Psychology Essay Examples and Topics. Page 30

5,409 samples

Dreams and Interpretation in Psychological Theory

Dreams represent a psychological category of images, which suddenly arise in the mind at the time of sleeping and may either be remembered by a human or imply some distorted experiences.
  • Subjects: Major Schools of Thought
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 549

Arizona Car-in-Lake Murder in Filicide Psychology

Due to the materials of the investigation, the friend of the family, Monika Nathan, states that Donica Baxter, who was murdered in the accidents, intended to divorce her husband just after the trip.
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1397

Social Behaviour Norms and Deviations

Children health and life are appreciated in all cultures; that is why there is hardly a place in the world where such behaviour can be taken as normal and acceptable.
  • Subjects: Social Psychology Deviations
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 568

Five Filters of Communication in Marriage

It is therefore important for a couple to be careful and aware of these filters in order to ensure that the message received is the actual message intended to be conveyed.
  • Subjects: Interpersonal Communication Episodes
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 541

Patient Care Through the Prism of Psychology

The authors underline that it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of the consumers because this concept is even more important than the quality of care.
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 837

Patient Care Imrovement with Psychology

Since the purpose of the article was "to refresh the way we look at patients in the ICU", the amount of evidence used is more than enough to state a case.
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 844

Child Abuse in the UAE and Explaining Theories

The interest of carrying out the study on child abuse is based on the fact that it is a critical issue in any society, especially due to the actual and possible consequences on the child [...]
  • Subjects: Psychology of Abuse
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1193

Behavior and Bruner’s Cognitive Development Theory

Therefore, the general behavioral goal for Rad is to improve participation in the classroom activities with the focus on the increased attention to other students during discussions, to the teacher, and to the members of [...]
  • Subjects: Behavior Management
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1175

Sexual Trauma and Effective Therapeutic Healing

This paper aims to provide the discussion of the professionals' responses to the situation of bearing witness to sexual trauma, to analyze the personal reactions to the case, and to discuss the effective therapeutic healing [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1117

Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory

With this in mind, it is possible to say that the Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory is a very important remedy within the framework of modern science.
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 563

Process-Focused Model of Validity in Psychology

The following paper explores validity in relation to the process-focused model and the traditional model of validity, the importance of PF, and the process of implementation of the PF.
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1380

Emotional Regulation in Early Childhood

Apart from suffering from the inability to be properly cared for, children in low-income families also have to deal with a number of challenges, the key one being the lack of finances.
  • Subjects: Child Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 625

Child Abuse and Neglect and Family Practice Model

Also, psychological violence can be either the only form of violence or the consequence of psychological or sexual abuse or neglect. Inadequate evaluation of the child's capabilities and overstated requirements can also be a form [...]
  • Subjects: Psychology of Abuse
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 589

Critical Thinking: Developing Skills

At that time, the ability to think critically and recognize the deeper meaning of information coming from the outside world became more attractive due to the pressure of the totalitarian governments that were operating in [...]
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2230

Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment for Autism

It is the most commonly applied autism treatment remedy in the United States and several other countries in the world and the major method that schools and therapists embrace and use.
  • Subjects: Behavior Management
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2766

Neuroscience and Cognitive Approaches in Therapy

Great tempos lead to an increase in the level of stress which, in turn, leads to the appearance of a great number of problems connected with the mental health of a person.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 595

Psychologist’s Roles in Criminal Justice System

The purpose of this article is to outline the function of a psychologist in the criminal justice system. For example, the expert can act in a consultative or counselor capacity in the court of law.
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 603

Psychological Profiling in Terrorism Prevention

The author claims that it is crucial to create the most elaborate definitions of the concept as well as a detailed characterization of the psychological profiling of terrorists so that to preclude any potential terroristic [...]
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1124

Antecedent and Setting Events in Behavior Scenarios

The Routledge Encyclopedia of Education and Human Development defines antecedents as "the events that precede the occurrence of the target behavior" and setting events as the "previous and current environmental issue and events that influence [...]
  • Subjects: Behavior
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 645

Emotional Issues: Anxiety and Its Difficulties

The patient, therefore, lacks the ability to manage his emotions and handle the pressure of his new responsibilities. Client aware of his problems and recognizes the significance of learning.
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1968

