Literature Essay Examples and Topics. Page 26

8,282 samples

Moliere’s Tartuffe Play: An Analytical Journal

The events of Tartuffe transpire over the course of one day, originating in the early morning and concluding in the late evening, with most of the situations happening at the house of the protagonist.
  • Subjects: Plays
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 995

Higher Law in The Antigone Play

Antigone strongly believes that the laws of Gods are higher than the laws of the state and that she does right by following the laws of the Gods.
  • Subjects: Plays
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 673

March Book 1 Overview and Analysis

The novel is based on the life of John Lewis and opens with a group of African American protestors marching across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. The police deny the demand of one [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 841

“The Fugitive” by T. Coraghessan Boyle

On the first page of the story, the author uses several techniques to present his narrative to the reader. The first page also presents the reader with an exposition of the story, in which the [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 348

Key Points in “Hard Core” by Linda Williams

In the first chapter of Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the "Frenzy of the Visible," author Linda Williams reveals the concepts of "speaking sex" as a feature of pornography and the "knowledge-pleasure" sexuality represented in [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1139

“The Road Not Taken” by Frost

Robert Frost wrote "The Road Not Taken" at the beginning of the 1900s to underline the difficulty of choices that people have to make. Symbols make it possible to develop the reader's imagination, and alliteration [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 296

“The Explosion”: Analysis of the Poem

The day the explosion happened / there was a foreboding of an accident / and the sun was the foreteller. The poem's central topic is the explosion which happened in a coal mine."At noon there [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 298

Hercules by Seneca and Euripides: Comparison

The key similarity of both stories can be seen in the fact that the authors wrote a tragedy for Hercules in order to explore the role of violence in his acts of heroism.
  • Subjects: Comparative Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Momaday: Summary and Analysis of Poem

That they remind each other of what they had agreed themselves and that they should be one common unit working in unity and that whatever they plan, they should do it with confidence, keen, and [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 362

“The Bean Eaters” by Gwendolyn Brooks

The poem, "The Bean Eaters" portrays the old couple's poor state they live in alongside how they are fighting to be alive despite all their difficulties. They are the remnants of their lives.
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 477

Mr. Williams and Mrs. Williams Comic Dialogue

Williams to explain the results of the tests and give the list of the products she should not eat any longer.Mrs. WILLIAMS: Truly, darling, you know how I love you and I am trying to [...]
  • Subjects: Modernist Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 831

Ramayana: Ancient India Literature Art

It is both a classic fairy tale known from the early childhood and the representation of the ideal and moral behavior to be an example for everyone.
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 501

The Conflict Within “Incident” by Countee Cullen

Incident is one of the most famous poems by the prominent African-American poet and author Countee Cullen who is a leading figure in the Harlem Renaissance. The conflict described in the poem is one of [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 571

Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play Analysis

The play raises the question of what stories will be remembered in the future and whether they have any chance of staying unchanged. Returning to the central conflict, it finally receives a resolution in the [...]
  • Subjects: Plays
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 859

“Shooting an Elephant” by G. Orwell Review

Orwell uses the details surrounding the shooting of the elephant to bring out the sarcasm of imperialism, and the vulnerability of the imperialists to the otherwise primitive locals that they purported to rule over and [...]
  • Subjects: British Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 858

Gender Roles in ‘Mr. Green’ by Robert Olen Butler

Green Butler uses the character of the grandfather to develop the theme of gender roles within the culture. The character of the grandfather is extremely sound for the cultural beliefs the author conveyed through all [...]
  • Subjects: Gender in Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Love in the “Metamorphoses” by Ovid

Still, according to Ovid love is the eternal source of conflicts and is the strongest manifestation of a person, it is the essence of life and its pivot.
  • Subjects: Mythology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1166

The Mimic Men Novel by Naipaul

The writer uses first-person narration to illustrate how Ralph is writing a memoir in response to the muddled uproar that is rampant in the setting of the novel.
  • Subjects: British Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 909

Synopsis of “Water” Short Story by Lee Hoffman

From the story it is clearly indicated that, Evan was very disappointed with what Redmor treated the people of this area; and decided to take a ravage especially because his friend Hank was shot.
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 629

Edgar Allan Poe: The Style of Fictional Works

Minister D walked in and saw the contents of the letter, produced another copy that almost looked like the stolen one, and placed it next to the important letter.
  • Subjects: American Novels Writing Style
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2004

“Old Friends” by Tracy Kidder

The concept of his role is to highlight the fact that it's never too late to do what you have always wanted to do.
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 693

Araby, a Short Story by James Joyce

James Joyce is considered to be one of the most outstanding writers of the Modernist literature which occupies period from the beginning of the XXth century to the end of World War II.
  • Subjects: Aspects of American Novels
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1366

A Dream Deferred and Democracy by Langston Hughes

But if they over dry, they will become hard to chew and lose all the nutrition, This warns us of the consequences that may befall us if we sit there and wait for conditions to [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 668

