Free Personality Psychology Essay Examples & Topics

Free Personality Psychology Essay Examples & Topics

368 samples

Before you write your personality psychology essay, you should be confident in what some of the essential terms mean. Take a looks at these definitions:

Personality is an individual’s way of feeling, acting, thinking, and behaving. It is quite a stable combination of aspects associated with a particular person that does not really change over time. Personality has been examined for more than two thousand years. Now, there is a whole branch of psychology dedicated to it.

Personality psychology is, in simple terms, the study of a person. As a field, it emerged only in the 1930s. It applies psychological theories to understand people and the differences between human personalities. Besides, one of its goals is to figure out unique features that comprise an individual.

So, how do you write a personality psychology essay? In this article, our experts will equip you with all the tools and knowledge that will allow you to do it. Moreover, on this page, you will find topics and original samples that can help you out.

Tips on Writing a Personality Essay

Psychology essays on personality can dwell into theoretical issues or study the real people cases. You can even prepare a breakdown of your character traits if your assignment allows that. Regardless of the type of personality essay or psychology paper you choose to write, the work process will remain the same.

Here is how you write a personality essay:

  1. Read instructions carefully. It’s one of the first steps and, for sure, a critical one. Examining your task can significantly simplify your research, topic selection, and reference list. You will also ensure that you do not miss essential points or seek any data you don’t need.
  2. Pick an appropriate idea within the field. Choosing a topic is the second important step. Without a good idea, it is quite challenging to write a compelling essay. You can see your class readings, go through your notes, or even ask your professor to find inspiration. You can also try our topic generator or check ideas in the following section.
  3. Consider writing about someone you like. We do not recommend choosing a random person to write about – your work can come up too unclear. Instead, analyze someone who matters to you or whom you like. Even if you don’t understand this person that well, it will be more insightful than writing about a complete stranger.
  4. Conduct your research. You can start with the information available on the Internet. Do a broad search to see what books, podcasts, articles about personalities, and interviews you can use for your paper. Make sure your sources are credible. It is particularly crucial if you write a psychology essay on a celebrity.
  5. State your thesis. Before you start working on the text of your essay, come up with a thesis statement. It should be easily identifiable and clear. Your idea should tell the readers what part of the personality you will explore and what you argue in general. Our thesis generator can do this for you automatically.
  6. Organize your paper before writing. Outline everything you should include in your essay. Draft an introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and references. The outline will give you a direction to follow. It allows you to stick to the topic without unnecessary deviations.
  7. Write, edit, proofread. Write your essay, then read and revise it for any possible mistakes and inconsistencies. Make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes in your paper. Try reading out loud – it can reveal some errors.

Outstanding Personality Essay Topics

A good idea is usually half of the success of an essay or any other writing. A personality psychology essay isn’t an exception. Here we’ve gathered 13 excellent topics for you:

  1. Social causes of mental illnesses.
  2. Genetic influences on human personality.
  3. Multiple human personality disorder.
  4. Biological rhythms as a motivator for personality development.
  5. Effects of aggressive forms of entertainment on personality development.
  6. Evolutionary vs. social psychology in learning about genders.
  7. Factors that contribute to the development of authoritarian personality.
  8. Analysis of four main personality theories in psychology.
  9. Comparison of the nomothetic and idiographic approaches to personality.
  10. How agreeableness can affect your behavior and life choices.
  11. How clothes reflect your personality.
  12. Relationships between human personality and leadership.
  13. What is the role of personality in negotiation performance?

Thank you for reading the article till the end. If you seek more tips, check the essays on personality psychology below. Hopefully, you will find them helpful in writing your own paper.

368 Best Essay Examples on Psychology and Personality

Celebrities as Good Role Models

In the conclusion, it was affirmed that celebrities' accomplishments are easily identifiable to the public, as is the case with Angelina and Oprah, and this makes them good role models.
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  • Words: 1227

Good Character and How It Is Formed

The ability to show gratitude for the assistance given or to be able to forgive another person's wrongdoing towards us is a show of good character.
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  • Words: 893

Personality Development: Michelle Obama

For using this theory, it may be important to investigate the family of Michelle Obama, to understand better, what kind of person she is, and how her legacy could influence her personality development.
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  • Words: 1448

Defining Malleability as Personality Trait

The word "malleable" is not frequently used by people to describe emotions or events."Malleable" is more often used as a scientific term to describe metal. From an economic perspective, the word "malleable" is used to [...]
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  • Words: 643