Ethics in Client-Counselor Cooperation

It outlines the most important changes peculiar to the revised ACA Code of Ethics and states that the evolution from a focus on the needs of the counselor to the needs of clients could be [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 566

Solving Personal Problems in Group Sessions

The participants of the group get guidance from the counselor, which will help them realize the causes of the problems. In the beginning, the group leader emphasized the safety of the meeting.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1149

Children’s Behavior Under the Sociocultural Theory

Constructivism is similar to the erection of a building since it holds that information is structured starting from the most elemental to the most sophisticated levels in the memory of an individual.
  • Subjects: Behavior
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1724

Adolescent Self-Perception and Parental Care

Based on this, we will analyze the roles and self-perceptions of teenagers, as well as adults' perceptions of adolescents, and the parent-child communication styles that are prevalent in the society to understand what communication patterns [...]
  • Subjects: Child Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 928

Posttraumatic Growth in Women With Fibromyalgia

To explain the development of fibromyalgia syndrome in mothers with the focus on its association with posttraumatic growth, it is necessary to refer to the adult attachment theory and the PTG theory that reflects the [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1100

Ethical Concerns and Challenges in Working With Children

The ethical conduct in the field of human behavior implies the ability to show respect for individuality and dignity of patients or clients, research participants, and other people with whom a counselor or a researcher [...]
  • Subjects: Child Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 923

Concept of the Children Developmental Assessment

The choice of the most accurate tool for use in the assessment process depends on the developmental components evaluated, as well as on the age of the child.
  • Subjects: Developmental Theories
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 573

Child’s Misbehavior and Socialization Issues

Developing the theory, the author defines the approximate age which corresponds to the description of the stages. Apart from that, it may be necessary to search the signs of traumatic experience in a person's behavior.
  • Subjects: Behavior
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 860

Asking for Help in Patient-Therapist Relationships

In a society that cultivates independence and self-confidence, it is sometimes difficult to admit that you need other people to complete a task; it is even harder to acknowledge that you need to ask for [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1706

Counselors as Social Justice Advocates

The compelling vision of social justice is to achieve "free, full, and equal participation" of all groups in society to realize their aspirations and mutual needs.
  • 5
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1704

Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky: Theories Comparison

A lot of outstanding professionals operated in the sphere of developmental psychology, introducing their unique ideas and contributing to the field with the help of their theories.
  • Subjects: Psychologists
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 853

Working Memory Concept

The central executive, as the name implies, is the primary component of the working memory system; every other component is subservient to it.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1140

Counselling in Collaboration and Crisis Intervention

Therefore, counseling professionals have to recognize worker-client as well as ecological-cultural determinants of a crisis in order to understand their meaning for a client and their impact on the development of stress.
  • Subjects: Psychological Principles
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 573

Counselors Self-Care Strategies

The text "Introduction to Counseling: Voices from the Field" offers powerful attributes of the self care concept that are important for counselors. The concept of self care is therefore important to success in the counseling [...]
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 570

A Middle-Aged Woman’s Developmental Analysis

This paper aims to analyze the case study by examining the biological, psychological, and psychosocial functioning of the subject, Anna, and to explore the implications of her current developmental stage in her life.
  • Subjects: Development
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1472

The Theoretical Perspectives on Group Development

It should be pointed out that while the goals were set prior to the commencing of the observations, the scope and focus of the process were not limited to a specific perspective, and the in-depth [...]
  • Subjects: Developmental Theories
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3914

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Regulation

The most significant variable in regulating the activity of the HPA axis is stress. Since ACTH is a common response to stress, regulation of ACTH is connected with the treatment of stress disorders.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 567

Breaking Through, Helping and Understanding Adolescents

Throughout the first phase of adolescence, the relationships which a child previously had with the world and self are breaking, and the new processes of self-cognition and self-identification begin.
  • Subjects: Development
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1171

Relational Trauma: Play Therapy’ Usage

Since we deal with the case of a three-year-old kid who experienced maltreatment, it can be assumed that his attachment style is not flexible and therefore, it is not easy for him to establish new [...]
  • Subjects: Child Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1161

Behavioral Learning Strategy Examples

This paper identifies and discusses a variety of effective strategies and interventions that may support the learner with the help of an appropriate behavior framework, strategy, and model prescribed by theories that have been used [...]
  • Subjects: Behavior Management
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1479

