Cognition and Perception Essay Examples and Topics. Page 3

569 samples

Goals of Cognitive Neuropsychology

In particular, it is the study of cognitive effects of neurological illness or brain injury with an aim of inferring normal functioning models of the brain.
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  • Words: 845

The Role of the Brain in Cognitive Functions

The Phrenology school thought that the various cognitive abilities of the brain and personality traits are controlled by centers located on specific locations of the brain; each relatively independent of the other and controlling its [...]
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  • Words: 872

Philosophy: The Power of Ideas

In this unfair world, people commit crime just to live to tell the tale and he viewed as the world in a contest for murder. Heidegger wanted to institute a scientific learning of being as [...]
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  • Words: 1269

Branch of Psychology Which Called Cognitive Psychology

Although psychologists have been studying human behavior and thought processes for a long time the area of cognitive psychology is fairly recent to the field and the most significant year for the development of cognitive [...]
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  • Words: 576

Cognitive Dissonance Definition

Very often the remorse of conscience is the most typical attributes of this conduct. The outcome of this self-deception is that infidelity or cheating becomes ethically permissible for them.
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  • Words: 591

Categorical Perception. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

The aim of the experiment is to show on the example of sounds that people of one society think similar and consider similar problems equally. The methodology of the experiment includes the computer usage and [...]
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  • Words: 1045

Examination of Learning and Cognition

Learning is the directed effort to improve the capability and willingness of persons or groups to gain and acquire new skills and knowledge, also lead to growth and maturity to comfortably adapt to changes and [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 648

Mental Rotation & Practice Effects on Response Time

The test results supported this hypothesis due to the fact that, for each participant, the time it took for the participants to decide whether the pair of objects is the same increased directly proportional to [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2130

8 Weeks of Meditation. Therapeutic Advantages of Meditation

The journal article titled "Alterations in Brain and Immune Functions Produced by Mindfulness Meditation" a randomized, control study carried out by Richard Davidson and others published in the Psychosomatic Medicine, 2003, to evaluate the effects [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2675

Cognitive Psychology: Endel Tulving’s Study

The experiment reported in this paper has been carried out in order to find out how the implicit learning works and how it manifests itself in the performance of the experiment participants over the number [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 610

Perceptions and Decision Making Process

It involves the process of recognizing the environmental stimuli and the actions that respond to the stimuli that allows an individual to act within the environment in which he or she is so that the [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1459

Human Memory: Serial Learning Experiment

The background of the current research was stated in Ebbinghaus' psychological study, and reveals the fact, that if e series of accidental symbols is offered for memorizing, the human memory will be able to memorize [...]
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  • Words: 483

Subliminal Stimulation by Beatty & Hawkins

As for the materials, that were used to arrange and held this research, it should be emphasized, that the ordinary commercial posters, advertising videos and slogans, that surround people in their everyday life is the [...]
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  • Words: 543

How Predictiveness Effect the Level of Processing

The experiment and the result will show that there is a greater response of individuals towards predictive words when compared to the Non- Predictive words or for that matter when compared to the fillers, which [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1283

Dreaming, Consciousness and Cognition

For instance, the behaviorist supposition that the brain is always awakened and only from the external by sense organ procedures cannot define daydreams; likewise, for the statement that consciousness is the straight or restricted product [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1808

Hot and Cold Social Cognitions and Memory

What is mentioned in biology text books and journals about the human brain is so small and almost insignificant compared to the myriad functions and parts of the brain that are yet to be explored.
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3192

Beck’s Cognitive Therapy Approach to Depression Treatment

The principle underlying Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy model of approach to the treatment of depression capitalizes on the reality-supported interpretation of a situation and seeks to eliminate any doubts that often torment most stressed persons.
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  • Words: 585

Persuasion and Propaganda in Modern Society

Persuasion is based on discourse and dialogue; propaganda is intended to be one-sided" Some researchers, such as Cain, look at any piece of media communication according to the ten points identified by Jowett and O'Donnell [...]
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  • Words: 1088

Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

Its founder, Sigmund Freud's idea of the three systems of personality, the id, ego and superego being in constant battle within a person is likened to a person's continual debate of what is right and [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2166

Analysis of the Quote of Ben Stein

I believe that is what Ben Stein was trying to impart upon us when he was quoted as having said that " The first step to getting the things you want out of life is [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

Influence and Application of Critical Thinking

The information processing and critical thinking had been regarded above, and it is directly linked with reading the same factors of critical thinking influence both: reading and information processing.
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  • Words: 372

Emotions: More Than Just Feeling and Well-Being

This picture of the role of emotions in the human person had three notable features: it was designed to account for inner conflict; it acknowledged the thought-dependent character of emotion, which differentiates them from mere [...]
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  • Words: 1436

