Given the comprehensive nature of art and the time and care necessary to produce a piece of graffiti, it should be considered a form of art.
These artists support the best national ideas and traditions in order to make every society successful. Artists can "encourage their followers to support the best activities and decisions in the society".
The second chapter of Scott McCloud's book "Understanding Comics" is devoted to the vocabulary of comics and all that the reader perceives when looking at the inscriptions in illustrated publications and what he concludes.
Michelangelo was taught sculpture by Bertoldo di Giovanni. Michelangelo was a renaissance artist and his works were greatly influenced by humanism.
This paper will highlight the purpose of revolutionary art in the society and at the same time discuss how revolutionary art has affected art and artists in America.
Despite the strict logical organization of the stages from the basic understanding of purpose to sharpening the specific skills related to the form of art, the author claims that many artists tend to learn these [...]
The aesthetic value of Season's Greetings is that the artist experimented with the building's corner to create a perspective game, as seen in Figure 1.
The author names the main writers and artists who contributed to the development of the genre and places them in chronological order.
Brief History of Indian Art The history of Indian art is said to be as old as the Indus Valley civilization itself where each period in history has provided the nation with unique modes of [...]
In this paper, we will look at the mimetic theory of art and the pragmatic theory of the art. As the Mimetic theory of art asserts, art is a representation or just an imitation of [...]
Modern, modernism, and modernization are the notions which may be easily defined in human mind, it means that one can understand what modern, modernism, and modernization mean, however, when it comes to formulation of the [...]
The "Great Pyramid of Giza" and Ruler Qin Shi Huang's "Terracotta Army" were constructed as graves for great kings to retain their influence after death.
Murals, as one of the major forms of revolutionary art, were popularized by the government of the country that promoted exterior frescoes in Mexico City and other cities of the country.
Hence, the analysis of this piece is feasible from the perspective of demonstrating the importance of the sociological underpinning of cultural products and the way visual techniques are used for transmitting the message.
As a result, visual and performing arts are crucial for the participators and the society as a whole. The study of visual and performing arts is very crucial for the success in the industry.
Therefore, it can be asserted that one of the roles of art is to preserve the cultural trait and heritage of a community or society. This is both to the user of the artistic material [...]
Moreover, to explain the vaguely difference between them, one may give the example of the art work that may be assigned to the both categories: either to the crafts or to the fine art.
It seems to have been framed on the warriors' figure in part of a greater scene, and this stresses the significance of the figure. The legs and feet of the warrior look bigger compared to [...]
This is achieved through the incorporation of a great deal of imagination, planning and effort in the development of the graffiti.
We want to consider the first part of the story where the main character is just a boy who wants to reach the main purpose of his life, to become a Hokage, the leader of [...]
In the prehistoric and ancient works of art, the representation of women and men reveals a massive imbalance in gender equity that favors men over women.
In his work, The Principles of Art, he seeks to uncover the truth about what we mistakenly think of as art and craft.
Nude art forms date back to the ancient Greeks who had the utmost respect for the sanctity that is the human body even though the same cannot be said in the present day where artists [...]
This section of the paper discusses the impacts of digital technology on the world of arts. Digital technology has extended the array and amount of artwork that one artist can do in a given period.
I have read that an understanding of the underlying story and a keen interest in storytelling is essential to build a good animation. This I have found that a number of institutes in the country [...]
A look at the military sculptures in many city parks shows that, they were meant to inspire patriotism while at the same time instigate and boost the pride of a country where the sculptures stand.
In this cartoon, a stout man in a formal suit is depicted. In this cartoon, there is a snake cut into parts.
The drawings are purely handmade and they show that the artist spent a lot of time to come up with these drawings. There is a clear evidence of thinking in the mind of the art [...]
The questions prompted by the observations of the "Secret Heart" are some of the many that follow from Damien Hirst's indictment of religion as viable means of ascribing meaning to human experience.
Paintings done in the past about the state of people and past society presently help to give direction to in the world of art.
