With the two research paradigms defined, the paper concentrates on establishing the difference in characteristics of the two models, based on philosophy, ontology, epistemology, and methodology. Ontology concentrates on the multiplicity of realities with the [...]
The Independent variable is manipulated to determine effects on the dependent variables, and this is on subjects that are randomly assigned to the treatments in the experiment, they are not identified in natural groups as [...]
That is water used to generate energy and energy used to provide water. Compromises exist between water and energy that are necessary to ensure adequate supply and security of these resources.
The model can be tested for statistical significance, but the most appropriate way to examine the impact of the individual variable impact on the S&P 500 is testing for different beta notes.
According to the hypothesis and research questions, service satisfaction, morale and the desire to quit service forms the dependent variables, while payment levels and tenure conditions form the independent variables.
The other factor to consider when determining the research design is the availability of data for the research. The other disadvantage is that an established conceptual framework has the possibility of backfiring, especially if the [...]
This hypothesis follows from the logical fact that if the light from these astronomical objects needs billion of years to reach the earth, then as a matter of consequence, the age of the entire universe [...]
From a theoretical perspective, data saturation is a critical technique in determining the sample sizes required in qualitative research. From this perspective, variability code frequency and stability is critical to data saturation and the qualitative [...]
While considering the permanence of a theory, it is crucial to apply efficient tools for measuring its validity. Thus, one cannot claim that a theory is inconsistent due to the distant timeframes of its foundation.
The characteristic feature of the nonprobability sampling is that this type of research sampling does not include a random collection of data, in contrast to the probability sampling.
As a result, it appears that while the epistemological stance is significant for any researcher, for the strong constructionism, it is of particular importance, since, for this stance, the researcher is deeply engaged in the [...]
A dependent variable is more interesting to a researcher because it turns out to be a part of a hypothesis that should be proved, and an independent variable can influence the dependent one in a [...]
According to Hammond, when viewed from the context of history and evolution of social thought, it appears that the science related to unified systems theory is a product of 20th-century thinking.
During the first stage, the quotes were reviewed and organized according to the author of the words. The second step was the process of identifying the units of meaning in the quotes.
He uses the standard approaches in considering this model, enwidening the understanding of the notion and suggesting possible areas to implement the probit model.
As a result, it can be noted that chemical evolution that takes place in the universe is dependent on the activities of the large stars.
In order to explain the same notion Tyson uses the example of wolves and the origin of dogs. The diversity of species is explained by Sagan and Tyson as a process of the natural selection [...]
One of the advantages of the quantitative analysis is that it is based on numbers, different forms of graphs and tablets and in such a way provides a scientific respectability of the social research.
As the name implies, the outer space exists in a void area where there is no atmosphere of the Earth. The temperature varies with the time of the earth day on the outer space area [...]
Since the discovery of the modern day science, it has been used to advance the societal welfare in a similar way in which it has been applied in activities that contribute to the destruction of [...]
NASA was motivated to introduce the FBC initiative because of the pressure from the White House and the massive cost of maintaining human exploration to Mars.
Different religions in the world have disparate teachings about the origin of the universe. The aforementioned religions are all monotheistic, but they have different explanations regarding the existence and the origin of the universe.
The value of gross national income for the country rose between the years 1970 and 1981. This shows that the income generated by the country rose during the period.
To demonstrate the spatial information of various land covers within an image To use image enhancing techniques and derive the NDVI to be applied in interpretation of the location and areal extent of forest and [...]
Variability introduces challenges in the estimation of the sample size because statisticians can only determine the true variability of a population after conducting a test. The practical sample size is essential to the determination of [...]
As stated by both Hyland and Giltrow, citations are used to define the field of investigation and the area in which there is a need for additional research.
Galileo's later discoveries of the Venus gave more proof to the Copernicus theory that it is the Sun at the centre of the universe and not the Earth.
Limited opportunities are explored under the subject of cosmogony, the field which focused on the question: 'Which processes contributed to the formation of Solar System, as well as how it evolved since its formation?' Despite [...]
For example, in a variable such as incomes of patients, the best statistics to represent the typical income would be the mean the mean and / or the median.
