In fact, they are quite sharp in their writings; for example, Ch'oe Ikhy n refers to the Japanese as people who "have the face of human beings but the mind of beasts" and repeatedly refers [...]
The work by Robert Owen, "Lectures on the Rational System of Society", is written in the middle of the 19th century."Socialism and Human Nature" is created by Arnold Peterson in the middle of the 20th [...]
The first challenge is to explore and determine the source of the epistemic privilege of an experiment. Parke also observed that simulations are seen to have less impact than experiments on the generation of scientific [...]
The revolution in science and the appearance of new technologies triggered a new wave of vigorous discussions about the possibility of the creation of a scientific approach that would help to extend the average human [...]
Although the Platonic view of value has gained much acceptance since its emergence, it has failed to address some of the underlying issues that deter the universality of things and the need for associative rules [...]
The whole world is currently taking a paradigm shift towards trying to find the reason and meaning of life. A perfect philosophical way of life is the philosophy of the three Ls which stand for; [...]
Religion, philosophy, and literature are unique disciplines that pioneer and influence people's lives in contemporary culture, thus enable people to feel and see the reality of life.
I find meaning in my life when I help people that I encounter in my life. This means that life, when a person follows the Christian rules, is full of spirituality and thus meaning.
Rene Descartes is arguably the father of modern philosophy; he is the one philosopher who is heralded for the introduction of algebra and the connection that lay between algebra and the scholarly subject of geometry.
The latter is the most famous saying of Heraclitus that refers to the idea of change as the fundamental essence of the world.
One of his most recognized works is "The Prince," a political treatise of the 16th-century Italy that is known to give the start to a direct conflict between the Catholic Church and scholarly doctrines.
In the Pythagoreanism school of thought, the focus of the thought pattern is the esoteric teachings of mathematical nature to explain different phenomena in life.
When speaking on the topic of life, and the importance of vital values for oneself, one cannot avoid mentioning the era of enlightenment and the legendary German philosopher, Immanuel Kant.
It is imperative to mention that the discussion of the human mind has led to many disagreements among thinkers, and the difference between the theories that they propose is rather significant.
If I were to say the truth in the questionnaire in order to preserve my moral integrity and fall in line with the Police Code and Kantian standards for morality, I would be compelled to [...]
Another characteristic of this stage of moral speculation is that the speculators mostly view the dilemma through the lens of consequences it might result in and engage them in a direct or indirect manner.
The above factors are completely out of our control thereby affirming the fact that we do not act out of free will. Essentially, we may seem to have free will but our actions and decisions [...]
On the other hand, dualism denies physicalism, or that the physical facts of human bodies do not determine the composition of human beings.
One of the most notable cases is a contradiction between David Hume and Descartes who shared different views based on what they did perceive of the body and the mind of an individual.
Another confine that can be used to explain the solutions in tragedy is that the solution must contain elements of pain and pleasure at the same time.
As for the Deontology theory, its primary absolute is the proposition that rules and obligations define the morality of various actions as perceived by people.
Plato thinks that knowledge is a guide to perform practical actions while true beliefs only in certain cases may lead to practical actions.
The following paper will evaluate the presentations in support of Plato's conception of Eros, by using a different approach in understanding appearance and reality and their influence on love, fate and eternity."The Consolation of Philosophy" [...]
As a perfect example of thought-provoking and emotional movies, My Own Private Idaho can affect people's political sensibilities and represent politics and power in an unfavorable light: no positive patterns connected with power and authorities [...]
The reasoning and ideas of Parmenides have been of great significance in the modern world as far as teaching and the quest for knowledge are concerned.
Thus, Hursthouse's approach to discussing the ethically relevant aspects in the life of human beings with the focus on ethical naturalism is convincing because the philosopher assumes the difference in people who can be good [...]
Chinese calligraphy is one of the premier practices of Chinese art and is considered an essential feature of Chinese culture. The beauty of calligraphy is realized only when we combine the expressions of the words [...]
Clifford's essay "The Ethics of Belief", it is difficult to come to conclusion whether it is necessary to believe without arguments or not.
