Environmental sustainability refers to the responsible management of natural resources in order to preserve the lives of human beings and other organisms in the ecosystem.
The practice of arranged marriages, dowries, and burnings of women who do not give birth to sons has resulted in the subcontinent's population explosion; as a result, it is likely to surpass China as the [...]
Solar energy is considered one of the clean and renewable energy sources. At the same time, critics of the initiative point out the unreliability, cost inefficiency, and inability to store excess solar energy.
Human rights play a vital role in promoting sustainability by holding networks and institutions responsible for their deeds and ensuring that the interest and needs of the people, including the future generation, are considered.
The study of religious concepts allows everyone to come closer to understanding the measure of the possible in the instrumental existence of humans.
The hypothesis of the first exercise is that the clay serves as an insulating layer that does not allow water to pass through the barrier, so the water level in the aquifer will remain the [...]
Lophophorates are believed to be the first animals to develop the nervous system while Echinoderm is thought to be the first group to develop radial symmetry.
Paddison addresses this topic because of the important findings of the researchers and the relevance of the topic of ocean pollution to the entire global community.
The significance of these crises for the fate of civilization is excellent, and their non-resolution poses a threat to future generations. The central tragedy of any armed conflict is the consequences.
Moreover, the paper views what concerns the problem creates and identifies preventive measures so as to contribute to the development of safety in the environment and society.
Compared to the world at the beginning of the 21st century, it required perceptional changes toward nature, biodiversity, and ecosystems, as well as reforms in agriculture and management of water, energy, and waste.
Minimalist, instrumental and spiritual approaches to design reflect different views of the relationship between people and the environment. In contrast, the instrumental and spiritual approaches emphasize the significant impact of the environment on human beings.
Just like the United States, the MROW region is one of the leading coal producers in the country, which means many people and organizations have a significant reliance on this resource.
The presence of pharmaceuticals in the water supply is primarily harmful to fish and aquatic wildlife as they may impact the hormone system of living creatures, causing reproductive failure.
This paper highlights misconceptions about the drying of lake Mead, the importance of the Colorado River, and the causes of its scarcity in Las Vegas.
The Santa Ana Sucker is one of the endangered fish species and it is found in the freshwaters of California. For instance, the International Union for Conservation of Nature listed the Santa Ana Sucker as [...]
The structure of the presentation includes an explanation of the issue and reasons for the beagles' rescue, followed by the time limit to find new homes for dogs and a chronology of facility inspections.
In the interest of the healthcare industry, this research investigates the red and blue seas in Oklahoma City. OKC is the biggest city in Oklahoma and the 11th in the Southern United States.
One of the significant ideas that can increase the overall efficiency of the data collection process is the creation of networks of autonomous platforms.
The fact that companies involved in oil and gas sourcing do not have to disclose the composition of the fracking fluids they use is problematic because of the potential harms that could have been prevented [...]
The primary hypothesis seems to be the idea that the motion of the hurricane is more likely to change toward the North since the clockwise air movement in the Northern Hemisphere often causes hurricanes to [...]
The authors note that there is a constant flow of the white population to the areas most protected from flooding and the displacement of the black population from there.
When the final product is complete, it will be added to the soil, the quality test of which will also be carried out to compare the soil with and without compost.
The Petrified Forest is the only national park in the territory in which there is a section of the historic Route 66.
Acidic rain leads to the mobilization of risky and toxic components in the soil, which affects the growth of coniferous trees negatively.
It is upon the people to take care of the planet and understanding how human activities affect the environment is a critical step in that process.
Systems thinking is an approach that implies focusing the analysis on observation of interrelation in the system through the course of time and within the context of other more extensive systems.
This paper will review seabirds' role in ecosystems, the invasive rodent species and their impact on seabirds, and methods of protecting seabirds from non-native rodents.
Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels due to the development of technology has led to increased emissions of carbon dioxide, which destroys the ozone layer, worsening the problem of climate change.
In this study, I have decided to explore if tap water is better and safer for people and the environment than bottled one. Further, I will look at the impact of bottled water on people [...]
The focus of this paper is to explore the conflict involving global meat production and its link to deforestation and to evaluate Tesco's response to the issue from a stakeholder management perspective.
