Murphy states that the situation of the workers is embarrassing both to the football federation and to the mother country. The material covered in the article is an example of the many cases of violations [...]
Furthermore, it is wrong for government officials to profit from the activities of MNCs, when they have a duty to protect their vulnerable workers in the first place.
The article below focuses on the impacts of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on organizations as highlighted in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.
Assuming that the college senior would have acquired the required skills and knowledge that would be applied in the job market, he or she should not take an unpaid internship.
Current labor laws are capable of dealing with labor-management problems because it protects the interest of the workers and the general public.
One of the most important aspects of any society is the working class, and the way labor is viewed and qualified by a part of the population.
The main advantages of the employee referral program are a simplification of the recruitment process and the possibility of hiring the most qualified candidates.
They claimed that child labor practices were against the precepts of their company and international labor laws. Fairtrade International admitted that they were informed of the allegations of child labor in the cotton farms.
This paper aims to explain how the components of affirmative action, as applied to public and private sector employers, intersect with Title VII requirements of the Equal Opportunity Act, 1964.
In conclusion, there are numerous people who work for extremely long hours to improve the organization at the expense of their health, families, and social life.
Here, the health and welfare forms the basis of criterion used to decide on the kind of pollutants to control and the level at which it is regulated.
Despite his working terms stated in the contract commencing prior to NR's acquisition of the company and conditions of the employment remaining the same, it was evident that the organisational culture of NR seemed unattractive [...]
Objectives for the study include: To find out whether the removal of the compulsory retirement age will lead to increased productivity and economic growth, to find out whether it is cheaper to recruit fresh labor [...]
They are forced to depend on manual jobs for the rest of their lives, ultimately leading to child labor in each generation, more poor children and more communities with undercutting wages.
Some of the legal and ethical issues that Gilliland-Moore wines must observe include the following: Age Discrimination- the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 forbids biasness against applicants of 40 years of old or [...]
Therefore, the paper reveals how the collaboration of the political goodwill and the restructuring of unions through proper legislative and administrative policy has promoted and fundamentally improved workers' interests, hence, improving the position of wage [...]
Among the many cases that involve discrimination at the workplace, the issue of HIV stands out as one of the most common case of discrimination.
The president of the Danville Local National Education Association blamed the Board of Education for the strike saying that the stand of the negotiators of the board made the teachers to resort to strike.
The TWC offers information to both the employer and employee on the Texas Minimum Wage Act, and their respective duties, rights and remedies under the Act.
The case of the activities of the Coca Cola Company in Colombia is one of the biggest thorns in the flesh of the conglomerate.
Since this study focuses on the case of Ladele and McFarlane with reference to the principle of conscientious, religious objection to same-sex relationships, we shall only look at elements of the Act that deal with [...]
Opponents claim that the use of surveillance cameras in the workplace is unethical because it violates the right of employees to privacy. In contrast, proponents of the use of video surveillance in the workplace claim [...]
Although it is not easy for an entire institution to be fair to all employees in every aspect, it is the responsibility of senior managers to be the ambassadors of equity in all their decisions [...]
Providing important facets of the case, Mendelson, discussed important matters concerning the employer's negligence and circumstances leading to reasonable 'Foreseeability' in the case of 'psychiatric injuries' in the workplace.
Cure, on the other hand, may be defined as the right a crewmember has to hospital, nursing, doctor or other forms of medical attention in the event of injuries or illnesses that may be attributed [...]
In this respect, the fair wage expands the concepts of the living wage and minimum wage to include the conditions of work.
Finally, it is also based on whether the participation of the white employees in the misappropriation of the cargo rendered them more unqualified for employment as compared to the black employee, Jackson White's involvement in [...]
As a result, the introduction of Labor Relations Bill 144 is bound to have an effect on the activities of the trade unions under COUSA.
The recommendations will range from the legal reforms to the inclusion of the domestic workers in the labor laws of Kuwait.
The benefits available in the Italy schemes cut across the managerial professional and other types of employees. The opportunities based on the development and the learning of the employee so as to expand and enhance [...]
According to the International Labor Organization, these are the worst forms of child labor. There are emerging cases of child labor in the third world nations.
It is a legal fact arising from the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment's Equal protection that no employee should be discriminated against because [...]
Therefore, if an employer is in a position of modifying the job's requirement structure or structure which will cause the employer perceived hardships and at the same time ensure that an employee who has got [...]
Flexibility comes from the need for the management to adjust with the dynamism of the labour market that results from the development of the company and the way in which employees want to work.
There is a heated debate however as to which of the two has played the biggest role in the effort to ensure that the interests of the workers are addressed and that there is serenity [...]
