The novel form is oriented toward the creation and depiction of a world, and in the form, this world is endowed with wholeness and perfection.
Therefore, all real emotional response is suppressed and the perfect regimentation of the way of life in the One State is supposed to overcome this fatal human flaw.
As she struggles between the strict social mores of her community and the desires of her heart, Lucy is influenced by both her own internal experiences and the external behaviors of those around her, finally [...]
The main idea of the book lies in upholding the Marxist belief of the inevitable collapse of capitalism and the accession of the proletariat, or industrial working class.
Though the true nature of the Monster is virtuous and kind, he is treated like a beast, like a devil and even his creator addresses to him as to "it" "For this I had deprived [...]
This is the essence of Hamlet and what makes the sentiment so true to our time the inherent pain of life, a cosmic sense of injustice, and the karmic balance of natural order.
As in the second stanza, she writes, "I could easily tell the white folks" meaning she's addressing white people and without any fear whatever lies she had to tell.
Death was a reality for him that is why most of his stories are on the edge of the death and life.
Going further, as a whole the literature from the restoration of the monarchy to the rise of the queen in 1702 it was in striking contrast with the ease of the dispositions of court society, [...]
The style of the novel adds a sense of mystery to the story, which, combined with the representation of the various rituals and the extensive usage of the native language, makes the reading process more [...]
But it is his marriage to Hera that made a great impact in the continuance of the Greek myth. In Greek mythology, Hebe is the personification of youth and immortality.
The Romantic period in British Literature is grounded on the nexus of the Enlightenment's encouragement of commerce, rationale, and freedom and the Victorian understanding of industrialization and realm.
This paper defines the term hunger, describes other forms of hunger, and finally tries to interpret Wrights form of physical hunger to find out if it is representative of something.
Oedipus at the middle of the story had the urge to free the citizens of Thebes from the threat of the Sphinx.
In such an arrangement, there is a tendency to have the opinion that the development of one individual is a benchmark for the development of another, which eventually leads to laxity among some individuals.
However, his job required him to support the imperialist rule and even as he knew the reasons for the British occupation, he also knows that by treating the people the way they did, the Brits [...]
In his book "The Unredeemed Captive," author John Putnam Demos depicts a fascinating contest of cultures, featuring the English Puritan Protestants of New England, the Roman Catholics of France and the Native Americans against the [...]
Despite her insistence on loathing the false leg and the thick glasses she depends on to see, in the end, Hulga finds she is literally left without a leg to stand on.
The theme of the novel trails two side-by-side running models, one during times of erstwhile racial South Africa where the enthroned President is on the verge of giving in at the hands of the leadership [...]
In the case of Enkidu, he uses his strength to undermine all those going against his will and he is not putting in mind what the results will be to other in the society.
Despite Dee's overwhelming presence, Maggie is the first girl to be introduced in the story as it is she who has apparently helped her mother to make the yard "so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon....
He went to a boarding school where he went through one of the most difficult and unhappy phases of his life. He also contributed a lot in the theory of elections.
However, if one arguing for the spiritual significance of Austen's novels is able to show that the development of Austen's plots, themes, and characters is related to Austen's religious beliefs and standards, he or she [...]
It seems the love he contains in his heart is not enough for him to forgive and forget what has happened.
A lot of coined description had been made out of the character of Kurtz the captain of the ship, Director of the Companies that sailed and explored a part of Africa for ivories in the [...]
The story he tells us the story that discusses the German culture and societal class in the early 16th Century and provides a vivid account of the social interaction between the noble class, the army [...]
The Handmaid's Tale is characterized as a feminist dystopia written in direct reaction to the growing political power of the American religious right in the 1980s.
The period of Renaissance humanism, of which Pico was a major pre-cursor, also explores the same enlightenment, the splendor, the marvel and the wonder called man. Dust is what he will turn to and to [...]
We are not aware what happens at the moment of death or after it and seek to find the answers to the questions raised by Shelley in the poem "On Death".
Thus, the tragic hero should combine the following characteristics: He should cause emotional attachment; The audience should fear for the fate of the hero; A tragic hero should cause pity in the audience.
They made the readers become witnesses of the rights abuses under the rule of Pinochet, the transition to democracy made in Chile, and the democratic government's response to the rights abuses in the past.
