While referring to the ideas of the above-mentioned philosophers of science, it is reasonable to start with the discussion of anti-realists' ideas and their visions of the effectiveness of the 'no miracles' argument because in [...]
The fact that philosophers and scientists try to find the adequate answers to these questions during long periods of time supports the idea that the problem of demarcation is important to be solved to prevent [...]
His contribution to the field of philosophy of science resulted in a paradigm shift on various aspects of positivists' doctrine and insights into the history of science1.
Ivan maintains that the world is unjust and, therefore, he cannot accept God's world if it allows the continuation of evils such as the suffering of children.
The thesis statement of the discussion is that Confucianism is useful in cultivating and instilling good morals in individuals and in so doing contributes to harmonious co-existence of people in society.
While the body is finite and has no use after death, the soul is immortal and is the only useful part of a philosopher. He declines to escape from the jail because that is against [...]
Essence of generalism and particularism, and atomism and holism as the outcomes of their debate Jonathan Dancy is one of the fist philosophers, who makes an attempt to define particularism and generalism from one and [...]
This is because, given the fact that Utilitarian theory's foremost theoretical premise is being concerned with the notion of amaximization of benefits' 1, it will only be logical, on my part, to assume that the [...]
The malfunctioning of both the background assumptions and the hypothesis may perhaps lead to the falsification, as well as examination of the experimental scientists.
He believed in the role and nature of the state as that of the well-being of all individuals in the society.
Philosophy of science looks at the basis, approaches and connotations of science as well as the applicability and demerits of science.
This is one of the assumptions that can be made. This is one of the limitations that can be identified.
The emergence of the philosophy of science as a field of study proves that philosophy is still relevant and required in the modern context, despite the success of the scientific discourse.
Nor that there is, on the one hand, the field of things, of perfected technique, work, and the transformation of the real; on the other that of signs, communication, reciprocity, and the production of meaning; [...]
Ideas of Deity Paine's idea of deity is that the first cause a man can attribute to God is the cause of all things.
The Russell's solution to this is as follows: inconsistencies within the amolecular' descriptions, to which we resort, while trying to ensure the spatial integrity of our perceptions of the universe, can be eliminated by the [...]
According to Hume, philosophers should use a similar example such as that of the workman to derive qualities of the Supreme Being. Hume disagrees with justice that is ascribed to the action of the gods.
The other one is the mode of reasoning used in order to obtain predictions. The other criticism is that the results of an induction are subject to variations that are in tandem with changes in [...]
This can be translated to mean that God is the origin of God. The answer to this question is that it was God's intention to have God exist.
In pages 37-62, John Locke discusses the necessity of toleration in relation to different religious views accepted in the society and focuses on the idea to distinguish between the civil jurisdiction and religion.
Karl Marx expressed his sentiments on alienation and pain in the lower class workers imprisonment by the private individuals who have the resources to manipulate and twist social, development, and welfare aspects of the masses [...]
The achievements demonstrated by Marx and Freud play a significant role in the field of sociology and philosophy indeed; Marx believed in the power of labor and recognized the individual as an integral part of [...]
One of the most influential philosophers of all times and the major figures in the history of the Chinese philosophy, Laozi has paved the way for the Chinese people to the Enlightenment, offering his own [...]
They believed that the best way to ease the pain they felt as a result of the loss was to revenge the death of the Germans.
According to Anselm "if the existence of a being is necessary, then, 'that being is greater than one which existence is not necessary'".
As per the unrestricted free market philosophy, the forces of demand and supply should be left to control the price of a given commodity without human intervention.
Consequently, after posing his concern of suicide and life value, he notes that the voluntary death process indicates acknowledgement of the importance of suffering, and the lack of a weighty reason for living.
This is despite the fact that there are other nations that try to explain the origin of the earth and the universe.
To a great extent, this feeling belittles a human being, and in the long term, this emotion can only lead to the bitterness of the individual who is a subject of pity.
