There is the baptism of John meant for the Jews, Christian water baptism, the baptism of Jesus in suffering, the baptism of the holy spirit and the baptism of Jesus by fire.
The discrepancies might be determined by the fact that the Gospel of Mark was written before the Gospel of John; thus, the author might have experienced less impact of the social vision of God.
In the Old Testament, we had Isaiah who prophesized the coming of the Son of God and in the New Testament we had John the Baptist who talked immensely about Jesus Christ and he was [...]
Despite the impressiveness of Buber's ideas and the fact that there is a doubtless intrigue in Buber's considerations, Heschel makes it clear that the obedience to God and following the postulates that the Bible gives [...]
These key points are the question of good works which is discussed in Chapter 3, the problem of understanding the Bible, and the issue of atheism discussed in the chapter about the connection of ethics [...]
Universal Values In Islam, there is emphasis on the community and when the religious people teach the people the law, they emphasize that Allah looks at the community and expects the society to be just.
This is well elaborated in the bible as an explanation of the reward to the righteous and the justices that will be accorded to the evil.
Some Christians believe that death is safe to the people of God and that it is a necessity to fit in the complete delight of God.
Paul was a missionary theologian who forged his theological reflections in the face of his understanding of the Old Testament, what has happened in the Christ event, his own experience of resurrected Lord and the [...]
We have a debt to love God because of His unconditional love for us, His will to draw us closer to Him while we are still sinners and His work in our lives even when [...]
In this extensive metaphysical work, she widely explores the nature of God's love, in which we are given 'snapshots' of love in the guise of: Father, Son and Spirit; Mother God, even, the comfort and [...]
The book by Irving is a portrayal of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, as He is regarded in the entire spectrum of the Arab nation.
Arjuna is clearly not able to understand the manifestations of the Supreme Lord and that is why he requests him to explain his manifestations in detail.
Rumi also teaches on the need for self-will in faith to show how one needs to be the master of his/her faith.
On the other hand, the premise of the infallibility of the bible is based on the fact that it was created as a direct action of divine intervention wherein the Holy Spirit inspired the original [...]
The second objective is to articulate the effect of religions on the economy and the political establishments of a society. The existence of a lot of information on the impact of religion on society made [...]
In the book 1, Augustine acknowledges the forgiving nature of God and his desire to be forgiven by God. This essentially refers to his endless desire for the grace of God.
Thesis Statement: "Should the Concepts of Inerrancy and Infallibility in the Bible be utilized as Sufficient Justifications of the Legitimacy of Religious Positions on Social Issues?" It is quite interesting to note that studies such [...]
Proverbs 15:18 counsels against adultery and urges that a man is happy and rejoice in the wife of his youth. This means that self esteem is important in a person's life to make rational decisions.
Redaction criticism is another method employed by today's scholars to analyze how the writers in the bible shaped their source material, to reconstruct the community and to establish the role of the writers of the [...]
In other words, one can state that while religion may sometimes be the cause of evil, without religion there is no basis for religious morality.
Analyzing the opinions of different researchers, it is possible to consider faith as a set of the moral principles caused by the personal experience of God, while grace is a gift given by God in [...]
Additionally, God does not only chooses those who are to be protected and saved he can control thoughts and actions of all people and this is really important as impacting the actions of people God [...]
The second article called Islam, Procreation and the Law discusses the moral and religious codes with regard to the notions of reproduction and sexuality treated from a historical perspective.
In this regard, the equation relating the calculation of this period prophesized by Daniel on the coming of a Messiah disregards Jesus as the expected Messiah on the basis of His time of birth.
The components of the Hadith are: The text, also known as the matn, the isnad and the traf which is the part of the text that refer to the deeds and sayings of the prophet [...]
Historically, since the dawn of oral and written communication, humans have been searching for the meaning of their own existence. Therefore, humans innately have a sense of right and wrong even in the absence of [...]
Another description of faith pertains the view that all that exists because of the creation is a gift to humanity and that all should be grateful for it.
Jesus was called the Son of God to mean the chosen one on behave of God to come and rescue the people of the world who were sinners.
Therefore, Christians who are regarded as the light of the world should be at the fore front in encouraging people to do what is right while shunning evil and other related acts.
