We associate psychology with handling individual issues or specific situations. Yet, the relationship between people is another important focus of the field. As a psychology student, you are likely to write about family relationships. Below, we have explained how to accomplish this task.
But first of all, let’s see what family psychology is.
Family psychology is a branch of contemporary psychology with both basic and applied aspects. It deals with the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors of family members. This field covers a variety of problems such as physical and verbal abuse, infidelity, alcohol and drug abuse, and more.
To write a family psychology essay, you need to find a good idea, research it, and prepare an outline. This article will be beneficial in accomplishing all these steps. Our experts have gathered tips about how to prepare and write this type of paper. Moreover, on this page, you will find family psychology topics and samples for you to consider.
When explaining the psychology of family relationships, you cannot use discriminatory language or give unweighted conclusions. It concerns both essays on real and hypothetical people and situations. You should pay attention to your wording even when composing an analysis of existing concepts.
Here, we have gathered some additional tips on how to write your family psychology essay:
Research your topic to showcase your knowledge.
To demonstrate your understanding of a range of scientific materials, you have to research. Psychology papers generally rely on academic resources. Instead of simply Googling your topic, think about using PsycInfo, a go-to source for Academic search. Do not postpone this step – start researching right after receiving your assignment, as it can take a lot of time.
Check some samples to figure out the proper argumentation.
Look at the range of scientific materials and the way arguments are used in them. Samples are a great way to draw inspiration and ideas for your paper. Just do not forget to cite them properly if you decide to quote them. You can check some essays on families under the article.
Add critical evaluation and examples to your arguments.
All the points you make have to be supported with appropriate literature and theoretical framework. Look at the works your instructor published. Sometimes they include a list of secondary sources they want you to examine in detail.
Organize your paper before writing it.
Don’t start writing your essay without an outline. It is basically a road map of your work so that you won’t miss anything. Prepare a structure with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Make sure you write a thesis statement before anything – it’s the central message of your paper. Our thesis generator can help with that.
Ensure correct grammar, punctuation, and referencing.
Double-check your paper before submitting it. An error-free paper increases understanding and general readability of the material. Look out for punctuation, grammar, style, and formatting mistakes. All sources have to be referenced accurately according to the required guideline.
15 Family Psychology Topics
Since we have already examined how to start, it’s time to see what psychology essay topics are available for you to draw inspiration from. In this section, we have gathered several ideas for your paper. However, if those aren’t enough, feel free to use our title generator.
How can parental neglect affect one’s self-esteem in the future?
Family therapy for a family shattered by grief. What are the ways to grieve separately but still together?
The importance of family support in dealing with depression. How can caretakers help the sufferer?
What is the role of true love in couple and family psychology?
What are the signs of dysfunctional mother-son relationships?
What are the psychological effects of adoption on the family?
Explain the role of forgiveness in healthy family functioning.
How do rapid changes in family relationships affect adolescent development?
Explain the role of strong family ties in treating dependent personality disorder?
How can development psychology be used to handle school bullying cases?
Does family income affect the development of a child?
How do I see the family of my dreams?
What are the main concepts and methods in family therapy?
Describe the impact of parent-child relationships on intimate relationships in the future?
Should parents set boundaries with their kids? How can they do it?
Thank you for your attention! With our topics and tips, you have all the chances to write an A+ worthy paper. For your inspiration, you can check the family psychology essay examples below. To save some time, shorten it up with the help of our online summarizer. Good luck!
A family is a form of a system, and Cybernetics is the study of systems of all kinds. Also, the theorist noted that every patient is a therapist to another member of the family and [...]
The story is narrated by Gilbert Grape, who is the second eldest son of the family. In the Grape family, a triangle is formed between Gilbert, his mother Bonnie, and Arnie.
One of the ethical dilemmas in the case is that of deciding whether or not to disclose the information about Breen's relationship with her boyfriend to her parents.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of selected passages in the book and the application of these passages in understanding family relationships and dynamics in the context of family therapy.
This concept will be very helpful in my future work since I will be able to notice negative behavior in children that is the result of the parenting style adopted by the parents.