The “Atomic Habits” Book by James Clear

The book's main idea is that habits constitute a complex process of self-improvement, and by using the proper methods systematically and regularly, people can become the ones they want.
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  • Words: 298

Objective and Projective Personality Assessments

Concerning the features of objective tests, the fact that they are "less susceptible to answer distortions" and more structured compared to subjective methods is believed to have a positive impact on the reliability of results, [...]
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  • Words: 1217

Big Five Personality Model Analysis

Due to the fact that I got a rather low score on openness to experience, I would not apply the majority of the characteristics mentioned above to my personality.
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  • Words: 681

Heroism Concept and Its Causes

Courage and compassion can motivate a person to pursue a cause despite the dangers that their actions may involve making them heroes at the end of the task.
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  • Words: 1125

Authority of a Person in a Community

The current paper is aimed to regard the matters of authority in the context of conflictology, analyze the way, how authority leads to conflicts, and how these conflicts may be solved. This is the authority [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1300

Personal Growth and Development

From a personal perspective, the strategy I intend to use to address the issue of diversity in the workplace is to be open-minded and willing to listen to others before making judgments.
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  • Words: 1378

Jealously: Causes, Types and Consequences

The following factors may individually trigger jealousy or it may also be the outcome of two or more of the factors working in consort: Insecurity: It is the emotion which arises when one lacks the [...]
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  • Words: 767

Discussion: Can Money Buy Happiness?

Reason Two: Second, people are psychologically predisposed to wanting more than they have, so the richer people are, the less feasible it is to satisfy their demands.
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  • Words: 1530

Michael Jackson’s Psychobiography

For example, the object relations theory shows that Michael's father had a more significant role to play in his personality development than his brothers did.
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  • Words: 2131

Emotions: The Impact on Our Lives

This is where the lecturer begins, showing the power of emotions before explaining the roles our knowledge and volition play in the process of feeling.
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  • Words: 833

Self-Reliance: Believe in Yourself

However, we need to realize the significance of self-reliance in order to realize our personal abilities. Self reliance will make us to appreciate what we have and appreciate our abilities to succeed.
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  • Words: 1008

Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness

Positive psychology is a science of positive features of the life of a human being, including happiness, welfare, and prosperity. According to him, happiness is freedom from pain in the body and a disturbance in [...]
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  • Words: 1208

Donald Winnicott’s Theories on Personality Development

This is an evaluation of the achievements of Donald Winnicott in his work as a psycho-analytical expert, and how his findings have enabled the advancement of the psychiatry filed, as well as a better understanding [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2950

Maya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

However, they differ in the nature of uniqueness especially on perceptions of whether the early developments are functions of the experience of the early stages of development.
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  • Words: 2283

The Need to Belong

The need to belong is an inherent human desire to identify and associate with a given social group that shares common values and beliefs, and can satisfy the desired needs of the members.
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  • Words: 697

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator

The MBTI may provide ideas on an individual's personality type; however, it does not explain other factors such as his interests and skills, which are necessary to consider in decision-making.
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  • Words: 887

The Big Five Personality Inventory

My score on the trait of openness was low; this means that I am a conventional, uncreative, and down-to-earth person with few interests.
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  • Words: 551

Personality Psychology: Cinderella’s Personality

A lot of Cinderella time is spent working in the house, and she exhibits a high degree of submission. Cinderella behaviour is not linked to her personality but the immediate environment that she lives in.
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  • Words: 563

Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact on Success

As for me, I would define emotional intelligence as the ability to react to the situation in a proper way, to find the appropriate way out of a situation, and to make a decision successful [...]
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  • Words: 847

Dimensions of the Self-Concept

The self-concept of skills and abilities of a person reveal the personal opportunities and talents in certain spheres of the life.
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  • Words: 417

Saddam Hussein Psychological Analysis

The following paper provides a summary of some of the relevant points in Post's political profile of the leader during three periods of crisis in Hussein's life and in the history of Iraq.
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  • Words: 3473

The Art and Culture of Tattoos

At the same time, modern and ancient tattoos performed on the skin are related to art as they depict original works, and the human body is seen as a canvas.
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  • Words: 668

Cognitive-Affective Theory of Personality

According to the cognitive-affective paradigm, the best way to anticipate behavior is to have a thorough grasp of the person, the circumstance, and how the person and environment connect.
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  • Words: 1934

The 16PF Adolescent Personality Questionnaire

For example, in the application of the 16PF, hit rate entails the accuracy of the test instrument in reproducing the attributes that affect the personality of the adolescents.
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  • Words: 1393

