Diet & Nutrition Essay Examples and Topics

636 samples

Junk Food in Schools: Good or Bad for Children?

One of the main advantages of junk food is that it is simple to cook and it satiates hunger. As for the main advantage of availability of junk food and its simplicity to be cooked [...]
  • 3
  • Subjects: Fast Food
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 946

Fast Food Industry: Arguments for and Against

For instance, those who believe that fast food industry is beneficial to them and other members of the society will expect the findings of this research to be in support of their beliefs.
  • Subjects: Fast Food
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3488

Argument for Removing Vending Machines in Schools

Ironically, junk foods which are responsible for the poor diets by children are readily available in schools through the vending machines which dispense chips, sodas and other foods that are of low nutritional value to [...]
  • 3.5
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 869

Different Cooking Techniques Research

The method of cooking is determined by the way heat is applied to the meal. Poaching is frequently seen as a healthy cooking method due to the absence of fat in the cooking and flavoring [...]
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2535

Filipino Food Essay

However, because of the Spanish and American influence, meat, especially pork and chicken, are also served. So, Philippines is a country of festivals and a diversity of traditional dishes and beverages.
  • 4.5
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 565

Junk Food and Drinks: Ban on Advertising

The reason youngsters are attracted to junk food is that they do not get the actual flavors at their home and then they are less attracted to original and healthy food as compared to junk [...]
  • Subjects: Fast Food
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1365

Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help

Attention Material/Credibility Material: Imagine a day when you have little strength and energy - you feel weakness and soreness - the feelings are rather unpleasant. Now imagine that you feel this discomfort and lack of [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1299

Digestion of a Cheeseburger

The mucous of the saliva also helps to lubricate the food and turn it into small balls called bolus, which is pushed down into the food pipe with the help of the tongue.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1170

Why You Should Not Eat Pork?

In the religious world, pork is one of the meats that are forbidden in the Bible. One of the main reasons for avoiding pork is the inhumane treatment that pigs are subjected to during rearing.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 856

Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eating

While meat is a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins, it also results in many adverse effects to the human body.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Healthy Food
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1936

Coffee and Why It Is Good for You

For this reason, the monks thought of using the coffee powder to keep them energized and awake during prayers, and this is how coffee was discovered.
  • 3
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 626

Food Habits and Culture: Factors Influence

The food habits of a group of people/community can be described as the reasons for eating, the methods used while eating, the types of food eaten, and the mode of storage.
  • 1
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1380

Coffee: Benefits and Disadvantages

Therefore, it is essential to establish the basic effects of coffee. Thus, coffee is one of the most popular drinks globally; many people consume it every day.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 376

Cultural Role of Crepes in France

French crepes have a long history of celebration. February 2nd was the day when every home in France would make twelve crepes to eat together.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 543

The Bread Making Process: Main Steps

For instance, according to Hoffman, when the components for the bread dough are mixed, the dough is kneaded. In conclusion, once the bread has cooled to a temperature that can be handled, it is ready [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1161

Ramen Culture as a Vital Part of the Traditions in Japan

Studying the history of the transformation of ramen culture and the role it plays in modern Japanese popular culture helps to explore the uniqueness of the phenomenon and understand the origins of its immense popularity.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1971

Chipotle Company’s Food Crisis

After the food poisoning occurrence, the local and federal authorities tried to ascertain the reason for the outbreak, but the tests they conducted could not confirm the ingredient that caused the illness.
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 18
  • Words: 5358

Kitchen Safety Assessment and Potential Corrections

The FDA emphasized the importance of hygiene in the kitchen; in particular, this requirement concerns the appliances used, the kitchen surfaces, and the people who are involved in the preparation and handling of the food [...]
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 862

Why Is Pizza Popular?

The affordability of pizza is attributed to its customizability, which allows the clients to choose what to be added to the basic formulation.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1687

Quality and Value of Food

Preparation of food of good quality means use of ingredients of good quality thus food production by farmers affects directly the quality and value of food.
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 931

Indigotine as Food Additive: Daily Intake and Risk Analysis

The synthesis of indigotine occurs in five stages, which entail the formation of phenylglycine, the fusion of molten mixture, the oxidation of indigo, the acidification of indigo, and the purification of indigotine.
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1794

Tiramisu: Classic and Original Recipe

The central purpose of the paper is to define a classic and original recipe for tiramisu and to describe why the dish has become known throughout the world as one of the most frequently ordered [...]
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1512

Food Analysis and Its Methods in Practice

Food analysis is the field that handles the use of diagnostic processes to characterize food substances and their components. The purpose of this experiment was to conduct a food analysis of an unknown sample and [...]
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1773

