Everyone has their own unique gender identity. Whether a person identifies as female, male, or outside the binary, everyone has ways of expressing themselves. This gender expression is then measured against socially established gender roles. If the two concepts clash, this can become a source of internal and external conflict.
In recent years, the definition of gender is beginning to change. We now consider it as a social construct. It is dictated by our behavior, presentation, and cultural norms. The language surrounding this concept is also evolving. Here our experts have explored some terms that will help you understand gender identity.
Cisgender applies to a person whose identity aligns with the sex that they were assigned at birth. In contrast, transgender refers to a person whose gender identity differs from their assigned sex.
Non-binary describes people whose gender identity lies outside the established man/woman dichotomy. This umbrella term covers a broad number of identities, such as genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, etc.
We have collected advice that will help you in writing your gender identity essay. After all, even when writing about a personal experience, you need to approach the subject thoughtfully. We have also created a list of topics. They will help you compose different types of essays about gender identity.
Essay about Gender Identity: 6 Tips
Doesn’t matter whether you are writing a gender expression essay or a paper about identity. You still have to follow a defined structure. Here we have summarized how to organize your work process best and create an effective outline.
You can start with the following tips:
1. Brainstorm. The most critical step in writing a successful essay is to establish what ideas you already have. Perhaps you are thinking about focusing on gender equality? Or maybe about the differences between masculinity and femininity? Jot down your thoughts on paper and see where that takes you.
2. Get a topic. As soon as you have an idea of the direction you’re heading, start thinking about wording. Keep in mind that you have to narrow down from a broad list of potential subjects. The matter of gender identity is infinitely complex, so choose a single aspect to focus on. Try our topic generator so that it can come up with an idea for you.
3. Research your idea. This is perhaps the step that will take you the longest. To successfully write a compelling essay, you should have a large number of credible sources. Most of the information you need will be available online. Yet, try referring to books and journal articles too. Check for the availability of your resources before you settle on a topic.
4. Come up with a thesis. Here is where you might want to look over all the information you have compiled so far. Refer to your chosen topic and create a thesis statement. It is the main argument that you are trying to make in your essay. So, be concise and precise.
5. Outline your paper. From writing down the title to forming your conclusions, everything in your essay should be pre-planned. Start with writing down your introduction using your thesis statement. Afterward, you may want to note down what you will talk about in the body paragraphs. Don’t forget that using statistics, examples, and quotes can make your essay sound more solid. Finally, summarize your findings and restate your thesis in your conclusion. For this, you can use our online summarizer. Now that you have a rough draft, writing will be much easier.
6. Revise & proofread. When you are done writing, it is time for editing. Many students choose to skip over revising and proofreading, believing that it is not necessary. This is not the case. Your true potential opens up only after you edit your paper and compare it to the writing criteria. Make sure to read through your work at least once.
Amazing Gender Identity Essay Topics
After reading our tips, you may still have a vital question. What should be the topic of my essay on gender identity? We are here to help.
Feel free to make use of these 15 gender identity topics:
What is gender expression, and how does it feed into gender stereotypes?
The intersection between race and gender identity.
Why are feminine traits frowned upon while masculine ones are uplifted?
Gender identity in society today.
The history of nonbinary gender identities in the West.
Gender identity development – a psychological study.
The third gender – a study of nonbinary gender identities of the past.
Presentation of gender identity in modern media.
What is gender performativity, and how does it help shape gender identities?
The contrast between gender identity and gender role.
Gender as a spectrum: what lies between masculinity and femininity.
Dysphoria – a gender identity disorder.
Breaking down the concept of heteronormativity concerning gender.
The historical evolution of the female gender identity.
Understanding equality in terms of gender identity.
Thank you for reading! We hope that you found these tips useful, and we wish you the best in your academic work. If you still find yourself at a loss, read through our sample essays on gender identity below.
Men are expected to take up arms and protect the children and women in the society. Men are expected to demonstrate fearlessness in the face of danger and stand up to adversity.
Depiction of the Portuguese visitors to Benin by artist in the 16th century clearly emphasizes on that exclusion of women and the embrace of masculinity.
According to Sullivan's essay What is a Homosexual, homosexuality is the isolation from the rest of the society and a diversity of human sexuality; however, it is not a factor which people are guided by [...]