Thus, the given report attempts to present the assessment of the green steel production technology. Green steel production is a new technology that offers to revolutionize the process of steel manufacturing.
It is expected that populations of wild salmonid fish may decline rapidly due to water pollution instead of farmed species because the effects of water pollution are deleterious.
Due to the increased rates of deforestation in Rajasthan monsoon, rains started to wash down the surface levels of the soil, making the ground less fertile and eroded.
The authors of this article are professors and doctors at the University of Tasmania who specialize in the marine environment, environmental governance, and political science. A review of the combined effects of climate change and [...]
However, out of millions of existing types of wild crop cultures, the vast majority have been abandoned and eradicated, as the agricultural companies placed major emphasis on the breeding of domesticated cultures that are easy [...]
As was predicted prior to the experiment, the clownfish from the control group spent significantly more time in the stream of the water that contained xanthostemon, anemone, and non-parent olfactory clues.
This essay demonstrates that biosolids are safe, beneficial to the environment, and essential for enhancing the soil structure while providing a better alternative to inorganic fertilizers.
Establishing measures to govern the operation of the e-scooters will save the people who own the companies that manufacture the e-scooters and the workers who are employed to work in the companies.
From the article it is vivid that the coming into being of oceans is subject to discussion since the previous knowledge is doubtful, and the existing framework is confusing.
In her poem "Dear Matefele Peinam," Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner raises the problem of the environmental impacts and the contribution to climate change of large corporations, such as Sumitomo.
The factors of inaccessibility of proper treatment, poor lifestyle, and environmental agents' exposure combined with the costs of addressing the CKD challenge lead to disparities in populations.
For example, he states that there are a certain disdain and hostility of a person from the countryside towards a more educated inhabitant of a city, and similarly, the latter perceives the former as more [...]
Firstly, the rent increase in the urban areas occurs due to the high demand for accommodation, a factor credited to the increase in population.
Notably, it is imperative to focus on the effect of the scientific models on climate change. Climate science is essential in understanding the climate change of many years hence finding a solution in time.
Secondly, the method of statistical analysis was used to compare the DNA test results conducted for the two sets of materials and identify the changes in the genetic characteristics of the populations of the species [...]
Many people who live in the environment close to the dumping sites are exposed to the daily combustion of the refuse, coupled with the inhalation of the emissions from the combusted material.
The past of humanity is marked by the ability of humans to adapt to changes in the environment and lifestyle. The top in the list of these effects in is Japan and the United States [...]
Currently, the Waste Data Collection System analyzes different types of waste, tonnages of the wastes, Kilometers of street swept, and identifies various assets where the waste is transferred or disposed such as the transfer station [...]
The credit for the discovery of the DDT goes to the famous scientist Paul Mueller who has been the first to observe its insecticidal qualities in the year 1939.
The degradation of the Yarra River started with the clearing of the habitat around the banks followed by mining of gold around 1850's.
It is paramount to explain to the population that it is necessary to make sure that all the buildings are tested, and the presence of this gas does not depend on geographic location as much [...]
The primary catalyst of rapid environmental policy change across the US and the world, in general, was the socio-political discrepancies behind the existing pattern of managing environmentally hazardous waste.
The research will be based on the method of the grounded theory since a framework for managing the problem observed during the implementation of green strategies will be designed.
The place with the shocking name "Cancer Alley" is located in the southern part of the state of Louisiana in the United States.
The Environmental Action is a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION that demonstrates the Utilitarian Conservationism philosophy of action. The Environmental Defense Fund is a GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION that demonstrates Legal Confrontational Actions.
The groundwater resources however face many negative anthropogenic effects such as hydrocarbon contamination (oil spills).
In assessing the situation, the vital aspects are: the quality of the decision, the commitment of the subordinates, the knowledge of the leader, the structure of the problem, the probability of subordinates' commitment, sharing the [...]
Solar energy is a type of energy that is obtained through tapping the sun’s rays radiant and converting it into other energy forms such as heat and electricity.
Thus, the paper will demonstrate that conserving electricity is essential since it protects the environment, increases the quality of life, and protects the future of society.
