Psychology of Abuse Essay Examples and Topics

140 samples

How Does Cyberbullying Affect on Young People?

Cyberbullying refers to the unethical use of information technology with the sole aim of harassing, embarrassing, and intimidating people. In contemporary society, cyberbullying is a common phenomenon among young people because of the increase in [...]
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  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1714

Negative Effects of Children’s Corporal Punishment

The following is the synthesis of the actual insights, as to the inappropriateness of subjecting children to corporal punishment, contained in the reviewed sources: Corporal punishment results in the social alienation of children.
  • Pages: 19
  • Words: 6450

Drug and Substance Abuse

Many experts consider addiction as a disease as it affects a specific part of the brain; the limbic system commonly referred to as the pleasure center.
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  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1091

Physical Child Abuse

Usually the child is unaware of the abuse due to the na ve state of mind or innocence. Physical abuse also lowers the social-economic status and thus high chances of neglect or abuse due to [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 946

Problem of Child Abuse

The most common form of child abuse in America and in most parts of the world is child abuse. The cost of child abuse is dire to both the children, healthcare organizations, parents, and the [...]
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4931

Child Abuse Problem

The study of the problem of child abuse has begun in the 60s with focusing attention to children problems. In such a case the early recognition of child abuse is of great importance.
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  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

Child Abuse Issues and Its Effects

The recognition of child abuse signs is a very important step as it is wrong to believe that child maltreatment takes place because of the presence of a single sing or poor understanding of child [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 574

Video Games Addiction: Is It Real?

Addiction is associated with the need of substance while in some cases a behaviour which someone finds hard to move on without it, where the unavailability to a way out leads to abnormality.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1734

Internet Addiction in Modern Society

Good internet connectivity coupled with the fact that the cost of using the internet is very cheap make people to spent countless hours in the internet.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1951

Child Maltreatment in the “Precious” Movie

All the necessary circumstances related to the child's situation in the family and the possible dangers in the future are analyzed through the Family Functioning Assessment process. In this case, there is a severe danger [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 615

Childhood Psychological Abuse

The objective of this paper is to discuss the effects of abuse on childhood behavioral development as well as to highlight some clues regarding behavior that may alert the community on ongoing child abuse.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2165

The Causes and Effects of Child Abuse

The main problem of the project is the presence of a number of effects of child abuse and parental neglect on children, their development, and communication with the world.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 593

Child Abuse Versus Elder Abuse

The second distinction is that older people frequently encounter issues that might lead to abuse or neglect, particularly in nursing homes, such as mental disability, loneliness, and physical limitation.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 379

Women’s Challenges Regarding Domestic Abuse

This essay will explain some of the challenges females confront from the standpoint of different psychological theories: the learned helplessness model, the family systems theory, and the psychological accounting theory.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 373

Poverty, Partner Abuse, and Women’s Mental Health

In general, the study aimed at investigating the interaction between poverty and the severity of abuse in women. The research question being studied in this article is how income intersects with partner violence and impacts [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 924

The Elderly Abuse: Physical and Psychological Aspects

It is essential to understand these mistreatments' similarities and differences and the intervention measures to stop or prevent them. Physical abuse causes bodily harm and can result in impairment, pain, or injury, such as broken [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 335

Theories of the Victimization Reasons

With regard to the victimization in the book, it can be argued that the victim exhibited behaviors that led the attacker to identify and follow her so that he could kidnap her.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1129

Bullying in the Nursing Workplace

Bullying in the nursing workplace, in this case, causes the one bullied to have a feeling of defenselessness and takes away the nurses' right to dignity at his or her workplace.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1358

Child Abuse: Term Definition

However, there is a component that is not so clearly represented in other crimes: a third party, who has observed the abuse or the consequences of abuse has the legal obligation and reasonable cause of [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 530

Memories of Sexual Abuse: Robbins vs. Benatar

The significance of the topic of child sexual abuse is heavy enough to make society pay sufficient attention to the issue so as to find out how to verify adulthood disclosures of childhood sexual abuse. [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 580

Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Purpose of the study: The safety promoting behavior of the abused women is to be increased using a telephone intervention. They were allocated to either of the groups by virtue of the week of enrolment [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 2292

Can the Victim Be to Blame?