Huck fears his father and apparently never knew his mother; a homeless waif, he sleeps on doorsteps or in hogsheads; he is troubled by no ambition and steers clear of Sunday school; his life is [...]
One of the functions of the double vision is to offer an escape from reality, and one of the forms this escape often takes is the pastoral.
The image of the mermaid also signifies the fear that dominates the youth and all the people that live in this Midwestern town.
The slaying is the catalyst to a downward spiral of events. Montgomery is forced to kill several of the beasts in self-defense.
Her "Mill on the Floss" vehemently reveals an indescribable conflict in Maggie's innocent mind; one the one side there was the matter of the Tulliver family's ego and prestige, and on the other side it [...]
For instance, in The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat the police arrive and stimulate a desire on the part of the narrator to confess his crime and undergo punishment from the state.
Though Janie does not feel her duty to clear out herself, she explains the story of her life to her friend. The reader observes the development of Janie's character and the changes in her attitude [...]
As most of the storyline of "Paradise Lost" was created on the basis of Biblical stories, it was considered a book of heavenly-minded character and viewed as a poetical interpretation of the Bible.
The Four Loves explores the nature of love from a Christian perspective through thought experiments and examples from literature wherein the "need-love" seen in a child for its mother, and the gift-love as exemplified by [...]
It also deconstructs assumptions made about the battles that took place and the consequences of the war for the United States and the world in general.
This has the implication that the connections for such writing should be strong and should be in line with the ideas that have to be passed to the reader that is from the beginning to [...]
Considering the destruction, the loss of human lives and the reduction to slavery of even the Trojan Royalty, aside from the fact that the attack was done in stealth to a sleeping civilian population, Ulysses [...]
To gain an understanding of the story within a brief analysis, it is necessary to examine the story's plot, characterization, point of view, theme, symbols, and setting.
The human personality traits determined the gods and goddesses to be immortalized, hence the actions that were observed in the myths were as a symbol of the actual actions of men.
In the book, "The Song of Solomon" such an obsessive love is found in the passionate desire of Hagar and the friendly love of Guitar.
She broke into the issue as a youthful woman in the 1860s with "Life in the Iron Mills," which established her as one of the founders of American Realism.
Okigbo spoke the language of his people in Nigeria, and Eliot spoke American English. Okigbo learned English in school and university as the language of the colonial government of Nigeria at that time.
The historical developments of that epoch were deeply connected with the growth and formation of a market society that deeply affected the lives of ordinary men and women and played a great role in the [...]
In attempting to control the politics of the situation, the women take on the role of the men and effectively put the men in their place.
Two short stories were written by Chopin, A Story of One Hour and The Storm well as her brilliant novel Awakening should be regarded as one of the best examples of the feminist literature of [...]
Fagon wants his story to alert the king to the baleful influence the confessor will exercise and the harm it will do the nation.
A balance between good and evil is the main theme of this story with its focus on character development, both within the characters of the larger text as well as with Fenoglio and the characters [...]
The books referred to were "book 1-The Sword in the Stone, book 2-The Queen of Air and Darkness, book 3-The Ill-Made Knight and book 4-The Candle in the Wind, The author Terence Hanbury White who [...]
However, in this play, we can be witnesses to a fact that all of the pain that King Lear had undergone can be cathartic.
Hedda Gabler, upon the discovery that her imaginary world of free-living and noble dying lies in shivers about her, no longer has the vitality to continue existence in the real world and chooses self-annihilation. At [...]
Would God no Argo e er had winged the seas To Colchis through the blue Symplegades No shaft of riven pine in Pelion's glen Shaped that first oar blade in the hands of men Valiant [...]
Like the Thomas Sutpen story that has been dispatched by different narrators in William Faulkner's novel Absalom, Absalom, the past becomes a burden in the present for Quentin and Shreve because he sensed an impermeable [...]
In Peter Pan literature, the writer uses different techniques to deliver his message to the writer. The writer tells a story complete with characters that include Peter Pan, Wendy, John and Jane.
One son in particular, Edmund, allows the pain of being born a bastard and the rejection of his father to skew his view of the world and the intentions of his ambition.
The short story "The king is dead, long live the king" by Mary Coleridge portrays the dying of the king and the behavior of the court and his retinue.