The Disadvantages of Canned Food

From this perspective, canned food is considered to be harmful to health as the added sugar and trans fats in it can lead to the appearance of serious medical problems.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1136

Genetically Modified Organisms: Views on GMOs

For the reason that I was interested in GMOs and did my research before, the article did not change my perception of it much since I have already known what GMOs are and that they [...]
  • Subjects: Genetically Modified Food
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 300

Moist and Dry Heat Cookery

Roasting is mainly used to enhance the flavor and aroma of the food through browning on the surface of the food.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1586

Food Security: The Main Challenges

The attainment of food security is a key challenge faced in the contemporary world; it is caused by industrialized agriculture, which affects the climate, problematic balancing between agriculture and the environment, and the inability of [...]
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1486

Sushi: History, Origin and the Cultural Landscape

Sushi is a traditional dish of the Japanese cuisine, which is usually made of rice, raw fish, and nori (seaweed, which is used for holding the parts of sushi together).
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 1812

Indian Cuisine: Personal Experiences

Food is an important part of the Indian social fabric and families take pride in serving the best Indian cuisine and sharing it with their friends and kinsmen.
  • 5
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 867

Fats, Carbohydrates, and Proteins

In the body, carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is necessary for the adequate functioning of the whole organism and especially the brain.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

The Importance of Food Safety in Live

The food control system is an internationally recognized system that details various elements that are involved in food handling and to ensure safety and fitness for human consumption.
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2835

Chocolate Ice-Cream: Food Product Case

In the case of Chocolate ice-cream, the flavouring added is normally chocolate. Chocolate ice cream is the second most common type of ice cream in the world after vanilla.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 638

An Onion: An Important Vegetable

This onion has got a duration that it has to take so that it can be ready fiord use thus after the time it is planted to the time it is ready one has to [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 725

Chinese and Korean Cuisines Differences

The paper is based on three-course readings: the article A Second-Century Chinese Kitchen Scene by Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, the chapter Daily Foods from the book Korean Cuisine: An Illustrated History by Pettid, and the chapter The Quest [...]
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 825

Preserving and Promoting Traditional Cuisine

The importance of nutrition is enhanced and the primary approach is to understand the importance of traditional food for the health of the indigenous people.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 45
  • Words: 12030

Benefits of Energy Drinks

According to Bohlmann et al, energy drinks are being advertised time and then on televisions, radios, and newspapers because of their ability the improvement of metabolism and boost of energy levels of an individual.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 820

The Fast Food Industry

Lots of people claim that the growth of the rate of obese people correlates with the growth of fast food chains in the region.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Fast Food
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 534

Importance of Vitamin C for the Human Body

The nutrient is soluble in water and is not stored in the body of human beings. Ascorbic acid is the only vitamin that interacts with both the vitamins and minerals for the benefit of our [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1116

Meat Consumption: Why Should It Be Discouraged?

Apart from the need to safeguard the lives of animals, the call to stop eating meat also arises from the concerns about how these animals are handled and slaughtered. The risk of contracting cancer as [...]
  • Subjects: Healthy Food
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1346

Why You Should Not Be a Vegetarian

To conclude the above, it is important to note that vegetarianism refers to a form of food culture in which the individual eschews animal products.
  • Subjects: Healthy Food
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 618

Child Malnutrition: Term Definition

Majority of the people in the globe specifically in the rural areas do not have access to safe drinking water and most of them lack the access of good sanitation.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 554

“The Riddle of the Sacred Cow” by Marvin Harris

Marvin Harris is the author of the article, The Riddle of the Sacred Cow. He singles out India as one such society that abominates the slaughter of cattle and the consumption of beef by citing [...]
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1044

Importance of Health Diet for Modern Person

I found that this project was valuable not just in terms of my health but also in terms of the additional knowledge it provided me with to help me establish and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 382

US Schools’ War Against Chocolate Milk by Gilbert Cruz

The main concern of the article in question is the reduction of chocolate milk consumption in schools. It is due to the fact that chocolate milk is absorbed in stomach more slowly than unflavored milk.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1210

Health Effects of Junk Food Intake

Notably, the consumption of junk food has become one of the major health issues that destabilize the health of individuals and groups in contemporary societies.
  • 4.3
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2472

“Food Colombusing” and Cultural Appropriation

Authenticity in cuisine defies efforts to create an all-inclusive and integrated world in which one is allowed to enjoy and feel the attributes of a culture that is not theirs.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 426