The anxiety manifested as she thought of how her partner would leave her because of the habits she portrayed. The session would experience opposition from June, believing that the therapist would be unable to figure [...]
A structural family therapist could view the problem of the child by understanding relationships within the family of the child. For example, a structural family therapist could focus on deciphering how the child interacts with [...]
As such, parents embrace differential treatment and favoritism of children based on age of the child, gender of the child, the personality of the child, or order of birth.
The Family Projection Process This is an extension of the previous concept and points to the fact that the family member who has a 'problem' is triangulated and works to stabilize a dyad in the [...]
The Marital Satisfaction Inventory or the MSI is a data collection method in the form of a questionnaire. The MSI questionnaire is often used to diagnose the crisis of the marital subsystem at any stage [...]
Therefore, a person who is ready to accept you just as you are is a true partner and so, instead of striving to change your individuality try to accept the relationship.
The authors continue to explain that parenting styles are affected by children's and parents' dispositions and mainly based on the influence of one's culture, traditions and origins. The four types of parenting styles include Authoritarian [...]
The husband becomes the only person to work and feed the family. The death of a family member is also an unpredictable source of stress and crisis within the family.
The origin of the resilience construct can be traced to the foundational study carried by Werner and Smith and they found that a third of the Kauai children followed from 1995 on wards were doing [...]
The focus is therefore on family members and not the individuals in a given family. In this case, therefore, the theory is used to study a particular system which is the family.
SFT approach rests upon the notion that families possess enduring power to change teenagers. The approach normally targets families with children possessing antisocial behaviors.
The level of measurement in this study will be to assess the frequency of involvement in crime by the children from the broken homes as well as those from the two parent families.
In such cases, the importance of attending marriage education is highlighted, the usefulness and importance of which is to provide knowledge not only about the marriage union but also in general about interaction and proper [...]
Child development Rev 2000; 71: 1033 1048.' moral development/moral reasoning which is an important aspect of cognitive development of children has been studied very thoroughly with evidence-based explanations from the work of many psychologists based [...]
On the other hand, an individual living and brought up in a Western society may not face this burden; his emotional burden may be relevant to his girlfriend.
Each of these spoons has a name correlating with a family member's name at the time my great-grandmother's, her husband's, my grandmother's, and my great aunt's.
I have recognized that the student I have selected had issues adapting to a school setting, which led to conflicts with peers and disappointment in the family. In conclusion, the student and his family had [...]
The young person has not only to expand his budget but also has to have a bigger heart that can accommodate his fiancee's behavior and also his in-laws' interference with the running of his home.
The purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate the feminist theory based on its model, views on mental health, goals, and the role of the counselor in the process.
In addition, the patient had a close relationship with her grandmother, and her death was a traumatic event that could negatively affect Marie's psychological state.
Dissatisfaction with the relationship, a lack of shared activities, old age, poor health, and daily stress also contribute to a decrease in sexual satisfaction in a marriage.
Finally, a comprehensive review of the self of the therapists, empirical support, and the intricacies of the therapeutic alliance will end the discourse on CBFT.
The weakening of the family on the bearing of conditions is problematic. In the new family structures, there is more freedom of choice as compared to before.
The family is the basic unit of the society and is primarily composed of the parents and their children. The family has a hierarchical structure that is made up of the parents at the top [...]
Society needs to come to terms that it has to include the homosexuals among and as one of them and attend to their needs as effectively as for the rest of it.
It is important to start with identifying the stressor that led to the development of the family crisis and certain negative and positive changes in my family.
In this paper, Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory will be used to analyze the problem of family aggression and evaluate the relationships between each system and the chosen issue.
The Process of Resolving the Ethical Dilemma and the Acquired Training The process of resolving the dilemma followed a procedure that stressed on the actions and their consequences.
In the case of addiction counselling, the clientele is comprised of people suffering from the ravages of a certain factor in their life and the counsellor is their main hope in overcoming such a problem.
The paper aims to show the relationships between family members and the surrounding environment to find the strong and weak sides of cooperation and reduce possible factors.
The problem that the mother addressed was the distancing of the child and the refusal to build contacts. Reframing is a significant aspect of the approach planned to be used during sessions with the family.