I acknowledge the idea of God being like an electronic circuit by the fact that God created everything and thus through Him we can get the access of all where as without Him, it is [...]
It was after he joined the camp that his faith decreased as he could not clearly understand why God could not rescue him and others that he deemed to have suffered more than he did, [...]
The central belief of the Confucius is the relationship between man and man. In Daoism the Ultimate Reality is both the creator and the perpetual truth of the universe.
The Shahada talks about the uniqueness of Allah and his prophet Mohammed, Salat is a description of how Muslims worship or pray to Allah, Zakat, refers to the practice of helping the poor members of [...]
In Christianity the character is divided into two aspects where one should exercise the love to God and to man, just as Christ grouped the Ten Commandments in to two.
Over the course of the evolution of Christian religion, it was supported by a number of Christian leaders, who introduced the basic concepts of Christian faith to all those willing to learn about it and [...]
Human beings need to meditate from time to time to find out specific modes of behaviour they need to observe. The value of hard work is used to explain how human beings need to be [...]
Augustine to recall of his memories from the past in order to recognize the rottenness of his past life once again and to love the God.
One night, Prophet Muhammad appeared to the poet in a dream and wrapped him in a cloak, which is described in the poem as a mantle and then he was cured."Eighth Class" of Ibn Sina's [...]
Nearly halfway to the sermon, the preacher tells his congregation that he is excited that the Academic Worship Day falls on the Feast of Saint Monica. Thereafter, he employs pathos to appeal to the feelings [...]
In addition, human beings were created in the image and likeness of God in order to resemble the form in which God's Son Jesus Christ could come to give His life to the sinners and [...]
Buddhism is based on the assumption that reality is a constant instability together with the principle of interdependence, the dominance of mind and consecrated admiration of health and the world.
The representatives of the school were interested in Christ's human values and his power of self determination in order to preserve the Jesus' human involvement and emphasize the reality of the suffering of the Christ.
The only thing that remains generally and undoubtedly acceptable is that there is inevitable death and that it is appropriate to prepare for it.
Finally, the author estimates that harmony is the "essential ingredient" of all religions and it is a guarantee of the welfare of all nations.
One of the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith is its focus on the holy trinity which is composed of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit each aspect, while separate, [...]
To understand the nature of differences and similarities in the English translations of the Bible and their role in the texts' interpretation, it is necessary to focus on the analysis of the passages from The [...]
The marriage between philosophy and theology led to the birth of philosophical theology. Notable to mention is that, the theory of atonement was used both in philosophy and theology doctrines.
In discussing the concept of mortality in Hinduism, it is vital to appreciate the fact that liberation of the souls ensures that life remains permanent, before death and after the natural process of recuperation.
In the philosophical argument presented by the book, Pascal's Wager, by Jeff Jordan with regard to the existence and work of God, it emerges that people's belief in God is often enhanced by self-interests rather [...]
Based on the founders of the dogma, theology of hope analyses eschatology from the resurrection of the Messiah onwards rather from the creation of the universe.
The purpose of life in Christianity's view is to serve God. This is a big contrast to the Buddhism view on destiny.
Jataka tells the story of Prince Vassantara to give people the model to follow. It is necessary to note that Jataka describes Prince Vassantara in the way he does to give people the model to [...]
However, the novelty of the approach wears off quickly, since the only original idea of the presuppositional apologetics is that Christian religion is the only rational explanation for everything that happens in the world.
The chain of transmission consists in reliance and dependence of the scientists on the sequence of deductions. In addition, hadith strongly relates to the study of soul and spirit that are differentiated in the Islamic [...]
The lack of consensus regarding the nature and effect of pain in religious context has produced a number of arguments, which, in their turn, can be tracked down to the famous truth claim of Jesus [...]
Maulana also argues that our God is the God of the Koran and the source of love. God is love and He shapes the world according to His plan.
Although Ruth is not an Israelite, her perseverance and persistence eventually, get her a place in the genealogy of Jesus. He shows a lot of kindness to Ruth and is very appreciative of her service [...]
This is one of the scriptures which indicate that God is in control of the events happening in the Universe. This is reflective of the love of God to man.
