Being a part of a group that had access to knowledge and power, he believed that the state needed to have some people who were cleverer than the others as it was one of the [...]
According to the book, the Prince should first serve the interests of his subjects and country, and then he can come up with ways of maintaining his political position."However, following these ideas, the latter is [...]
Although it is possible to consider Aristotle as the first political scientist with references to the aspects of discussing political science in the context of the political philosophy, a lot of researchers also determine the [...]
This is based on the fact that the philosophical ideas expressed by these scholars have proven to be greatly important in offering guidance to various facets of life-like cultural, social, political, and economic endeavors In [...]
As a result, corruption in the police force and crime levels soared in such an alarming rate that the justice and prison systems became overwhelmed by the level of cases they had to deal with [...]
Plato went further to associate all the parts of the soul to parts of the body with reason connected to the head, will connected to the heart and appetite connected to the abdomen and sensory [...]
In philosophy of government, Plato argues that philosophers are the most knowledgeable members of society; thus, they deserve to be rulers because they understand what is right for humanity and government.
Machiavelli provided opportunities to scholars and readers to understand a political system purged of irrelevant influences of ethics in order to comprehend the basis of politics in useful use of power. Machiavelli introduced another principle [...]
In her essay The Traffic in Women: Notes on the "Political Economy" of Sex, Gayle Rubin strived to outline factors that contribute to the fact that even today, women continue to be subjected to different [...]
The thing is that there are societies in which the individual freedom of a person is practically non-existent, for instance, one can mention North Korea.
However, the most predominant theme portrayed by Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan is that the natural state of man in leadership is war. According to Daniel, liberty is a measure of power exercised by people in [...]
Those followers who can see if their leader is not what he seems and is opposed to the qualities he supports in public will not be able to overthrow a prince as he has the [...]
While its roots go back to Ancient Greece and Rome, natural law has remained a part of modern history.[1] In particular, the rise of Christianity contributed to the evolution of natural and revealed law and [...]
The disparity between the issues of legal political obligation and moral obligation makes it hard for liberal political theorists to analyze the natural duty and the moral basis of any person's submission to his or [...]
The creation of thoughts, notions and consciousness are initially intertwined with the material activity of human beings. Creation of ideas and intellectual ability begin to be seen at this phase as the direct product of [...]
Justice is not dependent on the majority of any particular group, but on the views held by a majority of the people, which implies that the rights of an individual are limited to what majority [...]
One of his most recognized works is "The Prince," a political treatise of the 16th-century Italy that is known to give the start to a direct conflict between the Catholic Church and scholarly doctrines.
In this concept, Gramsci includes the ideas of common and good sense. A better understanding of the common and the good sense contributes to the in-depth comprehension of Gramsci's philosophy.
First, according to him, a prince should be able to develop the state he is governing and come up with the laws that will govern the state; to attain this, the prince should be ready [...]
The book "Who Governs?" by Robert Dahl analyzes and evaluates the role of the political elite in city government and the impact on interest groups and community power of governance.
The next task is to find the existence and nature of justice in this state. Plato adds to this that justice is "the principle of doing one's own business".
Basically, the political obligation can be considered as the duty of the members of the population and the people of the nation to abide by the laws and the provisions of the constitution.
Classical liberalism focused on the issues of political and economic freedoms, the natural rights of the individual, and the social contract. The novelty of the ideas of classical liberalism is based on the European and [...]
Unlike the older versions of power which, although they did include modern thinking, like feminism, always argued that power was only for a dominant group in society, Foucault believes that it is quite silly to [...]
Neo-realism on the other hand is the modern realism practiced in most of the nations today. One of the greatest contributions that Hobbes made in realism was the definition of power.
According to him, reconciling the gap between ideal and reality is necessary for the development of a political philosophy capable of guiding the Greeks in their quest for liberty.
His "Social Contract" is one of the most intriguing writings of Rousseau because he defends man, though being part of the society has its own right in terms of privacy.
Although both viewpoints seem very legitimate, Hobbes's idea that the state of nature is the state of war and, therefore, all people are free to pursue their desires, is more credible, seeing how in nature, [...]
The freedom will skew any system or pattern of perfect equality as demonstrated by his basketball player example, resulting in the need to formulate new patterns of distribution.
In addition to that, the applicability of his ideas to the problems of international community is discussed. The purpose of satyagraha is not to destroy the enemy but to find the solution which can suit [...]
Thomas More, expresses the utopian view, which is a description depicting a fictional island civilization; its religious, social and political way of life."Moore used the utopian society to contrast between the imaginary or unusual political [...]
Although their theories of justice were significant, they would not have existed without Plato's influence and the contribution that their ideas of justice have made to political philosophy.
He claims that the government's power is based more on the influence that the majority possesses rather than on the desire to act legitimately and fairly, which makes it overall unreliable as a source of [...]
To speak of it in our present time, there are only a few people who are given the power of 'sound judgement about what is right and what is wrong' and should have the power [...]