In order to mitigate these issues, Libby suggests that everyone should listen to each other, respect different viewpoints, strive to accept the truths of different perspectives, work deliberately at not being defensive, and feel safe [...]
Claims of facts show that the non-acceptance of the separation of children into favored and unfavored carries negative outcomes for both them and their parents.
In the present assessment protocol, three tools are chosen, namely the systemic assessment of the family environment, personal assessment of intimacy in relationships, and brief dyadic adjustment scale. PAIR assesses both the individual and the [...]
Bowen's family system theory encapsulates eight concepts, some of them being the societal emotional process, emotional cutoff, and family projection process. Finally, the last one refers to society's behavioral operation and its expectations affecting a [...]
The emergence of dysfunction in the activity of one of the spouses is because a large amount of undifferentiated emotionality is concentrated in the adaptive position of one of the partners.
Inclusion is a philosophical approach that recognizes the diversity of children's abilities and needs and the breadth and depth of support available to children and their families.
As a therapist, the counseling should start with each psychoanalysis hour addressing the issues and feelings that the couple presents, and use their emotional state to strengthen the bond between the partners in the framework [...]
The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of family in the Hispanic culture through an analysis of a family genogram while also providing the writer's insights on the knowledge gained from the [...]
This research is the first to investigate the interceding role of autonomy together with future orientation in the connection between the quality of communication in a family and life happiness.
In the Video, the primary contributors are the couple and the narrative therapist. The narrative therapist tries first to comprehend the viewpoint of a patient on their lives and the dominant plot and changes that [...]
Children dying from falling out of windows are a reported cause of death yearly at the start of the summer-spring season. This workshop aims to understand the leading causes of children falling out of windows [...]
I think true forgiveness in the context of marital or familial relationships cannot be achieved without a complete understanding of the causes of the transgression and the reasons behind one's inability to forgive.
The standard representation of the karyotype in healthy people is 46 chromosomes, and the likelihood of pathology increases with the mother's age. To conclude, Down syndrome is a form of genomic pathology in which the [...]
A family is a fundamental unit of a society because it enables children, who are the future of any nation, to be raised and educated in a protective and supportive household.
The author of the article considers the study and the data obtained as a result of it as information reporting not only about the specifics of homosexual relationships but also about their perception in American [...]
The McDowell family may have visited a family therapist for a solution to grief and lack of communication. The behavior of Cleo and Lisa has a supportive function, as it is based on mutual respect.
That is why I feel that I require additional training dedicated to the management of healthy relationships and successful preparation for marriage to use the Prepare/Enrich assessment or work as a Certified Facilitator.
The nurse informed them that this facility would provide more information about the condition and the management modalities to improve the child's coping abilities in the family setting. The clinician collaborates with the clients to [...]
This paper presents a critical analysis of five research articles related to the proposed PICOT question: In a group of patients between the ages of 13-18 with complaints of anxiety, does the implementation of a [...]
Due to the fact that both the children are indirect causes of the conflict, the boy will likely feel guilty because he is old enough to understand the essence of the problem. A meaningful and [...]
In medical termination, the pregnancy is terminated for medical reasons, for instance, if the mother's life is threatened by the continuation of the pregnancy and when the fetus has a genetic problem and the mother [...]
It is important that the researchers defined the issue in the introductory part of the research, as it clarified the criteria for selection of the survey participants and analysis of the study results.
The personal involvement into the researched problem is minimal, as the personal experience is a tiny part of the entire research sphere, nevertheless, it should be emphasized, that the research results will be regarded through [...]
This paper helps to understand the principles of evaluation research, the effectiveness of the intervention selected for settling marital discord and the use of evidence elicited in the research analysis for the purpose of enhancing [...]
To illustrate the use of qualitative research designs and methods of analysis, a study of family members' views of family therapy is briefly described. A small fee was paid to the families in recognition of [...]
I have learned many facts related to the history of family therapy and the main psychological principles that it is based on and that makes it effective.
Transfer trauma is one of the psychological effects, which is caused due to relocation."The condition termed relocation stress or transfer trauma refers to a set of symptoms and outcomes that result from a transfer from [...]
