A cyberattack is a malicious, deliberately carried-out attempt by a person or organization to penetrate the information system of another person or organization.
In this paper, the main types of leadership that can be applied to the leadership style of Tim Cook are considered.
For businesses, personal data legislates the burden of data protection to the owners. Conclusively, the GDPR is generally good for data privacy and security.
This paper aims to explore cybercrimes such as email or website scams and auction frauds to identify available protections and measures to avoid becoming a victim. Email or website scams and auction fraud are cybercrimes [...]
Based on the analysis of the company's cybersecurity status, the major flaws comprise breaches in the website's API, as well as the lack of HttpOnly cookies and DNSSEC.
The Internet has become the largest storage of personal and corporate information in the history of the world. The data relating to hundreds of millions of users was leaked online in the Dark Web segment [...]
In addition, evaluating flaws and indications and estimating the risk to the company are the third and fourth steps in OPSEC strategies.
The relevance of cybercrime research is dictated by the fact that it is challenging to ensure the complete safety of data on the Internet.
The wider the information networks cover the world, the more frequent and dangerous cyber-attacks are, and the more cybersecurity specialists become in demand.
The paper provides an in-depth discussion of the software used by attackers during the weaponization step and the appropriate countermeasures for this activity.
Since identity theft, alongside other cyber crimes, is a serious and prominent issue, there are many statistics available online that can be used for consideration of the scope of the problem.
Thus, it should be stressed that the growing impact on the budget and staff makes it almost impossible to cover the field of supply and demand while responding to the state of urgency.
This is due to the fact that the Internet is a public open system in which data moves uncontrollably and can be discovered, intercepted, or stolen if the correct knowledge of the equipment is applied.
A spear-phishing assault is when a hacker customizes an email using the victim's identity, role, organization, office phone number, and other details to fool the victim into thinking they are communicating with the actual sender. [...]
This classification determines the value of information and its need for protection from confidential and secret, which require the most significant protection, to the public data in the public domain.
The weakness that was detected in their system, which allowed attackers to maneuver and acquire managerial access to the organization, caused a class-action lawsuit against the company.
In addition, the education sector and medical industry will be more affected by cyberattacks as success, in this case, will result in the acquisition of considerable amounts of personal information.
It may be critical to prevent cybersecurity breaches or data leaks to maintain the effective functioning of the government and ensure the sovereignty of the country.
The threats may come from different sources, and the criminals may focus on distinct vulnerabilities in the security of the system.
In public contracts, the private sector provides the service directly to the public and bears all the associated end-user risks. Private parties can use all the gained knowledge and expertise to conduct security assessments of [...]
Since cyber security specialists are highly demanded in the current market, the private sector has been offering increased compensation in comparison with the government sector, which has led to decreased interest in IT positions in [...]
Cryptographic protection of a system depends on two factors, 1) the strength of the keys and effectiveness of associated protocols, and 2) protection of said keys via key management.
Padgett-Beale Financial Services must choose the appropriate framework and standards, determine required regulations and laws to comply with, and identify the best practices for maturity assessment to achieve an impenetrable cybersecurity management program.
Therefore, the current plan will define the objectives, goals, and objectives, and scope of the implementation. The implementation of the cybersecurity management plan pursues both business and project goals and objectives.
For this reason, it is essential for me to know the features of cryptography algorithms as an IT project manager to ensure the security of customer information and develop the most secure and convenient product.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate Facebook on the subject of cybersecurity and compatibility with Padgett-Beale's cybersecurity philosophy and goals.
In addition to ensuring that a prospective specialist is familiar with the required technologies and techniques, certification also creates a framework for problem-solving approaches, facilitating cooperation and reducing the time required to agree on a [...]
Since there are so many parties involved, it is crucial to assess every part of the process, from obtaining the raw material to the delivery to the customer. Cybersecurity is the critical answer to most [...]
On the contrary, Amazon has continued to rise in the industry and has expanded from selling only books to trade in nearly any product and providing various services.
ISMS builds a model of relationships between the aforementioned activities, and, as Almuhammadi and Alsaleh argue, companies "understand their cyber security risk management approach and what are the processes in place to manage the risk".
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to cover the types of possible threats and mitigation methods, explain the importance of a continuity plan, and outline ethical and privacy concerns for organizations.