A peculiar feature of works of this type is that the main characters, women, are not treated as they should be: they see numerous deaths of their dearest people, they are deprived of the fulfillment [...]
The excellence of the sonnets is the excellence of parts. Although the sonnets proclaim his affection for the young man and his indulgence of him, they also disclose the attitudes which Shakespeare takes to both [...]
This is Lakota territory that is being occupied and Marshall tells of what was in the balance that made the Lakota struggle hard to defend it.
The title shows the intolerance of the passionate young man to the lady who is hesitant. The literal meaning of the poem is that the passionate man is intolerant of the coyness of the lady.
The scene with the leaving bus that is the beginning of the "One Day in December" perfectly emphasizes the potential of this story to become a successful movie.
Instead of the character of Genie that comes from the lamp, my story features the character of Fairy Ostara, who fulfills the desires of the magic stick's owners.
The story is mostly descriptive and the speaker starts by narrating the "appearance presented by the streets of London an hour before sunrise on a summer's morning". The drunken, the dissipated, and the wretched have [...]
He cannot alter his nature, his passion, and because of that, he tries to fool himself and the people around him with a mask to hide his true identity.
In addition, the play skillfully captures the relationship between the main characters and the main theme of each act, which I intend to transmit to the audience.
The first dominant quality of nomadic narratives is the autobiographical nature of the story. In conclusion, the story is a nomadic narrative as it is told by a traveler describing his autobiography.
The latter is about a girl and her conflict with her family, which eventually leads her to leave her home and start living at the post office.
In his book, Madden follows the scope of traditional history and the traditional construction of crusades, which means that in his work, crusades are linked to Jerusalem and travels to the Holy Land.
In contrast to the brother, Sonny uses jazz music and heroin to cope with the despair of their living conditions. In the final part of the story, Sonny's performance at a jazz club brings his [...]
The story, as a monument to aestheticism, however, is supportive of the idea of individuality and shows not the Victorian disciplining of evil, but the aesthetic punishment of likelihood.
It is possible that her condition is caused by psychosomatic, as a result of reading news about Kristallnacht, or the anti-Jewish pogroms also known as 'the Night of Broken Glass.' In the play, the author [...]
The paper also includes the analysis of the narratives in accordance with the epic laws introduced by Axel Olrik. In Cinderella's story, the presence of royalty is only limited to the prince.
With the help of her poetic imagination, Dickinson shares her experiences with the world. For instance, the influence of her Calvinist faith can be observed in her four-line stanzas and meter.
The speaker starts the poem by stating a connection to the ancient rivers of the world, possibly meaning the time before Africans were brought to America as slaves and were living peacefully.
The culture of consumerism that was unravelling and the rising popularity of television led to the development of the marketing industry as people know it today.
Human intelligence that the gods give to the dogs does not make them happy but subjects them to continuous thoughtful considerations and emotional perception of the surrounding world that ultimately leads to suffering.
For instance, the birth of a younger brother or sister, the beginning of school, or the divorce of parents would change the relationship between the child and his or her environment. In the given case, [...]
The use of honorifics, stichomythia, and imagery is discussed, as well as the aside, the motif of spying, and the overall mood of the scene will be discussed and evaluated. The overall mood of the [...]
In the comedy, a woman was falsely accused of infidelity, and the role of the "unfaithful woman" was represented by Hero.
In some ways, this scene represents the conflict between Hamlet and the society he lives in, as no one is capable of understanding his concerns.
The outcome is attributed to the speaker's understanding of the media and the ability to play on the fears of the audience.
Through this book, the reader is brought to the realization of the role that the white man played in the destruction of the bonds which existed in the African culture.
According to the novel's plot, the narrator's family is among many Vietnamese immigrants who settle in a new country and are expected to adapt to the new environments with minimal resources.
In both the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and their film adaptations, Sam Gamgee, the character, was a hobbit who becomes Frodo Baggins' close friend in his quest for the 'One Ring'.
In Mark Twain's work called "The Innocents Abroad," he describes the trip across Syria and, namely, the visit to the city of Damascus from the perspective of a foreigner coming from a Western country.