The major claim of gender-neutral parenting supporters is that it is important to raise a child in a gender-free environment with a focus on the health and happiness of a child.
Research shows that teenagers from the age of thirteen use social media to discuss the physical appearances of girls and exchange images with sexual content.
Counteracting the argument that prohibition of gay marriage appears similar to discrimination is the idea that marriage, in the traditional understanding of the word, is the union of necessarily different sexes, a man and a [...]
The events taking place in the modern world and the occurrence of the feminist movements during the past few decades can be used to offer a deeper understanding on the subject of gender inequality and [...]
Therefore, it is becoming increasingly fashionable to adopt the term masculinity or femininity not only to reflect the modern times, but also to depict the cultural construction and manifestation of masculinity and femininity to closer [...]
Women and family Stability/Disintegration The role of women in family stability and disintegration is another social issue affecting women in society. Women are considered as the core managers of stability and security in the family.
While all people have sexual orientation and heterosexuality presuppose romantic and sexual attachment to people of the opposite sex, gay and lesbian individuals are attached to partners of the same sex.
In order to analyze gender perspectives in a speech, it is of essence to appreciate type of the audience, purpose of the expression, position of the speaker, and gender.
The researchers studied the impact of systematic inequalities that LGBTQ individuals experience within the STEM field, including career limitations, harassment, and professional devaluation.
Gender identity concept is applied in the socialization and culture of humans. Throughout a person's lifespan, gender socialization transpires in fluctuating contexts such as in school, among parents, or in the media.
On the one hand, the article depicts the main character of the novel as a deviant woman whose desires drive her to contravene society's norms and values.
The ethical framework established in the capitalist era discouraged the distinction between the private and public perception of the self in terms of gender and the publicly assigned characteristics to males and females.
People in his society address Wegener as "a man" because he is assumed to be a male even though this is not the reality. The film shows that his wife assumes that he is a [...]
The group that is often subject to less satisfaction is of extreme importance to the various persons interested in the study of community satisfaction with the police.
This is due to the commonality of problems that we may have as members of a given society. I did not know whether the signs I was exhibiting were that of a homosexual or it [...]
Despite the established tradition, recent research findings indicate that gender identity depends on the structure and functions of the brain, as well as the hormonal composition, and has nothing to do with the form of [...]
The ultimatum that the parents of the student present to Janeen may further affect her mental health. The possible reaction of the student's parents to her gender concerns is unknown.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the gender differences between incarcerated populations in terms of the likelihood of engaging in violence as well as interpersonal and racial conflicts.
These instances highlight the wide range of the cultures' acceptance and celebration of gender differences. It encourages a more open and collaborative spirit in which people are considered integral parts of the web of existence.
A central tenet of affirmative therapy is recognizing the unique and varied perspectives of human experiences in order to destigmatize and depathologize the emotions, attitudes, and needs of sexual and gender minority individuals.
The opponents of open homosexuality insist that it is a sinful practice that violates the divine laws and leads to the spread of the wrong perception of relationships.
The problem is that Gary and Jorge are in an open relationship which has the possibility of betrayal, and that is diagnosed when Gary says that Jorge frequently limits him from association with other people [...]
The problem of direct discrimination in the setting of hiring is represented in the article "Discrimination Against Gays and Lesbians in Hiring Decisions: A Meta-analysis" by Flage.
In the article "LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace," the authors Ellsworth et al.discuss the challenges and opportunities in creating inclusive workplaces.
The scholarly article "The Availability of LGBT-Specific Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment in the United States" by Williams and Fish focuses on whether LGBT individuals receive adequate mental health and substance abuse treatment.
Ladyboys, often referred to as Kathoeys or transgender women, are people who are born with the gender assigned to them as male but who identify as female.
Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, another strategy would be to provide medical interventions that are customized to the unique needs and preferences of the child and their family.
Studies point to multiple factors that play a role in the risk of suicide among LGBTQ youth, such as gender, socioeconomic status, bullying, and school experience. There is a need for further research and interventions [...]
From the very beginning of reading and analyzing this part of the book, it is possible to trace the importance women had in the family and how it could affect the girls growing up in [...]
Therefore, sexual expressions, such as being gay, are part of socialization, a life-long process of acquiring and disseminating norms and customs through media, the internet and religion, thus allowing individuals to fit within a particular [...]