Aim of the research is to study the kinetics of leaching of long-lived radionuclides from UAE urban soil samples using radio analytical techniques and plasma mass spectrometry.
These changes, including floods, cyclones, depletion of the North and South Pole, and the daily expansion of the existing deserts, mark the beginning of what seems to be the end of the world.
The term “alternative energy” refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels, including renewable sources, such as solar and wind energy, as well as nuclear energy.
Apart from that, there are some experiments that cannot be ethically justified, at least in my opinion, for example, the cloning of human being or the attempts to find the gene for genius.
An ecological footprint measures the amount of biologically productive land and water needed to meet the demands of a population and helps determine whether a particular populace is living within the biological capacity of the [...]
The introduction of the five million species to the earth gives a variety of wastes. This is a waste to the available natural resources and the species.
Demand for food was intimately connected with so many other factors, that it was not possible to consider the impact of this demand upon places of outstanding beauty in isolation.
The central topic of this work is geographic-ecological research of the coastal zone of the USA, namely one of the most populated cities of the state, San Francisco, California.
The advantage of this particular type of method of power generation is that so long as it is properly placed within an area which is particularly windy, a wind turbine can in effect generate limitless [...]
The use of coal to generate electricity is one of the most effective technologies in the US and other parts of the world.
But is the extraction and production of crude oil entirely clean? In the United States of America, West Texas leads in crude oil mining and production.
When it is receives solar energy, the artificial leaf absorbs the energy and stores it in the bonds of the diatomic Hydrogen molecules liberated when water molecules are split by the silicon cells.
Against the majority expectation, the study pointed out the single most significant contributor to the emission of greenhouse gases as the fertilizers used in the farming of the orange trees used for the production of [...]
The fumes and glue that were used in the installation and the chemicals used in the manufacturing of the carpets were blamed on the symptoms exhibited by the employees.
The removal of dye wastewater from the textile wastewater is considered advantageous because most of organic pollutants and other chemicals are neutralized.
The recognition of the effect of the epidemiological triangle is quite crucial, as people ought to realize the interrelationship of the host, environment and agent in the process of spreading diseases and the effect that [...]
After years of heavy investment in the PCBs, the public pressure made the government realize the dangers its citizens were posed to and in the year 1976, the regulation of PCB production was introduced but [...]
The discussion on the chemical characteristics of the POPs that render them harmful to the environment is also commendable especially since the author clearly contrasts the negative effects of the pollutants with the benefits that [...]
Use of acronyms in the title of the paper makes it to lack clarity and complicated. Generally, the results and discussion brings a new understanding of the problem investigated, which is recommendable in the paper.
A department dealing with the effects of atmospheric pollutants in the vicinity of an industrial complex has established a data table of measurements of a purity index Y on a scale of 0 to 1000 [...]
The applicability of Solar- Powered Desalination system as a method of water purification has been tried for water because of the opportunity it present to save cost and improve on efficiency of desalination.
Such a dirty place may have a negative effect on both the property prices and the desire of customers to buy it.
Introduction The wave of globalization has transformed the way human beings consume different materials and produce products that are marketed hundreds of miles away. The increasing demand for energy, food, bio-fuels, and tropical wood has affected the global environment. In southeast Asia, different forces and factors are currently driving the process of deforestation. The discussion […]
The possible implications of the stated perspective on the world can be detachment and indifference. In other words, people create and enjoy the illusion of the possibility that someone else can be held accountable for [...]
The lack of knowledge about the interaction of natural factors and the influence of humans on them, as well as the inverse effect of nature on the health of society interfere with the building of [...]
Namely, the effects of coal-firing as the main mechanism of generating the energy needed to sustain the performance of the plant has taken too great a toll on the environment, which led to the unanimous [...]
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effect of organic pollution, with regards to nitrogen and phosphorus, and ocean acidification on algal growth.
The list of actions to complete the required activity goes in the following sequence: planning actions, sales pitch itself, and reflection. The actions, aimed at doing are the four stages of a sales pitch, that [...]
This study aims to investigate the impact of Amazon on the environment, analyze the company's actions, and propose alternative approaches to solve the issue.
