The next task is to find the existence and nature of justice in this state. Plato adds to this that justice is "the principle of doing one's own business".
In the role of representatives of the people, it is prudent that the legislators seek to act in the best interest of the majority of the people and to do so with its input.
He is of the opinion that America political writers and the political class deliberately blocks public opinion to serve their own interests; "The existence of a force called public opinion is in the main taken [...]
Basically, the political obligation can be considered as the duty of the members of the population and the people of the nation to abide by the laws and the provisions of the constitution.
Concepts of the roles and duties have differed across civilizations and many discourses, books, and precepts have been offered to the young prince about how to conduct themselves in the affairs of the state.
Locke states that people are "constantly exposed to the invasion of others...and the greater part no strict observers of equity and justice, the enjoyment of the property he has in this state is very unsafe". [...]
At the same time, the philosopher believed that in order to realize the full potential of humanity and every individual, the practice of alienated labor, as well as private ownership and class division associated with [...]
Plato's proposed alternative is the rule of a philosopher-king a wise person able to see the essence of justice and, consequently, have the precise knowledge rather than a mere opinion of what is right.
Both written at a time when philosophers had started questioning the relevance of capitalism and the concept of wealth creation, it is evident that the two authors were keen on explaining the power of money [...]
Hamilton envisioned the U.S.under the guidance of a strong federal government that can interfere in and manage the economy of the country, believing that the concept of a single united nation is more important than [...]
According to Yeginsu, the "coolness and rhetorical skill" of the Kurdish politician Demirtas helped him become the primary opposition against the current leader of the country President Erdogan.
However, because of the nature of any philosophical assumption and because of the further evolution of our societies, some of these ideas can be doubted using some arguments that are relevant to the modern world.
Applying this idea to human society, the existence of multiple opinions and perspectives on the same issues can be taken as the guaranty of the emergence of some new concepts that appear while debating or [...]
Although I disagree with the philosophy of idealism, it is a fact that it managed to create a better world following the events of World War I.
This may be one of the reasons that the application of ethics bestowed upon citizens in Ancient Greece led to its success, and to be referred to as one of the best democracies of its [...]
To my mind, the two most important principles of justice that should be used to govern within a just society are the selection of highly virtuous state leaders and government representatives to put in charge [...]
According to the author, moral and pragmatic failures of capitalism are vividly evident in the modern world. In order to comprehend these lessons, it is necessary to compare and contrast socialism both in the 20th [...]
At the height of the French revolution, there still stood some characters that dared to stand out and speak for the rights of the people.
These unchecked and unpredictable powers contributed to the amassing of wealth by this authority and the continual suffering of the Russian peasant class.
C: "An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law". C: "An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law".
In his book 'The Prince', Machiavelli evades the subject of legitimacy simply because of his rather cynical stand on the issue of legitimate governance.
In the context of a community, different factors contribute to the definition of this ultimate success. This is important, as people in the community will stand a chance to achieve the higher statuses that they [...]
In the context of Malcolm X's view, the American war for independence underpins the notion that American society awaits another fight for the liberation of the black community.
As such, people should not be given more power in a society with the help of exercising legislative power, according to Locke, than they had in a natural state when they enjoyed no power.
Thrasymachus argues that the moral values in the society are a complete reflection of the interests of the ruling group and not the society as a whole.
Thus, with this form of surveillance, the public has to conform, which is to engage in simple and acceptable activities when online so as not to stand out.
The Marxism philosophy is the brainchild of Karl Marx with the assistance of Friedrich Engels in the mid-nineteenth century. One of the core ideologies behind the concept of Marxism is that of social reality.
The ideas of Thomas Hobbes concerning the organization of the society are based on the social contract theory and a set of arguments about human nature that majorly contradict the ideas of anarchism.
He determined that the existence of the declared principles on which the fundamental structure of equality is based, as well as the institutions that monitor their observance, is the critical prerequisite for social justice and [...]
Aristotle's meaning of equality is a form of government that is democratically rooted and not aligned to the issue of state and class.
The power that ruled America suppressed the minority despite the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 that all slaves had the freedom to enjoy America's citizenship.
However, can these theories explain the increasing number of state terrorism, use of torture to counter terrorism, and curtailing of liberty in the name of counterintelligence? The problem man faced in the state of nature, [...]
This feeling is generally communicated just in the name of Leo Strauss' book " Spinoza's Criticism of Creed" as though there was no protection of religion offered by Spinoza and as though it is the [...]
This book is about the classical and the present political theories of national sovereignty, which are meant to understand the ways in which states power and their national identity persevere in conjunction with the declines.
Thus, the specific approach toward nature, the perception of it as a resource that could be exploited and that is not a part of the society led to the development of capitalism.
In fact, they are quite sharp in their writings; for example, Ch'oe Ikhy n refers to the Japanese as people who "have the face of human beings but the mind of beasts" and repeatedly refers [...]