Hills Like White Elephants Analysis

Hemingway wrote 'Hills like White Elephants' in the third-person perspective that restricts the tale to the words and actions of the characters.
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1106

Music Theme in “The Weary Blues”

The poem The Weary Blues was written by Langston Hughes; the author devoted his work to the description of the music theme highlighting the role of blues and the uniqueness of this genre.
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 624

Soldier’s Home by Ernest Hemingway and War Experiences

The thesis of this paper is in the form of an argument to convince the readers that Krebs's laziness comes from his inability to adapt himself to the changing patterns of life, which society imposes [...]
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1381

The Problem of Hero and Villain in Literature

As shown by the examples of Prometheus from Prometheus Bound, James Stark from Rebel without a Cause, and Barry from Barry Lyndon, being a hero and a villain is possible for one and the same [...]
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1670

John Donne’s “Holy Sonnet X”

The poet confirms that death is "Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so". Donne refers to a world of privacy and solitude when it comes to the existence of the death.
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1142

“A Red, Red Rose” Poem by Robert Burns

Additionally, a certain pattern can be seen in alternating the rhyme of the last word in a line, where in the first two stanzas, the first and the third lines where unrhymed, while the second [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 937

“Construction of Deafness” by Harlan Lane Analysis

One side of the debate believes that deafness is a disability, while their opponents claim that this is a sign of belonging to a distinct linguistic community which is marginalized not only in the United [...]
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1674

Langston Hughes’s Fine Clothes to the Jew Poems

Rampersad, the biographer of Langston Hughes, says that Fine Clothes to the Jew is not a successful volume, though it is Hughes's greatest collection, which was published when the poet was at the height of [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 963

“Teenage Wasteland” Short Story by Anne Tyler

Despite the fact that, throughout story's entirety, Cal is being presented to us as "progressive" educator, who seriously believed that endowing Donny with strongly defined sense of self-respect could have helped Daisy's son to straighten [...]
  • Subjects: Themes in American Novels
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 970

To Lucasta, Going to the Wars

In the second and the third verse: "That from the nunnery2 Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind3" The author uses figurative language to describe his mistress, where by using such words as nunnery, chaste, [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 553

“Lost Names” by Richard Kim

The story narrates the travails of a particular family through the entire process of the occupation of the country by the Japanese until the time they surrendered in 1945.
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 912

Charles Dickens: “Great Expectations”

'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens deals with "the aspirations and ambitions of the protagonist and narrator, Pip, to improve his status in life and create conditions for better living"..
  • Subjects: British Literature
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1840

The Narrative of “Night” by Elie Wiesel

The recurring themes of Night, by Elie Wiesel reflect the poignant feelings of disgust of writer against mankind and gradually his loss of faith in God, helplessness and hopelessness of a child who entirely disgusts [...]
  • Subjects: Dramatic Literature
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1125

Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich

Even should this be the case, the restrictive way in which she is instructed to clean would serve as a viable justification for this unhappiness, not necessarily the physical labor of the maids themselves.
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1000

“Congo” Novel by Michael Crichton

The novel starts with the end of an expedition when people were attacked and killed by an unknown enemy, and the contact between the expedition and the outer world is lost.
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Women in Modern Japanese Literature

The work by Yuko to be considered in this paper is one of the brightest examples of her prose, and it can be observed by the readers that personal concern of the author about her [...]
  • Subjects: Writers
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2198

“Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton

The women characters in the short story tell each other a series of tales, embedded within the story at different narratives, about the enticements and dangers they face when they were young.
  • Subjects: Gender in Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

“Hills Like White Elephants”: Argument Comparison

Bernardo and Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" and the tradition of the American in Europe by D. The early versions of that story put Jig and the American man on the train for which they [...]
  • Subjects: Comparative Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 930

Blind in Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral” Book

The narrator admits from the very beginning of the story that he is nervous about having a blind man in his house, suggesting that he himself is actually quite blind to the reality of the [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1008

The Literary Works of W. H. Auden

In later years, a lot of his poems were directed through the style of using firm words to express his strong emotions and to depict the ideas of revealing and concealing the tone of his [...]
  • Subjects: British Literature
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2193

Writer’s Responsibility to the Reader

An artist wants to express with the help of his or her art, the economic, political, social, cultural and religious or philosophical conditions of the moment of the creation of the art.
  • Subjects: Writers
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1641

“On the Road” by Langston Hughes

First of all, it is necessary to mention, that the poem "on the road" by Langston Hughes is the narration of the periods of the Great Depression.
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 536

“Science Fiction” by Roger Luckhust

The analysis of this genre focuses on the series of fiction works with the purpose of disclosure of unique qualities of fiction theory. The history of technology and science contributes to the formation of contextual [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 933

Humanities. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Even in his own home, he has taken up the habit of locking his bedroom doors "as if in a hotel" and he continues to follow the rules and regulations set forth by his father [...]
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2303