It is in the ally of the state for through its leaders to maintain a status and to achieve power and secure its goods.
This is the reason why Clifford states that the ship owner should be condemned on the basis of making a judgment without sufficient evidence In his pragmatism, James sees the truth in terms of usefulness [...]
Nicomachean Ethics is one of the most significant works of the prominent ancient philosopher, dedicated to the analysis of the moral purposes and virtues of a man.
A critical review of the book, Ishmael an adventure of the Mind and Spirit, shows how the author of the book presents themes in an appropriate manner.
Buddha's response to the speculation as to whether death marks the end of life is explained by referring to death as a rite of passage to another stage and not the end of living.
The writing of the text is easy to read and understand, and it is not overfilled with unnecessary words. The view of this book depends on what a reader is expecting to receive from it.
To begin with, emotions do not always guarantee that a person will make a judgment that is beneficial to the entire society. It will be a subjective moral decision that is likely to be detrimental [...]
Euthyphro's second proposed definition of piety is that "what is dear to the gods is pious", and he is sure that this definition is appropriate.
Additionally, it is possible to say that it is not just a religion, however, it is the way of life and philosophy.
However, the evolution of society and human thought resulted in the increased efficiency of cognition tools and the appearance of new ideas to describe the main regularities according to which the world and universe function.
It is essential to note that the nature of the society goes ahead of the family and the individual. In this regard, it is possible to follow the teaching of Aristotle concerning modern community organization.
Ethics is a moral code that governs the behavior or conduct of an activity."Ethics is thus said to be the science of conduct".
Any delay could cause the loss of people's lives, and the financial and reputational losses to the airline and partner companies would be enormous.
The neo-Kantian theories seem to present a view that is founded on pessimism in the contemporary world that is marked by the politics of dominance.
This is done so that in the end there is a way that the individual can be able to conquer or attain the trust of the other party.
Holistic, a term used by the writer, is appropriate as the nature of the writing tends to elaborate the idea of describing the concepts of knowledge as a whole and the differentiation of parts that [...]
In answering the question on when the government is justified in compelling its citizens to obey the laws, he observed that the conflicts in achieving the desires could be controlled by the obedience of the [...]
Plato used the analogy of the sun, the line, and the cave in explaining the living conditions of prisoners in the cave.
Kant also recognized goodwill as the only absolute good; he refused to accept that the notion of goodwill could be established by referring to a tangible good.
Human reasoning is the ability of the human mind to utilize some part of the universal reason, and therefore is intangible and separate from the body.
Therefore, it is possible to state that all religions have the same goal though they may have different tools to achieve it but people should embrace the idea of religious pluralism, as it will enable [...]
Human beings rely on the available evidence to generate beliefs about life and goals that should be attained, and thus the use of reason leads to success in these objectives.
In this light, this paper seeks to support the argument that knowledge is possible regardless of the drawbacks instigated by the skeptical theorists.
According to the author, the creative process has been the subject of various myths. The first viable idea was to present a combination of ideas that focused on both adolescents and teachers.
Similarly, political leaders who use flattery to get to the positions of power, but they fail to deliver their promises. This indicates that political leaders should strive to always grant their advisors the freedom to [...]
In Christian context, the Bible is the principle guide to ethical conduct and all actions should be in conformity to it.
Consequently, human beings' ability to know about the external world is subject to the examination of various arguments. In addition, because human beings lack a basic belief that encompasses the existence of an eternal world, [...]
In conclusion, it is possible to note that Confucian ideas had a significant impact on development of the Japanese society in the 8th century.
In his work, The Ethics of Belief, Clifford gives the reader the impression that any belief that people construct to guide them should always have enough evidence to support it.
In the current paper, the author will extrapolate on what Morris is saying and analyze the impacts of the arguments on the workplace.
However, the real issue here is whether the resources that are produced in the society can be shared equally among the members of the society because of the nature and orientation of people in the [...]
Velasquez observes that ethics, as set by the society, are supposed to guide and determine the behavior of individuals, which is supposed to be acceptable in the society.
