Warfare Essay Examples and Topics. Page 8

1,173 samples

Religion and Diplomacy During the Crusades

1 Under the terms of the treaty, the three-decade-long war of the 17th Century Europe was summarized, leading to the recognition of the territorial sovereignty of the states that made up the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Subjects: Medieval Wars
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 1987

The Niger Delta Region Insurgent Group

As a result, the defensive systems of the Shell and the federal government have been significantly destabilized in this region making it difficult for the group to be defeated.
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 608

The Westgate Terror Attack in Kenya

The attack was the most chilling in the region since the 1998 attack on the American embassies in the region. In creating a room for the reader to understand the intensity of the attack, the [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2317

Insurgents Movement in Sub-Saharan Africa

In Africa, the insurgent movement in Sub-Saharan Africa is a group that has existed for a long time. Besides, the group has been a major cause of terror attacks in the horn of Africa, Europe [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism Prevention
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 566

Iraq Insurgency and Counter-insurgency

It was evident that there were many attacks on the civilian population, and the presence of the foreign fighters only angered the local people and insurgents.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 554

“The Culture of Martyrdom” a Book by David Brooks

According to the article, the culture of indoctrination, addiction to revenge and martyrdom glorification are to blame for facilitating a paradigm shift, whereby suicide bombing is no longer viewed as a means but rather as [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 392

Terrorist Organizations: Al-Qaeda and ETA

In contrast to the Al-Qaida group, ETA is a smaller organization with regard to the scope of activities and location of operations.
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1427

Effective Counter Insurgency Strategies

The creation of a useful counterinsurgent strategy is crucial for the practitioners involved in the counterinsurgency actions. The counterinsurgency strategy should adapt to the alterations in the insurgent community it seeks to counteract.
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Geographic Conditions Role for Insurgent Groups

The simple geographic conditions are considered to be favoring counterinsurgent groups and are not beneficial to insurgencies. Furthermore, insurgencies have been successful in areas where the countries in the boundaries are sympathizers of the insurgent [...]
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 606

The Taliban Insurgency: Democracy in Dangerous Places

It is vital to mention that several parts of the country are still in control of the insurgency contrary to the popular notion that they are only concentrated in the southern parts of Afghanistan.
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1134

The U.S. Decision to Blockade Cuba

A lot of questions were raised about the interests of the United States in initiating a blockade off the coast of Cuba in 1962 and the subsequent events that took place between two countries.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 624

The Soviet Space Program Role in the Cold War

The paper will begin by providing an overview of the Cold War in order to highlight the conditions that led to the space race between the US and the USSR.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 17
  • Words: 4589

Current Hurdles in Combating Terrorism

It is also important to note that a larger group of the terrorists in the world today is from the Middle East and Islam related nations.
  • Subjects: Terrorism Prevention
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 561

Military Strategy in the Afghan War

Effective application of the maneuver-minded strategy requires the military to have a clear understanding of the inner workings of the enemy.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 582

Nuclear Weapons Effect on Strategic Studies

However, after the invention of these weapons the techniques of war have been changing from decade to decade. As a result, nations have been discouraged from starting wars that might trigger the use of nuclear [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 544

The UAE National Power against Daeesh in Iraq and Syria

Niu argues that one of the main interests that should motivate the use of the UAE national power against the Daeesh in Iraq and Syria is the access to vital geographical areas, like the Mediterranean [...]
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1522

Halal Food and Terrorist Organizations in Australia

First of all, it can help us to obtain new and reliable information connected with the issue, as using the Internet it is possible to find the newest articles on the topic of halal food [...]
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1517

The Holocaust History: the Jewish Community Destruction

To achieve its objective, the paper will expound on why the Nazi government targeted the Jews, why did these attacks come during this specific period, the role that average German citizens played and the overall [...]
  • Subjects: Nazi Germany
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1208

China and Japan Relationship

The problem is that the supporters of this ideology tend to deny the atrocities committed by the Japanese Army during World War II.
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1270

The Fourth Generation Warfare

The column and line tactics became suicidal to the level of ushering in the second-generation warfare. In the case of Afghanistan, the war began in 2001 and has persisted to the present.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1957