In this context, the implementation of TAM in the company is critical for the effective functioning of the organization. In this context, the introduction of TAM leads to the fact that satisfaction directly affects the [...]
It helps to defend and offend the organization from different dangers.DE. Due to the loss of servers and workstations, it could not continue operations.
The lack of help from developed countries in the training and education of a cybersecurity workforce for developing nations can negatively affect the former. Public and private organizations also contribute to the development of cybersecurity [...]
First of all, it applies to all situations in which the remote access to the company's data is implied. The user is to control the duration of each remote access session by logging in and [...]
Firstly, organizational leadership should not undervalue the importance of cybersecurity since the risk of losing the data stored in the company's database may harm the corporate reputation and trustworthiness.
The stable supply of energy is the key to the normal functioning of American society, as it fuels all essential industries that ensure the vitality of the nation.
The 2016 attack forced the FBI investigation, which revealed that the growing implementation of the IoT was beneficial for cybercrime due to the unsecured data storing and dependence on an external computer or system. Data [...]
Other areas are the respective rights and responsibilities of the users and the company, additional provisions, and links to other potentially relevant Terms and Policies.
Governments continue to play a vital role in the open data movement.Data.gov was developed under OPEN Government Data Act; this is Title II of Foundations for the Evidence-based Policymaking Act.
The last element of practice that can be utilized in handling data and information to ensure privacy is the practice of incident response.
The question of how U.S.companies can protect their digital assets can be answered by examining available protection frameworks and how to take advantage of them The U.S.government offers cybersecurity for its companies both domestically and [...]
In addition to that, even the possibility to reach backups of the discussed information can increase vulnerability. Attackers can get into the conversation of two parties and obtain access to the information they were willing [...]
Ensure accurate understanding of cyber-security to small businesses offering healthcare services. As a result, small healthcare firms will require cyber-security frameworks to keep unauthorized individuals out of the systems.
It is impossible to assess and determine when and how the stolen personal information will be used in the future. Moving forward, the company should invest in data security systems to ensure that clients' information [...]
Connecting internal corporate services to the internet is a challenge because exposing these servers to external environments poses a massive risk in terms of security.
Such software could allow collection of private information for instance by evaluating the information that employees send through the company's information systems.
The internet and the ICT system as a whole are vulnerable to cyber attacks. This is the method of using to trademark to protect our images and copyright on our intellectual properties.
One of the risks associated with the use of the internet is the attack of cyberspace. Meanwhile, the FTC was suspicious of the activities carried out by Fortuna Alliance and in May 1996, it begun [...]
Authenticity: This means that the information security system of an organization should be able to validate data, communications, as well as, transactions and the parties involved so as to ensure that they are genuine.
Identity theft is a unique problem that is presently affecting the experiences and goals of many individuals in different parts of the world.
Social engineering attacks date back to the advent of the Internet, and before that, criminals were using the telephone to masquerade as trusted agents to obtain information.
The innovative services are accompanied with the highest level of support to guarantee the client can fully unleash the probable of the online business. The achievement of programs is featured to Comodo company flexible service [...]
The latter is needed to fulfill the objective of data mining and theft. The main idea behind it is to respond early to the attack instead of focusing on post-compromise phases and effects.
Therefore, the main task of responding to an incident is to ensure the invariability and safety of forensic data for the possibility of forensic investigation in the future.
With the emergence of the Internet, the world has witnessed the arrival of cybersecurity threats that jeopardize both individual and organizational databases.
Cyber Kill Chain means a sequence of steps that assist in tracing the phases of cyber-attack from the early investigation to the exfiltration of data. Delivery involves the transmission of the weapon to the target [...]
Due to the increasing threats to the critical infrastructure of the US, the nation needs to evaluate constantly the SCADA vulnerabilities for them to protect the infrastructure and the society.
However, the practice has the same purpose in all sectors of application; evaluation and analysis of potential dangers that are likely to be realized in those settings and presenting the right strategies to combat the [...]
Nevertheless, despite the wide range of suggested measures, not all of them fully reveal and solve the shortcomings of the security system.
A federated architecture can also enhance security by overcoming the security risk posed by the heterogeneity of IoT devices and protocols.