The tribes that were large in size, as per the traditional practices of the early people in UAE, had the power of ruling.
The first one is from Africa which is considered to be the most afflicted region in the world when it is referred to the issue of having the access to clean water and to any [...]
We seek justice to promote livable and secure environments for all because the right for security is the basic human right being the foundation of efficient self-governed society.
The amount of payment made depends on the harm caused to the environment and the amount stipulated for that harm. The information the body provides to the bodies and the public is crucial in ensuring [...]
Ecological model of population health is an important aspect in environmental health that attempts to analyze the causes of ill-health to population in ecological systems.
The chemicals also readily dissolve in foods and water causing adverse health effects such as loss of appetite and cancer. These potential pollutants and consequently their adverse health effects can be avoided through the use [...]
In the USA the amount of freshwater used in gas and oil industry goes up to more than 36,000 m3 in the period from 2011 to 2014.
One of the most paramount problems is the preservation of the environment. At an early age he fell in love with the splendor of the surrounding wildlife and knew that it was worth protecting.
Ozone hole is related to forest loss in that the hole is caused by reaction of different chemicals that are found in the atmosphere and some of these gases, for example, the carbon dioxide gas [...]
Hence, in conclusion to this effect, we can summarily state that the existence of non-human living things should enter into our deliberations regarding actions affecting the environment.
It is the expectation in this paper to address the topic of environmental politics in the totality of its sensitivity to objective peculiarities of the upkeep and fundamental reorganization of social and political predilections which [...]
However, for the theory to be credible the volcanic ashes must be rich in iron and spread ashes to oceanic regions that have a limited concentration of iron.
Author, Elizabeth Arriero, in her article "City Switches to Plastic Bags on Pet-waste Cleanup," addresses the issue of recycling plastic bags for clean up of dog waste but still the problem is they will be [...]
The present paper is devoted to the problem of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the way it is highlighted in the main media source, such as television.
Kind of like a cross between the observant nature of the cat and the playfulness of the dog. In fact, it would be safe to compare most of the qualities that we find endearing in [...]
The story gets to be very interesting and creates a lot of anxiety to know what it could be like without the beautiful things that man has built.
The length traveled by the entrained particles is dependent on the size of the particles and the power of wind. Ararat reports that the Australian soil is vulnerable to wind erosion.
The reality is that there is ambivalence whether zoos protect animals from the adversity of the wild or they violate the rights of animals to enjoy their freedom in the wild.
In other words, adherents to this school of thought claim that there is no such thing as a planetary community of which the human species is part of.
Additionally, the objective is to evaluate the existing public policies in context of a greener environment, to evaluate effectiveness of campaigns and awareness programs on the issue and to evaluate the role of the corporate [...]
From the point of view of the new information, the coal-fired power plants will play one of the most important roles in the "reconstructed electricity markets of the future".
The first research question pertaining to the developments being made in the market for using alternative energy for business operations can be targeted with interview based questions asked from project managers of such developmental projects.
The fundamental reason behind this belief is that the Krauthammer essay is relevant to the environment-related problems of the day and though it is controversial, in the sense that it claims humans to be the [...]
The abundant resources that were found around the harbor, coupled with the security that the harbor provided to the people encouraged people to settle around the Boston harbor area.
To begin with, it is necessary to mention, that the humanity is living more and more distant from the nature, and from the values of savage rest.
Ventilators and windows are designed in such a manner that they would allow the maximum sunlight inside so that the rooms have sufficient light and that there is lesser loss of internal heat.
Consequently, the matter of household drilling is presented in a manner that is educational and less boring so that the people will realize the matter requirements to be addressed before it is too late, which [...]
This is made further possible by the inspirational circulars related to the application of more solar energy in the state. This is one of the major participations that came in to the notice.
The noise pollution should be considered by the duration of the sound, the frequency of noise, and whether there is any control to the sound or not.
The worst hard times in America as described by Timothy Egan in his book of the Untold Stories of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl best describes the occurrences of the disaster that [...]
In Environmental Defense v Duke Energy Corporation case, the Supreme Court was approached to define the modification under CAA. The government's effort to initiate a wider range of environmental safeguards would be hampered if the [...]