The work by Robert Owen, "Lectures on the Rational System of Society", is written in the middle of the 19th century."Socialism and Human Nature" is created by Arnold Peterson in the middle of the 20th [...]
One of his most recognized works is "The Prince," a political treatise of the 16th-century Italy that is known to give the start to a direct conflict between the Catholic Church and scholarly doctrines.
As a perfect example of thought-provoking and emotional movies, My Own Private Idaho can affect people's political sensibilities and represent politics and power in an unfavorable light: no positive patterns connected with power and authorities [...]
It is in the ally of the state for through its leaders to maintain a status and to achieve power and secure its goods.
It is essential to note that the nature of the society goes ahead of the family and the individual. In this regard, it is possible to follow the teaching of Aristotle concerning modern community organization.
The neo-Kantian theories seem to present a view that is founded on pessimism in the contemporary world that is marked by the politics of dominance.
A product of Frankfurt School, the critical theory was established in the 1920s, later reviewed in the 1950s, and returned to throughout the post-war history of political philosophy.
In answering the question on when the government is justified in compelling its citizens to obey the laws, he observed that the conflicts in achieving the desires could be controlled by the obedience of the [...]
Similarly, political leaders who use flattery to get to the positions of power, but they fail to deliver their promises. This indicates that political leaders should strive to always grant their advisors the freedom to [...]
Generally, the political dynamics of the country have numerously become a challenge for the country due to underrepresentation of some Sudanese groups, deprivation of power, exclusion, power discrepancies, and existence of a government that has [...]
The leader should be flexible enough to alter his ways in accordance to the realities of the day. The leader must be willing to change his approach if necessary in order to be in tune [...]
Although both viewpoints seem very legitimate, Hobbes's idea that the state of nature is the state of war and, therefore, all people are free to pursue their desires, is more credible, seeing how in nature, [...]
First, according to him, a prince should be able to develop the state he is governing and come up with the laws that will govern the state; to attain this, the prince should be ready [...]
The aim of this essay is to explain the values on which the essay A Discourse on the Love of our Country is focused.
In the second article entitled Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction by David Harvey, the author is quite categorical that neoliberalism "is a theory of political economic practices". To begin with, it is apparent that the media [...]
West is of the view that blacks in the United States are different from those in other parts of the world because of the exceptional levels of unregulated and uncontrolled violence that is always directed [...]
The essay below argues that comedy acts as a political communication tool, prompts political viewpoints, and triggers political engagements. As such, the relationship between exposure to political comedy and power has been well documented.
It is also important to add that these values are only declared in many countries while the power is still in hands of the rich.
It is also important to note that these group of theorists also believed in the fact that people are selfish. On the contrary, Locke believed in a rational man, even though he could be selfish [...]
If it were the laws of the cities, then what would be the perception of the dwellers of the cities towards Socrates?
As per the unrestricted free market philosophy, the forces of demand and supply should be left to control the price of a given commodity without human intervention.
Total libertarianism enables democrats to support the majority of issues and the majority of positions in the Democratic Party. With laws, it is easier to exercise human rights without favor as in the case with [...]
The strength of this thinking is that it allows competition in the market and encourages the markets to exist in a free nature.
In this chapter, the author conducts a critical analysis of the unitary model of democracy. The author concurs that success of a democracy model depends on the extent to which members cultivate a platform for [...]
Examples of these natural rights include the right to own property, the right to personal autonomy and the right to use unused resources. The government has the obligation of ensuring that all the rights of [...]
The moderate libertarianism, on the other hand, advocates for moderate government interference in the dealings and businesses of the individuals and firms.
Therefore, in conclusion, it is imperative to note that the proponents and philosophy of libertarianism meant or advocated for liberty and freedom of the people.
The first scenario is touching on the principles of communism that are in line with the basics of socialism and Orwell, the writer, describes the situation from a fascism point of view.
In Chomsky's opinion, the conclusion that the tyranny of the majority can threaten the rights of persons, including the rights for freedom of speech and conscience, was the result of confusion caused by the vague [...]
The idea of harmony and respect of all human beings is a result of his Christian foundation as well as the philosophy of Gandhi that he encountered later on in his life.
By this, the version emphasizes the idea that the government should consider coming up with rules and regulations that protect the right of an individual's set of properties.
The generation of wealth is the collective duty of every member of the society, and rules of justice only seek to enhance the ownership and distribution of these resources.
Additionally, I would like to address the relationship of Arendt and Heidegger in the context of The Holocaust, and the effect that it had upon their philosophical works.
Justice is not dependent on the majority of any particular group, but on the views held by a majority of the people, which implies that the rights of an individual are limited to what majority [...]
Thomas More, expresses the utopian view, which is a description depicting a fictional island civilization; its religious, social and political way of life."Moore used the utopian society to contrast between the imaginary or unusual political [...]