Muslims have the conviction that the Qur'an holds all the acumen and understanding that Allah gave to humankind to lead a virtuous life and revere him accordingly.
To understand the concept of evil in Hinduism one should understand the meaning the concept of karma, which is believed to be one of the simplest and at the same time one of the most [...]
Thus, the main postulates of Christianity such as the view of God, Jesus, and Salvation among the representatives of those two groups of Christians as Adoptionists and Gnostics were absolutely different. The view of God [...]
Describing the content of book, the author indicates that there are the same messages as in the Torah and the Bible; however, the Qur'an contains the messages about the prophets of the Arab tradition and [...]
One of the main problems of the modern world is tat people are unable to understand their unreality and the existence in the illusion.
The word 'path' suggests that the only way to attain religious righteousness is through following the words of the Lord. The article talks of the importance of repentance to the soul.
Thus, dwelling upon the vision of the Jesus' resurrection and their view of the apocalyptic world, it is possible to say that Jesus' divine, immortality and other specific characteristics connected with the resurrection may be [...]
Sara Monopoli's problems had started with a cough and a pain in her back and by the time, the doctors discovered that it was lung cancer; the disease had already spread to the lining of [...]
The relationship Eliezer has with his father at the beginning of the story can be compared to the one he has with God soon after the tough experiences and problems at the Nazi concentration camps [...]
Jews and Christians are mentioned frequently in the Quran, the Sunna, and in biographies of the prophet. A prerequisite of polygamy is for the wives to have the same rights and privileges.
Besides, Satan attempted to convince Him to jump from the top of the temple and authorize the angels to save Him to prove that he was the son of God.
According to him, this light is the one which made him, so it is higher than his mind in the sense that the sky is above the earth, and it is exalted.
Judaism According to Anon, this is one of the religions that have their origin in the covenant of Abraham with God.
Most of the doctrines and Islamic teachings are contained in the Quran and the Sunna. This categorisation laid emphasis on the credibility of the writer during the validation of the hadith that the writer gave.
The existence of God is justified in the sense that existence in the mind as a concept limits the idea of God already in the minds of people.
Ironically, about 50% of the voters are women but they refrain from taking up the offices due to the misunderstanding of the holy books and fear of rejection from the society especially men who are [...]
The first one is an accepted philosophy among many Hindus and made evident in the early part of the Bhagavad Gita when it tells of the prelude to war and the justification as to why [...]
The sensitivity of the matter have drawn the attention of many theologians to add their views and understanding of the events and circumstance of the life of Jesus Christ and his role as the founder [...]
Life is permanent but death is the transition of a human soul to either one of the six Buddhist realms. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of death from the Buddhist [...]
Poor members of the society cling to religion and the political systems may tend to support it so as to acquire social control.
Though some people still believe that power does not mean care, the image in the window proves another aspect: people have the right to be understood, and the angels are ready to show the way [...]
The author emphasizes the necessity of obeying and worshiping God, when he says "After birth we envision God to be improved edition of ourselves, then the provider of comfort and all that is absent in [...]
Because of Gods preferential treatment of Abraham, he learnt of the impending destruction of Sodom and Gommorrah, and had opportunity to plead with God on behalf of the two cities. It was at Haran that [...]
The bible, which is the religious reference book for Christians, presents the beginning of their faith and the birth of the religion.
Biblically, the theme of 'chosen people' stands out in both the Old and the New Testament extending further to the contemporary society despite the evident changes in meaning as the paper points out.
Apart from secondary data, more information was also obtained from primary sources for instance, through interviews with some of the old people of the Buddhism society, who had information about who the person was and [...]
In this paper, I am going to discus some of Lin-chi's principles and practices, such as the role of the hit and shout in Lin-chi's style of teaching, Lin-chi's exhortations not to be swayed by [...]
The theology of creation as reflected in Genesis presents the Church's thinking and views about the relationship between the almighty God and the physical world as it is informed by our own comprehension of the [...]
The New Testament and The Old Testaments tell that women have to inferior to men as the authority of God is really great, and God is the only one, who has the right to judge, [...]
Lewis wanted to convey in The Chronicles of Narnia, was the idea of Christian spirituality and its impact on the life of every character.