The primary problem in this research is the insecurity in the online voting system due to the increase of cybercrimes. It is essential to comprehend the related dangers as political up-and-comers progressively go to the [...]
Relative to this fact, Mukhopadhyay et al.say that the uptake of technology and the prominence of the Internet of Things, which is a network of objects that communicate with each other, has increasingly exposed companies [...]
The study will focus on examining the resilience of Austria to the threat of cyber-attack. The significance of the study will help in contributing to the literature about cybercrime and ways to respond to the [...]
Various aspects can be analyzed concerning cyberterrorism, competing factors, and possible course of actions in corporations to show that cyberterrorism is a legitimate option for the expression of grievances by terrorists.
The right to privacy and confidentiality of correspondence is a constitutional right, and violation of this jeopardizes the law. Thus, access to confidential information should be provided to law enforcement agencies only in case of [...]
Nevertheless, some of the technologies used by police and other agencies have raised concerns of the public over the threat to citizens' rights and freedoms.
Many people have gained access to computer systems, the Internet, and related products and services, leading to the emergence of cyber-related threats. Cybersecurity improvements are vital to the continuous developments in information technology, national security, [...]
Therefore, the increasing number of attacks during the pandemic could be handled with the help of machine learning and have the numerous human workers assigned to less crucial tasks that actually require human judgment.
The discourse in strategic culture can be traced back to over four decades ago where it incited a renewed thinking of both the origins of the concept of strategy and the strategic choices in politics.
The topic of this research proposal is investigating the strategies used by organizations to combat identity theft by hackers and enhance cybersecurity in critical infrastructure.
Conversely, if the application's ability to perform specific tasks is limited, the attacker's objectives may not be fulfilled, and the scope of the damage can be minimized. As a result, it is inadvisable to remain [...]
It is the cyber defense specialist's task to remain aware of the latest threats and issues in security so that they can prepare for potential attacks and be ready to respond to them.
Richards highlights the government's leading role in the context of cyber threats while stating that the number of attacks is still on the increase.
In a way, the phenomenon of a proxy fight can be viewed as the tool for reinforcing the strengths of the organization by creating a very strong and well-coordinated team of shareholders, who are willing [...]
As the implementation of these cyber technologies penetrates the economic sector, there is a need to understand potential vulnerability for businesses to be attacked through the Internet and other networks.
In the event of a crash, the first step is to identify the type of crash and then determine the best way to recover from the crash.
This paper will explore the definition, structure, and the use of Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman's public key cryptographic algorithm. This method entails the use of a public key for encryption purposes.
The action of the government on the legislation of laws and the issuance of guidelines to the private sector on the development of system security software seem unethical.
This paper investigates the various technical procedures used in the execution of the phishing scams; highlight the trends of these technical capabilities and the strategies that can be deployed to help in the prevention of [...]
Computer programmers implemented the term 'hacker' at the beginning of the 1960s in the framework of a positive definition for an individual of dexterous software development skill.
The end is beneficial to the threat source and detrimental to other users. In fact, activities of cyber attackers make the Internet both a blessing and a curse.
Because it is the first step, it is a critical step in the scheme because it is used to ensure that the attacker cannot gain access to the key once the system is compromised.
While there are numerous advantages that accrue from progress of the ICT like improving the speed at which information, news and ideas are transferred from one part of the globe to another and efficiency in [...]
However, the criminals get the opportunity to use personal information in order to undermine the credibility and to destroy the image of the innocent person to be benefited economically or for other purpose.
The primary objectives for this strategy were to prevent any attacks against the United State's infrastructures, to reduce the country's propensity to attacks over the internet and to reduce to the lowest levels possible the [...]
The Rich Internet Applications are described as a number of applications that are operational in the normal browsers that customers use on daily basis on the computers and those that interact with web applications.
Below is a brief description of the information and networking systems of the institution. The administrative information systems as part of the larger information system are responsible for maintaining proper administrative functions within the college.
Arguably, one of the most epic accomplishments of the 21st century was the invention of the computer and the subsequent creation of the internet.
By exploring risks associated with storage media such as; theft, data remanence and data access, this paper discusses the hardware solutions and user policies that an organization can institute to reduce the chances of data [...]
