This philosophical concept proposes to evaluate the set research tasks and allows for pluralism of opinions, which helps expand the boundaries of analysis and, at the same time, assess the infinity of the cognition process.
First of all, Plato created the people in the cave captives in order to rhetorically appeal to the audience's emotions and arouse the sensations that already exist in them, which, of course, already produces an [...]
It would not be an exaggeration to state that Plato's allegory of the cave only makes perfect sense if one views it in the light of the theory of forms.
Hochschild argues that the management of emotions in exchange for a wage leads to the "transmutation" of private life into a social one.
While its roots go back to Ancient Greece and Rome, natural law has remained a part of modern history.[1] In particular, the rise of Christianity contributed to the evolution of natural and revealed law and [...]
The Platonic dialogue in The Symposium epitomizes the progression that Diotima describes as pursuance of beauty in highly refined and generalized forms and each speech in the symposium takes the reader closer to the comprehension [...]
The first doctrine is that the more recondite phenomena of the mind are formed out of simple parts. Associationism is the theory of psychology explaining the connection between thoughts and past experiences.
Both virtue and vice build one's character and therefore can contribute to the view of happiness. Therefore, character education leads to happiness that is equal to the amount of wisdom and virtue.
The ideas which do not resemble the objects that caused them are the ones of secondary qualities: sound, color, odor, and taste.
Darwin gave the world his famous book On the Origin of Species, in which he tried to trace the genealogy of some species and which made a revolution in the world of science.
Thus, referring to the cases provided in the paper written by Gettier, it is important to state that in spite of the fact that it is possible to speak about the justified true belief as [...]
The issues of proper and timely judgment, sound conclusions, and reaction to the received information can be found in the stories such as A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor and Young [...]
Rene Descartes, a French philosopher and the founder of the mathematical rationalism, was one of the prominent figures in the field of philosophy of the 17th century.
To a large extent, Clarke's argument is based on the claim that every single truth is based on the fact that it must be true in the virtue of something that is quite distinct from [...]
Specifically, the paper dwells on the origins Russell's agnosticism as well as the major arguments that were provided by the philosopher in support of his theory.
He claimed that his wisdom was greater than that of other humans which means that the judges and the accusers did not possess any of it for he believed that they were invented people who [...]
The test for universal acceptance involve: determining the agent's maxim; imagining that everyone in the same position as the real-world agent observed that maxim; deciding if there is any contradictions generated from the maxim; if [...]
The political idea compared is justice and equality, the paper tries to describe the ideas of the two scholars as far as justice is concerned.
Dealing with people and trying to combat them, it is important to be aware of their abilities as the outcome of the battle also depends on whether one knows the strengths and weaknesses of an [...]
The thing is that there are societies in which the individual freedom of a person is practically non-existent, for instance, one can mention North Korea.
Post structuralism in teaching can be regarded as critical in the modern world since it is diversified and ideas are used in respect to the way they are expressed or brought to existence.
The main objective is to convince the other and win. However, the objects may be between what is true and what is not.
The open question argument is an attempt of George Moore, an English philosopher, to prove that natural properties cannot be reduced to moral ones.
Trying Out One's New Sword is a story about refuting the theory of moral isolationism and barriers that divide the world into independent units with their values and traditions.
The change of character, social rejection, and ultimate despair can be possible negative implications of the philosophy investigation. Therefore, the philosophy exploration can lead to the despair caused by a clear understanding of the world's [...]
Death is a way to escape suffering and people who compromised principles and caused harm to others do not deserve an easy release from the pangs of conscience.
Since deontological theory assesses the importance of an individual's goodwill in the performance of activities that are right, it was correct for the coach to hire Gareth Bale because owners, management, and fans of the [...]
The Philosophy of the Unconscious is the most important encyclopedic work of Eduard von Hartmann, in which the phenomenon of the unconscious is subjected to careful analysis not only from a biological and psychological, but [...]
For instance, in the case of the Japanese mass killing, the government is encouraging the nation to heal in a way they consider to be the most convenient.