Homeland Security: Basque ETA Terrorist Organization

The merging of Ekin and EGI in the early 1950s marked the initial stages for the establishment of ETA. Another goal of ETA is to inculcate a strong spirit of nationalism among the Basque people.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4159

The Cold War: Causes of Tension and Role of Media

The Cold War involved the United States and the Soviet Union due to their different ideologies on ways of managing the economy of a country. The beginning of the Cold War was marked by the [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 578

World War II in Eurasia and America

The war ended with the defeat of the far rights; however, conflicts of interests of the winners led to the tension that persisted for long years after the war.
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 943

Syrian Civil War: Origins and Geopolitical Consequences

Instead, much attention should be paid to the combination of factors that are related to the political landscape of the country, its religious tensions, economic recession, and geographic peculiarities.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1428

Crimean War in 19th and 21st Centuries

The rationale behind this suggestion is that this particular war established the tradition of demonizing Russia in the West, as the 'land of barbarians', which continues to affect the geopolitical realities in the world, up [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1959

The Current Tendencies of the Cold War

Stone estimates the principles of McCarthyism, which identifies the era of the Cold War regime and stems from the conspiracy games of the American senator Joe McCarthy.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

International Counter Terrorism’ Elements

A Memorandum from the director of the Central Intelligence Agency provide a more detailed account of the location where hostages are being held, the number of kidnappers, kidnappers' armory and Jamaican government approval for U.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1110

Why Did the Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor?

Japan considered the U.S.as its only hindrance in its effort of obtaining raw materials from the Southeast and especially its naval base at Pearl Harbor The United States of America Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor [...]
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1176

Use of Torture Against Terror Suspects

Levin states that the public too, would agree to the use of torture against terror suspects, especially if the victim is a child. It is evident that the use of torture against terror suspects can [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1137

The Life of a Freedom Fighter in Post WWII Palestine

As World War II was coming to an end, the Zionist Movement leaders were hopeful that the British government would amend the White Paper policy, allow the Jews to migrate to Eretz, Israel, and govern [...]
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 876

Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Role in World War II

That is why historians and the public pay much attention to the discussion of the role in this war of those personalities who persistently led the Western anti-Hitler coalition to the victory over Nazi Germany [...]
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 568

Different Methods Against Terrorism: Israel and Palestine

The main allies of the Palestinians are mainly the Arab league countries, which include Iran, Syria, Jordan and other Middle East Arab countries; while the main ally of the Israeli is the United States of [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3482

Modern Civil War in Ukraine

The event selected for this paper is the current conflict on the territory of Ukraine. The portal demonstrates how the conflict appeared and escalated, how it moved from the center, to the West, to the [...]
  • 1
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1397

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Security Dilemma

Although the group is largely unrecognized by other sovereign states and the international community, it continues to spread its ideals and aspirations on governance and political control in the Gulf region. The original objective of [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2807

History of the Jews and the Holocaust

The Nazi regime and its partners became the pioneers of the Holocaust. That being the case, the anti-Semitism ideas and prejudices experienced in Germany before the Second World War led to the infamous Holocaust.
  • Subjects: Nazi Germany
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2200

First World War Issues and Causes

As a matter of fact, the events of the late spring and summer of 1914 went down in the history books as some of the major issues that would contribute to the First World War.
  • 5
  • Subjects: World War I
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1273

Role of Civilian Population in World War I

Not only did the war encouraged people to join their forces in order to fight the enemy, but also affected their perception of the state's key political processes raising political engagement rates among population, WWI [...]
  • Subjects: World War I
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 555

Terrorism: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

The article claims that the British parliament unanimously voted to launch air strikes in Iraq in an attempt to paralyze some of the work of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Iraq.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2237

How to End the Syrian Civil War?