Sport Psychology Term Definition and Analysis

Sport Psychology is the study of the mental and rational elements that control and are influenced by contribution and performance in sport, exercise, and physical commotion, and the submission of the knowledge gained through this [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 828

Cognitive Psychology: The Science of How We Think

Learning of cognitive psychology in schools can have a wide impact on the students since it's through cognitive psychology that we are in a position to know the nature of our emotions, feelings, thoughts, and [...]
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  • Words: 690

Society and Social Policy Analysis

A corollary is that scientists debating the ethical use of their discoveries are not necessarily the best people to judge the use of that science; the best people to do so are those who understand [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2281

Social Construction Model Analysis

The cognitive approach pointed to the learning development of children, wherein they do not just respond to their environment but actively engage in making sense of the world and their experiences within it and using [...]
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  • Words: 629

Cognitive Psychology: Intelligence and Wisdom

Intelligence is the system of evaluating units of knowledge; it is consistently reshuffling knowledge, it is the power of the mind-controlled by the brain, it uses the senses to control actions and reactions, it is [...]
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  • Words: 910

Decision-Making in Cognitive Psychology

Any decision-making situation requires a definition of the problem, identification of criteria, assignment of accurate weight to criteria according to preferences, knowledge of the alternatives, assessment of each alternative based on the criteria, and finally, [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 656

Absolute Identification Processes

It is interesting that there is a finding in cognitive research on absolute identification that participants can normally discriminate between stimuli that are different, but there is a greater error when trying to differentiate between [...]
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  • Words: 693

Memory Comprehension Issue Review

To sum up, studying with the background of loud music is counterproductive, as it is also an information channel that interferes with the comprehension and memorization of more important information.
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  • Words: 599

Cognitive Psychology and Learning

The questions on the problem of getting the children to work and unify the class is definitely related to the matter of individual approach to every child, and of course concerning the matters of remembering [...]
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  • Words: 535

Psychology: Persuasion in Bigpond TV Advertisement

In terms of the analysis of the TV advertisement for Bigpond internet service provider, it is relevant to start with the identification of the elements of persuasion as they are applied to the ad.
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  • Words: 611

Emotional Problems of Animals

This proves the fact that akin to humans, animals do get irked by the instances and occurrences of the surroundings in which they live.
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  • Words: 620

Burrhus Frederic Skinner: Behaviorist Biography

Behaviorism is one of the psychological theories which help to explain human behavior and actions, motives and internal and external drivers. The reception of the psychological practice and theories of Skinner and Vygotsky reflects practice [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 2577

Normal Aging of Brain Structures and Cognition

Evidence of brain changes can be seen as early as the middle age in that there is a decrease in the number of neurotransmitter binding sites, as well as a decrease in the level of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1409

Human Learning and Non-Human Animal Studies

The evaluation of arguments both for and against the usefulness of animal-based research indicates that studies using non-human animals have made a considerable contribution to the understanding of learning in humans.
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  • Words: 1601

Nudges and Human Decision-Making

They do not have to be able to alter the options, as making design decisions is enough. So, they have to think carefully about their objectives and the implications of their actions.
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  • Words: 279

Mindfulness as a Practice in Therapy and Daily Life

The Western definition of mindfulness, utilized in the psychology field, is the act of paying attention in a way that focuses on the purpose of presence in the moment and a non-judgmental approach.
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  • Words: 3356

Prisoner’s Dilemma in Examples

Similar to other contests in the game theory, Prisoner's Dilemma presumes that the two players are rational and will choose the most favorable tactic with the aim of realizing the maximum possible gain.
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  • Words: 606

Intelligence and Creativity: Steve Jobs’s Example

Intelligence is a construct for which there have been plenty of definitions; these usually refer to a person's ability to perceive information, process it, keep it in the form of knowledge, and use it for [...]
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  • Words: 324

Memory Acquisition and Information Processing

The problem of disagreeing with memories can be explained by a closer look at the process of memory acquisition. Most part of the sensory information is not encoded due to selective attention.
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  • Words: 443

Perception and Decision Making Connection

Another possible factor that enhances the role of perception in decision-making is time. Perception can affect people's lives because of their relationships with each other, as seen in the example with friends.
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  • Words: 313

Learning Activity and Memory Improvement

The easiest way to explain the difference between implicit and explicit types of learning is to think of the latter as active learning and of the former - as passive one.
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  • Words: 354

Cognition, Motivation and Success

The reason is that a person with an achievement motivation that is higher than average can spend more time while developing intelligence because of orienting to the goals and their completion.
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  • Words: 685

Critical Thinking and Society Exercise

For instance, using fossil fuels as the main source of energy has led to the degradation of the environment through toxic emissions. Opinion can be used to redirect the process of thinking by weighing the [...]
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  • Words: 622

Sensory Information Validity and Accuracy

If an individual touch a hot object, the senses involved in feeling automatically send a message to the brain and one is able to protect their hand or any other part of the body before [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 594

How the Eyes and Brain Make Sense of the Visual World?