Statistics is the process of data collection, data analysis and interpretation of the data and making meaningful conclusions and generalizations. Planning involves identifying the target population, methods to use, sources of data, and requirements and [...]
The advantage of interviews is that it allows the researcher to have detailed and in-depth questions and responses and minimizes non-response.
The Milky Ways which is a form of the spiral galaxies are the gyrating disks commonly loaded with hydrogen gas. The most acceptable models for the formation of galaxies have been two types, the gravitational [...]
The means by genders are summarised in the table below. This correlation value was used to determine the nature and strength of the relationship.
This therefore shows how important the process of evaporation is in regard to extraction of salt from the sea. This therefore explains that sea water is a cheap source of salt in terms of time [...]
In certain situations, the accuracy of making direct measurements depends on the tools as well as the reliability of the observer.
The academy was concerned of the inconsistency of the measurements that were in use at that time, and believed that developing a new system based on invariable natural base would be the solution to the [...]
The first was to identify the terrestrial planets that existed in the habitable zone of the huge number of stars that the mission was going to analyze.
The process that leads to the formation of star stuff is a complex phenomenon that involves the origin and "death" of stars.
Babbie explores the methods for converting data to numerical forms and presenting them in the form of statistical analyses in terms of quantitative analysis and special features of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The first [...]
Seeing that the ability to change throughout the study can be viewed as the basic feature of a variable, it is reasonable to assume that the subject matter may help identify the correlation between the [...]
This chapter seeks to provide a clear understanding of concepts such as statistical thinking, critical thinking, types of data, and collection of sample data in a bid to gain more statistical literacy.
In this situation, New York City is one of the most vulnerable megalopolises which can suffer from the results of the storm significantly because the destruction of the Earth's magnetic field is closely associated with [...]
A light-emitting diode refers to a light source that is capable of transforming electrical power into visible light. LEDs have been applied as sources of light in visible light communication.
By this, they implied that the Creator made the mankind rule from the center of the universe. Due to poor observations of his challengers, they claimed that the Moon was smooth and had no other [...]
Most of the items in the questionnaire used a 5-point Lickert-type scale, and data were analyzed using a descriptive statistical method involving the tabulation of frequency distributions and the development of simple bar charts to [...]
A speck of sand, in its turn, can be defined as a part of the material that the process of physical weathering of rocks results in. The size of the planet compared to the one [...]
In its 13-month orbiting, Juno will explore the conditions and processes central to the formation of planet Jupiter and the rest of the solar system.
9 years and in essence one can draw this logical induction that the elliptical orbit through which an astronomer moves from the Earth to Mars is relatively shorter than the elliptical orbit of Mars and [...]
The first reason that explains why the topic is important relates to its ability to help individuals understand the significance of the mineral, while the second reason is its power to facilitate easy identification of [...]
The input of designers and artists was required to come up with lures, which ultimately led to a 40% increase in the number of EABs drawn from the trees.
Contrary to the popular assumption that it is a point if the string theory is true, then it means that it is a point.
The beautiful colours that form the M51 galaxy are natural colours formed as a result of the intense star forming processes that take place at the galaxy due to the continuous compression of hydrogen gas [...]
Thus, the galaxy is one of the biggest solar bodies that are unique in the universe. The colours of the structure are natural, because they are reflections of the materials that constitute the galaxy.
According to McSween, scientists and astronomers find the study of the environment of Mars and the existence of flowing of water on the surface of the planet of special interest.
Finally, the findings of the studies that are discussed in the paper show the usefulness of survival analysis. Over the years, scholars have utilized the discipline in the field of medicine in order to study [...]
Drilling of halite occurs in Texas, where wells are drilled to reach the underground deposit of mineral salt. A mixture of hot water and the mineral is called brine.
Volcanic activity and tectonic movements led to the formation of the Sierra Nevada, and the Yosemite with it. Erosion and glaciers shaped numerous features of the landscape as it is known today.
This will occur only if the Sun does not occupy the Earth's orbit already as it will be huge, and although if the temperature of the Sun's surface does not increase, this effect will be [...]