Identifying Psychopathic Fraudsters

The interview is focused on who psychopaths are, why they are dangerous to corporations, and how corporate psychopaths can be detected and treated.
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 542

Cognitive Dissonance in Leaders

Therefore, its main goal is to improve the current understanding of the cognitive dissonance in leaders and its effects on organizational culture on a large scale.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 25
  • Words: 6584

Case Management and Rehabilitation Counseling

In such a scenario, it can be hard to convince the colleague that the targeted client should be supported and guided using the best approaches.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 577

The Evolution of Harriet Tubman

When describing Harriet Tubman's psychosocial development during the first stage, it is important to examine her relationship with the parents, especially with her mother.
  • Subjects: Development
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3377

Youth Demonstrating Truant Behavior

Instead, the evaluative review aims to explore the literature, provide information about the studies and their findings, analyze the discovered literature, and provide a conclusion based on the results of the reviewed studies.
  • Subjects: Behavior Management
  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3451

The Theory of Planned Behavior by Icek Ajzen

It might be possible to argue that if a theory is to effectively predict or explain human behavior, it should be able to explain a variety of causes that might affect such behavior, not only [...]
  • Subjects: Behavior
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 596

Cognitive Dissonance: Theory and Practice

The purpose of the study was to identify the factors that impact the learning behavior of individuals in the workplace, with a specific focus on the psychological discomfort caused by the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1181

Wellness Concept in Counseling

One existing theoretical connection to wellness involves the concept of the wheel of wellness. This model is a simplification of the previous wheel of wellness and WEL models.
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

Attention Deficit Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

The patient lives with her parents and 12-year-old brother in a middle-class neighborhood. Her father has a small business, and her mother works part-time in a daycare center.
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1757

Biopsychology and the Specifics of Its Approach

The biopsychological approach involves the following assumptions: The brain chemical activity helps define the process of message transmittance in a human brain; An evolutionary perspective on the patient's health concerns provides a deeper insight into [...]
  • Subjects: Major Schools of Thought
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 581

Depression: Patients With a Difficult Psychological State

It is necessary to determine physiological indicators that will provide insights into the health of the patient and collect the information about a woman's medication regime to be able to determine the appropriate course of [...]
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 378

Academic Dishonesty in Psychologist’s Ethics

However, in the case of school authorities, there should be rules and regulations that define the limits of confidentiality and give a counselor the consent to breach the oath of secrecy.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3363

Psychologists as Change Agents and Their Issues

The psychologists in the same breadth find it challenging to discuss their levels of competence with any person who may be categorized as a consumer of the services.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 563

Professional Psychology, Its Limits and Challenges

In the position of a mental health professional, one is likely to cause unintended damage to the client, such as giving diagnostic labels that can be detrimental. It is, therefore, very acceptable for a client [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 862

Ethical Dilemmas in Professional Psychology

In this case, it is essential that he explains to the client the legal consequences he will face should it be discovered that he is having a social relationship with her.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1135

Professional and Barter Relationships in Counseling

Professional ethics are the hardest to adhere to compare to other codes of conduct. The first option is to terminate counseling and let the client know that without money, no services will be offered.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 843

Personal Frameworks and Boundaries in Counseling

Even though there are professional guidelines regarding this aspect, few service providers adhere to them, and this exposes this profession to criticism in the manner in which its members perform their duties. However, this department [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 864

Risk in Psychological Disorders: Edwin’s Case

The patient has exhibited explosive behavior at home, where he punches holes in his bedroom walls. He drinks at his age and has been brought home intoxicated five times in the past month.
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1694

The Impact of Divorce on Children

However, the majority of them accept the idea of the dominant role of the family in the process of the formation of the psyche of a child and his/her socialization.
  • Subjects: Child Psychology
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2276

Gestalt Psychological Theory

In particular, Family Systems Thinking revolves around the perception of a family as a unified unit where the behavior of one member is interconnected with that of the entire group. In that way, the latter [...]
  • Subjects: Psychological Principles
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 282

Patient-Therapist Communication and Confidentiality

This, therefore, implies that the 'privilege' in the case of this type of communication is accorded to the patient, whereby they are the ones that get to reap the benefits of the legal protection offered [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 940