Fa'afafines are often considered to be the guardians of Samoan culture and tradition. They are often called on to perform religious ceremonies and rituals.
Categorization is an actual problem of society, which is covered in modern literature and is interconnected with such concepts as transnationalism and identity. The only mature and responsible behavior is not to impose them on [...]
Although some viewers and listeners may have a different perspective, Beneath, a music video by the Happy Little Clouds band, showcases the idea of gender neutrality, offering the public a fresh, non-objectifying perspective of gender.
My support for mental health equity in the LGBTQ community as a clinical mental health counselor will require my understanding of cultural competency and how to can use it in practice.
Problem recognition involves recognizing that policies serving to protect the interests of transgender teens need proper enforcement or even proper formulation to ensure effectiveness in protecting and ensuring the best interests of the children.
The family model directly affects the social status of family members and the well-being of children. LGBTQ+ families' wealth level is lower than that of families in the neighborhood due to labor discrimination.
What remains unclear from the reading is the notion that before the 1990s, people from the middle class expressed abiding and strong desires to be acknowledged as "the other sex".
The influence of digital technologies on the category of the body is expressed in the prevalence of images and representation of different body constitutions and their recognition as normal.
It is one of the most thought-provoking statements because it contains the key idea of gender studies about the inappropriateness of binary gender in specific cases.
The written introductory biographies of Nina Pop and Skylar Heath are written with a focus on care as they are free of the markers of violence, place, causes, and conditions of death.
With skilled and knowledgeable counselors and agencies, it is possible to eliminate many of the apprehensions when members of the group are seeking professional services.
His research has focused on the evolution of homosexuality from the nineteenth century to the present day, the widespread public regulation of homosexuality in Britain, and the ways that allowed sexuality to become the object [...]
The way to change the idea of masculinity was not easy, and many people had to go through discrimination and humiliation to change the world for the better.
In tendency for this, it is essential to analyze issues faced by such families in the community and thus provide recommendations on approaches to adopt during counseling sessions of LGBTQ families.
The exploration of the story will provide an opportunity to discuss human sexuality within the context of contemporary culture and sociology. Grimm decided to sue the school board, and the judge ruled in favor of [...]
This proposal will consider the existing gender inequality within the field of architecture and propose several changes an architecture firm should undertake to create a culture of gender equality.
In the context of the continuity of experience, morality, and moral values, it is appropriate to emphasize one of the most apparent global trends, namely the gradual recognition of the inalienable rights of the LGBTQ+ [...]
Therefore, when addressing the challenges faced by African Americans, society should also consider the struggles of LGBTQ people in the Black community. In this context, the role of artists, singers, and other public individuals is [...]
The Nineteenth Amendment that initially granted the women's rights to vote is the constitutional act used by the author as the argument of required protection for transgender people.
One of the studies in the 1990s revealed that 64% of the pairs of gay brothers identical genetic material at one end of the X chromosome in the Xq28 region.
The questions of sexuality and gender are being positioned as urgent as the problems of discrimination by race. To conclude, advocacy for LgGBTQ people is essential for the social development of the world society.
Both sources apply to the perception of a woman, and the role played by a woman in Eastern society, providing a certain amount of historical and social background.
This paper provides the analysis of how gender affects the labor distribution in both household and paid labor, the role of social class in families, and the impact of race and ethnicity on labor distribution, [...]
If choosing the sex of a child can be done in a manner that does not interfere with the integrity of the pregnancy progression, there could be nothing wrong with it.
His critics argue that the theory neglects women's experiences in addition to the fact that his interpretation of sexual orientation antecedents was greatly misplaced. He admits that his theory had failed to provide a working [...]
According to Craig et al, there is the personality and the roles stereotype with the former being a psychological part while the latter taking the roles and activities.
The introduction of the article gives the purposes of the research that include the historical and present condition of the psychology of women field of interest.
That implies the truth of the differences in the sexual orientation of male and female."The challenge of sexual orientation in women and understanding how biological influences function in women remains to be adequately addressed"..
Anne Fausto-Sterling and Evan Balaban have said in Dean Hamer's 1993 report that the scientific debate about the origins of homosexuality is taking place in the midst of a highly political one about the place [...]
In the early centuries, there were always two genders, male and female and the heterosexual society and culture helped to shape the gender identity of countless people across the centuries.