The law defines the relationship between the ruled and the ruler, the environment and man, and among the ruled. The paper goes a notch high to compare the views of Aristotle on civil relationships with [...]
Popper is of the view that induction belongs to the non-science category. In Popper's view, the best-tested theory remains the best approach to scientific research.
The sole responsibility of taking care of the family was upon the husband and although he tried to sustain the needs of the whole family, his sickness brought about challenges and hardships to the family.
In the given question, Mill draws the line between the moral principles and the human mind. Hence, Mill questions the link between the moral and the ethical.
To be at peace with one's self is to know that what does not belong to you is not yours and that way you people will not have to quarrel over issues in life. A [...]
In particular, he writes that virtue is "a state that decides, consisting in a mean, relative to us, which is defined by reference to a reason, that is to say, to the reason by reference [...]
He promoted the Scientific Revolution to a great extent since he believed that experiments were instrumental in correcting the evidence of the senses and revealing truths obscured by nature."Through the astute use of experiments, the [...]
Christianity and Hinduism are certainly at the top of the list of important attempts at explaining the origin of the universe and human nature, since approximately 47% of the world's population belongs to these two [...]
The validity of this statement can be well illustrated in regards to the main conventions of the theory of a 'chemical morphogenesis' by Alan Turing, which points out to the fact that the bulks of [...]
My reply to the objection above is that the results may be determined by reason. The outcome is highly, if not, parallel to reason.
Total libertarianism enables democrats to support the majority of issues and the majority of positions in the Democratic Party. With laws, it is easier to exercise human rights without favor as in the case with [...]
The strength of this thinking is that it allows competition in the market and encourages the markets to exist in a free nature.
In this defense Feldman uses another source of intrinsic value that shows that the deceived businessman lives a life of less value and this other source of intrinsic value is truth.
To the best of my knowledge, the most powerful argument made by Mill for Utilitarianism runs as follows: Happiness is the presence of pleasure and the absence of pain.
In this chapter, the author conducts a critical analysis of the unitary model of democracy. The author concurs that success of a democracy model depends on the extent to which members cultivate a platform for [...]
On the other hand, the measurement of these methods will form part of the objective test related to the outcome of the facts.
It is the responsibility of people to make the society what they want it to be. It is the moral obligation of members of society to respect the institutions that are in place.
Examples of these natural rights include the right to own property, the right to personal autonomy and the right to use unused resources. The government has the obligation of ensuring that all the rights of [...]
The moderate libertarianism, on the other hand, advocates for moderate government interference in the dealings and businesses of the individuals and firms.
Thus, the bottom line is that whenever hearing a knock at the door, it is better to take chances and open it.
According to Buddhist thinking, mind training "...is training in stability in order to "reveal the mystery" of the ultimate nature of reality, our own and that of other phenomena".
Therefore, in conclusion, it is imperative to note that the proponents and philosophy of libertarianism meant or advocated for liberty and freedom of the people.
In this regard, it is thus the duty of man to search both within and without to try to understand himself and the environment within which he finds himself.
According to Aristotle, politics is the master of all arts since it is concerned with the end in itself. This is a central argument to the ideas of Aristotle and underscores his idea that politics [...]
The farmer desired to do a variety of things that he had no legal right over this is because, the government in the region had restricted on the type of food the people in the [...]
The first scenario is touching on the principles of communism that are in line with the basics of socialism and Orwell, the writer, describes the situation from a fascism point of view.
The parable of the cave by Plato was an attempt to highlight the importance of education to the achievement of wisdom.
This essay aims to analyze Happiness, what makes happiness special to people, the meaning of it and the essence of it. The second happiness is a general consensus about the goodness of your life at [...]
As such, in this case is the fetus at the time of its death and has not came to existence as a person yet.
Life experiment is an investigation on the life realities in order to gain the entire insight of what life entails. From the review of life experiment, it is evident that this gives people the chance [...]
In addition, he argued that the existence of God and the plans he had for the world were not sensible, and that the world was indeed absurd He was associated with the birth of existentialism [...]