Though the two works differ in the color gamut used and in the forms and directions of the lines resorted to, in both cases the viewer is encouraged to answer various questions that one can [...]
This style does not require the artist to recreate reality as a work of art, but to construct a perfect representation of an object or a person.
On the contrary, digital art has been applauded in that it is fast and flexible in the sense that artists get to finish their jobs fast.
Therefore, for individuals to be able to create some pieces of art, they have to have such ideas in their mind in form of mental images; hence, visible works of art are just a depiction [...]
I greatly enjoy the idea that Andy Warhol was able to create new idols and objects of worship out of common everyday things; notably, out of Campbell's soup cans.
The gun point is actually in the upper half of the picture and the aim is at the viewer's eye level.
The work demonstrates the way a visual analysis should be conducted using a random picture found online.
These treasures reflect the traditions of the art of the Achaemenid period, the peculiarities of the local Greek and Bactrian art, and the elements of the Scythian style.
Also, Sontag had proven herself analytical enough to realize that the very concept of Camp is nothing but the modern equivalent of the concept of dandyism, originated in late 19th century: "Camp is the answer [...]
Set up by the Indian government in the forties of the previous century, this museum is located in the capital city of New Delhi and is the biggest in the country.
It illustrates the modern trend on selfies, the self-made photos of the person holding the camera, among young ladies, and the importance of social media like Instagram in the lives of the people who live [...]
The Fleur de Lis is most recognized as the symbol for French Royalty or as a part of a coat of arms, used in many European countries, including England and Scotland.
For the artists and most of the people in Europe, the time that preceded the World War I, the actual war period and the aftermath of the was presented a period of profound disillusionment 13.
With the help of various techniques and styles, the unknown author allows the viewer to look at separate parts of the painting and reflect on the unchangeable brutality of human nature.
The subject matter of Michelangelo's Pieta portrait is the body of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. This artwork is a picture of one of the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary, as experienced [...]
The concept of loreal Maravillas was introduced in 1949 to the Americans where the foundations of magical realism were traced from the art world.
It must be noted though that the influence of manga on Japanese society extends beyond the obvious sub-cultures that have developed as a direct result of its influence, rather, manga has been observed as enacting [...]
Though both artists are exceptionally talented and their works are among the most praised, Dante would probably prefer Dore's illustration of the literary masterpiece. The works have certain sharpness, the play of light, and emotion, [...]
Contrast helps in emphasis, variation, and addition of interest which enables the user to develop a certain feeling in the work of art. Harmony refers to the consistency of appearance in a work of art.
Using this approach, the authors of the video were able to transform the narrative structure and bring to the forefront the meaning of the song.
Because of the complicity and ambiguity of the topic, the issue of war has always been the one to avoid in culture and art.
Purpose of the Research Because the African art is mostly premised on representing visual culture of the continent, the main purpose of the research consists in defining the early forms of African art, main materials [...]
Color in the brain After the retina has done the interpretation of the color through its cells that is cone cell and rod cells the other processing is done separately, this is done out of [...]
Form is the existence of elements, principals, and the physical elements of art and design, that an artist uses in his/her production.
One of the first historical pieces of evidence that can be attributed to the manifestation of creativity on the part of human ancestors is a pebble from Makapansgat.
Through the use of one of the most archetypical images of a woman in Western culture that of the Virgin Mary the painting discusses the questions of universal femininity.
These types of printmaking have differences relative to the nature of the surface, which creates or forms the print that is to be transferred onto a fabric or paper.
While line etching as a form of art has been around for quite sometime the distinctive style utilized by Spencer in this instance is unique in that the personally identifiable details of the subjects involved [...]
The range of variations of work activities is lower than average when the output can be measured by such parameters as a total number of issues or the number of issues in a day.
The show of a sand artist includes a video that allows the audience to see the process of the creation of the piece; it also is accompanied by special music, and, of course, the art [...]
Although there are differences in visual manifestations of works of art, the central aim of the art in Cameroon is to glorify the royal power of kings.