The actions of people are considered moral or immoral based on the assessment of the consequences of such acts on the people engaged in the acts and the people who are affected by the acts.
In this article, Markets, the Profit Motive and the Environment, Rodney Peffer identifies conflicting viewpoints on the impact of the market economy on the environment.
For instance, one can mention Peter Singer, who argues that it is necessary to accept the ethical responsibilities of a person to non-human animals.
The evaluation is carried out from the perspective of Althusser's "On the Reproduction of Capitalism". The Marxist approach is one example of a complex political and economic ideology.
Generally, the political dynamics of the country have numerously become a challenge for the country due to underrepresentation of some Sudanese groups, deprivation of power, exclusion, power discrepancies, and existence of a government that has [...]
Utilitarianism relates to the concept of value in that the quality of something which is good is measured by the value attached to it.
The leader should be flexible enough to alter his ways in accordance to the realities of the day. The leader must be willing to change his approach if necessary in order to be in tune [...]
There is a kind of ethical dilemma, and Kant's Principle of Universalization offers one of the possible solutions to treat strong encryption as a morally permissible concept that is wrong to prohibit or make obligatory.
It is necessary to note that the author refers to extreme cases of altruism and to the roots of the concept.
Instead, it underlined the logical explanations of the world existence as well as attempted to ground the idea of reality processes as the evictions of changing procedures in a never-changing space.
That is, in their strive to prove the existence of God, theologians mainly operate with the categories of logic, which in turn is expected to legitimize the validity of the would-be obtained insights into the [...]
This is probably the main pitfalls that should be avoided because it can pose a threat to a great number of people or society, in general. This is one of the issues that should not [...]
In the Symposium and in the Apology, Socrates revealed the power of questioning the status quo and to see circumstances from a different frame of reference.
It is necessary to note that it is benign most of the time, but the issue is that such behavior may not be liked by other members of society, and it can lead to numerous [...]
The concept of transparency is important to anyone interested in the ethics of human dignity and the perpetual peace of Immanuel Kant. The practice of altruism in the markets is not the alternative to markets [...]
It has been argued that a creation-myth can rarely be differentiated from a narrative of origination; this is because a narrative of origination would present the existence of a deity in a period of infinite [...]
This state of awakening is the highest good that a human being can achieve, and all Buddhists are urged to aspire to achieve it.
This paper discusses the subject of justice and specifically holds the view that justice is to follow one's consciousness, and not to obey the unjust law.
To a great extent, they profoundly influenced people's views on the origins of life, the transformation of society and the behavior of an individual within the community. This is one of the main details that [...]
To Karl, the key element of religion is that it is a human product."it is man who makes religion, not religion that makes man"; that it is a product of those in power, controlling production.
The ongoing drought in many parts of the world is attributable to the changes in climate. Due to the high temperatures experienced in various parts of the world, the ice is likely to melt, and [...]
The jurors argued that Socrates' ideas and teachings corrupted the minds of young people. Some scholars believe that Socrates' views and beliefs could have influenced the later works of Plato, particularly in literary writings.
The aim of this essay is to explain the values on which the essay A Discourse on the Love of our Country is focused.
This is of particular concern to the interpretation of Socrates's political and philosophical visions. In particular, the source introduces a multifaceted analysis of Socrates' personality and his philosophical outlook on life.
The life and people started to be studied from the perspective of science, not from the religious point of view. This was the period when the meaning and power of critical thinking started to be [...]
A comparative study of the existence of ghosts cannot be separated from the narrative of the various religions of the world.
In the second article entitled Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction by David Harvey, the author is quite categorical that neoliberalism "is a theory of political economic practices". To begin with, it is apparent that the media [...]
Nonetheless, Confucianism is still present in Asian people's minds and in their literary works as their philosophy, affected by different intrusions, is rooted in their hearts in the form of genetic memory.
To Plato, democracy was the worst form of governance because it was the tyranny of the multitude. Furthermore, the effects of the war were hard to take because people lost everything they had.
