In addition to the frequent outbreaks of conflict and instability among African states, the rapid increase in the continent's population poses a threat to economic development.
Considering that grants would be obtained from FIFA to partly support the preparation, the revenue body in the state would benefit from such grant and the developments that will be carried out with the support [...]
The authors are confident that these statements are incorrect, and the reason for the misconceptions is a misunderstanding of the roots of distinction and its inaccurate interpretation.
The following are some of the advantages of using the hard system method It provides a deeper understanding and analysis of the problem of unemployment and answers the question of how to mitigate the unemployment [...]
In order to address the collapse in the real estate market observed in Dubai in 2008, the Emirate's authorities focused on elaborating stricter regulations on developers of the housing projects and on the buyers. 26 [...]
My view is that the great depression of the 1930s could be excused because the globe was just coming to form the repercussions of the First World War, and again the Second World War was [...]
Employers seek to recoup the costs of inflation by constantly increasing the financial performance of sales. One of these methods is to increase the gross profit ratio by reducing the cost of production.
The major difference between the market and command economy is in the allocation of power over production. In a market economy, the engagement of the government is not present at all.
Based on the experience of conducted studies, it can be concluded that one of the basic problems of the modern economy is substantial limited resources that exist in conditions of unlimited human needs.
However, this is usually not the case as the rate of employment opportunities being created are very few compared to the demands of the population and this means that many people will be unemployed regardless [...]
To formulate a mathematical model to optimize cost in inventory control, it is critical to consider different aspects of inventory control that significantly contribute to the formulation of the model and the reorder policies.
The overall redirection of the corporation and risk and opportunity management can be made to be consistent. In the absence of political and business communities' leadership on all of these issues, risk events will be [...]
This research looks at one of her most celebrated program that turned out later on to be the source of misery to a good number of her population; that is the welfare program that was [...]
The aim of the paper is to provide a coherent analysis of the issues by bringing out the moral issues of the Movement and analyze the Movement in relation to philosophical theories like Kantian, utilitarianism [...]
The Bakun Dam project in Sarawak is the largest source of hydroelectric power in Malaysia. However, the utilitarianism doctrine justifies the construction of the Bakun Dam project.
The main discussion centered on the dollar development in relation to the Yen currency. For example, the heightened price of the dollar on the Japanese cars led to a drop in their competitiveness.
The intensification of child prostitution is largely associated with the growing industry in Thailand, the relegated position of women in the Thai society due to Thai Buddhism and the culture of recreational sex.
The problem with the current case is that the market share of ABB India and its willingness to innovate do not go in line with the environmental impact that ABB could have on the region.
Notably, Menu Foods did not disclose the results of the previous examination but asked the laboratory to test the food for pesticides and insecticides as if the cats were refusing to eat it.
The realization that tones of food end in landfills through irresponsible habits should drive people to engage in rational behavior about consumption, and storage of food. Also, correct societal perception would help in instilling the [...]
These include agreements by developed countries to provide aid to the developing nations, urging the developing economies to open up their economies for international trade and signing of agreements to allow preference of imports from [...]
The impact that instability and uncertainty have had on young employees draws attention to the precarity of the labour market. This adaptation to adversity means that they have internalized the ability to adapt well to [...]
The rising demand for energy globally has become one of the greatest challenges in the world today. These challenges are projected to evolve from economic to social and political challenges in the near future.
Mark Davis attempts to link the exponential growth of slum areas with industrialization in the Planet of the Slums. The story revolves on the statistics provided by the United Nations stating that approximately 1 billion [...]
The first impact of unemployment on the economy is the extra financial costs that a government may have to incur when unemployed persons are paid some stipends.
In addition, a case of a company is studied to evaluate the impact of GFC on a particular firm, and consider the capability of the firm to survive the crisis.
The irritating consumerism of the rich and the shortage of basic needs in low income societies lead to the multiplication of conflicts between the rich and poor.
According to this article, a rising unemployment rate may strengthen the economy. Before a more significant employment uptake occurs, this phenomenon may create a brief spike in the unemployment rate.