He knows that his rejection is not about qualification and neither is it a result of the alleged phone he does not have but has more to do with his social status.
For harmony to prevail, human beings have to live in accordance to the two kinds of order; that is nature and convention.
Also, his philosophy conveys the importance and the beauty of the life of faith in the midst of a discouraging world.
One of the first important considerations he gives to his assessment of why humans engage in art is the constant oppositions he finds in nature the male/female opposition being the strongest of these as they [...]
This is due to the fact that individuals can effectively plan what is of necessity to them and the society in general.
For an action to be considered virtuous, it must originate from an individual and be in the self-interest of whoever is claiming to be virtuous.
The study of the books of the Bible requires the ability of the scholar to understand the meaning of the words.
He also explains that we as humans tend to relate to things based on our perception and not on a neutral basis; as quoted, "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit".
Divine ego is part of the mind that reacts to reality by deciding on what options to take in response to life experiences. Human beings, therefore, need to have faith in the Almighty.
One of the most important problems in philosophy is the ultimate nature of reality and the relationships of its spiritual and material constituents.
The state of being is crucially determined by the principle of fundamentalism, which in turn leads to the essence of an object."The attributes, singly or collectively that make an object of a substance what it [...]
In this article, Todorov argued that the manifestation of the "repetition and difference" aspect of the narrative requires the application of a specific formula.
The moneyed class or the capitalists, those who own the means of production are grouped into one class, while the labourers and the proletariat belong to another; they are also known as the exploiting and [...]
According to Friedman, 1970 he believed that when organization engage in social responsibility, a closer analysis will reveal that it aims to improve its image in the eye of the consumers, the government, the local [...]
Physicalists claim that a non-physical nature of the world cannot be the determinant of the state of the world since the world is physical in nature.
It is possible for one to live in a state of tranquility or ataraxia when one limited oneself to the necessary and natural things of life.
Though called 'apology' by Plato, the speech is not actually an apology- Socrates was attempting use his wisdom to justify his teachings and beliefs, and not to apologize for his actions.[2] First, his concise and [...]
In spite of the infinite reproaches, debates and libels made against his observation, Galilei Galileo disapproved the endured concept that the earth was the epicenter of the world. The untiring doubt might give rise to [...]
Another way of understanding the concept of truth is through looking at it on the grounds of whether it is absolute or relative.
This is to mean that the life of a person is what makes up what is referred to as the person's 'essence'.
Thus, the recurrent themes similar to the Chinese philosophy of Yin-Yang and Western philosophy are the constant transformation, balance, and interconnectedness of all elements in the universe.
Additionally, the philosopher distinguishes two moralities, each with its interpretation of the cognitive role of emotions: a civic morality of judicial process in the Nicomachean Ethics and a contemplative ethics of theoretical study in Politics.
People gain vital abilities that prepare them for a variety of jobs through the study of philosophy. Only philosophy makes a distinctive contribution to the growth of expressive and communication abilities.
The deontological approach is based on the principle of the goodwill of the actor and the inviolability of the patient's rights.
It is not individual achievements but rather the feeling of having contributed to a general human goal and becoming a better person that grants life meaning.
Although the Augustinian-Dispensational framework has several distinctive issues, particularly, the one with the identification of the nature of sin, it still needs to be examined as a valid interpretation of the concept of holiness and [...]
In this paper, emotions and moral judgment are defined; assumptions in regards to the influence of emotions on moral judgments are presented along with models and research findings that support these assumptions.
One of the principles of justice deals in maintaining the political order in the society, Rawls advocates that every human should have equal rights to the simple liberty which is well-matched with other person's liberty.
This essay examines Descartes' principle ideas of the utility of doubt for arriving at truths and the concept of dualism between the mind and the body.
It is also pertinent that the concept of Time is comprehended in relation to the concept of Motion. In an analysis of the nature of Time, it is most relevant to remember that Aristotle was [...]