The arguments in the first lecture relate to the explanation of the liberal hegemony and how it leads to failure, concluding that it contradicts the country's values.
Political philosophers have many theories in response to this and it is necessary to analyze some of the main arguments and concepts to get a clearer idea of how to be more precise about the [...]
In this chapter, he explains that "It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than [...]
Aristotle emphasized that the lawgiver and the politician occupied the constitution and the state wholly and defined a citizen as one who had the right to deliberate or participate in the matters of the judicial [...]
In fact, they are quite sharp in their writings; for example, Ch'oe Ikhy n refers to the Japanese as people who "have the face of human beings but the mind of beasts" and repeatedly refers [...]
This collection of comments and discussions highlighted the role of the citizen in the country and greatly influenced the formation of the American ideas of the common law.
Nietzsche's all-out assault on the entire Western Judeo-Christian cultural and philosophical tradition is one of the most important issues of the abandonment of the faith in progress through the submission of human reason that had [...]
However, the end of history in Fukuyama's analysis of world events pointed to the end of ideological evolution and the crystallization of Western liberal democracy as the final end product in the science of governance.
The enlightenment period also popularly referred to as the age of reason denotes an explosive era in human history stretching from around the year 1600 to the year 1800; a period in which the West [...]
Concepts of the roles and duties have differed across civilizations and many discourses, books, and precepts have been offered to the young prince about how to conduct themselves in the affairs of the state.
Both written at a time when philosophers had started questioning the relevance of capitalism and the concept of wealth creation, it is evident that the two authors were keen on explaining the power of money [...]
The introduction of the rule of law is an integral part of state-building. Their importance in state building is to ensure that the actions of both leaders and citizens are controlled.
At the same time, people should "remain in the paths of duty, as the rules of wisdom require". In the world of appearances, people's instincts dominate, while the world of intelligence refers to the superiority [...]
Rousseau and Mill were political philosophers with interest in understanding what entailed individual freedom. This paper compares Rousseau’s idea of individual freedom with Mill’s idea.
Paine's depictions of the "summer soldier" and "sunshine patriot" are appropriate in that they accurately describe an individual willing to fight for a cause only when it is convenient or popular.
Individual property rights and economic freedom are important to Jefferson and the Libertarian Party."Jefferson's notion of property rights was deeply linked to the idea of the pursuit of happiness".
Exploring the impact of Jefferson's ideas, why understanding property and human nature is important in evaluating happiness and the role of government in pursuing it, and the contradictions that arise from his views on property [...]
The central message permeating the writing is that the rigidity of truth on which the conceptual model of democracy is built is a problem since any system needs to acknowledge the malleability of the underlying [...]
This paper evaluates Plato's Republic to show how the differentiation between justice and injustice, the worth of a successful beginning, and the exchange of knowledge through education contribute to creating the perfect Kallipolis.
Among the models of political leadership are the views of Sophists and Socrates. While both of the thoughts are strong and share some similarities, they are still different in their perceptions of truth and devotion.
In the Second Treatise of Government, John Locke's main goal was to define the argument of the most important philosophical concept, the State of Nature.
As we will see, claims of lying and deception and the desire to deceive and mislead seem to be linked to incorrect expectations, false beliefs, and self-delusion on both sides of the political and public [...]
The main theme of "The Prince" by Machiavelli is monarchical rule and survival. Machiavelli discusses in detail how a ruler should act in various situations or circumstances and establishes that the main goal of politics [...]
To oppose this, the philosopher offers a discussion to convince the opponents of the need for a passage for himself, receiving in response a symbolic phrase from the Polemarchus who says, "How can you convince [...]
The essay speaks about the dissonance between the actions of government and established laws; it illustrates how the government acts against its citizens.
Therefore, this paper aims to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the political, economic, and cultural institutions and compare them to the entities included in the constitutional design proposal regarding the prospects for their perseverance.
According to Savery and Haugaard, the main idea that Pettit highlights in this theory is the notion that the contrary to freedom is never interference as many people claim, but it is slavery and the [...]
In regime theory, the major role of inequality is that it is a deterrent to the ideals of the model. In summary, Stone strongly rejects the pluralism's view that the vote makes politics a penetrable [...]
According to the Philosopher, a ruler must also complete great achievements to be honored in his own country, not mentioning the fact that he must keep an inner group of counselors to offer true and [...]
The purpose of this paper is to analyse Nietzsche's views on political violence, to discuss his criticism of nihilism and nationalism, as well as to consider his ideas in the context of modern politics.
After the development of individuation during the period of the Renaissance, the majority of political thinkers developed their theories based on the individual's relationship with economic factors.
For instance, in the case of the Japanese mass killing, the government is encouraging the nation to heal in a way they consider to be the most convenient.
Comparing the general statement of Das Kapital and Principles of Political Economy it becomes evident that Marx and Mill have different views as to the accumulation of capital and thus regarding the social organization to [...]