The factors that aided in accelerating the rate of mutation and evolution are thus the cosmic rays from the different stars that make up the universe.
Bohr's Theory Although the aforementioned atomic theory by Rutherford was accurate in that it predicted the existence of a dense nucleus in the core of an atom, it still had a few shortcomings.
Although the cosmos is not the largest galaxy, there is no doubt that it is one of the largest bodies known to man.
The direction of the plates' movements and the sizes of the faults are different as well as the sizes of tectonic plates.
The San Andreas Fault is one of the most significant faults in the world. The fault is still in motion, and it is still changing.
From the onset of "human-ocean interaction and exploration in the fifteenth century" and despite ocean being the largest feature of the earth, only 5% of the ocean is known.
The process of statistics involves the use of statistical tools to troubleshoot and solve problems. The process of statistics can be defined as the precise and accurate way of analyzing data in order to solve [...]
Indeed, the absence of living microorganisms in the soil is a clear indication of the absence of water on the red planet.
Although Wegener provided a lot of evidence-based on the discussion of continental fits and results of investigations in paleontology and paleoclimatology, the scientist failed to explain the mechanisms which made the blocks move, thus, only [...]
The selection process in this research is critical to the success of the success of the research. The research questions in this paper are designed to ensure that the research answers the question in the [...]
The scientific method can be used as a way of seeking knowledge and truth especially by the Christians in trying to explain the existence of God who created the heavens and the earth.
Thus in explaining the two approaches, Burian et al noted that the latter helps the researcher to come to terms with the strategies used to market the company's products thereby exploring approaches and later using [...]
This was the worst and the most devastating earthquake since "the Tangshan earthquake of 1976 in China". In addition, impacts differ based on the number of fatalities and damages to property.
Analysis of "Big Data" is a vital process whose outcome can be used to learn patterns of behavior that are useful in predicting the future.
It seems that statistics is of central importance in the interpretation of both present and past events. The two essays present a nuanced and sophisticated position that recognizes the necessity of statistics or the lack [...]
Lastly, the researchers should consider the target participants and audience of the study to ensure that the research questions suit the two groups.
According to Jain and Lee, debonding of carbon fiber reinforced polymer should be avoided as much as possible if the strength of the structure is to be assured.
Sampling may be defined as the process of selecting an appropriate representation of a population for the purpose of attaining information regarding the overall population.
The terms also play a similar role in the world of science which is a hub of new discoveries and ancient principles.
Defining a research problem may involve first developing a succinct conceptualization of the problem and later defining its aspects and categories in regard to the nature of the content to be analyzed.
In the thickness-shear mode of vibration, the overall frequency of oscillation of AT-cut quartz crystal is described by the equation: F defines the crystal frequency, N is a constant of the material used to make [...]
The value is arrived at by dividing the gross national product of the country by the total population of the country.
That is, as the area of the houses increase, the price of a house also increases. The dependent variable is the price of houses while the independent variable is the area of the houses.
The use of the regression analysis method improves the credibility of the data analysis method because it provides an opportunity to specify the nature of the analysed variables.
Correlation can be established in two different ways, first using the graphical method; whereby, the two variables are plotted on a graph and a line of best fit is drawn to assess whether there is [...]
This implies that the objective of qualitative research study is to assist the research correspondents and information users to comprehend the reasons why things are the way they appear to be and understand the milieu.
According to the case study, the site describes science concerns in the following issues: Science aims at explaining the natural world It uses testable ideas It depends on evidence It involves the scientific community It [...]
In the analysis of data, there are four types of scales used in the measurement. Just like the nominal scale, ordinal scale is a scale used in qualitative data belonging to the same category.
The second type of probability is the logical probability, which maintains the notion of the classical understanding that possibilities could be established theoretically through an assessment of the extent of options.
Figure 1: A scatter plot for time of polishing against diameter of product There is a linear, positive relationship between the time that is spent polishing a product and the size of the product, as [...]
Table 1 indicates that the regression model with gender, perceived risk, and safety as predictors of condom use is significant, = 30.
The qualitative research contradiction dwells on the dispute between the supporters and the opposing forces of the study design implementation. Though the reviewed type of the analysis is based on subjective assumptions, it has to [...]