The meaning of Banksy's painting, which is now called "Love is in the Bin," reveals that the value of art is judged by its impact on humanity.
Most importantly, art and not art both have the ability to play-out some form of emotion. The moment an individual changes the perspective on the way a subject is viewed, analyzed and meaning attached to [...]
For example, Americans of Mexican descent created Chicano art as a colorful and striking method of conveying their perspective of life and social position to the world.
The first questionable characteristic is the history of graffiti, and associated with the street gang culture of New York in the 70s.
Thus, the zigzag lines at the base of the pectoral represent primordial waters, which refers to the importance of the royal figure and the concept of eternity.
Douglas writes about one of the pillars of the visual culture of the Internet memes: "Internet memes are based on the ideals of non-market network solidarity and free the work from the need to be [...]
If a practical application is concerned, an image is a way of communication, and a designer often plays the role of the mediator between the public and the seller of a product the image is [...]
The Japanese animation industry has significantly evolved to overcome most of the other animation industries in the world. The establishment of newspaper humorous strips and motion pictures in the west spurred the development of the [...]
This paper will try to present the aesthetic as well as commercial interpretation of artist Yue Min Jun as an artist, in the eyes of a westerner but with the consideration of personal history and [...]
The problem of defining of the term Modernism created much difficulty for artists, philosophers and writers of the 20th century. In the course of time, the aspect of realism came into consideration to change a [...]
However, the advertising industry and the fine arts world have for decades been engaged in a continuing discussion of what constitutes fine art. It is also helpful to know what the place of fine art [...]
In the course of its history, the civilization of Ancient Rome incorporated and modified the elements of those cultures which it dominated. This is one of the main things that should be considered.
Hughie Lee-Smith's Confrontation was created in 1970, to express the brokenness of the racial order in the United States. Most probably, the title reflects a broad confrontation of racial and social ideas in 1970s America, [...]
An example of expressive individualism is the artistic creation of the Dan people. Unlike the static form of traditional Western sculpture, African art depicts dynamics and readiness for movement.
Nearby was the Lutheran mission of Hermannsburg, where the tribespeople of Namatjira often visited to earn extra money and, at the same time, listen to the priests' sermons.
In Peace Bringing Back Abundance, the level of precision while showing the figures is less intense than in the other painting, which creates a sense of lightness and sanctity.
The initial stage of the creative process is the identification of the problem or the definition of the goal of creation.
This way, there is an actual possibility for specific authorities in that part of the world to see this post and take action.
According to the psychological perspective when reviewing the art of graffiti, it has helped relieve stress, and tension and brings joy to the people in the community.
In fact, the key aim of art criticism is to realize the nature of the work and try to understand the author's motives which originated the concept of the creation.
In painting, artists need to know how different paints convey messages and how to blend different paints to convey the desired artistic message. The Number of oil pigments used by artists depends on the desired [...]
The concept of writing in expanded sense also extends into visual arts where writing is considered as a verb referring to an activity in the world of arts or writing within arts.
The second image is a piece of Renaissance art entitled The Last Supper and created by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1490s. The postmodern piece questions the norms and conventions of the patriarchal society depicted [...]
However, the image passes the test, and, consequently delivers its intended message, which is to portray the "nudity" of the modern people in various activities that they undertake each passing day.
Nevertheless, the most important impact of the Silk Road system experienced in China is the art culture. Arguably, the Chinese art and architecture borrow a lot from the other cultures involved in the Silk Road [...]
Many artists are unable to bring back the beauty and strength of art. Many works of art have presented the best aspects and strengths.
In a separate vignette, the man is standing on the side of a chariot while the woman is standing inside making the scene to appear very implausible.
This led to a widespread use of the flower in China. This jar served the normal roles of a vase.
Public art is important to public art specialists, bodies that commission art performances, curators as well as the entire art world with much emphasis being given to collaborations, the specificity of the site of performance [...]
