The movie theatre shootings in Aurora and the more recent school shootings are examples of events that have contributed to the increased gun-control debate. In the article, the authors contribute to the debate on gun [...]
This paper discusses the aspects of freedom of speech and censorship in regard to media ethics and law. This is a critical provision in the context of media ethics and law.
In order to solve the problem of violation of the human rights of the immigrants, some recommended policies include: The detention of immigrants should be reviewed on a regular basis, and if a person is [...]
It is however true that the existence of universal human rights is compromised by cultural relativism. In addition, it is wrong to assume that cultural relativism would interfere with the efficacy of these universal human [...]
All groups should be considered in the implementation of human rights and the task of policy making and implementation of human rights should be left to a neutral structure that runs without external interference.
The United Nations Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental organization and an organ of the United Nations; all members of the United Nations members are members of UNHRC, the council seat, however, has a membership [...]
For example, inhabitants of South East Asia argue that although the notion of human rights is universal both in ideology and in theory, it has so many obstacles due to socio-economic concerns, cultural dissimilarities and [...]
Nowadays, we live in the world, in which the most of the leading countries declare the supremacy of law based on the democratic values and the human rights.
The compelling views in support of the termination of developing foetus on the grounds of genetic disability are unimportant and the author takes a stance that the action is unjustifiable because people with disability enjoy [...]
In A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Wollstonecraft makes her argument based on the issues of morals and virtue. He questions the notion of 'nature' as used in the society to justify the plight [...]
Suffrage is the right to vote, and women's suffrage is the right of women to take part in the process of voting.
The rights of women have enshrined in the constitution of most countries, which is a clear indication that women are moving in the right direction. Efforts have been underway to ensure that the rights of [...]
To begin with, the state has to recognize that its primary role is the welfare of its own citizens as well as protection of the others who are in need.
As such, policies that protect the political, social, economic, civil and cultural rights of immigrants should be developed and implemented in all countries around the world.
The chronological development of habeas corpus Habeas Corpus has since the earliest era been used to coerce the look of a captive to be brought in front of a court of order.
Another point, which causes indignation, is related to the statement that women are not considered to be full-fledged members of the modern society; on the contrary, the author states that females are mostly regarded as [...]
The second reason why abortion is difficult to justify is that in these cases, the woman will have to deal with the trauma of rape and with the trauma of abortion.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate child trafficking for the purpose of sex exploitation. Within this definition, the scope of children trafficking is alluded to, in that UNICEF refers to human trafficking as [...]
Apparently, Etienne has lived long enough in the village and he is a respected member of the society due to his indulgence in the activities that are geared towards improving the living standards of the [...]
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the issue of the rights of the homeless people. In Florida and Las Vegas the members of the public are not allowed to feed the homeless people in [...]
The entrenchment of equal rights of women and men and more noticeably the right of every American woman to vote came into being after the enactment of the nineteenth amendment.
I think king Abdullah will be remembered as one of the Saudi Arabia leaders who pioneered equality in the country by giving women voting rights and a chance to participate in politics.
The Act calls for the immediate and unconditioned release of all imprisoned politicians including those who were detained in the repression after the elections and rejected the results of the fraudulent elections."Act on Democracy and [...]
It is therefore the responsibility of computer professionals to take all the necessary steps that would help preserve the privacy of computer users, some of which have been mentioned in this essay.
This essay explores the due process of law regarding the Fourth and the Sixth Amendment of the United States. Basing on the exceptions of the Fourth Amendment, there is no clear cut between warrant search [...]
The development of a global community holds a lot of promise for the improvement of human rights. This is attainable by implementing a common code of human rights across the globe along the lines of [...]
The Freedom of Religion clause in the First Amendment represents one of the few official documents on the planet that corroborates free will, specifically, the right to choose, in the arena of religion.
This paper focuses on the activities that took place under the authority of Saddam Hussein which led to the abuse of human rights.
The paper will look at the human nature that necessitates speech and expression, freedom of speech as applied in different countries and limitations that freedom of speech faces.
It contains different elements like the bill of rights, the principles of constitution, federalism, as well as the judicial review. The bill of rights takes into account the crucial rights of the people of a [...]