Free Gender Studies Essay Examples & Topics. Page 2

758 samples

Gender and Politeness

Therefore, the society too expects them to demonstrate politeness in their use of language and in their conversations at large. It is also important for one to analyze closely how the people seem judged based [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1680

Men’s and Women’s Differences and Similarities

Thus factors that make men different also have an effect on their behavior which in effect affects the way men and women relate to each other and the people around them To begin with, women [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 854

Negative effects of media on teenage girls and women

The impression created in the minds of the many teenage girls and women, who remain glued on the television for many hours remains imprinted permanently in their minds during the repeated airing of the programs [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1021

Sex and Gender Distinction: Imaginary Body

According to the research conducted by Gartens on gender distinctions and sex, he concluded that the two factors are more or less the same in regards to the differentiation between consciousness and the mind. The [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1120

Gay Beaty Contests Question Issue

For gays, beauty contests are regarded as celebratory events or 'happenings' and are best expressive of what is for many, particularly younger gays, seen to be one of the defining characteristics of gay life, that [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1089

Gender Stereotypes in Disney Princesses

The evolvement of the princess image in the films of the studio represents the developing position of strong independent women in the society, but the princess stereotypes can harm the mentality of children.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1218

Brain Sex: How the Media Report and Distort Brain Research

This paper explores three closely related issues related to how the media influence public attitudes. It examines how media misrepresents brain research findings in ways that suggest that differences between males and females are inherent, categorical, and unchangeable.
  • Pages: 22
  • Words: 5916

Female Fire Fighters in a Male-Dominant Job

Conclusively, the work of a woman in a male-dominant job setting like firefighting is characterized by disproportionate exposure to gender discrimination and harassment.
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  • Words: 607

Mattel’s Gender-Neutral Toys and Their Effects

Correspondingly, the gender-neutral doll is helpful, but primarily to Mattel. That is why the entity seems to care less about parents' concerns, with the management defending the moves as necessary steps for the future.
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  • Words: 651

The Expatriate Spouses’ Roles

The authors have included a balanced coverage of the available literature based on both traditional and more contemporary aspects of the matter.
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  • Words: 334

Oyéwumi on Perception of Gender in Yoruba People

The author of the research states that gender is a timeless and universal category and does not exist on the biological level. The methodology used by the author includes utilizing the terminology of the Yoruba [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 586

Social Expectations Towards Men

Men are not supposed to be lazy, as they are the leaders of society. At home, they are expected to be providers for their families in terms of both primary and other needs.
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  • Words: 301

Black Women’s Role in Rock Music’s Evolution

In Black Diamond Queens: African American Women and Rock and Roll, the author, NYU music professor Mahon argues that black women have played a significant role in rock music's evolution.
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  • Words: 628

The Color Purple and Gender Equity

Scandalous and revealing events of the last decade, such as Me Too, have again raised and popularized the topic of gender equality and equity both in the planetary public discourse and in the circles of [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 313

Challenges for Women Leaders

Sandberg focuses on the prejudices and biases that impede women's competency and leadership potential and create a double standard in the workplace.
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  • Words: 171

The Reasons of Polygamy and Its Impact on Gender Relations

It is essential for the cultural review of the polygamy, comparison of cultural perceptions and the ways to approach the subject positively as opposed to the typically conservative perceptions. This is a qualitative study of [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2091

The Impact of Gender on Communication

By understanding these concepts, we can gain a deeper insight into the societal expectations and stereotypes that are often linked to gender and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable world. In conclusion, understanding [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 609

Gender-Responsive Development and Related Events

Through her efforts, Tracey developed fresh concepts meant to illustrate the application of sustainable development and the significance of gender in the advancement of society through the arts.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 843

Race and Gender Analysis: Key Differences

The analyst should place both genders in different departments and see which gender is appropriate for a particular operation as it will promote racing between them.
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 292

The Misogynistic Tendencies in Women

As such, any woman who wants to rise above the said practices is deemed to be a misfit by other women, and this explains the misogynistic behavior of women in social spheres.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 618