According to the just-world theory, the victim-blaming phenomenon focuses on the means of restoring the belief in a just world as well as maintaining a sense of personal control.
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2658

The Phenomenon of Child Sexual Abuse in the Society

The Catholic Church has argued that the public's generalization of the issue to involve the whole unit of the Catholic Church was simply a result of the structural characteristics of the church's monolithic centralized organization.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2230

Conflict Resolution Tactics and Bullying

This study is interesting to the extent that it shows how the social environment impacts the development of a child and how it shapes his or her conflict resolution techniques.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 847

Forensic Psychology. Child Testimony in Abuse Case

This is the main technique used to study the consistency of eyewitness testimony in young children. In this case, there is no accidental assignment and the type of research is referred to as differential research.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1794

Corporal Punishment of Preschoolers

The author views that most of the research in the area of immediate compliance and corporal punishment is not based on observations but on inquiry from the parents of what type of punishments used and [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1488

How Does Addiction Affect Families

The sober fact is that the health of all members of the family is a key aspect of the improvement of relations between all individuals belonging to it and the evolution of this institution.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1944

Child Abuse and Culture: Juan’s Case Analysis

The following is the list of reflective insights that I came to while getting myself familiarized with Juan's case and analyzing this case's discursive implications: When addressing the issue of children being suspected to have [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1380

Child, Youth and Family Intervention

Physical abuse happens when a physical injury is inflicted on a child when the child is subjected to acts and activities that lead to injuries on the child's body.
  • Pages: 18
  • Words: 4988

Psychology: Drug Impact and Use Prevention

The hindbrain is found in the posterior segment of the brain where the spinal cord enters the skull and spreads. The major functions of the midbrain include the regulation of automatic movements of muscles of [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 1222

Childhood Sexual Abuse and False Memories

The independent variable was general plausibility to do with how common the events were in a general population of students from where the participants were drawn.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 407

Child Abuse: Altruistic Behavior

Intervention plays a crucial role in the prevention of child abuse, as it helps to eliminate the possibility of the recurrence of events.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 815

The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy

After gathering the relevant data, the researchers compared the recovery of the participants to their controls to determine the effects of forgiveness therapy.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 878

Smoking Experience and Hidden Dangers

When my best college friend Jane started smoking, my eyes opened on the complex nature of the problem and on the multiple negative effects of smoking both on the smoker and on the surrounding society.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1901

Adolescent Sex Abuse Victims and Mode Deactivation Therapy

For instance, the behavioral and psychological symptomatology theoretical framework associates the psychological and interpersonal problems of the victims to the sexual acts. The effects of sexual abuse in adolescents are profound and should be addressed [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2747

Child Trafficking Victims’ Psychological Support

Because of the lack of concern for the issues that the vulnerable demographic faces, as well as the necessity to adjust the management framer to the needs of specific patients, the efficacy of current approaches [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1963

Life After Sexual Abuse. Counseling Intervention

The latter implies the analysis of the problem from the perspective of a sexual abuse survivor who has experienced the lack of attachment in infancy and, therefore, is incapable of handling the issue of their [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1194

Childhood Experience Resulting in Adult Deviance

The article in question deals with the effect of childhood experience and violent behavior in the adulthood. The purpose of the study was to analyze the impact negative childhood experiences could have on people's violent [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 599

Bullying, Facts and Countermeasures

Whether it is the bully or the bullied, the parents will need to do a lot to see to it that their children are brought up in the best of the behaviors.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 822

Child Abuse in the UAE and Explaining Theories

The interest of carrying out the study on child abuse is based on the fact that it is a critical issue in any society, especially due to the actual and possible consequences on the child [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1193

Child Abuse and Neglect and Family Practice Model

Also, psychological violence can be either the only form of violence or the consequence of psychological or sexual abuse or neglect. Inadequate evaluation of the child's capabilities and overstated requirements can also be a form [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 589

Boys’ and Girls’ Sexual Abuse Relationship

Unfortunately, the research proved the spread opinion that the cases of girls' abuse are more prevalent in comparison to boys' one, however, this tendency is changing and the number of sexually abused boys increases.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Sexual Abuse in Male and Female Adolescents

The relationship between the categories of sexual abuses and the resultant psychological distress experienced by girls and boys will be measured. Finally, the study will examine the class performance variations between sexually abused boys and [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1747

Treatment for Sexual Assault Victims

The discussion pays special attention to the treatment models which have been empirically proved to be effective in the treatment of sexual assault victims.
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2524