Socrates argues that autocratic leadership is an important structure of ensuring that the rule of law is followed and that the common good of all societal members is enhanced.
West is of the view that blacks in the United States are different from those in other parts of the world because of the exceptional levels of unregulated and uncontrolled violence that is always directed [...]
I define leadership as the ability to apply specific strategies of communication, decision making, and problem-solving to address the challenges of leading people in order to achieve certain outcomes that align with one's personal values, [...]
The new generations must respect that creating new things or ideas must be in respect to the desires of humans and God.
The essay below argues that comedy acts as a political communication tool, prompts political viewpoints, and triggers political engagements. As such, the relationship between exposure to political comedy and power has been well documented.
The second theory that will be discussed is one according to which the Earth is the center of the world. The theory that the Earth is the center of the world is scientific, according to [...]
It is also important to add that these values are only declared in many countries while the power is still in hands of the rich.
It is possible to say that the author manages to surprise a reader with the help of this shift and arouse interest for his further words.
In the entire essay, Hick attempts to justify the existence of sin in the world. From the reasoning of Hick, the relationship between God and human beings is compared to the relationship between a child [...]
Another definition of philosophy is 'the world view.' The main definition for a philosophy that will be considered in this article is that which defines it as a conceptual framework that is vital in the [...]
First of all, it should be said that Bhagavad Gita is a part of the great epic of Mahabharata, which is known to be one of the greatest literary works of Ancient India.
Cleanthes' response to Philo when he is challenged on his design argument shows that he is least interested in research about the design hypothesis.
He could have attained the name because of the nature of his forehead or because of his extensive knowledge. Due to the wealth and political influence of his family, his father gave him the best [...]
The ideologies of philosophers have influenced the world and changed the perception and attitudes of people toward various issues. The peculiarity and popularity of Aristotle's philosophy of life makes it easy for it to be [...]
Being the most praised Socrates pupil, he devoted a lot of his works to Socrates figure, trying to investigate his point of view and present it to the audience.
Nozick was of the view that people are not in a position to differentiate between their experiences when in the experience machine and when outside.
Hume's philosophy is based on the ideas that all the knowledge of the world is gained from the interaction of human's experiences and the thoughts.
In the chapter, the author uses events in Socrates' life to argue against the stigma of unpopularity. Socrates' position is meant to offer consolation to the people who find themselves unpopular as a result of [...]
The movie The Truman Show is that sort of film which touches the problem of a persons realization of this world and his place in it.
Therefore, using several rules of good definitions, the notion virtues is going to be defined with the further explanation of the rules used for this, Meno says that the virtue of a woman is to [...]
The rationale is that Dave's action was not the outcome of who he was and what he believed, the values he held or his desires.
There was a theory that it is a vessel for drinking and eating at the same time. There is a theory that the object was a holder of a divine light.
For instance, the argument states that God is a self-existing being, but it fails to provide enough grounds to prove that God really exists.
There are two categories of people as depicted in the article: the absolutists who believe that the truth can actually be recognized the when it is found, and the empiricists who argue that though the [...]
Kant says that the wellbeing of a human being is supreme, thus suicide is an abominable act. It is obvious that the death of a person through suicide causes sadness and even grief to the [...]
The life of Socrates is explained in the conversation between Plato and Xenophon and also in theater performances of Aristophanes. Additionally, Socrates is perceived to be the artist who designed the statue of the three [...]
Tian is one of the most important concepts in his teachings, and it symbolizes heaven. This story is about a disciple of Confucius asking Daoists for help that was later reported to the teacher.
He gives life to a new human being, body, and soul, which is the form of the body. If we believe in the soul's immortality, death will not seem such a great tragedy.
Generally, Aristotle's philosophy differs with that of Plato because the latter's is too shallow to establish definitions or sensibly create standards.
The article, in summary, is enlightening as it offers a perspective that is rarely given: the philosophy of advertising and morality.
Technology is a term used to refer to the practical application of science to suit our purposes. Today, in a couple of hours we can reach the neighboring city, in half an hour we can [...]