Nabokov and Poe use literary devices to create meaning, connect with the audience and deliver their message. The protagonists are different, with one of them being static, while another one changes.
Wexler discusses the murder of Roger and Dorothy Malcolm and George and Mae Dorsey in detail, while paying much attention to the causes of the killings, to the racial component, and to the personalities of [...]
Quotation: "The philosophical dimension of beauty does not depend on the limits of the physical world; true beauty far exceeds our earthly bounds". It is necessary to consider the beauty's "subtle qualities" such as "tone, [...]
In Edgar Allan Poe's, "The Cast of Amontillado" Montresor appears as a caring friend but that appearance is only used to mask the fact that Montresor is a mad man.
Zarathustra argues that, wandering in mountains is a pleasant experience, which is going to shape his fate, for he believes that he has control of his life and will not allow fate to overtake him.
Turning to the discussion of Camus' The Plague and the relation of people to absurd, it is possible to refer to some quotes from the text and the overview of the whole situation.
A perfect example is the comparison of the topics presented in the books "The unbearable lightness of being" and "The Kite Runner".
What is of great interest to the author is the fact that she went above the expectation of many, even to the point of attaining classical education at Harvard. The author remains skeptical, and he [...]
The author in the poem underlines the catastrophic state in which the poorest layer of society was. The author underlines the racist character of Kiplings poem, protesting against the division between black and white people.
There is the use of visual imagery in his work, and this was achieved through the use of contrast. At some point in the novel, Conrad's use of imagery appeared vague and confusing in that [...]
The case described by the author is a clear reflection of the situation where the two sides were not ready to compromise, which led to the tragedy.
He is not the person he would like to be. He starts creating stories where he is the person he would like to be.
In "Love Among the Ruins", Browning compares the past with the present giving love more weight than material things through the persona that he creates.
Despite the fact that the usual approach to analyzing poems and sonnets is to divide literary devices and assess their value, it is proposed to use the structuralist approach and analyze Sonnet 130 as a [...]
However, the little girl defends the pig and states that it is unfair to kill it "just because it's smaller than the others".
It is important to note that the gender theory has its roots in the feminist theory's analysis of gender roles. Eve Sedgwick is a highly influential writer in the field of queer and gender theory.
In telling her story, Malala emphasizes the importance of education for girls, the differences in culture and religion she experienced growing in Pakistan, the dangers of being an education activist, and the beginnings of the [...]
Nottage found her great-grandmother's picture in an old family house and wanted to learn more about what it was like to live in New York at the beginning of the twentieth century, but she had [...]
The opening and closing words in the three folktales are similar. Fantasy and royalty are also common elements of the characters used in the tales.
The purpose of the paper is to introduce the material about Toni Cade Bambara's contribution to the world of literature and analyze some of her most popular works.
From Offred's accounts of their time at the Center, Moira shows a strong will to survive by maintaining her composure and emotional strength while many of the women were devastated in the life of imprisonment [...]
It is hypothesized that there are several symbols such as the attic, the topic of slavery, and the theme of womanhood that may define this book as one of the best representations of slavery and [...]
An in-depth study of The Song of Roland reveals that the epic poem portrayed feudalism in three ways: as a form of government and a social structure that brings people together to accomplish shared goals [...]
The short novel tells a story of Peyton Farquhar, who was sentenced to death by hanging by the members of the Union after he confused one of the Union soldiers for the member of the [...]
There is the West - the Great Nazi Reich, the East - the Pacific States, and the Center - the Neutral Zone (the States of the Rocky Mountains and most of the Midwest that was [...]
The author of The Pillow Book is Sei Shonagon, a Japanese writer who served as a court lady to the Japanese empress in the 1000s. Sei Shonagon was a part of the upper class, which [...]
The narrator is a protagonist who observes the main hero from a distance and gives the reader the opportunity to assess the originality and character of the cowboy independently.
The power of this short story is not only in the beauty of portraying human beings but also in the way it scrutinizes attitudes to and perceptions of life, the present and the past, love [...]
While a leader is a good example of a professional, his or her subordinates are more likely to execute orders to reach the level of this person.
The current paper will discuss the issues of racism and prejudice in two brilliant pieces of art: Kathryn Stockett's novel "The Help" and the movie "Gone with the Wind" directed by Victor Fleming.