Counseling Ethical Codes and Diversity Issues

The guidelines in the code of conduct are vague and generalized, which further encourages counselors and practitioners to use their criteria in assessing culturally diverse clients.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1118

Building of Memory: Managing Creativity Through Action

It could be important for the team to understand Kornfield's vision of the project, the main and secondary tasks, the project timeline, and the general outline of it. The third technique is to ensure face-to-face [...]
  • Subjects: Behavior Management
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1109

Personal Counseling and Development Theory

The nature of counseling is an intricate combination of personal character and values and theoretical research to create a comprehensive approach to the responsibilities of the profession.
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1938

Face Recognition as a Cognitive Process

The features on the face are encoded in the long-standing recollection in the course of programming the progression. Therefore, there is a very important starring role in the course of face acknowledgment.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1263

Perception and Attention as Cognitive Processes

This is also evident when a person's attention flows from the voice of a given conversation to that of someone else in another conversation. This is because the attention apparatus focuses on a particular stimulus [...]
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 637

Environment, Thought Process and Perception

However, the perception of the world depends on the environment in which one lives in. The other form of perception is environmental perception that is formed basing on the manner in which one receives information.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 575

Healthy Growth during Different Stages of Life

The healthy growth of a child in most cases depends on the guardian in this case the mother to be specific since this is the person who is entirely responsible the child's life.
  • Subjects: Child Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 943

Dark Triad Effects on Romantic Relationships

Moreover, the high scores on dark triad qualities are related to antisocial behaviors, promiscuity, and preference for short-term relationships. For men with dark triad traits, the low levels of agreeableness and empathy makes them to [...]
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1214

Personal Traits for Leadership: Correlation Study

From the research question, it is apparent that the main variables are personal attributes, which are the independent variables and effective leadership or mentorship, which is the dependent variable.
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 601

Personality Assessment Indicator and Performance

This paper looks at the use of this type of personality assessment indicator to understand the personality traits of individual members of an organization in an attempt to improve the organization's performance.
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1164

Social Psychology and Education Disciplines

Social psychology and education relate in various disciplines of sociology, psychology, and education. This review shows that past studies are relevant to learners in areas of education and social psychology because they aid in understanding [...]
  • Subjects: Applications of Psychology
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Cognitive Science, Its Definition and Future

In the context of cognitive science, the capacity of the operational memory is very important in the cognitive characteristics. This indicates how the definitions and aspects of cognitive science are diverse.
  • Subjects: Major Schools of Thought
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2218

Altruism as Prosocial Behavior

Due to the fact that the nature of altruistic and egoistic behavior is hard to define, both outcomes of are possible.
  • Subjects: Behavior
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 841

Military Deployment Effects on Family Members

Scholars in the field of psychology have performed various researches to investigate aspects of military deployment on the family members of the deployed officers.
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 908

Team Model Project: Understanding Personalities

This study examines the input of the Myer Briggs model and the interpersonal compatibility model to solve team conflicts experienced in a team project setting.
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4146

Personality and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

To conduct the research, 164 employees were involved in the survey to determine the regression between their personality and OCB. The hypothesis of the article was to establish the link between personality traits and the [...]
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2266

The Personality Traits Analysis

In this respect, the analysis of personality traits is the core of personality description disclosing tendencies and disposition to behave, think, and feel in a specific way.
  • Subjects: Psychology and Personality
  • Pages: 14
  • Words: 3829

Adolescence: Risk, Identity and Transition

There is a downside to this perspective is that it ignores the diversity in culture and differences among peers. The main problem however is that most of these youth have no experience with the real [...]
  • Subjects: Developmental Theories
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1208

The Peculiarities of Adolescence and Puberty

It is necessary to pay attention to the needs of students at risk, to the peculiarities of their interactions with other people and to the features of their awareness of themselves as personalities.
  • Subjects: Development
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 954

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Combat Fatigue

According to Walser, the use of acceptance and commitment therapy is effective in treating a case of post-traumatic stress disorder, which entails the patients to experience positive and negative events without treating them as reality.
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1743

Cognitive Estimation Test and Its Evaluation

In the article "Cognitive estimation abilities in healthy and clinical populations: The use of the Cognitive Estimation Test," the authors describe the psychometric features and standards of the Cognitive Estimation Test and evaluate the reliability [...]
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1328