This forms part of the early processing of visual information, and when the perception is processed to the point of consciousness, it becomes possible to conceptualize the whole object instead of just seeing the aspects [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1094

Psychology: Short-Term and Working Memory

The thing is that the term short-term memory is used to describe the capacity of the mind to hold a small piece of information within a very short period, approximately 20 seconds.
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  • Words: 860

Deductive vs. Inductive Reasoning in Everyday Life

So, deductive and inductive reasoning are both useful in reaching logical conclusions, but sometimes it might be difficult to define which method should be used to reach a conclusion that is true.
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  • Words: 307

Concept of Knowledge and Understanding

The book is important to my research because it describes knowledge as an action performed by the knower, thus erasing the gap between the classic interpretations of knowledge and understanding.
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  • Words: 1103

Cognitive Neuroscience: Unlearning Something Learnt

According to Brown and White, in order to understand the ability of one to unlearn what has been learned, it is important to first understand the learning process as explained in Cognitive paradigms.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1995

“The Perception Image” by Gilles Deleuze

Therefore, due to the possibility of extreme contraction of the perception and the ability of the perception to pass from objective to subjective and vice versa, Deleuze calls this description semi-subjective. The perception of an [...]
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  • Words: 605

Oxytocin Effect on Recollections of Maternal Care

The literature that underpins the role of oxytocin in encoding maternal care and closeness recollections and associates them with positive outcomes as a response to the social stimuli is the basis for this study.
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  • Words: 407

Klinefelter Syndrome Aspects

The purpose of the study was to determine the psychosocial impact of the syndrome. The outcomes were compared with those of the general male population of Australia and analyzed for significance.
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  • Words: 851

The Field of Cognitive Science

Each of its disciplines plays a significant role in the study of the mind by bringing a distinctive set of tools and perceptions.
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  • Words: 1274

Learning and Cognition Theories in Application

The process of learning appears to be multifaceted yet essential to acquire new knowledge and skills, thus staying aware of the latest trends in education and a professional career.
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3254

Personality Development, Cognition and Intelligence

More specifically, a cognitive style refers to an individual's predisposition to act or behave in a particular manner, and many psychologists usually view cognitive style in the context of a personality dimension that manipulates attitudes, [...]
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  • Words: 821

Perception, Thought Process and Attention

They tend to understand that the world has its dangers and as a result, they are in a position to perceive the world's opportunities and beauty and consequently think positively.
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  • Words: 591

Motivation and Emotion Understanding

Motivation boosts and directs behavior, whereas emotions provide the emotional/effective constituent to motivation, either negative or positive. Motivation can be defined as "a want, a need, a desire or an interest that drives a person [...]
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  • Words: 284

The Psychology of Thinking and Intelligence

Hence, thinking is a mechanism for adapting to the social and physical surroundings in which people live in. The neurological comprehension of intelligence mechanisms remains vague although it is believed that the words "intelligence" and [...]
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  • Words: 280

Evaluation and Judgment by Appearance and Behavior

Evaluation is vital in quality assessment and determination of one's perception in the eyes of the evaluator. On the contrary, one in a long dress, adequate makeup, and a reasonable ear piercing is seen as [...]
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  • Words: 622

Wisdom From the Psychological Perspective

In the analytical part of the paper, the author outlines the main conceptual inconsistencies of the psychology-based explicit theories of wisdom while arguing that to be considered fully legitimate, in the scientific sense of this [...]
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3296

The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking

The final section of the effective thinking basis, as defined by Burger and Starbird, is tracking the stream of ideas. The authors recommend reflecting upon the origins of the ideas and exploring where the ideas [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 872

Thinking and Creating Processes: Connection to Ideas

However, Rinck does not place all of the blame on the writers themselves; instead, he says that it is the fault of their teachers and supervisors who underestimate the need to explain to their students [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1138

Memory Retrieval, Related Processes and Secrets

The resulting impression of having experienced what is portrayed in the picture leads to the creation of false memories. The authors of the study make it clear that placing one in specific visual and spatial [...]
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  • Words: 556

The Processes of Thinking and Creating

It could be claimed that the principal idea of Shields' article is to show that not all cases of copying can be defined as plagiarism, as sometimes taking from a well-known masterpiece may form the [...]
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  • Words: 1630

Evolution of Psychology and Social Cognition

Besides the complexity of the subject, the lack of systematization and solidified scientific approach is the reason behind the factional nature of psychology: as a relatively young field, it is still establishing its norms and [...]
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  • Words: 632

Memory Formation and Maintenance

The first similarity between working memory and long term memory is that in both cases, tasks retrieve information from secondary memory, although sometimes working memory tasks retrieve information from the primary memory. After completion of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1193