Post-Traumatic Relationship Syndrome Studies

The results indicated psychological abuse affected the mental health of the victims who displayed more "depressive, anxiety, and PSTD symptoms" than those subjected to physical abuse by an intimate partner. The findings indicate that intimate [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2494

Stress and Recovery After Rape

This essay discusses the rape of an acquaintance, the stress she went through, and the approach she used to cope with the problem.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1151

Curbing Elder Abuse and Neglect

The contemporary evaluation studies of the elderly citizens' emotional stability prove that there is a consistent percentage of offensive treatment towards the seniors both in the family environments and asylums.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 595

The Impact Street Harassment Has on a Person

The reason for this is that, as of today, there is plenty of empirical evidence as to the fact that women's exposure to this kind of harassment has a number of clearly negative effects on [...]
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  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2789

Social Psychological Concepts of Bullying and Its Types

Some of the factors that contribute to bullying include poor parenting, economic challenges, lack of mentorship, and jealousy among others. One of the main concepts used to explain bullying is that of parenting roles and [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1374

Sexual Abuse on Erin Merryn

The Megan's Law responds to violent crimes on children driven by sex through a public notification as an approach to preventing predatory children sexual abuse.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 579

Juvenile Offender Treatment

From the recent incidence, the judge, with the help of social workers from the Juvenile Assessment Center and outpatient treatment centers that treated Joseph, ordered him to a residential abuse treatment instead of a jail [...]
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3596

Female Offenders Common Features and Treatment

According to Salisbury and Voorhis, successful treatment of female offenders who experienced childhood abuse will be those "with strong skills for coping with previous childhood victimization".
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 592

Trauma of Sexually Abused Children

This paper discusses the religious views of child molestation together with a discussion of the trauma of child sexual abuse from the paradigms of various trauma-causing factors and the implications of distress in the life [...]
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3344

Shadowing a Substance Abuse Counselor

The researchers brought to a close that it is crucial for the intern to understand the causes before starting the helping process because this would help in choosing the best method to utilize in assisting [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1415

Trauma and Sexually Abused Child

This situation of living the present and experiencing the past is highly harmful to the health and wellbeing of the victim.
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 2946

Internship: Shadowing a Substance Abuse Counselor

The more a person is predisposed to the risks, the higher are the chances of substance abuse. The development of the effective prevention strategies for the substance abuse counselors is based on the knowledge of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 4398

Effects of Child Abuse

The nature of the effects of child abuse, their consequences in a society, and the most appropriate preventive methods should be considered.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 718

Child Abuse and Capstone Project

This is why the problem of child abuse remains to be crucial for analysis, as people have to understand its urgency and effects on human behavior.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 574

The Effects of Child Abuse: Capstone Project Time Line

The development of a Capstone Project will become a new step in solving the problem and thinking about the possible ways of improvement the situation and creation the most appropriate living conditions for children.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 563

Substance Abuse and the Related Problems

A close consideration of the social background and the self-identity issues of drinking adolescents will help identify the causes of the problem and provide a viable solution to it.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1422

Alcohol Abuse by Quentin McCarthy

The aim of MAST is to determine the extent of alcohol consumption based on responses provided and formulate strategies of helping the agent with regard to excess consumption of alcohol.
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2759

Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Development

In cases where children are exposed to such violence, then they become emotionally troubled: In the above, case them the dependent variable is children emotions while the independent variable is domestic violence: Emotions = f [...]
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  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 604

Cyber Bullying and Its Forms

The difference between the conventional way of bullying and cyber bullying is that in conventional bullying, there is contact between the bully and the victim.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 608

Drug Abuse: Awareness Amongst the Youths

This project is going to carry out a public awareness campaign with the aim of educating the young people on the hazards related to the vice of drug and substance abuse. The awareness campaign is [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 493

Violent Video Games and How They Affect Youth Violence

However, despite the overwhelming outcry against the youth playing violent video games, there are a number of researchers and advocates who oppose the idea of directly linking the exposure of young adults to violent scenes [...]
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  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2309

Effects of Emotional Abuse

This paper looks at the various types of child abuse evident in the society and specifically the effects of emotional abuse on children.
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3389

Alcoholism-Nature vs. Nurture Debate

The analysis on physiological physiology regarding alcohol shows that, alcohol displays feelings of superiority and fearless behavior and also, it reduces an individual's fear.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 468

Understanding the Nature of Motivation

He found that drug reinforcers can either be primary or secondary in that they either cause the effect of the drug directly or they lead to an effect that comes to be associated with the [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1582
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