In the meantime, the war continues and innocent civilians, especially women and children continue to pay the price for the war.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2308

Bio-Terrorism Preparedness and Response

In this regard, the use of biological elements cannot be effective in combating the enemies of any given state. During the First World War the use of biological weapons was adversely preferred because almost every [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 694

Mongol Conquest’ Causes, Battles, and Results

Remnants of the war remained until the 19th century, through the reign of the Mughal Empire in India. Key sections of this essay also show the results of the war and the main treaties signed.
  • Subjects: Medieval Wars
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1413

WWII History: How Hitler Died

From the onset of the war, Hitler proved to be a trustworthy leader. In the US, tests done on a part of the skull purported to be Hitler's have given unconvincing results.
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 836

Origins of the “Final Solution”

In the article "The Holocaust, The Church Struggle and some Christian Reflections" Alice Eckardt presents the idea of the Holocaust is the result of several distinct factors, namely: that it was the culmination of the [...]
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1247

The Virginia Tech Massacre

The realization that the shooter was still within the institution's compound should have triggered an immediate reaction to the security status of students and officials in other locations within the institution.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1405

The Jewish Freedom Fighter Recollection

We are in urgent need of a nation of our own, but must be willing to respond to the issue of Arab inhabitants within our territory.
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 582

War in Afghanistan: Origin, Impact and Reactions

In 2006, NATO responded to the progress made by the Taliban through the initiation of projects for nation-building in the effort to win the confidence of the Afghans together with increasing the number of troops [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2767

Rites of Spring by Modris Eksteins

This is one of the drawbacks that should not be overlooked. This is one of the details that should be identified.
  • Subjects: World War I
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1384

Forms and Examples of Information Warfare

The attempts failed because the US army had employed the use of Ultra's to monitor the operations of the allied army The devices helped the army to read the German's mail and messages without their [...]
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1104

Operational Design in the U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts

Based on this, the United States was forced to enter into a joint military operation with the government of Philippine in order to reduce the chances of attack on the American citizens and property given [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism Prevention
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1170

War on Terrorism: How to Cope With the Global Threat?

In spite of the fact the war on terrorism is the priority of not only the US administration but also of the global community, the approaches to win the war should be chosen according to [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism Prevention
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1122

Terrorism and the Global Economies

Terrorism has affected the global economies because the emergence of globalization created the unity of different countries. In reference to the data from the 2005MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Database, which has more than 20,000 incidents of [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 791

Why Do Nation-States Go to War?

The greatest imperfection of the humans is the thirst for power. The conflict dates back to the 1800s when a group of Jewish extremists called the Zionists, wanted to colonize and convert the Palestine to [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1165

Kosovo Conflict: Richard Holbrooke’s “To End a War”

The question of who were responsible for the atrocities committed to the people and the role of America and Nato are some of the big questions that remain unanswered. To be in Kosovo during this [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1209

British Battle of Rorke’s Drift/Lsandlwana

This outcome contradicts with the Isandlwana battle where the British troops succumbed to a massive defeat from the Zulu warriors leaving the world in awe.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Terrorism as a Serious Threat

Given this definition of terrorism, it is important to investigate the perception of this threat. This is one of the processes responsible for exaggerating the terrorism issue.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1164

Rumsfeld’s Memo & The War on Global Terrorism

To win the war on global terrorism, the secretary also expressed the need for DOD to design new techniques to organize, train, and equip military personnel, the need to develop metrics to show if the [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism Prevention
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1090

Terrorism Handling in Our Life

Terrorism can be defeated if many people in the society can trust the authorities in their work. In this regard, terrorists find support from sympathizers, who might not want to be part of the terrorists, [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism Prevention
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 636

Guantanamo Bay & Jihad Issues

In the light of the growing interest over whether the United States Administration is faulting with the rights and freedom of several hundred unlawful combatants still detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, it is imperative to [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1030

Kosovo: Origins, Developments & Outcomes

Kosovo finally announced her independence in February 2008, a decision that was promptly accepted and recognized by the U.S.and by most members of the EU.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 897

Arguing the Just War in Islam

To understand the notion of just war in Islam, one has to first understand the origin and development of Islam as a religion, as well as comprehend the meaning of the term Islam.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 890

Why the Soviets Lost Their War in Afghanistan

The news brought with it the surmise that this was a war that Afghanistan, a disunited country with limited military resources, would not stand up to the military might of the Soviet Union, leading to [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4595

Al-Qaeda as a Terrorist Organization

Al Qaeda is considered to be one of the largest international terrorism groups in the world. However, the administrative and operational structure of the Al Qaeda group still remains a mystery to many.
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2209

Human and Technical Intelligence in Countering Terrorism

The application of technical intelligence for the public good has to prioritise on several factors including human welfare in assisting the authorities in detecting and combating terrorism.
  • Subjects: Terrorism Prevention
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3931

The Use of Force Against Afghanistan by the U.S.

