Fairy tales on the other hand are more practical and they give the child the picture of life full of struggle and human predicament for example many fairy tales usually begin with the death of [...]
It begins with a historical contextualizing discussion of the political and social climate of the Middle Ages through the Reformation and the events that eventually lead up to the translation of the Latin bible into [...]
According to the ideas expressed by the scientist, it was quite likely that the "low" variant of the Arabic language would finally oust the "high" one, thus making it closer to the spoken variation of [...]
Objectivity and neutrality should always be maintained to the highest degree possible even in the event of news translation from one language to the other.
In his article The Influence of the Arabic language on the Psychology of the Arabs, Shouby was one of the first psychologists to highlight "the influence that language itself exerts on the psychology and culture [...]
Each line in the text is a kind of reflection that has to be evaluated, and the author's death is the only condition under which the work may be considered as worthwhile.
It is used to describe a meat of domestic animals in the original language. It is an individual of a high rank in the original language.
Some stories do so in a subtle manner, while some hammer they are moral in a rather obnoxious way; however, each is designed to bear some significance for the interpersonal communication process, for the personal [...]
Taking into account the fact of the geographical neighborhood of Canada and the USA, which is one of the biggest English speaking countries in the world, it should be clear that the USA has the [...]
The indications of certain words belonging to a specific gender can be noticed in the English language rather easily; the question, however, is whether these indications can be viewed as a step forward in promoting [...]
The title of the article A Longitudinal Study of two Boys' Experiences of Acquiring Italian as a Second Language: The influence of Age. The researcher uses letters A to refer to the elder brother and [...]
The information provided below was retrieved by recording the dialogues between the child and the members of his family, as well as the utterances that the child made in the course of playing or interacting [...]
In my opinion, a person with some understanding of a local language is likely to find some of the social and cultural things in a foreign country awkward or abnormal.
Over a third of the people in Canada speak the Standard Canadian English while the rest of the population is either multilingual or Anglophone.
I can relate to that in an indirect way, one of my closest friends is part Arabic and Part White, but he spent most of his early years in the UAE.
Another outstanding characteristic of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta is extensively dealt with in the article as outlined by the many efforts by various researchers in the orient. It is evident that the establishment of [...]
The author's main purpose in writing the article is to inform the reader about the possible negative effects of making English a global language.
It would be interesting to analyze why the language of these children shifted from their mother tongue to English. Such interactions also made them realize that this English was the right language to be used [...]
In addition, poetry uses exclusion to define it by not including it in its world and consequently, by insinuation, the business has developed into all that poetry is not.
These morphemes consist of morphemes that are individual words and others that are fragments of words. On the other hand, morphemes that need inflection to be meaningful are bound morphemes.
It can be argued that the supporting content used by the author is effective to the extent that it demonstrates how the author was exposed to reading materials early in life, and how this exposure [...]
The first reason is that in the process of translation, it is important that the translator realize that the ultimate goal of the process is to have the meaning, the content of the text, and [...]
The French language is also used as an instrument to tarnish customs consequently promoting the growth of French language and customs. In French customs, the language is used as a representation of unity.
They brought the German dialect and customs to the Jews in the Slavic territories. This led to the emergence of the Yiddish literature.
There are a variety of reasons as to why the study of syntax is vital, and involve general humanistic or behavioural motivations, as well as specific goals such as: an aid to illustrating the patterns [...]
Larry Hyman who is the author of the report on the universality of word accent is a linguistics professor at the University of California where he specializes in phonology.
The first participant would be given the names of all the fruits, and after mastering the names, the participants would read out the name of the fruits once its picture is shown.
The field of research methods in linguistics is a dynamic and fast evolving field of study Researchers continuously endeavor to unearth fundamental facts underlying this line of study, the modes and codes of its operation, [...]
The tone and choice of words used can differ given the context of the situation; however it remains the constant tool of expression.
Most of the learners will encounter problems in these two areas because of the disparities that exist between the Spanish and the English language in spelling and sound pattern of words.