However, the university did not award her the degree because it was against the academic policy of the institution to award a degree to a woman.
This therefore means that it is wrong to state that it is the will of God for women to be ruled by men.
It is vital to consider several points of view in establishing the relationship between the traits of human and nonhuman animals.
In particular, Diotima deliberates on the concept of love and refers to other related notions, such as wisdom, knowledge, truth, and divinity to define the place of love in the material world.
Precisely, its ideas on freedom of speech and expression, fair treatment and equality before the law and its humanistic aspects have laid a basis for the propagation and protection of human rights in the world [...]
The paper looks at how the two philosophers qualify their teachings as the origins of human rights, and concludes that the moral philosophy of Kant is better than that of Mills.
The writer illustrates that the Japanese views asserted that Confucianism was a social system which influenced morality in the society. The Confucianism view on education was that it was an essential aspect of human life [...]
The cave conditions are, therefore, a correlation of mans education or lack of it Plato tells us that if the prisoners were unlocked and forced out of the cave, they would prefer to go back [...]
The aim of the philosophy of punishment is to understand the reason behind administration of punishment and the procedure used in determining the suitable punishment.
The article explores Hobbes's view in association with lower happiness, the relationship of life philosophies to civic engagement and subjective life beliefs shape people's participation in the world.
The story of the origin of languages is true because it comes from the Bible, and even though it stands to be criticized, creationists believe it is true because it is in the Bible.
People in the Cave do not interact with the worlds outside the Cave, reflected in water, the things themselves, including the stars and the moon in the night sky and the sun.
Serenity of mind to Gertrude is found by accepting things that are beyond her control and seeking the strength and courage to change things that can be changed like cloth the naked, feed the hungry, [...]
According to Locke, the word 'yellow' is an idea which is simple hence the difference between agreement of visual presentations and abstract ideas is taken care of by the perception of appearance.
It will identify the philosophical implications that Plato, the character in the book, has on the problem of the planets and explain what the author, Tarnas, says about the problem of the planets.
The attributes associated with the soul were linked to varied parts of the body, that is, the mind, chest and the liver.
Clifford provided an opinion in opposition to theism where his statements can be put in three points; there is inadequate evidence to believe that there is existence of God, it is incorrect forever, all over, [...]
The purpose of this paper is to show that determinism and moral responsibility co-exist and that human decisions or actions cannot contradict the pre-existing laws of nature.
During the course of this conversation, Socrates was able to prove to Protagoras that the notion of one's moral obligation to a civil law is indeed fully objective.
The theological claim that the nature and purpose of humanity precedes the human creation and existence forms the basis of Sartre's description of the human condition.
To argue that God loves something because it is pious contradicts theists' belief that, God is the foundation of morality and ethics.
Aristotle observed that our finite reasoning as human beings is not sufficient to decipher the complete mystery of the universe, so we need to somehow use our intuition and senses to get a better grasp [...]
God is omnipotent and it is impossible to reject it under the statements of evil's presence. God is unable to create a world where everything is good, as it contradicts the idea of personal choice [...]
The argument implies that the superior being is as a result of the existence of the cosmos. Mackie argues that theism's argument on the existence of God and evil is not consistent.
G oals and objectives of an individual is also a tool to self awareness. Though every individual is subject to the external factors that drive first person perspective of self knowledge, individual personalities dictate the [...]
In contrast to the concept of absurdity, Beauvoir applies the concept of ambiguity for viewing the human existence as the continuous struggle for the meaning of life which is never fixed."To declare that existence is [...]
From the three theorists, it can be concluded that the morality of telling the truth and keeping promises is not homogenous.
In his first meditation, he claims that the realities in both dreaming and waking up are so similar, because most of the things and happenings in dreams were usually similar to those that happen when [...]
He overlooks other important factors such as the act of feeling them in the most appropriate time, with special reference to the right objects, to the right individuals, with the right intention, and in the [...]
There are natural rights such as the right to live and freedom if one adheres to the law of the land.
