Arguably, all of the difficulties can be addressed by the skilled management by preparing the basis for e-transformation and, as a part of it, assessing and enhancing the e-readiness of the target audience.
This way of thinking is similar to what can be seen in the book "Are We All Scientific Experts Now" by Harry Collins wherein instead of a deteriorating belief of the public in the capabilities [...]
I know of a company that has failed to implement the updated security protocol after the security team failed to communicate the importance of the changes and the other employees protested the banning of certain [...]
Cyber security became one of the fundamental constituents of emergency management's preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery stages, and quick restoration of IT systems and recovery of organizations were discovered as the major duties of FEMA [...]
The strong passwords have a low probability of being guessed because the amount of possible iterations and combinations is extremely high.
The worm used the vulnerability by running a long string of the repeated character 'N' to get entry to the computer.
However, in certain cases the information can be used not only for a good cause, but also to the detriment of the interests of the individual, the society and the government.
The large layer of literature discusses the problem of information warfare and its impact on the citizens. In conventional combat, information on the performance of systems is only the beginning of a strategy to counter [...]
These impacts are: Temporary job shut down A rise in the cost of insurance Refusal by rental companies to rent out equipment Damages to company reputation Increased security cost When construction materials or piece of [...]
This report discusses the causes of security vulnerabilities in the products, risks involved in the disclosure of a vulnerability, and the position of white, grey, and black hat hackers on the discovery and disclosure of [...]
One of the anomalies of Internet use is that online, sincerity and credibility of identity are difficult to confirm. With the internet, this information is just a few keystrokes away and this could be done [...]
But notwithstanding the easiness of utilizations the wireless networks meet with various and risk since they can be easily broken into and wireless technology may be utilized to crack the wired networks.
This paper will discuss the current legislation in place in Canada, the silent features of the Canadian data protection Act, the existing conflicts and gaps if any, and the implications these may have for the [...]
Of these components, staffing and training costs account for 21 % and 19 % respectively while hardware and software costs are 17% and 15% respectively and the downtime and maintenance costs are 28%.
In this kind of fraud, messages that are purported to be coming from a trustworthy organization such as a bank direct the users to call a certain phone number for solutions on their accounts.
The main mechanism of providing security to the specific information in DNS is DNS Security extensions, which guarantees original authentication of DNS data, its integrity and denial of existence.
With the advent of modern methods of communication and the internet, information has become much more flexible and accessible to the hungry public.
Moreover, one of the tasks of the company is to maintain the information provided. In order to find out the problem that has led to ZOLL Services becoming a victim of fraud, it is necessary [...]
As suggested, it is vital to know and analyze the signs of identity theft to determine if one's identity is stolen and what course of action is needed in such a situation.
The scope of this study will be on analyzing the extent of the cyber-threat, institutions that are most vulnerable, the motivation of the hackers, the economic impact of the threat, and the steps that the [...]
The secret word is in a coherent configuration and offers no security to the client or device. The challenge of utilizing an obfuscated secret phrase is that it can be recorded and replayed to the [...]
Centralized security system: Cloud infrastructure can be centralized to secure firewall and security protocols. The security disadvantage of cloud-based solutions can be summarized below.
A concealed group of hackers stole several disks containing secret data belonging to the National Security Agency in 2013; In 2016, they announced an auction to sell off the data they had obtained illegally; [...]
This research paper will address the usage of the internet and how internet theft has continued to thrive as technology advances and how users of the internet can be made safer.
The analyzed literature reveals a problem in the sphere of cybercrime research the lack of statistical information and analysis of interventions in the field of personal data theft.
Although the severity of data theft may have various repercussions on economics and politics, the current approach to laws and regulations does not provide a sufficient way to disrupt the chain of breaches.
When a user searches for a music file by title or a musician's name, the user's request is sent out to all computers in the network, and a response list is generated to the user [...]
The end-to-end encryption is the more complex process that can be discussed as the data encryption between the client application and the server provided with the help of additional technologies.
As a result, the professional can define when it was used and if it was used by the same person to whom the certificate was issued.
The rapid development of technologies along with the reconsideration of traditional methods cultivates a new way of thinking that includes the extensive use of digital devices to attain improved outcomes and facilitate the shift of [...]
The first step in improving the level of protection against cyber attacks in the aviation industry is related to developing a clear understanding of the potential threats that the aviation is faced with and that [...]