The Rise and Fall of J. Peterman

Furthermore, each company has a leader, who is guiding and managing the organization all the time, and who will stay with it till the last day of the company's existence.
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  • Words: 1724

Gordon Allport’s Personality Trait Theory

Additionally, a trait can be seen in the light of the general distribution in the population or the personality that has it. This brings us to the types of traits that Allport described, which the [...]
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  • Words: 1401

Correctional Psychology and Its Procedures

This paper gives a detailed discussion on correctional psychology covering aspects like the personality inventories used in selection of correction psychologist, duties and activities of a correctional psychologist and the challenges faced, the career opportunities [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2208

Love and Memory From a Psychological Point of View

The commonly known love types include affection, passionate love, friendship, infatuation, puppy love, sexual love, platonic love, romantic love and many other terms that could be coined out to basically describe love.
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  • Words: 1682

From Birth to Death: Human’s Destiny

The reason people seem to be so attached to Facebook and blogs is because they think this is their primary means of communicating and connecting to the world.
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  • Words: 1936

Character Strengths Profile for Development

When going forward with my education, the most important thing is to make the best out of the strengths I already possess and utilize them to promote my skills and knowledge.
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  • Words: 883

“The Courage to Create” by Rollo May

Rollo May in his book "The Courage to Create" conveys that society is in the process of change and change makes us experience a sense of being alienated and without purpose.
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  • Words: 708

Why I Am Who I Am?: Self Assessment

The youth is the period when a person asks the question "Why I am who I am?" oftener than earlier or later in life, and the reason is that the answer to this question allows [...]
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  • Words: 837

Freud’s, Rogers’, Skinner’s Personality Theories

The main postulate of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical theory of personality is that one's behavior reflects the unconscious workings of his or her psyche, and that is it is specifically the early phases of people's development, [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 851

Human Personality and Real Life Experience

Motivation is a fundamental element that will define the personality of an individual based on what he perceives as an incentive to portray certain aspects of himself.
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  • Words: 1102

Self-Care Plan

I will have a lot of stresses and I will have to stick to my plan making additional effort. I will also revisit my plan to see benefits of the self-discipline and following the self-care [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 582

Self-Analysis and Personality Tests

The personality test is an instrument used to evaluate the disposition of an individual. One of the most applied personality tests today is The Big Five Theory of personality.
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  • Words: 553

Generosity as a Learned Virtue

The analysis of this study is aimed at studying the perception of generosity and trying to find out if generosity can be learned or it is just an inborn character trait.
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  • Words: 610

Early Childhood Memories Impact on Artists’ Journey

The reason for childhood memories to have such profound importance for the development of one's artistic style and attributes can be explained by the acquisition of the executive function that occurs during early childhood.
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  • Words: 250

Defense Mechanism in Freud’s Theory

By far the most common and just as primitive, denial as a defense mechanism implies that one should ignore the evidence of a specific fact and refuse to acknowledge the existence thereof.
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  • Words: 578

The Social Self Concept and Arguments

When we approach the self this way, we miss other crucial aspects of the self which include the spiritual self, the material self and the pure ego.
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  • Words: 899

Introverts: Facts and Misconceptions

Unlike introverts, the extroverts are overrepresented in public and are seemingly lesser arrogant. The extroverts misconceive the introverts as arrogant and difficult to associate with due to their underrepresentation in public.
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  • Words: 877

Human Personality and Its Five Dimensions

The first one is related to determinism and free choice - two opposite terms where the first one means that human behavior is predefined, and the second promotes the unpredictable nature of actions.
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  • Words: 402

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

One of them is the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder the syndrome which causes people to have recurring, unwanted thoughts and drives them to uncontrollable, repetitive actions.
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  • Words: 349

The Beck Depression Contrast (BDI)

The second difference between the two modes of the BDI is in the methodology of conducting the survey. This is where the interviewer first gets the history of the patient to try and get the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 664

Criminality and Personality Theory

This is translated into an increase in expenditure on security measures and the generation of a climate of terror among the populace as well as a general decrease in the development of the economy.
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  • Words: 957

The Importance of Self-Assessment

Even though some minor issues need to be fixed, by improving my skills in problem-solving and learning to define the source of the problem, and tackling it efficiently afterward by applying the appropriate measures, I [...]
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  • Words: 559

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

There are two main variations of this test that are currently applied by the administrators MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF while the only difference between them is the number of questions included in the test.
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  • Words: 421