In addition, experience of verbal ill-treatment and physical assault intensified feeling suicidal for both heterosexual and gay or bisexual men, not just for homosexual men alone as contained in many research findings, and that social [...]
Seen from the perspective of sexual orientation, homosexuality is "a lasting pattern of or inclination to encounter sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions predominantly to people of the same sex; it also relates to an individual's [...]
Frankly speaking, I presume, that women are not able to place the positions of the leaders totally, and they would still need the help of men in ruling the world, but I expect to get [...]
The current essay is centered on Henry Adams's famous essay The Dynamo and The Virgin which is the part of his book The Education of Henry Adams which was disseminated between his close friends and [...]
Psychologist began the work of studying gender identity in the late 1950s when they established the first gender research project and developed a lot of theories of gender identify.
Gay men have the influence of female fashion design due to the fact that most of the designers of female clothes are men and most of them are homosexual.
Women were subjected to slavery during the 16th and 17th centuries as witch-hunt focused on disempowering them in society. Witch-hunt caused the mistreatment of women as social outcasts and subjected them to forced labor in [...]
The author of the article analyzes the causes and outcomes of the stereotyped gender perception framework existing in the educational institutions and the society which leads to disadvantaged school experiences or even suicidal cases.
Thus, the major research question will be "Does The Sopranos endorse or criticize VaW through the frequent depiction of the scenes of cruelty?" The hypothesis of the research paper will be "The portrayal of VaW [...]
It means that the stigmatization associated with same-sex relationships still exists and that there is a situation where it is simpler for gay and lesbian adolescents not to accept their sexual orientation.
This paper applies the constructs of politics and identity to women's activism and the challenges many women face when challenging established gender expectations.
It is essential to develop a better understanding of the concept of gender in relation to children and their development to ensure the protection of the interests of all people and, thus, improve their lives.
Due to the influence of the patriarchal society in which I was born and raised, I identify myself rather rigidly and have a strong idea of gender normativity as the foundational principle of social roles [...]
In her research, the author incorporates all the factors impacting the life of gay African Americans in an urban criminal gang and answers the question concerning the life of such people inside a gang.
One of the themes that deserve discussion is the possibility of creating transgender baths and the rights that can be given to this category of the population.
The issue of gay people in the army did not come to light as a problem that needed solving until 1992 when an army colonel was discharged from the army on the grounds of her [...]
Another recommendation is that the legal structures that govern the issue of homosexuality should be coherent and considerate. Conclusively, it is evident that legal and religious provisions differ remarkably on their stands regarding the matters [...]
Therefore, this is one of the arguments that sex has a biological nature and people formulate their preferences on the basis of the chemical process which occur in human organisms.
One of the most disturbing things about consumerism, however, is that it affects people's perception of gender and, therefore, contributes to the creation of stereotypes that make the relationship between men and women even more [...]
In general, all people are claimed to be equal in the USA, however, there is a high possibility to lose a job or fail to be applied to it if one is a representative of [...]
In the twenty-first Century, girls have greatly stepped up and assumed some of the roles that were considered to be boy's while boys have done the same leading to an interchange of roles.
Some experts also point out the importance of the good evidence that is related to the core thesis of the paper and supports the ideas' persuasiveness; this criterion was, likewise, included in the list.
These issues can be better discussed with the help of various theories that illuminate the impact of consumer culture on the behavior of an individual. This is one of the most important issues that should [...]
The American society's definition of a man of the hero is one who is a good father, a good husband, and successful in his career, yet this kind of expectation limits the abilities of a [...]
Analyzing the peculiarities of the communication processes carried out via the Internet and social media, one can see the way gender issues impact the atmosphere and the course of the communication among men and in [...]
Curry uses personal life journeys of eight female leaders to analyze the environmental factors and personality traits that foster leadership development.
As to the sexual profile and overall well-being of gender dysphoric persons who have been approved treatment, it is evidentiated that sex reassignment usually improves mood and sexual satisfaction.
Although this may not have been the case in David and Jed's case, it is clear that their gender identities were not radically different from one another.
THESIS: Analyzing gender aspect within the communicational process and indicating the differences between men and women attitude to a number of the aspects of life, Julia Wood emphasizes the passive role of females and their [...]
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