The current problems affecting euro zone are not only affecting the European states but are also affecting other countries worldwide. This paper will look at the effects of the euro zone problems on Greece and the United States.
The equilibrium price of a commodity from the point of view of a free market is formed at the intersection of supply and demand, which fluctuates depending on many factors.
The implications of demonstrated insecurity include the lack of safe and healthy food to consume in order to contribute to the wellbeing of the local people, lack of agricultural progression, and a total population exceeding [...]
There were plans to expand the growth of row crops to northern parts of Texas. The majority of the interruption is due to retailers ordering more meat and dairy than they had previously ordered.
For example, the Hormone Replacement Therapy product supply has not been reliable in the past years due to several factors such as the low manufacturing capacity and the disruption of the global chain.
Raising the minimum wage: Good for workers, businesses, and the economy. The issue of the federal minimum wage has been long debated as it affects the economic status of the U.S.
In this regard, the major objectives included investigating the current situation in African organizations, identifying the causes of corruption in African developing countries, studying the impact of neo-patrimonialism on African corruption, and examining unethical business [...]
The unemployment rate calculation formula is quite simple the number of unemployed people is divided by the total number of people in the civilian workforce.
The Federal Reserve Economic Data graphs indicate that before the Great Recession, the unemployment and total unemployment rates were relatively low at 5% and 8.
Consequently, TP manufacturers should diversify their supply and distribution chains in the aftermath of the pandemic. Lastly, manufacturers should remember the pandemic experience and prepare for the sudden shift to consumer-grade TP production.
This is due to the fact that the financial assistance provided by the West to the countries of Africa is not gratuitous, but leads to the formation of state debt.
The government could easily cut the expenses by at least $100 billion and invest the money in other spheres that could provide security for the citizens of the US.
Based on the collected data, the similarities and differences in the coverage of the Blue Bell crisis in the company's messages and in the local press were examined.
The role of countries in the world market becomes decisive for the well-being of their citizens and can determine social processes that arise and progress within the state.
Since the pandemic outbreak in early 2020, the city government has been at the forefront of managing the health crisis and its social and economic consequences.
The credit crisis related to the mortgage problem in 2008 has been one of the massive financial issues of the world since the times of the Great Depression.
Therefore, blaming socialism alone is not sufficient to explain the crisis in Venezuela and the risks to the United States. Thomas Sowell states that promising wealth tax is a politician's means of capitalizing on the [...]
A feature of the article is the study by the authors of the consequences of inflationary crises and comparison with pre-existing crises to calculate the level of the crisis as a whole.
This paper aims to review two current news articles about Panama, which reveal the issue of the high unemployment rate in this country, which continues to increase and has taken the form of a crisis.
Grant is being pushed to his limits by his aunt's insatiable desires, the demands of his students as teachers, and the community's desire for proper leadership.
For instance, both the earned and the unearned income should be taxed in the same way; this intervention would be functional in helping to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich.
Therefore, the gap in wealth and income between social groups of people is a serious problem that contributes to other inequalities existing in the world.
In the long term, this causes the situation that the goods produced will not be in demand, which will provoke inflation. One of the most famous and terrible consequences is the Great Depression of the [...]
Businesses on the receiving end suffered losses due to the high cost of production or goods being unable to enter the market that is already strained. This deprived them of a source of livelihood and [...]
For this purpose, the authors analyzed the available information to come to the conclusion that one percent of the richest' growth in capacity is twice faster than the change in similar indicators of the fifty [...]
In this paper, the definition of a recession will be given, and the analysis of this concept will be offered to comprehend how people should understand the worth of recessions.
However, the external economic environment related to the pandemic might have a higher financial impact on Saudi Arabia than the internal coronavirus cases.
Consequently, it is possible to conclude that the increasing number of graduates with the same degrees contributes to the fact that limited employment opportunities for fresh graduates are a problem.
The reading argues that there was disinterest of the universities and research institutes in the local knowledge economies, and therefore there was a need for the development of innovation imaginaries.
The article by Zaatari discusses energy sector emissions, which should be regarded as a market failure. According to the text, “energy sector emissions make for 74% of UAE total”.