Human Sexuality: Articles Summaries

According to the article, sexual situations involving deception and compulsion are ethically unacceptable because they violate the norms of informed consent and go against the idea that using another person for sexual purposes is morally [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1778

Exploitation of American Women in Factories

The increase in the number of women working in industry has been a natural outcome of technological changes. However, in the 19th century, when factories were looking for cheap labor in women, this kind of [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 568

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Consequently, David Reimer's story suggests that such cultural factors as how gender is perceived and treated in a community cannot define an individual's identity but can rather force them to hide who they are.
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  • Words: 319

Gender Equality in Children’s Perception

Despite the variety of achievements made on the subject in different parts of the world, the general tendency leads society toward accepting the idea of equality between men and women.
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  • Words: 402

Gender Inequalities Explained by Sociological Theories

The transition of the gender conflict from the sphere of the vital world to the sphere of the sociocultural organization of society at the level of social structures leads to the reproduction and renewal of [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 573

Gender: Social vs. Biological Construction

From the conflict perspective, gender is viewed as the opposition between men and women. Moreover, the mass media and the ideas dominating society help to promote a better understanding of gender and make it apparent.
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  • Words: 611

Gender and Power: Affirmative Sexual Consent

The gendered reality of power demonstrates that the current environment hosts danger for people in the form of sexual violence. The study of Ngidi et al.emphasized that adolescents who seek male approval fall to the [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 310

Gender-Based Conflicts in Relationships

Indeed, gender-based conflicts occur often, and it causes individuals to discuss relationships between males and females. The article is dedicated to conflicts between women's and men's interests.
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  • Words: 323

Gender in Barbie Dolls: Examples and Images

In the given picture, a Barbie doll is wearing a suit, a tie, and a bowler. Therefore, the Barbie image is still used in marketing to address such biases and show that the world is [...]
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  • Words: 313

The Barbie Dolls Market Changes

One of the secrets of Barbie's popularity is that manufacturers react quickly to social changes taking place in society, reflecting them in the appearance and clothing of dolls. In the third picture, Barbie appears in [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 335

Women’s Rights and the Advancement of Democracy

The degree of citizen involvement in the political process, including the participation of various social groups in political parties and decision-making bodies, determines the quality of democracy in addition to the structure of current political [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1202

The Idea of Female Domination

The idea of female dominance in primates requires the addition of the fact that in different breeds of these animals, power is manifested in various degrees.
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  • Words: 621

Women’s Leadership During a Crisis

The term "glass cliff" has appeared, meaning when a woman is appointed the head of a crisis company in a difficult period to save the business.
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  • Words: 311

Changing Gender Roles in Families Over Time

The division of labor and traditional gender roles in the family usually consists of men doing the work while women take care of the children, other relatives, and housekeeping.
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  • Words: 314

Sexuality in the Elderly Population

The cartoon chosen for the project depicts the physiological, psychological, and social components of sexual development in older adults, demonstrating that they are stigmatized due to their bodily changes and the absence of personal and [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1119

The Implicit Association Test Result Analysis

The evaluations are similar in implicit and explicit attitudes considering that in conscious and unconscious awareness, the preference is for females with families and males with careers.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

Crimes and Victimization: Gender Issues

Generally, a common way to perceive the dynamic between men and women in the context of crime and deviance underestimates women's capacity to be self-sufficient and expects to see the predator-prey relationships between the genders.
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  • Words: 328

Male Gender Expression in Middle School

Risman and Seale are among the researchers who decided to investigate the gender aspect of societal upbringing in boys and girls at the American middle school. Instead, I believe it would make them not the [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 363

Transgender Women in Sports: Is the Threat Real?