In an insightful study on the use of first language in classroom, Cook revealed that most participants supported the application of the first language as a critical tool for mediation.
This essay will offer a critique of the research that was conducted and published by the two authors in which it can be argued that they made positive contribution to the teachers' use of TL [...]
The underlying assumption of the SUP model that the acquisition of the second language is possible at the expense of the first, and the proportion of the student's proficiency in the primary language decreases proportionally, [...]
These include the daily duties discussed, the domain of the ELT which is mainly educational, the medium mostly used in the presentation of ELT programs that are to be 'spoken', the mode that is a [...]
The statement of the problem should also be included; this is a summary of the problem to be investigated, that is, diglossia in the teaching of Arabic as a foreign language.
Due to the growing body of research on the issue of grammar proficiency and processes involved in grammar acquisition, the project is aimed at showing which approach to grammar improvement is the most viable, and [...]
This is perhaps the reason why at the end, critics of time like Jose Luis Borges were forced to accept that time is real and that time is needed by all especially when it comes [...]
Thus, the majority of the interviewed students claimed that the concept of global citizenship is applicable to a person who treats the humankind as a whole and believes that people should emphasize that they belong [...]
Studies Devoted to Gloss Use The impact of glosses usage on the performance of the learners of English as a foreign language has been researched in numerous studies.
At the end of the lesson, the learners showed competency in speaking and pronouncing the English words taught in the most appropriate manner.
There are primary schools that have such programs to enable the non-citizens to get used to the English language and be able to adapt quickly to the new system.
The theory called the ethnography of speaking, offered by Dell Hymes, will be used to situate the problem of multilingualism and its effect on children's language behaviour as it helps to comprehend the components of [...]
The examination of the pros and cons of the CC and standardized testing will generate a clearer mental image of the effects of the CC particularly on teachers.
First, it is critical to have school-wide commitment to the needs of students who are not native speakers of English. Apart from that, it is critical to remember about the use of best methods in [...]
While examining the stages of the new language's development with the focus on the concrete social group, the researchers are able to resolve the dispute on the role of culture and nature in forming the [...]
Most of the similarities are in the domain of lexicon, but the differences are located in syntax and phonology. The category of velar sounds is quite rich in Cantonese.
Considering the following quote from Fries' paper: "The most efficient materials are those that are based upon a scientific description of the language to be learned, carefully compared with a parallel description of the native [...]
In order to properly study the effectiveness of the research and improvement methods, many more aspects of the individual characteristics and social life must be taken into consideration.
Taylor argues that an evaluation seeks to test the ability of the learner to understand how the language works and to test the level of proficiency in that particular language.
The aim of the plan is to utilize the legend of the Mayans to depict to the students the way science evolved through the ages.
Among the most common practices in the Christian fraternity, which, for the purpose of this paper, can be classified as magical, one could mention the practice of speaking in tongues. Can the practice of speaking [...]
According to Alatis, the language of children vary a great deal when they talk to their peers, and when they talk to the adults.
The research results state that the process of literacy instruction is hindered to an impressive degree by the misunderstandings between teachers and students due to the language issues.
The set of articles reviewed in the present work provide a deeper understanding of the connections that a language has with the reality on any level, the functions that it plays in reflecting the human [...]
I like you and want to be with you. Now I do not want to go either', 'And i did not like that at all.
The present study is the actual replication of the study of Chang on the analysis of developmental pragmatics and evolution of speech acts of L2 learners with the increased proficiency levels in English.
Most of the signs and codes are recognised by all as living in one and the same society we seem to have the similar vision and interpretation of those signs.
The problem becomes even more obvious and hard to cope with when it comes to dealing with the similarities and differences between Semitic languages, which the Arabic one belongs to, and the Indo-European language family, [...]
The purpose of this report is to show the benefits of learning more than one language among kindergarten children. The purpose of this report is to analyse the benefits of learning two languages among kindergarten [...]
