Sinovel has been a leader of the Chinese market in producing innovative turbine equipments in the sense that; it is the first to introduce an advanced wind turbine in the world, it was the first [...]
Basing judgment on affordability and availability of the EVs, the tax incentives and exemptions offered by some government agencies to purchasers due to the high initial costs seems to be an unsustainable venture in emerging [...]
The purpose of this research study is to investigate the advantages of using technologically advanced, or high priced, baseball bats in the Little League Baseball.
This helped the rescuers in knowing the conditions inside the mine, more importantly; the holes were used to send food, water and medication to the miners.
A discussion into the chemical and process developments of super alloys could afford information on the chemical compositions of super alloys, and the effects of the historical development on the operating characteristics particularly the operating [...]
The author commends the continued innovation and the production of new things and new ways of handling the tasks of building design, construction, and collaboration, despite the challenging economics times.
The reports cover issues ranging from causes of oil spills to the effects of oil spills on the environment. Thus the main sources which lead to the release of oil into the ocean are related [...]
The production of the composite bicycle frame that combines a metal spine in the midst of a fibre reinforced plastics have been in the market for quite a while but the materials keep changing to [...]
There are a number of approaches to the study of security requirements engineering, for instance, the elicitation method is likely to provide a framework for ordinary functional requirements which are more often than not oriented [...]
The goal of this paper is to review the evolution of power production as the basis for considering the future options of power for the planet.
One of the disadvantages with using canals for transportation was that the boats were easily damaged while on the double slipways.
First and foremost what must be understood is that hybrid vehicles on average cost more than their primarily gasoline based counterparts, while it may be true that the hybrid car industry focuses on the fact [...]
According to a report by Office for Workforce Competitiveness of Connecticut, efforts to advance nanotechnology in Connecticut began in 2003 with a detailed assessment of the benefits of nanosciences to the state and the state's [...]
In this respect, resolving forces into components can facilitate the process of choosing the most appropriate method to implement in a definite project.