The main goal of this paper is to analyze the case of cyberattacks on Sony, discussing the existing evidence and alternative decisions that could have alleviated the negative impact of the incident on customers.
Therefore, it is important to understand the concept and classifications of DoS attacks. Notwithstanding the reason, the inability of individuals to access services they are qualified for is called a DoS attack.
Cybercrime can lead to the leakage of important data, system interference, and the delivery of unsatisfactory services to consumers. This sophistication has amplified the insecurity of information systems to the extent of creating more threats [...]
Therefore, in order to prevent the recurrence of such attacks, the N.S.A.needs to strengthen the security system of particularly essential information to eliminate its diversion.
Second, preparedness and being alert on the possible attacks on the transport system is also a priority area of the transport sector.
The purpose of this case study is to discuss the role of the US-CERT in disaster and recovery management, the importance of the ICS-CERT for addressing the Stuxnet problem, the role of alternate sites in [...]
By and large, Google Chrome is designed with a powerful defense mechanism to ensure the security of users on the web.
It is crucial for the team to be provided with instrumental and technical resources to react to the threats effectively. It is advisable to measure the effectiveness of the team in handling the incidents.
Because internet and cyberspace are fast becoming a fundamental part of the society, all people should have knowledge about the dangers and damages of cyber tort.
The article "They are attacking you: learn the three types of hackers' was written by Jonathan Nichols and explores the three main types of hackers that attack organizations and their clients, and the factors that [...]
The present work deals with the issue of DDoS attacks and builds a case on one of the well-known IT companies to single out the problem, the immediate solutions and preventive practices, and the lessons [...]
The example of Deutsche Telekom proves the importance of the development of cybersecurity programs and strategies to protect users and their interests.
In other countries where religion plays a key role in the values and norms of the people, suicide is a topic that is rarely discussed.
The major factors that define the thriving of cyber ganging are the insufficient level of employees' competence, the lack of knowledge about the technical side of information protection, and non-compliance with safety standards.
The result of the investigation was the indictment of Western Express and a number of the company's clients for several charges including stolen credit card data trafficking and money laundering.
The focus of any risk management effort is a standard system or a framework that help organizations and individuals to manage integrity, confidentiality, and data and ensure critical resources availability.
These emerging cyber security approaches and technologies are unique and new, and they look promising for securing critical infrastructures in the cyberspace.
In the next month, GOP threatened the company and urged it to cancel the release of the film "The Interview". Sony accepted the demand and did not let the film run on the cinema screens [...]
The first initiative of the national cyber-security program is to integrate the functions of the Federal Enterprise into one unit using Trusted Internet Connections.
The value of the assets determines the amount of time and resources that can be invested to protect a particular system.
Living in the era of the Internet and online technology increases the vulnerability of the information stored online and on electronic devices.
Such measures as laws prohibiting direct links in the e-mail, or authentication and anti-virus systems, might be beneficial to secure citizens from cybercrime.
This paper studies the issue of cybercrime in relation to ethical concerns, the cybercrime dilemma, and the international involvement in the fight against cybercrime with a special focus on global interconnectedness.
The case of Dyn attack presents powerful insights that should be taken seriously in order to minimize the chances of being attacked by cybercriminals. The hackers are believed to have targeted thousands of internet-of-things in [...]
Meanwhile, the policies and standards could be considered of a higher power, as they identify the issue and determine the necessity to comply with the law regarding the particular issues. In turn, the continuous enforcement [...]
Developing a company training program to educate employees on cybersecurity policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines to ensure state and federal cyber law compliance is a difficult and a meticulous task, which needs to take into [...]
Corporate policies for the use of email to support sound cybersecurity include the following: Remote Access Policy The mode in which company employees access the internal network of an organization should be guarded by certain [...]
A guide can help the users to set up a capture with no difficulties. Ensure that it is allowed to change the network.
The seven elements of the brewer Security Matrix are as follows: organizational cyber compliance can be enhanced through the following elements Identification-assist in detecting the compliance level of an organization Authentication-refers to the process of [...]
It is significant to ensure the security of this system because it focuses not only on the audio and video entertainment but also allows to control navigation system and manipulate the behavior of the car.
According to the chart provided above, the introduction of the new legislation has contributed to a minor drop in cybercrimes. In addition, it can be suggested that programs should be created to educate people on [...]