Where the Theory Is Applicable I believe the major concept of the Skopos Theory is very important for a translator as it helps to achieve the major goal of translation, i.e.to make an original text [...]
This paper is a critical review of semantic primes within and across languages, particularly of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage theory developed by Anna Wierzbicka, a Polish and Australian linguist who is engaged in linguistic semantics, [...]
Whichever reason it may be, the important thing that a writer should realize is that it is normal to make errors in the first attempt.
The excerpt "the problem of speech genres" explores the infinite diversity of speech. In addition, the excerpt argues that style is complex and that it determines the nature of the grammar used in a specific [...]
Muller, it is possible to come across a number of different metacommentaries used by the author with the purpose to make sure that the readers can correctly understand the reasons of the elaborated information and [...]
In some cases, it may force the listener to make guesses based on the context of the speech to develop a meaning because the speaker could be pronouncing a word in a manner that is [...]
As noted from the name of the technique, the core of the task based technique in language learning is the task itself.
Moreover, the investigation is constructed to determine the differences in perceptions of the strategies by foreign language teacher and by Asian students, for the effect carried by the practice of these strategies may differ from [...]
In this case the students will be taught predominantly in English, which is the language that the students will be in the process of acquiring.
It is therefore believed that similarities and differences in various languages play a significant role in the acquisition of the second language, the more the differences, the difficult it is to acquire the second language [...]
In the article, the author seeks to enhance the understanding of anaphor agreement effect. To strengthen the perspective of argument marking, Shiraki shows the different roles that case and agreement play in the context of [...]
Some unaccusative verbs contain a theme and specify the location or state of the intended meaning of the verb, such as in the word 'go' which shows a location.
In this respect, Smith-Sutherland focuses on the culture of the Second Language learners and, thus, the researcher emphasizes the critical perspective of ethnographic research.
It is important to consider structural differences evident in the English language in order to understand how the norms of communication and ways of speaking differ for Arabic speakers learning the language.
Different results have led to the explanation of the language acquisition patterns that are revealed by children and adults of the first and second language.
This text aims to find the correct definition of the term 'bilingual', by identifying the characteristics that define a bilingual, the distinctions caused by the different times a language is learned, and whether learning a [...]
Through the use of this concept, the metaphor is understood better and meaning of the source and target is easily understood. The conceptual metaphor theory is useful in the understanding of the vital components of [...]
Language is said to be a system that tries to place meaning to a word, but for people to agree on a word in relation to the intended meaning, then there must be the universal [...]
The IELTS tests are available in over 800 centers and locations in 130 countries of the world, and are accessible internationally.
One of the most significant studies on the role of CPH in the acquisition of a second language was that conducted by Johnson and Newport.
However, this is part of the reason why it is very difficult to establish standards used in explaining English swear words into Arabic.
The author contents that a strong ending of a presentation will be a plus as it will leave an impact to the audience.
The attitude that teachers have on the use of L1 to teach L2 influences the performance in teaching the new language.
Therefore, the main objective of the study centers on assessing the influence and impact of local language in the administration of expatriate firms in Saudi Arabia.
For example, the phrase better is commonly used to demonstrate that a particular product is superior over other rival products that fall in the same category.
Most studies on the effectiveness of translation focus on the competence of the translator and the ability of the communicator and the translator to develop some element of synchronization in order to be effective.
In the 1990s, the latest developments in nation-building have begun emphasizing a corporate outlook and regionalism directly related to the use of the English language."The younger generation is tied to the pragmatics of English-knowing bilingualism [...]
It is also evident that the writer has an attitude towards the subject matter since the audience can easily identify with both the mood of the writer and the text itself.
The ways of how descriptivism and prescriptivism are applied to English reading and writing, the dialects of English, which are inherent to the chosen community, and the examples of dominants dialects will be discussed in [...]
The aim of this report is to discuss the problem of the endangered languages preservation taking into account the historic and cultural conditions of their development as well as the impact of the modern time. [...]
This is because the latter statement does not necessarily refer to the material used to build the house but to the ownership and occupancy of the structure.