I must admit that the communication styles I learned brought me back to the days in my family where there were a lot of communication styles that I had to contend with.
In the video, the psychologist had the family bond through a project of gathering information about the family's genealogy on both sides of the family the father and the deceased mother.
The paper seeks to identify the role and impact of culture in determining the playing field of children. However, although the surroundings may differ from family to family, the role of culture in the providence [...]
Mama's ethnicity is exotic in our town and she was educated, so she was of the higher middle class. Our dad likes sports and Mama loves the symphony, but she plays Spanish music when he [...]
One reason why this is so is that, given the onion-layered nature of their problems, family members, individually or as a group, lack the ability to "diagnose" the difficulties they face and to identify their [...]
Despite many researchers agreeing with Neil idea that couples and families should be exposed to different kinds of treatments Gurman 91 had a different opinion saying that since it has not yet been known which [...]
By asking "how does a stepfamily actually work", I found that this article provided the answer in the sense that I learned about how the core of the stepfamily is developed and why a stepfamily [...]
The central consideration is what is in the best interests of the family and choosing a therapy for the family and particular cultural groups will depend on what is likely to work best with them.
The other common disorder associated with autism is that of mutism whereby it also lies under the category of speech disorder and in many cases it is difficult to be diagnosed and at the same [...]
The weakness of the concept of Psycho-educational Program for Parents of Dysfunctional Backgrounds, as depicted by Fine in his book, is that the proposed solution of psycho-education can aid in reducing the violence in families [...]
Strauss defines corporal punishment as "the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child pain, but not injury, for the purposes of correction or control of the child's behavior".
The topic of the project research to be conducted encompasses an analysis of the reasons behind the failure of family relationships of individuals involved in CCFT as compared to the people studying for MBA.
Some of the family members become victims of family, domestic, or sexual violence, which forces them to leave the household and live in the streets. In short, the child and family health nurse is to [...]
This paper suggests the ways of incorporating and encouraging the role of step-grandparents from the perspective of a counselor, as well as addresses the methods of building connections between new family members.
My choice of questions for the interviewees on matters related to life, relationship and family will be designed as linear and systematic questions to aid in formulating an assessment.
To describe an ongoing problem from the Cooper family's perspective briefly, it would be proper to state that Matthew does not seem to be the head of the family as this role belongs to his [...]
Overall, it will be argued that a child with secure attachment, also referred to as strong attachment in the paper, is more aware, and easily interacts, with other people and his or her environment as [...]
The study shows that most problems that couples face are a result of OCD, and goes further to advocate the Accommodation Therapy and the Exposure Therapy as the best solutions to problems among couples.
At the same time, the work with a client presupposes the ability to meet his/her diverse needs and be ready to determine the theory of counseling that should be used to guarantee the improvement of [...]
The main goals this couple has to set are the evaluation of several specific areas that might be affected by a long deployment and maintaining the stability of their relationships.
In the midst of the high divorce rates, unfaithfulness, and dissatisfaction in marriages, the ways to a long-lasting marriage have been a burning issue.
When parents exert excessive control on the lives their children, the ties that should exist in the family break and the victims develop hatred and aggression.
In this regard, all the family members are considered to have unique experiences and behaviors that affect the experiences of the other members of the family.
The article "Longitudinal Contribution of Maternal and Paternal Depression to Toddler Behaviors: Interparental Conflict and Later Depression as Mediators" by Sheehan, Rebecca, Michael, Robin, and Stuart tested the effects of paternal depression on toddler behaviors.
The genes play a role in the way a person is, but the environment adds a much greater amount of information and external stimuli that shape and form individuality.
The theory explains clearly how change is brought about because it suggests that the main objective of the therapist is to advice the client on how to achieve the best results in the future using [...]
A court order can also lead to the disclosure of the information or records of the client. However, the information will only be used for the purpose of determining the case to which the client [...]
The author highlights autism as one of the main outcomes of late fatherhood following the release of the results of a study involving the counting of the mutations corresponding to a father's age at the [...]
Pages: 5
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