pointed out [...]
The development of the theory of sustainable development over the past two decades took the form of various transformations in its definition to capture different elements of sustainability as outlined in sustainable development.
Most of the developing countries are near the equator and they can therefore be in a position to harness as much as the solar energy as possible.
This is a worrying aspect for the scarcity of water will lead to greater conflict for water. As agriculture is the sector that uses maximum water resources, with increase in population will face a dual [...]
For example, it can promote public interaction and "conduct public discourses on global climate change" and raise peoples' interests to such issues as the influence of a greenhouse effect and carbon in the air on [...]
There is also the problem on the management of operations that would ensure minimization of green house gas emissions to the atmosphere.
The question of whether recycled water is safe for drinking is of high relevance to a discussion on water-borne diseases because raw waste water contains high amounts of faecal matter, so it takes a rigorous [...]
The renewable energy sources used to provide green power can guarantee energy security in the world. Green power produces energy without subjecting the environment to the hazards posed by the traditional sources of energy.
The inhabitants of Marshall Islands were deprived of their land by the nuclear tests conducted by the US. The nuclear testing program led to the contamination of some of the land owned by the Marshallese [...]
The fact that the environment and the entire ecosystem have been left unstable in the recent times is in no doubt.
Water pollution in the 1960s occurred due to poor sewage systems in the urban and rural areas. Unlike in the 1960s, there are reduced cases of water pollution today.
This paper discusses particular sections of the applicable OSHA regulations that Exxon Corporation neglected, the hazards the workforce of this company encountered because of the failure to comply with OSHA regulations, and the recommended corrective [...]
The question calls readers to take on the subject of debate of nuclear waste by helping to reinforce the magnitude of the problem.
The justification of the study is premised on the fact that China is one of the world's largest coal producers and consumers, hence the need to evaluate the health implications of coal pollution on the [...]
The cost of the inventions is the environment degradation. This is because of the comfort that the furniture and the shade of the roof offer.
The resources can be identified through the acquisition of knowledge about the environmental conditions of the areas in which urban development is expected to take place.
This paper will argue that since fossil fuels have been the primary contributors to the global warming problem, a switch to renewable energy sources will help to mitigate global warming and possibly even reverse the [...]
In addition, the essay discusses the US position in the development of clean energy and the impact of this technology on the US economy.
Fox reveals that during the hydraulic fracturing, tons of water combined with hazardous chemicals are pumped in the ground to crack the earth and free the natural gas.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of oil spills on seafood. In particular, oil deposits on the seafloor changes the composition of the soil and the ecosystem in the deep sea.
This chapter together with the article "Acid rain and its ecological consequences" written by Madhoolika Agrawal and Anita Singh and which appeared in the 29th volume of the Journal of Environmental Biology describe the formation [...]
It is also possible to note that the article provides a number of specific details that tessellate into a mosaic of the environmental concerns of these days.
Indeed, there is an urgent need to address the current crisis to ensure that Canada has access to fresh water in the future.
Water management is a tool for every person to reduce the water shortage. Increase in water price is likely to reduce the consumption as this reduces water wastage.
Pollution is human made, pausing devastating health issues among the community at large, and its management cuts across all spectrums of societies including cultural, political, ethnic, and educational backgrounds Various forms of pollution have contributed [...]
Forests eliminate and amass carbon dioxide from the air, and deforestation causes vast amounts of carbon discharge, in addition to, decreasing the quantity of carbon capture on the globe.
It is appropriate to inspect the ocean and land spheres independently so as to take advantage of the limitations that arises with them and particularly to the capability of the land and ocean to store [...]
This is very important as it helps put pressure on countries to reduce on carbon release, in order to conserve the environment and hence species at risk.
My mitigation plan for ensuring sustainability of energy resources will primarily involve efforts to resolve the overexploitation of non-renewable energy resources, and enhance the adoption of clean renewable energy.
Due to the changes in the sourcing of energy I decided to make use of solar heating especially in showering and cooling my house.
Having in mind that the demand for energy will continue growing; to help propel the growth of the economy there is need to come up with steps that will help conserve oil.
In 1972, the UN assembly established the body to monitor the environment and human activities within the member states and across the world.
The local and military officials have laid down policies that are aimed at controlling the spread of the disease and lessening the economic, health, security, and communal impacts.
The irony of the matter is that Australia does not use these reserves to produce nuclear energy; two main reasons that has contributed to the un-exploitation are availability of rich coal deposits in the country, [...]