On the issue of computers and laptops, I learned from the administration that each laptop was specifically assigned to a single person who was entrusted with a password known to him and the organization's administration [...]
The major purpose of the Defense in-depth approach to computer security is to delay the onset of the potential threat rather than prevent the hacker from breaking into the system.
In that regard, Turley had the option of pulling the plug, but nevertheless, he evaluated such a decision between the risks at stake and the identification of the type and the source of the attack, [...]
As such, the only way to gauge the efficiency and effectiveness of face biometrics in our school is by conducting a SWOT analysis of these systems.
It is clear that the Electronic Communication Act is outdated and should be revised to account for the recent developments in technology.
The main aims and objectives of this research are to provide a solution for MANET networks in order to have secure communication between the source and destination.
This encryption technique ensures confidentiality of information as only the transmitter and the recipient have access to the secret key needed to decrypt the message. According to PGP conventional encryption is both fast as well [...]
One of the factors that have facilitated the increase of cyberlibel cases is the ever-increasing popularity in the use of computers and the internet.
As stated in the paper being analyzed, this is the latest version of S/MIME and has a number of Enhanced Security Services such as secure mailing lists that allow just one digital certificate to be [...]
Arguably one of the most epic accomplishments of the 21st century was the invention of the computer and the subsequent creation of the internet.
Reasoning: The jury argued that the defendant conspired to violate the Computer Fraud Abuse Act as well as the CAN-SPAM Act, caused havoc to computer networks of the national defense department of the federal government, [...]
According to findings of a research published by Symantec "2009 Storage and Security in SMBs survey", despite the awareness of small and medium businesses of cyber risks and the existence of firm goals regarding security [...]
The objective of this policy is to provide the management of the firm a sense of direction to help the smooth performance of essential information security.
The devises to enter into another people's email and steal information in the email is called Email Hacking. It should noted that stealing of valuable information through email hacking has become a phenomenon in both [...]
Computer crimes refers to the use of the computer system or the internet to commit criminal activities A computer crime is an unlawful act done via a computer or a network and some of the [...]
A major problem like Hacking for IT and its related fields is hazardous to the security of organizational secrets since if a person can gain access to confidential information, that information can be used for [...]
The purpose of the principles of GCP is to ensure that these trials remain with the required ethical standards and the results come from the scientific inquiry that upholds the standards of quality, irrespective of [...]
It is of great significance to the organizations because PGP allows the sender to send a single encrypted message to various recipients.
Originally, there are several types of cybercrimes: Against persons Against Business and Non-business organizations Crime targeting the government The fact is that all the three types are described in the legislation, nevertheless, it should be [...]
This article points out the fact that information technology has enabled increased efficiency, increased effectiveness, and an increased amount of IT-enabled processes within the personal and industrial fields.
The detectives interrogated each of the employees in order to eliminate the risk of information leaks inside the company. Hence, the underestimation of cyber-attacks is a major mistake made by the enterprise's management, as it [...]
For instance, the utilization of networked internet technologies, surfing on public computers, voluntary and involuntary disclosure of personal information, and deviant online activities, exacerbate the occurrence of e-crimes. Conclusively, the conduct and interests of the [...]
For the past decade, Sherry Turkle has been engaging in a clinical and ethnographic study to explore people's representation on the Internet and how they negotiate the "real".
Sensitizing staff to be more cautious when clicking on hyperlinks or emails with COVID-19 content and enhancing the security of VPN services would ensure the security of data and reduce this threat.
In this session-long project, the topic of interest is the critical infrastructure protection (CIP) of information and communication in the United States. Specifically, the report will assess and analyze the overall development of the US’s critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP). Internet technologies during its existence have created both a host of new opportunities for economic […]
To manage the risk in the future, equities should be reconciled, and resources should be allocated as per the collective decision of the personnel.
The security check discovered that autologin is configured on this computer, meaning that anyone who is able to obtain access to the computer can retrieve all the computer's contents.
In 2018, the UAE government and private sector were the subject of a total of 230 cyber attacks, as The National UAE reports.
In case of data leak or loss, the company is squarely responsible for it as there are key staff assigned to monitor and control the data. In conclusion, data and information security are key and [...]
In modern times, one of the most common ways of manipulating the security of information of an organization or individual is through social engineering.