An epistemological turn is a philosophical term which in the history of philosophy, refers to the shift in philosophical attention from the classical and medieval focus on themes of metaphysics to a primary focus on [...]
The varying views about verification fall into two broad categories; one which is the verification theory of meaning as it claims to specify the nature of meaning and the other one seeks to provide standard [...]
In summary, becoming is seen as the special case of being. The research on philosophy of being and becoming was confusing in defining the clear distinction between the two concepts.
In my opinion, that in the context of marriage and adultery, there is a connection between love and sex. According to Halwani, adultery is permissible in situations where the partner does not demonstrate fidelity, including [...]
The concept shared by the author consists in the statement that human life is irrational: one has to admit that it is senseless and is forced to overcome this knowledge to continue living, working, and [...]
I think the significance of metaphysic in philosophy is to explain the meaning of things that do not change. In such context, the society is observed as an individual.
At the same time, our human practicality interferes with our ability to understand and perceive the feelings of others; the core problem is that "each is bound to feel intensely the importance of his own [...]
In order to develop a sufficient understanding of what this proposition means, it is necessary to recognize the specifics of the philosopher's approach to philosophy and how it relates to practical life.
For example, to Sartre, a prisoner of war is free, existentially, but this freedom does not exist in the physical realm.
Following Descartes' argument, the mind is independent of the body yet eye witness testimony relies on a judgment that has to be internalized as memory on the mind.
Among this view's foremost weaknesses is named the fact that it is based upon the philosopher's belief in the existence of God.
The moral and intellectual pleasures were considered to be "highest pleasures", and the experiences, that caused satisfaction of flesh were considered to be "lower pleasures". The pleasures of the majority, in that case, are considered [...]
A scholar perceives the natural world in a way that is free of past influence. He states that self-reliance is a concept that applied to the American scholar who must exercise a great deal of [...]
The sensitivity of the information that is collected in the process of grounded theory research determines the applicability of the developed concepts.
Ontology as a name was developed from a Greek word 'onto' which means 'being' or 'that which is.' Ontology is a branch of metaphysics that deals with issues about the existence of entities, and how [...]
Kant indicates that the goodness has not to contain a meaning of the consequences and results, it is good in itself.
A strong connection exists between the ideas of the two philosophers, Plato and Galileo, whereby, the actual nature of human mind and the nature of learning have been exposed. This is contrasted to the massive [...]
In the modern law, the structure of the system is arranged in a manner that involves representation of power. The point is that power must have a conception in the minds of the people that [...]
Descartes attempted to doubt everything he ever thought was true by attacking the sources of knowledge, such as; the senses, the mind and our imagination.
In philosophy of government, Plato argues that philosophers are the most knowledgeable members of society; thus, they deserve to be rulers because they understand what is right for humanity and government.
The aim of the paper is to reveal the nature of human conduct from the philosophical point of view. That is why, the nature of human conduct is a difficult aspect of a human being.
And as lying is a form of communication, and people know this fact, the only way out in order not to be defrauded is stop communicating.
In a way, this contradicts his above reasoning that if there is no one to experience the loss of good life, then the absence of suffering and realization is not bad at all.
From this point, beauty can be discussed as the attribute of things and as the independent form, and deja vu is the example of the reality as illusion because the life is only the reflection [...]
This can be seen from the honor that a man is regarded or the rank or reputation a person holds in the society.
Their organization is such that the top in the rank consists of all properties of the one at the bottom. The rational soul's ability to reason that is not in the other types of souls.
As they argue with Socrates on the issue of injustice, Thrasymachus says that justice "is nothing more than the advantage of the stronger". According to them, the cardinal aim of Thrasymachus is to prove that [...]
The major difference between good morality and bad morality according to Nietzsche is that good morality is connected to nobility and bad morals are linked to the common man and simplicity.
Divine command theory is based on the idea that God is the determinant of right and wrong behavior. It is wrong for believers to say that the commandments given by God are arbitrary because He [...]
In the ancient times, a hero in the Greek was regarded as a person with overwhelming courage to face the challenges that affected the community, some of the common challenges of the ancient times included [...]