The Culture of Fast Food Consumption

Thesis Statement: The purchase of fast food is largely driven by the convenience of purchase, enjoyment of taste, and pricing. However, it is worth sorting out the reasons for consuming fast food and the main [...]
  • Subjects: Fast Food
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 349

Rational Nutrition: The Key Elements

Therefore, it is vital to comprehend the importance of a well-balanced diet because it: Regulates the timing of meals and the number of nutrients that come with the food.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 398

Lifespan Nutrition Needs

In infants growth and development of the brain and body takes place. Adequate nutrition is essential to this growth and development.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1550

Food Service System: Overview

Through the system, quality control is achieved through the quality of components, menus, and recipes chosen by the director. The rationale for ready-prepared system involves mass-generation and freezing of food items which might lower labor [...]
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 697

Vitamins and Dietary Supplement

But before this can be done there is a need to understand what the difference between vitamins and dietary supplements. The capsules taken in as dietary supplements are similar looking to the vitamins in capsule [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 619

The Food Preservation Techniques

Convenience food became the go-to as America got preoccupied with vehicles and the freedom to travel around their cities and neighborhoods and as postwar America worked. Processing the ingredients and sending them to the eateries [...]
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 344

Globalization and Food in Japan

We have the McDonalds in the developed countries and it has influenced food market in Japan, so continued globalization will affect cultures in all countries in the world, including developing countries.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1941

Brazil Food Culture and Dietary Patterns

The Brazilian food culture is made up of a variety of mostly traditional dishes that have their background from the history and culture of the country.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1763

Comprehensive Analysis of Diet

As the functions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat are crucial for organism operation, it is necessary to control its number in food.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1120

The Triumph of French Cuisine

One such cuisine which has captured the hearts of many across the globe because of its taste and ways of preparation, and which is found to exist and develop in France, is known as the [...]
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2419

The World’s Food Problems’ Solving

When the population of a country increases, there are some associated problems that will automatically arise such as increase in the level of unemployment which leads to food problems in the developing countries.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1156

Hotpot Concept and Cultural Value

The history of the Chinese hotpot goes back to the past 1000 years even though the roots of the delicacy are in Mongolia.
  • 5
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2248

Lasagna Cooking Process and Noodle Preparing Tips

The next step the cook is to follow is to mix the first four ingredients and to divide the mixture. The cook is to remember that the dish is to be covered with foil.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 549

Globalization and Food Culture Essay

The interviewee gave the examples of France, America, and China in her description of how food can affect the culture of a place and vice versa.
  • 5
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3588

Fast Foods More Harm Than Good

The rest of the life of such a child is upsetting as the child is ridiculed in and out of school, through his/her adolescence, and even in college.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 1898

Intermittent Fasting: A Path to Improved Well-Being

Motivation: I propose a way to improve your day-to-day well-being and add a couple of extra years to your life. Thesis: Decades of extensive scientific research and observation have proven that intermittent fasting is a [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 636

Minerals’ Importance for Human Health

Minerals must be taken in adequate quantity to ensure normal metabolic and structural functions in the body, such as growth and development, cell function regulation, and others.1.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 379


In Britain, there are various types of curries differentiated by the types of curry pastes and their combinations. Photo 2 There are several methods of making curry; one of the most common and conventional methods [...]
  • 5
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 570

Fast Food Effects on Human Health

The phenomenon results in the ideological perspectives of increased obesity and the emergence of lifestyle diseases. The popularity and consumption rate of fast-food restaurants is one of the trending issues in cities and towns.
  • Subjects: Fast Food
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 917

Gordon Ramsay as a Favorite Chef

For Gordon Ramsay, the quality of cuisine comes first, and he strives not only to make money using his knowledge but also to contribute to the development of the world's culinary culture.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 332

The Process of Cheese Production

Some biotic bacteria are added during the production to improve the qualities of the cheese together with improving the health of the consumers having in mind that some additives are also included in the process [...]
  • Subjects: Healthy Food
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 850

Food and Beverage Control Software

In such a way it is possible to find out which items are the most gainful, and if the wastage of food is low enough for managers to reach the profitability targets.
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1387

Nutrition Education: Its Importance and Promotion

Nutrition education is one of the most complex and complicated areas of health care.the most difficult task is to motivate and persuade the target audience to follow dietary patterns and change their lifestyles.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 627

Food, Eating Behavior, and Culture in Chinese Society

The majority of the food and the cookies were not an actual part of the Chinese cuisine. The issue of the origin of the fortune cookies demonstrates the global intersections.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1166

Food and Culture Links

Many publications have tried to convince people that the food they eat is a product of their culture and that culture defines the different tastes they have for foods.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1119

