Immigration is a process that involves a temporary or permanent relocation of people from one country to another. It may occur due to various reasons: economic, political, cultural, social, etc.
A person who lives in a country other than that of their birth is called an immigrant. The only way to mitigate that status is to apply for and pass the citizenship test. Then, the person becomes naturalized.
Immigration is quite a complex issue. It has both positive and negative influences on societies and countries. For example, it affects international economics, national security, demographics, culture, and even religion. Thus, immigration is a phenomenon that offers a lot of aspects to explore.
You can write a paper on immigration for sociology, international relations, and many other subjects. Our IvyPanda team has prepared this article to help you find the right approach to this phenomenon. Also, you’ll find 13 topics and excellent immigration essay examples for you.
Immigration Essay: What Paper Type to Choose
Before writing a paper, you have to decide on its type if it wasn’t assigned. There are a lot of them, of course. Yet, not many are suitable for an immigration essay. Writing a narrative paper, for example, will be extremely difficult if you haven’t had a similar experience. Moreover, teachers usually expect research and analysis of existing facts and statistics. Thus, certain essay types are more suitable for your work than others.
Let’s see what essay types are suitable for papers on immigration:
A persuasive essay aims to convince its readers to accept the writer’s idea. For that, the author needs to collect strong arguments and reliable facts. The discourse surrounding immigration has been rampant in the past couple of decades. Therefore, it will be crucial to double-check the validity of the collected data. The goal is then to present that data to the audience so that they believe your position is the correct one. The key is to appeal to the sentiments of your readers and evoke an emotional response.
The key aim of a cause-and-effect essay is to explore the relationship between two aspects. In other words, the writer is supposed to show how one event, person, or idea influences another. For this type of essay, you can show how immigration is correlated with other systems in a given country. Provide logical connections to the readers and explain your findings.
It is crucial to distinguish this type of essay from a persuasive one. In both, you should present various arguments to convince your readers of your thesis statement. However, an argumentative approach does not appeal to the readers’ emotions. This is usually a five-paragraph essay with an introduction, a thesis statement, a body, and a conclusion. The largest part should consist of three paragraphs. They should include two supporting arguments and a counterargument. An argumentative essay works well with an issue such as immigration since you have to consider different points of view.
An expository essay is the most basic type of paper. Its purpose is to define the concept or explain the idea. If you want to remain neutral when exploring the issues of immigration, this is your best approach. The most significant aspect of an expository essay is clarification. Make sure that you explain your ideas as precisely as possible, so the readers can easily understand your thoughts.
Read immigration essays samples under the article as well. This way, you’ll see what formats other students prefer to choose for their assignments.
13 Immigration Essay Topics
As you can tell, the subject of immigration is very broad. Thus, it might be pretty challenging to develop a specific idea for an essay. There are several options for solving this problem. You can search for immigrant essay examples and topics online. Or you can try out our title generator that can automatically create a new idea for you.
Besides, you can check this list of topics:
How does Amnesty International fight for the human rights of international migrants?
The key causes and effects of illegal migration in Europe.
The role of border patrol in catching undocumented workers and preventing them from illegal actions.
Do second-generation immigrants have the same rights as native Americans?
What benefits do immigrant scholarships provide for international migrants in the USA?
Should the government give citizenship to immigrant children?
Poverty as the main cause of migration from third-world countries.
Immigration reform and control act of 1986: causes and effects for the USA.
Life of an immigrant. What are the most common obstacles migrants are facing? What are the possible ways to overcome them?
Human migration should be under the strict control of international affairs.
What effects does global migration have on international political and economic performance?
Immigration in America nowadays. What are the advantages and disadvantages of accepting migrants for the United States?
What problems might the immigrants have while assimilating with the unknown culture?
Thanks for your attention! We hope this article will help you in writing your paper. And don’t forget about our immigrant experience essay examples below. You can find a lot of insights in them.
Some of the major causes of immigration in the current world include; Political unrests and wars This is one of the common causes of immigration in various regions of the world.
The issues discussed include the reasons for the movement of the Chinese to America, the expectations of the Chinese; jobs, discrimination, contributions to America, power, economics, gender issues, bachelor societies, etc.and the common experiences the [...]