The use of force by the U.S.was just under the just war theory because it was executed for self-defense and elimination of a terrorist threat that was difficult to combat.
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 846

The Rise of Extremist Groups, Disparity and Poverty

Despite the negative consequences that terrorists have posed to the society, the fight against the vice has become more difficult with time, especially in the light of the increasing support for the violent actions against [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2762

WWI: Germany’s Secret Gambles

The "interception of the German arms shipment by the Royal Navy" led to the quick suppression of the Eastern uprising and execution of key leaders of the Irish Republicans.
  • Subjects: World War I
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 557

Lessons From the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

The counterterrorism forces that were working in Mumbai occurred to be not able to prevent the attack as they did not find the source of threat and stop it in advance.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 912

Australia’s Involvement in Pacific War

In the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, when Great Britain declared war to Germany the Australian troops headed to Europe to assist their allies, but a new threat occurred in the South [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 595

Australia’s Soldiers and Wars in Middle East and Europe

Like most of the British colonies around the globe that participated in the Second World War, Australia did not take part in repelling the Germans from invading the Middle East and Europe to serve her [...]
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 557

Does Poverty Lead to Terrorism?

While there are conflicting arguments regarding the factors that influence terrorism, scholars agree on the need to evaluate evidence on the causes of terrorism and develop concrete strategies and approaches to tackle a vice that [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 859

Role of the Army Staff Major

Throughout the history of the United States Army, the army staff sergeant major has been considered as the head of the noncommissioned officers.
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 593

The American Strategic Culture in Vietnam War

Spector further emphasizes that the involvement of the United States in both phases of the Vietnam War was due to Harry Truman, the then president of the United States, who did not support communism, but [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

WW II and Hitler’s Army

After the massive defeat and deaths of the German army in the war that took place in the eastern side, it was evident that the traditional groups of the army were no longer working as [...]
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 639

Economic Concerns in the Aftermath of Terrorism

Terrorism is one of the major challenges threatening the existence of societies in different parts of the world. Sandler and Enders assert that exports are affected adversely by terrorism due to increment in the cost [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2213

Terrorism in International Relations

A lot of efforts have been diverted at exploring terrorism as a result of the rate of insecurity in the international system that comes from terrorism and the fear of terrorism.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1684

Hezbollah: A Terrorist Organisation?

The Muslim world is interestingly torn right in the middle regarding the activities of Hezbollah, with prominent Muslim nations such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan coming out strongly to condemn the group while other [...]
  • Subjects: Terroristic Organizations
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2028

United States Domestic Terrorism

It is impossible to trace the genesis of United States terrorist extremism to a specific exact date, though one can narrow it to the period when the country was fighting for its freedom from the [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 858

The significance of ‘No Man’s Land’

'No Man's Land' is a war time movie that satirizes the War of the Balkans. The movie depicts the complexities that are likely to rise in a conflict situation especially with with regards to international [...]
  • Subjects: Modern Warfare
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 570

The controversy behind the 9/11 tragedy

In fact, sources reveal that most people believe the contrary that is the allegation that the US government initiated the attacks as a strategy of gaining control of oil in the Middle East.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 661

View of Boston Bombing

The police tried to push the crowd away from the sight, while the doctors in all hospitals dropped their appointments to cater for the many affected by these terrible blasts. The military also joined in [...]
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 602

The Trajectory of the World War

In addition to working for the Germany soldiers, the civilians were expected to give information about the Jews and other betrayers who resisted the Germany authorities.
  • Subjects: World War II
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Salafist Takfiri Terrorism

The absence of an international law defining the possible responses to this kind of aggression allowed the federal government to interpret the act of terrorism as war.
  • Subjects: Terrorism
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 656