However with the advent of the neoclassical art period in the mid 18th century, balance and symmetry was emphasized as a reaction to rococo art designs.
After the water in the aquarium runs out, the fish will die due to a lack of water. Consequently, human innovations and innovations cause the disappearance of water, which is a misfortune.
The head of King Louis is pear-shaped, and the three faces alter from left to right, with the latter being uglier than the former. The three faces depict the social structure of France, that is, [...]
As for the photograph of the unknown girl, there is no background; the viewer sees only the portrait and visually works with it.
An essential component of a painting, apart from the visual form and the medium used, is the story behind it or the context in which it was created.
Following the experience of the ancestors, the human being tries to improve it by adding the modern accent to the well-known idea.
Everyone who is in the field of art values his area of interest and makes sure that he shows perfection in it.
The maphorion always was presumed to be the assurance for the Byzantine empires' security as its episode in the place of adoration of the Blachernai in the 5th century; by the 7th century the image [...]
We are going to analyze two masterpieces of art in our term paper: sculpture "Struggle of the Two Natures in Man" by George Grey Barnard and painting "The Death of Socrates" by Jacques-Louis David.
In "A Shark in the Mind of One Contemplating Wilderness," author Terry Tempest Williams considers the idea of wilderness as it is represented in art.
This ritual box was made in the 19th century in Tibet and is currently in possession of the Rubin Museum of Art.
Considering this, the Baroque Era is one of the most significant periods in the world of art, as it bore a new world of art dominated by both religious and iconoclastic artistic representations, as a [...]
The purpose of the essay will be to discuss the concept of kitsch by looking at Binkley's and Calinescu's contrasting theories on the aspect of kitsch.
This is meant to make the process of getting art for sets a faster process. In all these uses, art and architecture add a positive and powerful set of signals for the viewer/consumer.
That's the uniqueness of a painting compared to the other art forms. Apart from that, as the inquisitive person that I am, I find art to be very mysterious and fascinating.
The natural world has presented artists with a wealth of chances to investigate the wonders and intricacies of the natural world and transmit their perceptions of the natural world via various artistic techniques like paintings, [...]
An attempt is made to consider the Islamic world and its principles in the book "The Vision of Islam". The author's main areas of concentration are the four facets of Islam, such as practice, religion, [...]
The observation of these exhibits may allow students to discuss the change in the environment and the habitats of these creatures on a modern map.
Van Loo's paintings clearly acord to the carefree style of the Rococo and play an essential role in the art revolution, due to his wise choice of colors and motives.
Creating more opportunities for deaf people allowed them to become more confident and proficient in self-expression, enabling the progress of deaf art and culture.
The use of color is a crucial component of art and design, and it has the power to communicate a wide variety of feelings, meanings, and details.
That is the main base of the two-dimensional area of a work of art, which allows it to indicate contrasting forms and changes in meaning.
Due to the lack of detail and the unobstructed silhouette lighting, the viewer can witness the anguish of the photography's subject. Finally, "The Entombment of Christ" is a famous example of chiaroscuro lighting in art.
The date of its production has been determined around the end of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth century, and the name of its maker has not survived in history.
Overall, the nuance and detail in the paintings in question exemplifies the emergence of a more complex artistic thought in the Paleolithic community.
Since the main element in land art is the artist's intervention in the natural environment, the projects reflect the diversity and uniqueness of nature, climate variability, environmental issues, and the essence of the impermanence of [...]
It should be noted that the period of the early Renaissance was rooted in a tide of change in the stagnant Middle Ages, which was accompanied by an explosion of thought, knowledge, and creativity.
Similarly, St Jerome and the Angel of Judgment utilizes a thematic subject of martyrdom and death commissioned at the church of Santissima Trinita Delle Monache, Spain, in 1626, depicting saint Jerome kneeling and looking up [...]
The picture shows the sun shining on the grass at an angle while the sky is clear, indicating that the photographer took the picture in the morning.
The artist employs the principle of emphasis by placing the dove in the middle of the medium with a woman's features.