Scholars and thinkers of repute in the fields of philosophy, political science, and history during the ancient, classical, and contemporary epochs of learning have put forward theories that attempt to explain the origins, necessity, and [...]
As Machiavelli points out, fear is an integral part of the policy of a prince, in case it bites not his royal majesty, but the people of the state. And since that certainly means a [...]
In his book "The Good Society: An Introduction to Comparative Politics" Alan Draper argues that the society has something to strive for to become better than it is. Now the first thing to say is [...]
In his literature titled 'the prince', Machiavelli points out some of the things that a prospective leader needs to do for them to occupy the bigger seat.
In the interview with Chris Money, the author of the book The Republic War on Science, he intends to find out the main reason for administrative penetration to the world of science.
One of the principles of justice deals in maintaining the political order in the society, Rawls advocates that every human should have equal rights to the simple liberty which is well-matched with other person's liberty.
The author discusses positive and negative features of the individuals, describes the forms of government, and introduces the idea about the necessity of the education in order to create a perfect state with perfect people, [...]
As well, the ruler will do his job in the best way if one does not abstract from one's responsibilities."Therefore, I suggest that we first consider the nature of justice and injustice as they appear [...]
From their arguments, it is evident that natural law is directly related to the concept of justice and that they are the foundations to good governance.
He notes that the fundamental part of an association is the household that is comprised of three different kinds of relationships: master to slave, husband to wife, and parents to their children.
Platos book the Republic is now believed to be one of the most influential works in the history of Western philosophy and political science. This is one of the core ideas in the Republic.
However, in the context of immigration issue facing our nation today, it can be stated that the entire statement is not correct and though the stronger, in this case the government, has every right to [...]
According to this thesis of Huntington, the fall of communism signaled by the breakup of the former Soviet Union in 1991 ended the Cold War era in which the protagonists were the forces of democracy [...]
The representation of the predestination and the role of the government in the society were covered at first, in the religious and philosophic writings, and then gradually, the political conscious started to have an independent [...]
In other words, it tries to put of the problem to a later time which is not predictable. With this kind of ambiguity then it is never easy to to seek redress on failure of [...]
In understanding the rights to be a citizen to a given country of countries, there is a strong argument for and against its relation and relevance to the basic theories of justice.
In the Age of Enlightenment, the people fed up with the abuse of authority began to question the divine right of rulers to own land, together with all that it contains including people.
Fukuyama suggests that 'it was in the highly complex and dynamic "post-industrial" economic world that Marxism-Leninism as an economic system met it's Waterloo', and he observes that 'by the end of the 1980s China, the [...]
Because of the discussion we have had regarding politics, the political system, the relationship of sociology and politics, and even the economics of politics, I realized that politics affects all individuals, the society, the country, [...]
The same applies to what is right and what is wrong that is what is right or wrong differs from individual to individual, group to group, society to society.
This book can be understood as the first modern text of political theory in the West because it sets down a pattern of conduct and policy which a "wise" sovereign should follow if he desires [...]
Anticipating differentiation of human rights and the rights of citizen, issued in the corresponding Declaration of the period of the French revolution of the end of XVIII century, Aristotle is interested by a question - [...]
In the role of representatives of the people, it is prudent that the legislators seek to act in the best interest of the majority of the people and to do so with its input.
He is of the opinion that America political writers and the political class deliberately blocks public opinion to serve their own interests; "The existence of a force called public opinion is in the main taken [...]
Locke states that people are "constantly exposed to the invasion of others...and the greater part no strict observers of equity and justice, the enjoyment of the property he has in this state is very unsafe". [...]
At the same time, the philosopher believed that in order to realize the full potential of humanity and every individual, the practice of alienated labor, as well as private ownership and class division associated with [...]
Plato's proposed alternative is the rule of a philosopher-king a wise person able to see the essence of justice and, consequently, have the precise knowledge rather than a mere opinion of what is right.
Hamilton envisioned the U.S.under the guidance of a strong federal government that can interfere in and manage the economy of the country, believing that the concept of a single united nation is more important than [...]
According to Yeginsu, the "coolness and rhetorical skill" of the Kurdish politician Demirtas helped him become the primary opposition against the current leader of the country President Erdogan.
However, because of the nature of any philosophical assumption and because of the further evolution of our societies, some of these ideas can be doubted using some arguments that are relevant to the modern world.
Applying this idea to human society, the existence of multiple opinions and perspectives on the same issues can be taken as the guaranty of the emergence of some new concepts that appear while debating or [...]
This may be one of the reasons that the application of ethics bestowed upon citizens in Ancient Greece led to its success, and to be referred to as one of the best democracies of its [...]
To my mind, the two most important principles of justice that should be used to govern within a just society are the selection of highly virtuous state leaders and government representatives to put in charge [...]
The philosophy of empowerment supports dignity and self-worth; as such, value to all people, regardless of their status or race is an important rule of empowerment.
Pages: 2
Words: 553
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