It is worth mentioning that this debate has led to the conclusion that there are people who hold differing views regarding the subject of the links which exist between migration and development.
It is important to mention how immigrants tend to affect the economy of the country. According to the statistics received from the US Bureau of Labor, the participation of foreigners in the workforce was 3.
In other words, historically, the United States and the Philippines have a long-lasting relationship, which is tied to the labor forces' needs of the former, and thus, labor policies are designed to fill the labor [...]
The increased population of the city has resulted in various positive and negative effects. High population is a local market that leads to development in the city.
The Ostrich's symbolic representation of the past that Sumra lost, as well as her loss of the opportunity to reconnect with her culture, is portrayed in the description of Sumra's immigrant life before the Ostrich [...]
This is whereby a foreigner travels to the United State for a short period for the sole reason of giving birth in the order to guarantee the citizenship of the child.
The propose policy, even though it was defeated, just revealed the truth that the other way of belonging to America does not make her an immigrant, where she is just "expatriate Indian".
The onset of the politically instigated violence in my country meant that circumstances had taken a turn for the worst. Life in the refugee camp is so challenging with so little to smile about as [...]
However, the given approach was seriously criticized at the end and beginning of the 20th century because of the growing problem of migrants and refugees.
The Confucian philosophy uses the concepts of training and control and love in the Chinese parenting practices, such that they are deeply involved in the lives of their children.
People consider the immigrations of both the Irish and the Jewish communities from their mother countries the greatest exodus ever to occur around the world. Their movement to the eastern part of Canada also contributed [...]
In one popular song about immigration to America, Long Live the Land of the Free, the described as "sweet heaven of freedom of u.s.the oppressed".
At the same time, individuals are presented with the opportunity to select from the available terrace houses and 'Queenslanders' that are designed in such a way to accommodate weather and lifestyle elements of Sydney city.
Mexico has its own history, which is closely connected to the history of the USA, and the economic problems of Mexico have always resulted in the processes of emigration of great masses of people to [...]
Amid the earliest Puerto Ricans to immigrate to New York were Spanish crown exiles both men and women, due to their political beliefs and resistance for the cause of Puerto Rican sovereignty In 1917 United [...]
I have shared my thoughts with many immigrants and found out that many of them have the same feeling of the obligation to stay loyal to the political machine of this country due to the [...]
First of all, the goal of this speech is to inform the audience of the current immigration issues in the country and how they have been and are promised to be treated by the politicians.
Instead of a commonplace attitude towards the tricky issue, Molina does a fairly deep research, disclosing a number of peculiar facts about the Mexicans and the Chinese, as well as the rest of the minorities [...]
The city of Los Angeles during that time period in history was the hub of an intense and multifaceted cultural interplay between the indigenous American culture rooted as it has been since its inception in [...]
Further, the roles of children are also similar in both countries, and an educator from the Philippines should not find it difficult to ask Canadian kids to follow the rules.
Germany and the United States contrast each other in resolving the public issue of immigration. The immigration policies of Germany and the United States cater to specific key stakeholders.
Therefore it can be said of this category of emigrants that they move and settle in other countries because of the differences in the wages paid in foreign countries which are better when they are [...]
The minority of the un-admitted immigrants who had spent time and energy on the long journey to the Island led to the Island being referred to as "The Heartbreak Island" or the "The Island of [...]
This paper will therefore trace the population movements in the world and some of the factors that contributed to the evolution of the world's population.
The major character of the book, Enrique, was left by his mother in early childhood, who, with the help of a smuggler, went to America to be able to support her children financially.
The following are the notes that I made during the interview, and also some of the interviewee's most notable responses to the ten open-ended questions: Amihan pointed out that she never felt sorry about her [...]
My family decided to move to the US from England because of the low wages in our town. My intentions were to explore the new opportunities of the West and to earn more money than [...]
The authors of an article published in The Online Journal of the Migration Policy Institute in 2016 reported that just over the last few decades, the population of immigrants in the US changed from 9.
Canadian law requires employers to provide most of the same rights to foreign workers as to resident workers. The overall obligation of employers to foreign workers is theoretically the same as for Canadian resident workers.
Except in the recent years where the number has decreased as a result of the heightening recession, people seeking employment have always constituted the largest number of the total inflows in the UK.