The explanatory power is important in interpreting odds ratio, which describe the nature and the strength of the relationship between burnout, the dependent variable, and coping style and stress from teaching, the independent variables. From [...]
Online marketing and advertising actively develop nowadays, and modern advertisers need to focus on the customers' attitudes and behaviours in the context of the effectiveness of the advertisement's location on the web page.
The objectives of study are; to promote the satellites technology across the globe, to enhance the importance of applying satellites in doing research about the earth, to create awareness of the roles that the satellites [...]
Research Aim: To identify the factors which are responsible for the threats of dependency on conventional energy sources Research Objective: To demonstrate how the development of alternative energy sources could overcome the rising cost of [...]
Qualitative research is defined as a type of research that explains phenomena according to numerical data which are analyzed by means of statistical methods and techniques, while qualitative research is defined as an emergent, inductive, [...]
Mid-Infrared and Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy for Soil Carbon Measurement propose that with the use of visible infrared light between the range of 350 to 2500 nm, the emission reflected from the soil crystals can [...]
One of the most critical questions that majorities ask and the main hurdle to renewable energy is whether renewable energy can ever efficiently become a viable energy option relative to the traditional, ready available sources [...]
Creswell proposed, "The theoretical roots of qualitative and quantitative research are in the realistic and the positivistic approaches to science, respectively".
A good number of universities in UAE have introduced research based programs in order to improve the quality of research in the country.
This model captured the complexity of different variables in the study and therefore made the results to be highly valid. From the large number of measures evaluated during the study, the results were highly comprehensive [...]
Surveyor 1, the first spacecraft in the program touched down on the lunar surface in the month of June 1966, the second was unsuccessful.
On the other hand, the maximum measure of marital status in the data set is 3 while the minimum measure of marital status is 1.
Statistically, the independent samples t-test indicates that the difference in the duration of eating Big Mac specials between overweight individuals and normal weight individuals is statistically significant, t = -3.
One of the strengths of this approach is that a researcher is able to compensate for the limitations of one approach by utilizing the strengths of the other approach.
This has led to significant changes in concepts of the theory of sensation. Concepts are essential in development of theories.
Overview Flywheel technology is able to store "energy by accelerating the rotor/flywheel to a very high speed and maintaining the energy in the system as kinetic energy".
The underlying principle adopted in this technique is that a superior electromagnetic field emanating from a surface plasmon is used in the excitation of surface-bound fluorophores.
One of the limitations is that it requires a laboratory for the experiment to be undertaken; this affects the outcome since the results are artificially generated.
After reading this article, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to pay extra attention not only to the author of the article, but also to the periodical.
It is important to note that cast iron mainly describes the grey cast iron that is the commonest of all cast iron varieties.
The goal of the quantitative research is to come up and use mathematical theories, models and hypotheses relating to a given phenomena.
A research abstract gives a summary of the study, including the purpose, the methods used by the researchers, the sampling approach, and the study findings.
Since the energy is mainly derived from the sustained stress and deformation of the underlying rocks, the precursor signals of earthquakes especially in seismic zones are majorly based on the careful study of the earth's [...]
Multi-method research can be considered as one of the most effective designs for the development and study of the most problematic questions.
According to the literature review, service quality is measured by the tangibility of the consumer's surroundings which is represented by objects or subjects, the reliability of the service provider, the involvement and interaction of the [...]
This is because justifying the research problem permits a researcher to continue with the study. Thus, for students choosing the problem to investigate helps guide the progressions necessary in the research.
This therefore necessitates that there is critical decision making in the determination of the method of marketing research to be utilized in a certain circumstance to allow for attainment of the best results possible.
On the basis of these findings, a scholar will be able to form a hypothesis about the factors that impact equity in academic labor market.
Emic approach is used when researchers give an account as well as a description of a particular culture in a community by analyzing the data collected and delivering appropriate categories and conceptual schemes that are [...]
Cohen says that unlike the written form, recording spoken data provides a rich source for the analysis process, because besides the message it carries, the researcher is able to analyze the respondents and determine the [...]