The principles governing energy saving are to promote minimum usage of energy with an aim of saving energy and encouraging the use of renewable forms of energy.
The causes of climate changes are varied; first, the cyclical variations of the orbital processes control the solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth causing varying climatic conditions.
However, it is impossible to underestimate the impact of people on the processes related to climate change and, therefore, sea-level rise.
However, the US Department of Energy officials continue to say that this technology is unfeasible; according to them the very idea of cold fusion has no scientific value.
According to a research done by Mwingi Godfrey on the conservation of water in South Africa, the following is important to ensure a sustainable use; Pressure management, this will control the chances of pipe bursts [...]
The environmental effects of the BP oil spill adversely affected the gulf region and the efforts to remedy the situation are likely to impact on the overall US economy Tons of species of creatures were [...]
The high demand for automobiles to serve the high Chinese population in addition to the indiscriminate opening of factories that depend entirely on coal have been noted as some of the major causes of air [...]
Among the major oil spills that we have had in history are the 1990 Gulf War oil spill and the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which is the most recent.
Due to the scarcity of fossil fuels and the expenses incurred in the mining of fossil fuels, it is important that we find a new source of energy to fulfill the energy needs of the [...]
The natural gas drilling usually has effects on both the environment as well as the community as it affects the air, water and the soil as well as the people who live near the drilling [...]
Human attitude towards environmental damage is that the environment exists for human benefit; environment should be exploited for the good of man and at no any one point should exploiting the environment be seen to [...]
The data for the research was collected through the internet databases that contain a number of issue papers about the open space areas and the effect of the number of parks produced on the overall [...]
It was the novel headquarters of German East Africa and was among the mainly important business ports by the side of the East African coast during the colonial period.
He further referred to the sludge flood as an ecological catastrophe thereby suspending all the activities of the company and ordering it to repair the broken reservoir.
Environmental groups filed law suits in attempt to stop the plans by the company to build a pumped storage facility in the region.
Bioregionalism is the phenomenon of understanding the process of environmental ecosystems in a way justifiable to the human cultures. The more industrialization of the weapons of mass destruction, the more would be the production, the [...]
The existence of the El Nino phenomenon depends on the interaction or coupling involving the atmosphere and the ocean. During the early stages of the El Nino, the easterlies weaken, causing the oceans to warm [...]
Ali comments that "the consumption level of water exceeds the available sources" while Boberg asserts that "water is one of the resources that is scarce" made an analysis of the water crisis in UAE based [...]
One of the effects is the rise of the seal level due to the melting of the ice at the poles.
The evidence provided by environmental agencies indicates that industrial agriculture is one of the factors that significantly contribute to the deterioration of water quality.
The main objective of this research is to find out how power is generated in OECD countries and its contribution to the world’s electricity needs.
In this regard, it is evident that the issue of water scarcity has minimal effect in causing violent conflicts in contemporary world. In addition, water scarcity might lead to violent directly where a community fights [...]
The production of nuclear power is relatively cheap when compared to coal and petroleum. The cost of nuclear fuel for nuclear power generation is much lower compared to coal, oil and gas fired plants.
The millennium development goal on poverty reduction entails the reduction of people going hungry, provision of universal primary education, reducing the number of people who cannot access clean drinking water, combating the spread of infectious [...]
The main cause of hazardous waste facilities in poor communities in United States is due to lack of adequate education by the poor people.
Studies which have been conducted in the United States about the effects of global warming on human health and mortality have mainly concentrated on either the rise in days with extremely hot weather or the [...]
This potential source of pollutants poses significant risks to the quality of water at the creek in terms altering the temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and the turbidity of the water.
This is the increase in the temperatures of the earth's air surface and the subsequent increase in the water levels. On the other hand, the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes oceans to [...]
According to WHO, the quality of drinking water is a foundation for the prevention and control of waterborne ailments, thus water quality is a critical environmental determinant of health for populations using the water.
Both the secondary and tertiary treatment methods utilize a number of processes to make each step a success but tertiary treatment is never usually a necessity because it depends on the toxicity of the source [...]
The explosion of the number of cars in Moscow has largely contributed to the air pollution in this city. The jam also increases the time the engines are on; therefore increasing the amount of the [...]
The mostly affected areas of human body by the UV radiation are the skin, eyes and weakening of the immune system.
With the current relocation of people in large masses to the coastal areas, there has been an increase in pollution of beach waters due to sewage contamination rendering the waters unsafe for recreational activities.