Overview America is a nation that has been built by these immigrants and therefore the extend to which the country should remain a nation of immigrants is a hot debate that can bring a lot [...]
At present Miami Dade schools are facing the problem of over crowded class rooms due to the immigrant population. In majority of the schools closets have also been used to accommodate the increasing population of [...]
The document explains migration theories, the categories relevant to the study's topic, and the classification of migrants. These categories can be applied to the topic of study from a historical perspective, comparing past and present [...]
Border security consists of measures to check and assess the state of sentiment at the border related to customs and the movement of people in various ways.
Culture in America is the culture of people from all over the world with different cultures. Assimilation has led to a mixture of American and Indian cultures in the region, which may worsen over time.
The outcomes of this paper provide insights into the positive and negative impacts, current laws and policies, and the Christian perspective concerning immigration and homeland security.
Yael enters the school with a passion because of their prejudice and then makes the most surprising and poignant gesture in the movie by openly kissing and licking Schlomo's face to prove he is not [...]
The immigrants may be from a different nation and be of a non-identical color than we are, but they are still people and do not deserve to be treated in this terrible manner.
The breakdown of middle-aged societies and the accompanying changes such as agricultural revolutions, the renaissance, colonization, the industrial revolution, technological advancement, modern education, the emergence of free market societies, and commercial process are some significant [...]
It is sometimes challenging to determine where to commence after relocating to a new country to make a fresh start. For instance, one immigrant once got harmed at work and was forced to live with [...]
One of the key features of the text is the constant use of the first person, which the author resorts to in order to bring himself closer to the reader and unite his views.
The United States has a long history of economic intervention in Latin America, often to the detriment of the region's economic stability.U.S.policies such as trade agreements and austerity measures have devastated the economies of many [...]
The migrations of Sinti and Roma people to Germany span centuries and are rich in complexity and variety. The Sinti and Roma people in Germany continue to be subject to discrimination and social exclusion, despite [...]
The crisis demonstrates the evolution of interactions between refugees and host nations and the impact of close geographical proximity on attitudes toward immigrants. The war broke out on the 24th of February 2022, to the [...]
In addition, I will assess the book's strengths and weaknesses, with particular emphasis on the authors' research methodologies, sources, and the quality of the evidence given.
All IDEAL candidates, like most applicants nowadays, would be required to pay a processing fee in advance to cover the price of doing background checks and conducting visa interviews.
Two basic factors motivate Immigration in the world; the first one is the reason to move from country of origin and second, the reason to move to a host country.
Therefore, each narrative included in the article "Maya Youth in Los Angeles" by Alicia Ivonne Estrada helps a reader to determine the factors that affected the Maya immigration to the U.S.
An analysis of one of the US media coverage of expulsion of Haitians in Del Rio reveals how media fostered and created a negative attitude towards asylum seekers in the host country of the US.
According to this law, the cities were divided into more and less favorable areas, which determined the desire of banks to issue loans to people to buy real estate in the neighborhood.
The broad phenomenon of acculturation as a process of adjusting one's values, beliefs, and habits according to the socio-cultural environment of an individual is an extremely complex social issue.
This paper introduces the concept of intercultural relations in Quebec, Canada, provides an analysis of the newcomers and old-timers faultline in Quebec, and concludes with an overview of the benefits of immigration growth.
The process of integration of Native Americans was marked by the transformation of their traditional way of life and the adoption of features of European culture.
The situation has become more acute in the last few years because of global problems like the coronavirus. The entire economic development of the colonies was subordinated to the interests of Spain and Portugal.
The clash between the federal government and the state of Texas over the implementation of immigration law and the exercise of these powers has been ongoing for decades now.
In particular, Italian and Jewish cultural peculiarities in the areas of food and sport showcase this tendency, as their development played an important role in distinguishing migrants from locals in their new homes.
Some of the reasons include the attitudes of foreign countries towards this location, the conflict between three different perspectives and the state of the country.
The phenomenon of immigration is often viewed as a complex one due to the concerns and fears associated with the increase in the number of immigrants within a community.
This might have a significant influence on the quality of decisions and the care provided to immigrants. The financial and emotional obstacles that children of immigrants encounter in a new nation are sometimes complex.