Self Construction and Production

The common concepts that illustrate the development of the "self" include "speech acts", "the looking-glass self", "adjacency pairs", and "the transmission model of communication".
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2002

The Trait Model of Personality

According to Allport, central traits are the major characteristics that create the primary foundation of individuals' personality. The trait model of personality shows that personality emanates from certain stable traits, which are the basic units [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1379

Personality and Emotional Development

As such, the best qualities of the family environment that can positively contribute to the development of social-emotional skills in children include the following: Encouragement of initiatives and leadership skills in children can make them [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 805

Heuristics and Rationality

One example of Tversky and Kahneman heuristics is the intuitive judgement or the common sense. The overall characterization of human judgement and reasoning is meaningful.
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  • Words: 853

Improving Memory and Study Power

Study power and memory are important aspects of the learning process and improving them is necessary for success. Working the brain is important in improvement of memory and study power.
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  • Words: 645

Psychology of Personality: Role Models

I must admit that the CEO's style of leadership, combined with the way he interacts with employees at a personal level, is what inspired me to change my personal behavior.
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  • Words: 580

Metapsychology as an Element of Freud’s Psychoanalysis

This paper tries to relate between theory and practice of Freud's psychoanalysis by explaining; the main goals of Freud's psychoanalysis theory and practice, Freud in Beyond the pleasure principle, the models of the human mind, [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2665

Holland’s Six Personality Types

When speaking of the retirement period it is rather significant to evaluate the satisfaction of a definite employee as of the reliability and right direction of his/her capacities and capabilities in a field of professional [...]
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  • Words: 500

“The Human Condition” by Hannah Arendt

An example of such an approach can be seen in the work "The Human Condition" by Hannah Arendt which is a "more controversial way of challenging contemporary truisms". In that chapter, Arendt rose against the [...]
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  • Words: 1269

Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test

The result based on the answers marked in the test gives us a rough idea of what kinda person is. The questions are related to yourself and are designed in such a way to extract [...]
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  • Words: 841

Personality as a Result of Nurture and Nature

Bandura suggests that I know of the consequences of reacting in a certain way, in this case, the reaction of my parents and such important people in my life, which shapes the importance of the [...]
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  • Words: 1095

Personality Conflicts in Professional Relationships

The aim of this paper is to discuss personality conflicts in the context of professional relationships. The paper has discussed the connection between personality types and conflicts in the context of professional relationships.
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  • Words: 563

Interpersonal and Psychoanalytic Social Theory

Karen Horney's psychoanalytic social theory assumes that social and cultural experiences are critical in determining one's personality. To this point, one can conclude that Horney's theory eliminates the concept of free will.
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  • Words: 1125

Positive Psychology: Subjective Well-Being

The subjective level deals with the study of the person's positive experiences such as joy, happiness and satisfaction, while the individual level focuses on the identification of the ingredients of a good life or personal [...]
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  • Words: 654

Personality Types and Their Assessment

Even though there are only four basic methods to consider the specifics of human psychics, the lack of cohesion between the personality types defined with the help of these methods, as well as the fact [...]
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  • Words: 883

Personal Foresight

This means that a person with foresight understands the relationships that exist in the society and hence understands what is needed to create a comprehensive healthy future. By anticipating the future, one is able to [...]
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  • Words: 1086

Identification of the Masochistic Personality

They are abnormally vulnerable to disappointment and may go out of their way to to seek sympathy and love. Their relationship to others is self sacrificing and encourages others to take advantage of them.
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  • Words: 591

Personal Foresight of Future

My family form one of the fundamental aspects in my life and I will not hesitate in the provision of parental love to them and acknowledge there presence in my life.
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  • Words: 556

Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality

According to Freud's brand of psychoanalysis, the psyche of an individual consists of the id, ego and superego with the id serving as the driving force of a person's personality.
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  • Words: 704

Person-Centered Therapy in Social Work

Contributors to this theory considered the client to have a large role in the therapy process, as well as the encouragement of social action and attention on the larger context of the issues that the [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1522

Social Influence: Change Others

To research the problem of shifts in attitudes, an experimental study is introduced to determine the nature of social changes predetermined by the level of communication.
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  • Words: 1635

Openness as a Personality Trait

Intellectual curiosity is one of the most essential traits in a person willing to obtain new knowledge and experience; it fundamentally defines one's motivation and future success regardless of the matter they study.
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  • Words: 277

Psychology: To Gain Recognition

First, it is the desire to be good because one of the easiest methods of fulfilling the fundamental social need for recognition is to please other people.
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  • Words: 673
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