Psychology in Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

At the very beginning, Vees-Gulani briefly overviews the evidence from the book pointing to the Vonnegut's psychological trauma in order to underline how the writer makes use of stylistic and literary devices to surpass his [...]
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 555

Boys’ and Girls’ Sexual Abuse Relationship

Unfortunately, the research proved the spread opinion that the cases of girls' abuse are more prevalent in comparison to boys' one, however, this tendency is changing and the number of sexually abused boys increases.
  • Subjects: Psychology of Abuse
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 587

Sexual Abuse in Male and Female Adolescents

The relationship between the categories of sexual abuses and the resultant psychological distress experienced by girls and boys will be measured. Finally, the study will examine the class performance variations between sexually abused boys and [...]
  • Subjects: Psychology of Abuse
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1747

Sexual Abuse in Boys and Girls and Its Implications

In most cases, Primary School children are the affected group of sexual abuse, both the girls and boys since their age are believed to be unaware of sexual activities and abuse.
  • Subjects: Psychology of Abuse
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1129

Intellectual and Cognitive Assessment

There are though intelligence tests that cut across a variety of occupations and can thus be administered to determine the all roundness of an individual.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1123

Eye Movement Experiment and the Theory of Mind

The dependent variables on the other hand are the aspects of the experiment that are quantifiable and can also be described as the presumed effects.
  • Subjects: Cognition and Perception
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 550

Self-Care Techniques in Work-Life Balance

That is why it is important to focus on self-care techniques in order to maintain the balance between the professional and personal life, prevent the negative results of ongoing stresses and challenges, and be effective [...]
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1103

Clinical Relationship and Its Dynamics

The role of self-disclosure is to create a mutual understanding between the client and the therapist on what to expect at the end of the session, how to achieve the results, and the creation of [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1115

Solution-Oriented Brief Therapy and Its Benefits

Solution-Oriented Brief Therapy is a brief classical therapy that is focused on the solution, where the therapist and the client are more interested in the future solution than in the past problems.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1171

Multicultural Disparities in Mental Ailments

In this way, a doctor establishes the reasons for the change in behavior and whether the change is positive and beneficial to the client, or it is derogatory.
  • Subjects: Challenges of Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 878

Psychotherapy Treatment and Behavior Interventions

Thought-focused treatment and psychoanalytical methods are used to achieve similar goals in the treatment of psychological dysfunctions, but there exist differences in the two approaches.
  • Subjects: Behavior Management
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1661

Therapeutic Relationships and Sensory Acuity

Therefore, for any therapy to be successful, the counselor should acquire the following; the counselor should have the ability to engage the client throughout the therapeutic process; should have the ability to promote and keep [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 850

Confidentiality and Ethical Decision in Psychotherapy

In the case of the student who smokes tobacco, the likely parties to be involved are the parents of the student, and the school's administration. The counselor has to determine whether he can keep the [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 958

Effective Psychotherapy Skills and Diversity Issues

One should be sensitive to the ethical and multicultural aspects of a client. Therefore, a good counselor should be aware of those differences and use them for the benefit of the client.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 854

Stress, Depression, and Responses to Them

A great number of people are not able or willing to find meaning in stressful experiences that they get through; for example, they often cannot understand the cause of their difficulties or the strengths that [...]
  • Subjects: Psychological Issues
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 861

Adult Personality and Cognitive Development

Personality and intellectual development in adults is the ability to acquire, construct and use this acquired knowledge, memory and cognitive functions in their decision making processes throughout their life. The acquisition and retention of this [...]
  • Subjects: Development
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 598

Adult Personality and Intellectual Development

This essay presents a comprehensive analysis on how personality and intellect develops in adults, factors that affect their development and how to live or work with such developments.
  • Subjects: Development
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 661

Physical Changes and Aging in Psychology

It is important to understand various provisions of physical changes in the context of human development. It is crucial to understand various provisions of growth and physical development with respect to aging.
  • Subjects: Development
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Emotions Clusters and Sleep Failure

Earlier critics had argued that PANAS was not suitable for children, and this led to the development of specific PANAS-C for children.
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2441

Children’s Psychological Research Design and Tools

The purpose of this paper is the evaluation of the research design and research instruments implemented by the authors of two qualitative and quantitative studies used to analyze the psychological implications of childhood maltreatment and [...]
  • Subjects: Professional Psychology
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1643