The ideas articulated in the works by Thoreau and the basic principles of Transcendentalism are consistent with the social, political, cultural, and economic changes that happened in the United States in the middle of the [...]
If everything is in order with the legal side and the only question is a moral choice, I would do everything to save the child.
Lilian was the name of a young girl who lived in the area and was the same age as me. It was suggested that I see a therapist to lessen the impact on my mental [...]
Kant proceeds to identify a philosophical gap in the form of the lack of a means to determine the possibility, principles, and scope of pure knowledge.
Socrates addresses the problem of humans, the question of the essence of man, of his nature. It is important to mention the glory of Socrates.
The knowledge itself that those assumptions exist and vary allows people to perceive their own biases and question whether or not these biases influence their judgment.
He explores the forms of cognition and considers the question of the sources of the formation of ideas and concepts. Locke believes that external experience and perception give ideas of such qualities that belong to [...]
Firstly, nature is the source of human spirituality and love, and Emerson confirms this by stating that "a nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of Beauty".
The philosopher argues that the accomplishment of the goal of solving the cases of stress must be based on an individual's pleasure and actions that promote happiness. For instance, Bentham argues that the chain of [...]
The source of moral universalism is considered human nature, particularly the susceptibility of a person, the ability to empathize, and the resulting need for argumentation for persuasion.
In general, Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave" and LeGuin's "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" address the same theme the truth and how it may affect people's reality.
That is to say, there is a realization of the absurdity of human existence and that, therefore, life is not worth living.
Therefore, the meaning of "utopia" did not change to a tangible extent, as the modern meaning aligns with the one that More assigned to it.
Taylor emphasizes that the difficulty of the task and the amount of time needed to accomplish it are not relevant to the concept of meaninglessness. Therefore, it can be concluded that Taylor is the proponent [...]
In the words of Kant, utilitarianism cannot be used as a yardstick in the evaluation of human actions because it is not universal.
Allegory by the Cave is one of the widely read and used books of Plato. Plato's view on a Utopian society is slightly different in the sense that it is aligned more towards religion compared [...]
In the work The Scientific Life, Shapin writes: "The scientist was properly to be understood not on the model of the philosopher but on the model of the engineer and technician".
Even in times of ancient Jews and peoples which surrounded them the core accent consisted in the purity of spirit, soul and body, but most of all they emphasized the concept of spiritual life minding [...]
The most difficult thing is getting to know the truth, to know the truth it takes a lot and there is no prescribed procedure getting to know the same.
An understanding of the essence of art is inseparable from the understanding the world of human nature and views on society.
The purpose of this essay is to consider the Euthyphro dilemma and what problem it poses for the Divine Command Theory.
The teachings of the old and the wise seemed buried in the annals of yesteryears. This is courage in the truest sense of the word because it leads to many other virtues.
These aspects are all related in the sense that ideology is used to execute power by means of the state apparatuses.
As a rule, a traditional logical inference has two basic elements, i.e, a premise and a conclusion. Therefore, A.
Since overcoming the adverse effects of such a phenomenon is beyond the capacity of human beings, the presence of horrendous evil signifies the inconsistency of optimism as a viable, sustainable posture in life and demands [...]
In order to form a solid basis on how the two theories visualize the ability of man to reason, it is important to have a valid understanding of the theories themselves.
The right to success is personal and largely depends on the determination of the individual these are the views of Alain.
That being the case, the concept mainly focuses on the relationships between outputs and the targeted inputs. This knowledge explains why the two aspects of materialism will make it easier for individuals to redefine their [...]
According to the author, human actions do not depend on determinism or "free will". I will use this idea in order to promote the best actions.
Confucius taught that the role of the elders is to teach the youth and the role of the youth is to learn from the elders.
Despite the proof that Nielsen provides for the fact that determinism and freedom can actually coexist and, moreover, complement each other, Nielsen makes it clear that the existence of moral luck defines the boundaries of [...]