Barriers to Productivity under the Fair Work Laws The introduction of Fair Work Act to the industrial sphere has had negative impact on the majority of the Australian companies encountering a major cost gap.
This paper evaluates the theoretical assumptions regarding the effects of the introduction of the National Minimum Wage within the British home care sector.
The fatal workplace accident that occurred at the Foster's Abbotsford brewery in Melbourne in April 2006 is remarkable in the history of the company and the country at large.
Since the job is urgent and therefore needed in a few days time, I would request her to work on the job with the promise that I will communicate her complaints to Frank and Alice [...]
Wage disparities exist due to a variety of factors and the leading contributor to these wage gaps is the fact that many women and racial discriminated people are still secluded in the low paying occupations, [...]
As a justification for what the workers need to do, there is a tight regulation in the labor union on private-sector union membership by the NLRA.
It is important that the employee goes through the benefits to understand the rules and regulations set for the qualifications of the benefits.
However, the plaintiff never signed the letter but instead with the help of his counsel told the defendant that he objected to extension of the layoff.
The unemployment benefits given to those who have lost their jobs are usually on a basis of insurance systems that are made mandatory by the government.
The board later concluded that indeed the employer had the violated the section of the act by not allowing employees to discuss their sexual harassment complaints among themselves and that he had failed to establish [...]
It is therefore important for organizations to be aware of these laws to avoid exploitation of their employees by the unions as well as to learn on the benefits of joining the unions to enable [...]
The United Kingdom has no written constitution; the Queen is regarded as the head of state in the U.K. Notably also, the U.K.has integrated the Human rights act which was passed by an act of [...]
The law protects people with disabilities working in the state and local government or the private sector. They are equal to the other employees in terms of recruitment, promotions and other benefits.
When people realize the conditions that the workers go through when producing goods in sweatshops, they are quick to judge and curse the employers for mistreating the employees.
The doctrine is not fair to employees because it promotes harshness and contains assumptions that compromise the employer/employee relationship in favor of employers.
The fact that these cases are not reported means that much needs to be done to enhance awareness among employees. It is important to note that employers will always take the slightest opportunity that comes [...]
This implies that the major objective of the right to work policy is to weaken unions and consequently lower pays in a state, therefore drawing more corporations there.
The magnitude of change of demand and supply depends on the type of the commodity in question. The magnitude of the effect of change in price on the commodity depends on the price elasticity of [...]
First, the organization must clearly state how employees will benefit from the plan, and this will need to be communicated to all the affected employees in this organization.
The first function of job description is that the description gives a detailed explanation on the skills and the competencies that are necessary for easier execution of the tasks and production of the expected results.
This makes it necessary for stakeholders in the labor market to intervene and enact labor laws that protect both the employers and the employees.
They also set minimum wages that any employees must be paid and also promote the rights of employees in the workplace Environmental protection seeks to promote environmental friendly operations in the workplace while legal protection [...]
The Fair Labour Standards Act has for thirty eight years been a pillar of the labour industry in America and it is of significance that it is altered to fit the modern world.
Despite the fact that the employer is an "at will" employer and does not require drawing an employment contract, the job offer letter he issued the plaintiff in this case became the contract the moment [...]
Worker health and safety deals with protecting the security, health and welfare of workers. Worker health and safety enhances and maintains physical, psychological and social heath of workers in all jobs to the highest degree.
Not all areas of a construction site can be covered with passive systems of fall protection and as such in instances such as these active systems must be utilized, if not, workers do so at [...]
The implication is that there is a tendency for people to want to venture in occupations associated with high risk and even work in poor conditions in pursuit of the additional income that come with [...]
Governments usually impose minimum wage to reduce poverty; indeed, increase in the minimum wage is also said to increase motivation of the workers and hence lead to more productivity. Increase in the minimum wage does [...]
The above scenario can be attributed to a variety of factors that influence the dynamics of supply and demand of the nurses in the state.
Other people argue that increasing the minimum wage would lead to increase in commodity prices by the employers to cover for the increased costs thereby beating the reason for the increase.
They involve a comprehensive evaluation of the human resource requirements and the development of relevant guidelines to direct not only the compensation programs but guide the processes of training and development relevant for the specific [...]
A major characteristic of the developing countries which has made it hard for the core labor standards to be implemented is that of low income among the population.
The plans contribute to the fortification of financial situation in the country through enhancing wage and wellbeing of citizens thus enhancing service availability through the taxation process.
Clerical and junior administration jobs are also in the category of low paying jobs especially when the jobs are full time.
This combined with the fact that we are living in a time where the average life-span has significantly lengthened therefore leading to the presence of a significant aged population has resulted in the need for [...]
The main difficulties of proving the unlawful character of the procedures are caused with indistinct concepts of a disparate impact of the practice and the business necessity to which the employer relates it.