In this regard, it can be argued that the advantages of transgender women are a barrier to women's sports. However, the topic of transgender people has received the most discussion in the last few years [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1192

Gendered Speech within Cultural Models

When Pete is in the fraternity together with other males, he tends to demonstrate his authority through his posture and the use of language means.
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  • Words: 313

Lesbian and Gay Parenthood: Gender and Language

However, when people see a lesbian couple whose attitude towards their children is the same as the one in heterosexual couples, they may change their attitude towards lesbian motherhood.
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  • Words: 385

Women and Girls in Armed Conflicts

Nonetheless, participation in the negotiations still puts a strain on women since their personal information and background are disclosed in the process, and it further becomes a subject of negligence. Women's economic problems are wide-ranging, [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 561

Rapidly Changing Female Gender as Social Construct

The novel tells the story of a protest against the socio-economic situation of the indigenous peoples of Peru. In other words, the author of the novel shows the reader that women are more than the [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 436

Women’s Equality Regarding Their Overall Wellness

According to Poczatkova and Kribikova, the underrepresentation of women, particularly in the fields of science and research, is reproduced in the outcomes of the findings of studies and the subsequent applicability.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1749

Gender Socialization and Its Impact

An example of a norm in a society is that women are expected to be polite and dress accordingly while men are expected to be solid and aggressive.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1025

Difference Between Men and Women Matters

Thus, the school only intensifies the belief that men and women possess differences by nature, as it is given both implicitly and explicitly both during the informal interactions and within the curricular material.
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  • Words: 370

Children’s Views of Gender Roles

Today, both parents and teachers see the positive impact of the attempts to integrate anti-biased gender-related education on young children as they get more freedom to express themselves and grow up less aggressive.
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  • Words: 323

Sex and Gender: Binary and Non-Binary Perception

Biological in the case of intersex people, and psychological in the case of transgenders, mismatch to the conventional binary sexes and gender, suggests that male-female dichotomy is socially constructed and is not conditioned by nature.
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  • Words: 352

The Construction of Gender Roles

However, it is wrong to consider women exposed to the domestic work powerless, as they have the opportunity to informally or implicitly influence men and the decisions they make.
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  • Words: 317

Women’s Work and Impact of Globalization

Both the article on sex tourism and the film on Maquilapolis deal with the problem of women having to harm their health, bodies, and reputation for escaping poverty and providing better lives for their families.
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  • Words: 357

Theories of Identity: Intersectionality

It is painful to experience, and I struggle with personal guilt to this day, that my 'gayness' is the root of so many problems in the relationships I had with family and friends.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1218

Gender Equality as Target of Social Work

As far as health care is concerned, the primary issue of gender inequality addresses the issue of access to the services and the quality of care provided.
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  • Words: 349

How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving

In certain nations, the female struggle to balance the weight of parenting and breadwinning, and despite the presence of social policies, these mothers do not get help.
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  • Words: 610

Women in Professional Leadership Roles

The implications reflect the need for transformations in the current leadership model towards diversity and the increase in the number of women leaders.
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  • Words: 389

Discussion of Gendered Behaviors

One of the prominent gendered behaviors instilled in me during childhood was that women are the primary cooks in the home. The idea that women are more humane and caring appealed to me and caused [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 329

Dayak Views of Gender and Its Aspects

Unlike Western perspectives that seek to distinguish the two genders, and raise one up at the expense of the other in some ways, the Dayak recognize the differences but see it as a benefit.
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  • Words: 396

Twenty-Five Years After the Bem Sex-Role Inventory

Bem is the developer of the BSRI, who created the framework of the BSRI, its short version, and various forms. In addition, the interviewed people tended not to refer to the phenomena of femininity and [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 698

Reasons Why Women Chose to Be Child-Free

Based on the materials I have read, I would say that being child-free is a choice that everyone can make depending on the life goals and aspirations of the person.
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  • Words: 285

Masculinity: Theories and Approaches

Among the ways of explaining why such a situation comes to be is the fact that masculinity is a relative attribute that needs to be defined by the activities, processes, practices, and relationships that men [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1105

The Treatment of Women in Science

She scoured and found records of women buried in history and excavated those records for the world to see. It showed that progress for women in science was always happening despite the adversity of those [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 346