Fish as a Part of Healthy Nutrition

There is a consensus among health experts and nutritionists on the types of food that constitute a healthy diet and one of them is fish.
  • Subjects: Healthy Food
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1197

High-Risk Nutritional Practices in Various Cultures

Undoubtedly, the essential role of food is to maintain the functioning of the human body. The role of healthcare professionals, in this case, is to warn people and prevent health issues.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1092

History of Dietary Changes in Saudi Arabia

The principal contributor to the diet changes is the changes in the socio-economic status of Saudi Arabia. The cultural influence and the rapid economic development was the key driver for the shift from the traditional [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 733

The Geography of a Breakfast Commodity: Bananas

Banana is the commonly used name for the fruit and the plant, and is largely grown in the tropical lands. Bananas are normally eaten while raw or cooked, depending on the various cultures: for the [...]
  • Subjects: Organic Food
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2567

Dietary Habits in the United States

This amount of cholesterol and sugar has negative consequences for the body and has to be significantly reconsidered together with the number of vegetables and grains averagely consumed.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 638

The Gluten-Free Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages

The research aims to address the advantages and disadvantages of the gluten-free diet. Therefore, gluten-free food substances will enable the individual with celiac disease to regain weight and eliminate nutritional deficiencies.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 670

The Concept of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are organic compounds important as food to plants and animals and derived from carbon dioxide and water, through the action of sunlight on chlorophyll.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 903

Importance of Nutrition in Health Life

The topic devoted to maintaining and strengthening health into everyday life is extremely relevant in our time because the introduction of behavioral changes in health care is the prevention of diseases.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 341

Canada Food Guide Overview

For instance, one of the points included in the new guide is that plant-based proteins have to be consumed more often in order to maintain one's health in a good shape. The idea is that [...]
  • Subjects: Healthy Food
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 661

Using Food Preservatives Ethical

At present, the use of chemical food preservatives have gained prevalent use as many people have become tailored to the convenience of buying food that is already prepared, instead of preparing and preserving their food.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 19
  • Words: 5120

Rhetorical Analysis on Healthy Food and Labeling Problem

This approach of the author is a manifestation of logos since the explanations rationalize the existence of the problem. This article has three parts, in which the author explains the cult of "healthy" unprocessed food, [...]
  • Subjects: Healthy Food
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1162

Culinary Arts and Garde Manger Investigation

Their difference is based on the way of processing, size, and color of the caviar. The size of the roe is dependant on the type of sturgeon.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1270

South Korean and Japanese Cuisines and Identity

This is a bright example of associating food with identity, as Koreans wished to become closer to the superior nation by changing their food habits.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 783

The Culture of Veganism Among the Middle Class

According to Hooker, the culture of veganism has become so popular among the middle class that it is easy to associate it with the class. In this research, the focus will be to analyze the [...]
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2778

Food Preservation Methods and Their Classification

At the same time, conditions are created for the development of microorganisms, which change the properties of the product in the course of their life activity to improve its nutritional and taste qualities.
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 927

Sports Nutrition: Term Definition

Proper nutrition is very important when it comes to athletes because of the amount of exercise and energy consumption is very high and hence the athlete needs some nutrition to keep him going.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1904

Nutritional Information on Restaurant Menus

It is due to this fact that I take deep concern on the issue of the proposition that nutritional information to be included on the restaurant menus.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1244

Food and Beverage Services: “Moments of Truth”

Dinning experience has a great impact on the perception of service and restaurant brand image, customers' loyalty, and repeat visitors."Moments of truth" influence the decision to visit a bar or a restaurant again and customers' [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1449

Digestive System Function: Pizza With Pepperoni and Onions

Therefore, an examination of the functioning of the digestive system using the example of a common food type will reveal a range of intricate details regarding the chemical and physical processes taking place within the [...]
  • Subjects: Fast Food
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 616

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Toward Salt Intake

When the daily intake of salt is exceeded many times, it begins to accumulate in the body. The increased sodium content adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys, as a result of which the flow [...]
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1198

Good Manufacturing Practice Concept

GMPs are the guidelines or steps that manufacturing companies need to follow when manufacturing products to ensure that they are of the expected quality.
  • Subjects: Food Safety
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 584

Health and Fitness Workout Plan

When I created my blog, I used this information to develop the plan and decide how I would explain my meal choices.
  • Subjects: Nutrition
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 842

Gastronomy of Tiramisu and Its Development

The paper further goes to discuss the history of tiramisu about gastronomy and how the tiramisu has impacted the development of gastronomy.
  • Subjects: World Cuisines & Food Culture
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2132
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