Victorian Society in Wild’s Play vs. Dickens’ Novel

Wilde's community, though apparently very customary and firm, is essentially quite worried about being destabilized by strangers: Lady Bracknell even evaluates Jack's being found in a purse with "the worst immoderation of the French Revolution" [...]
  • Subjects: Comparative Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 797

Analysis of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird

Although the innocent black man is killed while attempting to break out of prison when he might have gone free had the case proceeded to a higher court, Atticus and the town's sheriff conjure a [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1484

Hamlet and David Ball’s Backward and Forward

This is the essence of Hamlet and what makes the sentiment so true to our time the inherent pain of life, a cosmic sense of injustice, and the karmic balance of natural order.
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 849

The Marvellous Marvell: Poetry Review

One is gardens and flowers, and the other is the less concrete spiritual things, like the soul, the body, the mind, life, and death.
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2343

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain

When the novel starts, Tom is appointed in and often the arranger of childhood tricks and make-believe games. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom's obsession with Rebecca Thatcher is obvious.
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 482

“Black Rain” the Novel by Masuji Ibuse

Taking it upon himself to complete Yasuko's recollections of the dark days, Shizuma must rewrite the journal to bring to the reader an unmistakable account of the injuries, the horrors and the victimization that was [...]
  • Subjects: Modernist Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 626

The Theme of Death in the World of Literature

Important is the fact that the death is personified in the poem and has the role of the gentleman. The death is presented as a powerful element of the poem and of the narrator's life [...]
  • Subjects: World Literature
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2578

Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”: Facing the Darkness

It is not difficult to realize that Hawthorne's intention in "Young Goodman Brown" is to force the reader to experience the temptations which Brown himself must endure and that he is made to see the [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1759

“The Taming of the Shrew”: Petruchio and Katherina

The play The Taming of the Shrew was written at a time of renewed interest in marriage, in the way relations between the sexes were being redrawn by the consequences of the Reformation and by [...]
  • Subjects: Plays
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1143

How to Win Friends and Influence People by D. Carnegie

The simple truths in the book were relevant to all generations and hence the book is of universal appeal."How to Win Friends and Influence People" tapped into the insatiable hunger for self-improvement and success in [...]
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2322

Shakespearean Sonnets from Critical Perspectives

The excellence of the sonnets is the excellence of parts. Although the sonnets proclaim his affection for the young man and his indulgence of him, they also disclose the attitudes which Shakespeare takes to both [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 21
  • Words: 5734

Sharon Olds’ “Rites of Passage” Poem

Having already presented the boys as a group of older men in characteristic business behavior, this comparison serves to bring into focus the concept that while the speaker's son is ostensibly the 'king' of the [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 831

David Herbert Lawrence’s “Piano” Poem

The tonal quality of the woman's voice sends the speaker of the poem into a child-time memory that is not actually a single event, but a compilation of impressions throughout the Sundays of his childhood.
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 855

Triangle of Time: Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare

Judging by the sentiments involved in the poem, the lover could be someone as remote from him as a woman he rode in a carriage once, or even a spectator who came to see one [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 949

Commonwealth in “Utopia” by Thomas More

The comment presents an issue of Utopia, the controversy of More's discussion that affects the commonwealth of the state that will be analysed to argue that the statement is true.
  • Subjects: World Philosophy Literature
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2564

“The Pueblo Revolt of 1680” by Andrew L. Knaut

The book's research problem is the intentional failure to recognize the role of Pueblos in the precipitation of the revolt and the ultimate triumph over the Spaniards in New Mexico.
  • Subjects: Historical Literature
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 858

“Seven Fallen Feathers” by Tanya Talaga

The existing residential school system is one of the examples provided in the text as it contributes to the deterioration of the institution of family and the native culture of people.
  • Subjects: Historical Literature
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1761

1950s in Wilson’s “The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit”

Happiness becomes accessible through product attainment, and even the opening of the story deals with the fact that the protagonist and his wife, Tom and Betsy Rath, want to live in a better house.
  • Subjects: Themes in American Novels
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1474

“Next to of Course God America I” by E.E. Cummings

That seems to be the main purpose of the poem, to highlight the aspects of patriotism. It is speculated that the author chose to include this element as a way of distancing his persona from [...]
  • Subjects: Poems
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 257

Symbols in Junot Diaz’s “Is This How You Lose Her”

By incorporating a range of symbols such as the main characters' clothes, their personal belongings, and attributes of their culture, the author conveys the conflict of belonging, sense of being lost, and the problem of [...]
  • Subjects: Themes in American Novels
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2212

“A Summer Tragedy” by Arna Bontemps

The story is set near the Mississippi River, in the fertile lands of New Orleans. The Patton's love each other so much, and their affection is shown in the story.
  • 5
  • Subjects: American Literature
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 404