This study focuses on examining news sources and the rhetoric of politicians to find out the reasons for the formation of substantial prejudice against immigrants.
Because of the discriminatory attitudes that existed in society, I was not able to find a high-paying job. Those were the physical challenges I had to face in the form of sickness and starvation.
Although the law applies to both the Mexican and Canadian borders, the Canadian borders have limited the rate of the process, hence deporting 15, 000 migrants in the two years.
That is to say, the excessive policing and scrutiny of immigrants has little to do with the security of the public but more with colonial racial stereotypes.
The morality of migration is never simple because of the necessity to define human rights on the one hand and the authority of the government on the other hand.
A sense of belonging, having rights and responsibility, hard work, and taking an oath of allegiance to the constitution means being a citizen of the country one calls home.
According to a fellow volunteer at the Florence Project, one of the biggest non-profit organizations in Arizona, the need for social and emotional support for Mexican immigrants has been of utmost importance across the state [...]
The paper will discuss how Hurston exemplifies the Harlem movement in her book.'Their Eyes Were Watching God is an award-winning novel first published in the late 1930s and is considered one of the classics of [...]
Opposing sides are positioned around the migrants' rights versus the interests of the governments and citizens of recipient countries unable to shelter all people in need.
Although the Caribbean, Arab, and other Middle East nationalities can be considered coming from almost the same region, their cultural and economic differences are quite obvious.
In 1965, Congress overturned the discriminatory immigration quota system and passed legislation based on the principles of family reunification and the attraction of a highly-skilled workforce to the United States.
From the global perspective, the most influencing countries in the world use visa and other conditions of entering the country as a migration regulating tool.
Puerto Rico came to capitalism and imperialism, and the transformation of this territory into a state "under the wing" of the United States led to the loss of culture, tourism, and an increase in poverty [...]
Most of these cities have favorable locations across the Mekong River, ensuring access to water for farmers in the neighboring areas and factories in the cities.
Other factors are unsuitable weather conditions, persecution, threats to life or health, poverty in the country, risks of disease, and infection. Therefore, immigrants want to find a better place to live in order to improve [...]
In addition, Americans blamed Chinese immigrants for low wages and the unemployment rate, which further influenced the ban on Asians to move to the U.S.
Firstly, the announcement will contribute immensely towards the integrity of most employers in the sense that it is going to push employers to pursue only documented immigrants for labor without putting excessive pressure on the [...]
According to the author, due to the prevailing ethnocentrism and the division of society into "us" and "outsiders," the community often treats immigrants with prejudice.
The people of Hispanic origin account for a considerable part of the population of the United States. More specifically, the Hispanic population of the country has surpassed sixty million by the year 2019, and this [...]
In the question of what is more different about the U.S.from the Dominican Republic, Juanra responded that the most striking difference is the weather.
I will organize community events and invite both local members of the church and the immigrants in order to create a safe environment for them to meet.
Learning about an immigrant's experience of living in the UK is of a major interest for many individuals, including the ones planning to do so and the ones already in the process of being in [...]
The lack of protection for the work of immigrants demands compared to people born in this country and who had the opportunity to get a job because the state protects them.
Overall, the human right to change the place of residence should be upheld by the nations of the world. To conclude, the issues related to immigration should be of more significant concern to the world's [...]
To lessen the impact of ambiguous loss, immigrants and their families need therapy, community support, and advocacy for policy change to keep them safe.
The issue of migration has been spoken of many times in the history of the United States. The Bracero Program was a series of agreements between the governments of Mexico and the United States.
Urbanization is a special term that describes the decreasing proportion of people who live in rural areas, the population shift from rural to urban areas, and the possible ways of societies' adaption to these changes. [...]
The street gang has become one of the fastest-growing in the state of New York and one of the most violent, leading to the epidemic of brutal murders and unprecedented violence in communities across the [...]
Creating a fair, legal, and humane immigration system requires the legalization of almost 11 million immigrants already staying in the country and the simplification of obtaining citizenship in the country.
From the first pages of his book, the author explained that he lived in two different worlds, with one universe being bright and rich and the other being impoverished and depressing.
While often entering the city as slaves, the immigrants of Rome were given the opportunities to succeed in life. From Mary Beard's description of immigrants' lives in Ancient Rome, the experience seems similar to immigrants [...]
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