The national debt is growing at an alarming rate. Research is necessary to determine cause of national debt and provide recommendations to alleviate the problem.
This research paper attempts to review what caused the economic crisis in South East Asian nations in 1997 and 1999 and the role of IMF in addressing the crisis and how IMF was criticised for [...]
The first is trade in risk and the second is diversification. When an insurance company is able to take advantage of the predictability that comes from aggregating a large number of independent events, it is [...]
When the housing bubble caused financial depression in the national economy, colleges and universities were some of the most affected institutions, especially because the state and federal legislatures were forced to cut funding, the major [...]
Liquidity funds are structured in the same way as that of a corporate entity with a board of directors to regulate the conduct of the affairs of the fund.
The level of unemployment in the United States and Europe has continued to push the recession to unprecedented levels. Most of the jobs that were lost in the United States and Europe were in the [...]
The company filed for bankruptcy in the year 2008, a thing that virtually led to the global financial meltdown following the fact that individuals in the entire world had hugely invested in this firm.
The increase in commodity prices was also caused by a reduction in the prices of debt and the implementation of SAPs. According to Sakar and Singer an increase in interest rates was a cause of [...]
The financial costs arising out of corporate frauds might be enormous both for the corporations and for the economy as a whole. Corporate frauds can take the form of fraudulent financial reporting and the second [...]
The companies' financial accounts are the first source to spot any fraudulent activities in the company. Assets: A company purchases more assets to help in the profit generation.
The situation with the graduate labor market in the UK is currently unstable due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the "massification" of high education during the last decade led to growing concerns that the [...]
The result of poor economic policies is a rising influence of the rich on one side and economic stagnation of the poor and the middle class on the other side.
One of the factors explored in the text is the distribution of resources and how the scramble for scarce utility lead has a profound impact on the environment.
The central assumption of Kelton is that according to Modern Monetary Theory, the federal deficit may be perceived as a positive phenomenon for the economy. The deficit is an integral indicator of the economy and [...]
The bill aims to provide emergency assistance to youth, children, and families who faced homelessness caused by the medical and economic issues of COVID-19.
The purpose of this research is about showing the issue of unemployment in the 20th century, the results that it led to, the human struggle against unemployment, and the predictions of unemployment in the future.
The current account deficit is a state of economic imbalance due to the financial crisis arising from the backlog of the trade sector in a given nation.
The world is still on its way to overcoming the consequences of the crisis that took place in 2008, and the current dire conditions might severely affect the global economy to even a greater extent.
The discussion contains a couple of significant ideas and assumptions that provide the recipient with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the current situation in the international market.
The purpose of this policy note is to provide the general information about EU economy, show its importance in comparison to other countries, discuss the effect of Brexit and COVID-19 on the situation, and analyze [...]
The case is similar to that of the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1990s. The leaders should consider investments to ensure the peaceful coexistence of people due to the lack of basic [...]
The paper has presented the numerous challenges in the Gulf in relation to the diversification of economic activities. Anticipating future depletion of the oil reserves, the paper argues that it is in the best interest [...]
Evaluating the matter from the economic point of view, it is evident that urbanization has a variety of adverse effects including negative externality, overinvestment in infrastructures, and the growth of unemployment and underemployment.
This is explained by the fact that UAE is less dependent on oil trade, hence, the inflation and unemployment rate in the UAE is lower in comparison with the countries of GCC.
The content of the article is mainly connected with the peculiarities of social and economical situation in the developing countries like India, Russia, China and Brazil.
Inflation can be measured in the following ways; Monetary inflation; caused by increase in the increase in the amount of money in circulation in an economy.
Inequality forms the basis of the capitalist market and has a significant effect on the economy, the theme of this paper will be to establish the causes of inequality and how inequality affects a country's [...]
With the pressing need to increase food security, understanding the determinants of the demand for food and having some estimates of the likely impact of price and income changes has become a vital task.
Thirdly, the manufacturing sector of the UK has declined compared to the rest of the world. The government has also responded to the decline in the housing market and retaining the quality of place.
After a general summary of basic information, this report will focus on the economic conditions that might have bearing on management's decision, the social environment in which management will have to conduct its operations, and [...]