Another core aspect that should be highlighted is that it would be reasonable to enhance the level of safety of admin accounts.
Many players in this industry are forced to identify new software applications that have the potential to improve the level of data security and privacy. The "technologies also limit the targeted information to the receiver [...]
The website "howstuffworks" carries an article discussing the basics of computer forensics, this is a good example of a website that is useful in explaining or understanding the reality of cybercrime and digital evidence. Not [...]
The organization had to stop the hackers and ensure information did not flow freely but it was unfortunate, as the company sought the services of the California court because it had no capacity to deal [...]
Therefore, to guarantee the security of data, there is the need for the initiation of change process to ensure the adoption of up-to-date information technology approaches and best practices.
In this regard, the team tasked to carry out the penetration test must ensure that the company's chief information security officer recognizes that any figures or data acquired in the analysis will be deemed private [...]
Mobile devices are secured through the installation of security programs, use of passwords that are difficult to guess, and data encryption.
According to the Council of Europe, cyber terrorism is the use of the internet for terrorist purposes. The best option is to be on the offensive that is, to identify and cripple potential sources of [...]
In the current international system, the United States of America is the only super power. The incident clearly demonstrated to the world that the United States is vulnerable to cyber crime.
Cyber security is one of the major concerns of governments in the contemporary world. It is important to note that in case of Stuxnet the three aspects prove to be vulnerable.
The use of social media subjects youths to the dangers of cyberbullying. The victims of cyberbullying decline to interact with their colleagues.
In a surprising turn of events, the investigations by the military concluded that the military personnel involved in the shooting acted according to the law of armed conflict and rules of engagement.
Resources Role of the resource/input Statement forms To facilitate information transfer to the staff Counseling Personnel To arm students against the problem Bullying report system To create efficient internet enhance report system Regulation implementation documents [...]
Therefore, George, the senior manager of information security management reported the incident to the chief security officer of the company; Mr.Tom.
However, the fact that the attack was launched by the security system belonging to the company makes the company a direct party.
The dependent variable is that there is no concerted effort to stem the issue of cyber threats in the United States of America.
According to Smyth, the consequences related to the loss of data that was in the custody of the organization demonstrate the vulnerability of the organization's information systems.
These among other features of the internet have been identified to form the basis of the cyber terrorism attacks. A comprehensive international collaboration among investigators and prosecution teams in cases of cyber attacks have also [...]
This research paper will address the usage of internet and how internet theft has continued to thrive as the technology advances and how users of the internet can be made safer.
For instance, U.S.power grid is one of the most vulnerable spheres for cyber attacks since it belongs to a private sector and it is not governed by the government. Unfortunately, major part of cyberspace belongs [...]
Networking system The LAN mainly serves the employees of the company and it is accessible through a regulated password authentication system.
This would contribute to enormous benefits to both the government and private stakeholders by ensuring a cyber security strategy that serves the interests of all.
In this case, the author uses the alleged computer hacker who was identified as Gary McKinnon from the United Kingdom in the case study to address the complex types of criminal activities that do take [...]
In addition, the report also addresses the CEO's concerns about the mobility security and design for secure mobile computing for portable devices with regard to authentication technologies and protection of data.
This is one of the policies that has been proposed to curb cyber crimes and is being debated in the congress.
In reading the discussion above it becomes clear that the term cybercrime actually refers to computer-related crime; however, some consider computer crime to be a subdivision of cybercrime that warrants its own definition and understanding.
Litigation against companies that engage in online piracy is one of the strategies that record labels use to reduce the vice.
Recent advances in technologies have prompted a new consideration of e-mail, use of e-mail, and its relation to ethics. From the deontological perspective, the court's decision to give Ellsworth's parents legal access to his e-mail [...]
It is not fair for us to use our neighbors' wireless networks if we do not expect the same from them.
The law does not provide the consumers with measures to enforcing the online contracts because the argument is that, it is impossible to tell the intention and the consent of the consumer when they signed [...]
This rogue security software can appear on a website in the form of an advertisement which in most of the time informs that internet user of their win for being a visitor to the website [...]
The man-in-the-middle attack is also known as integrity attack since the actions of the system operators are based on the integrity of the data.
Naval Academy and he said that the security of the United States is threatened by a new breed of adversaries that has found a way to harass and terrorize America.