However, what Hitchens misses from Das Kapital is Marx's vital clarification of the social role of money and capital."The value of commodities more and more expands into an embodiment of human labour in the abstract...one [...]
With the efforts to try and find solutions to one of the greatest mysteries, the ancient societies tried to come up with different suggestions that became a foundation for the creation of religion and religious [...]
The axial thinkers played a significant role in the determining of the nature of the philosophy of the post axial age.
However, the categorization and opposition of the states of life and death is rather questionable, and this fact reduces the strength of the argument from the opposites for supporting the idea of immortality of soul.
In that we have no certainty of the outcome, when we refer to our previous encounters with the event, through first-hand knowledge or otherwise, we are unable to find congruent evidence that the event will [...]
He recognized that the freedom of people in modern society was limited when compared to their existence in the state of nature due to the presence of laws and property, though he observed that the [...]
Therefore, the occurrence has become so engrained in the minds of the population to a point of causing professionals to do the same.
Platonic philosophy, precisely the concept of world of forms, had dominated the medieval era that subjected the human body, as a shadow of a real body in the world of forms, to little or no [...]
This is the foundation upon which he believed the knowledge of good literature and the art of composition could be found.
Manent was able to show the link between the law of the land and the state. If one will utilize Manent's understanding of sovereignty and the law then it will be revealed that the Canadian [...]
In this approach, the executives or the management tend to oversee the co-ordination as well as originating and controlling of organizational change plans.
Carnap offers another distinction between the Universal and Statistical laws by stating that the former are usually logically easier since they were always the same in the past, are still the same in the present, [...]
Hall continues to say that, "Gramsci felt the need of new conceptualizations at precisely the levels at which Marx's theoretical work was itself at its most sketchy and incomplete: that is, the levels of the [...]
The author of the third book, Jean Baudrillard, analyzes the practice of politics from the point of view of connection between the historical events and the society.
First was to provide a form of example to human beings on the right way to live and the second is that the death of Jesus was to provide satisfaction to mankind who had been [...]
He had the view that individuals naturally possess knowledge and that what they need is a direction for them to come to terms with what they already knew. He seems to be of the opinion [...]
Behind the prisoners a fire is playing, so that they can see their own shadows and the shadows of one another thrown by the fire on the opposite wall of the cave in fact, shadows [...]
Just as it is contradictory to think of the greater than which nothing greater can be thought as not existing, so it is absurd to think of God as not existing.
The researches and ideas of Bernard Williams are focused on the necessity of personal awareness about the experiment; "they [Person A and Person B] may even have been impressed by philosophical arguments to the effect [...]
The implicit assumptions of a paradigm act as criterion that is used in study or to validate study. A paradigm shift is a radical change in the way science as a study and criterion for [...]
However, Kuhn notes that, this process of reconstructing and reconsidering assumptions and facts is tedious and time consuming; therefore, he offers a way of creating paradigms in the process of scientific revolution.
Causal determinism is based on the fact that for every effect there is always a cause and the cause informs the nature of the effect.
As the sense of independent and development sunk in peoples mind, the aspect of communism disintegrated and in its place individualism and the sense of "I" was adopted that is embraced world-wide.
Marx and Rousseau were eager to improve the society they lived in and make people free; to achieve these purposes, it is necessary to prove that money does not have such power to provide all [...]
Popper emphasis that the entire scientific enterprise is common and natural, by giving the examples of the exploits of a Copernicus or Einstein, which to him make a better reading than those of a Brahe [...]
He says that laws of justice should not be used to suppress and oppress guilty individuals especially on the Socrates like him.
The meaning of God from a dictionary says is "The creator and ruler of the universe". Now we have basic concept of what God is, we can now think the God exist or not.
Many of the writings of the Young Hegelians focused on the refutation of religion and need to replace religion with philosophy as the moral criterion for the society and means for understanding history.
He makes out the poor application of rhetoric as a style and the incoherence of ideas in the body of the anecdote.
Freedom is granted to a prisoner, and he is allowed to look at the things that cast the shadow shown to him.