At this point, the teach calls it "the end" of the first round, helps the students to identify the remaining mistakes if any and call for the second group which will be assigned a new [...]
After making communication easy, it is advisable to use the language of the listener to say, "I do not speak much of that language".
Partially, this can be explained by the fact that, as of today, there is a tendency among more and more cultural scientists, to refer to the concept of language in terms of an identity-forming tool.
When it comes to mentioning the positive aspects of being a bilingual person, the first and the foremost advantage to mention is the ability to convey specific ideas in either of the languages without any [...]
It is therefore imperative that institutions that admit students that use English as a second language put in place mechanisms to ensure that ESL students are taught how to avoid plagiarism and the penalties of [...]
From a professional perspective, the language should be regarded as a social practice contributes to social interaction and professional evaluation of a language environment.
The speech sensitized the audience on the dangers of food overproduction and cosmetic food standards. The examples connect him with the audience and people in different parts of the world.
More importantly, there still exist gaps in knowledge on the most successful coping strategies that international students can adopt to overcome the challenge presented by the problem of language barrier in the pursuit of their [...]
The question that this essay will be seeking to answer is: Must the learners of a first and second language go through all the stages of language acquisition?
In most East Asian countries, multilingualism is restricted to elites; although patterns of language ability differ between the classes multilingualism is the norm at all levels of the society.
Moreover, one is to keep in mind that multilingualism in the United States and "plurilingualism of individuals is one of the cornerstones of Europe".
In this regard, it can be stated that the process of second language acquisition is a platform for either improving one's identity or reinforcing one's identity as a member of the privileged class. In other [...]
What is needed in this particular case is a hypothesis that focuses on a specific subject and concise method of application in order to create a statement that leaves little confusion as to the type [...]
In order to be in a position to determine whether this word is used as a verb or as a noun, it would require one to get the context of the word.
In this essay the main points concerning the use of the word 'like' is highlighted with different views concerning the word examined The word like is used in a range of uses.
The comprehension of the application of a figurative language requires from one to be able to understand it in depth. The use of an analogy is appropriate in circumstances where the two cases in question [...]
According to historians, the dialects that are there today are not the same dialects that existed in the past and therefore it is the fact that dialects keep on changing according to the needs of [...]
An example of a cliche is 'the writing is on the wall.' The appropriate circumstances under which this cliche can be used is when referring to something that is about to happen.
For instance, she outlined the importance of the World Cup to the Middle East and the role of the football in uniting the whole region.
Crawford carried out a study on language extinction in the United States and pointed out that the problem of language loss is now considered a crisis and a threat to the entire world.
This greatly impedes on the communication efforts of the student in class Non native speakers have to take into consideration the culture of the Native speakers. This paper set out to highlight the variety of [...]
In Japan, honorific use is determined by the category of the addressee, that is, he/ she might be superior to the addresser, and this corresponds directly to the verb in use.
Aim and scope The aim of the research consists in investigation of the attitude toward the language policies implemented in order to encourage the rising generation to speak the Tai-yu language and be educated using [...]
For example, the noun insect in English is insecto in Spanish and professor in English is profesor in Spanish. Pronunciation of words in English and Spanish is very different as in Spanish, each letter in [...]
However, the degree to which the First Amendment protects commercial speech is not the same as that for other forms of speech protected by the Amendment.
Over the years, one of the results of the rise of the new indigenous movements has been the transformation of the national political cultures and the recognition of the realities of ethnic diversity and cultural [...]
Moreover, in the study of language, this approach can be quite beneficial, in the sense that, it better encourages the accommodation of foreign languages and cultures as opposed to the deficit model, because to a [...]
This paper tries to explain the reasons of low literacy in Canada and offers recommendations to improve the quality of workplace performance in the country.
To my mind, there are several reasons to make English the only official language in the United States of America, and the other languages, including Spanish, may be native or even preferable in some states [...]
However, the author attributes the level of proficiency in the second language to social and demographic factors such as exposure, education and the duration of residence in the United States.