Free Critical Writing Examples. Page 39

5,430 samples

Myocardial Infarction

The circulation of blood through the ventricles is reduced and the capacity of the heart to absorb oxygen is diminished. The level of cardiac proteins in the blood corresponds to the severity of the myocardial [...]

Christmas Balls Making in the Art Classes

In anticipation of the holidays, it is expected that the students will be eager to create objects related to Christmas, and this eagerness will serve as the activator of the motivated behavior that will enhance [...]

The Australian Volleyball Federation

The Australian Volleyball Federation is the peak body that oversees the administration of the volleyball sport in Australia. Ensure that the quality and reputation of the volleyball federation are maintained and enhanced.

“Culture and Biology” by Heidi Keller

The main problem explored in the article "Culture and Biology: The Foundation of Pathways of Development" by Heidi Keller, which was published in Social and Personality Psychology Compass in 2008, is the relationship between biology [...]

The Movie “Cannibal Tours”

The tourist who plays a key role in the movie have travelled from different parts of the world to the Sepik Valley to experience the unique "Primitive People" whom they claim live in a state [...]

Witness and Victim Rights

Thus, bystanders should be free to bear witness of the victimizing circumstances to enable the victims receive appropriate assistance and for the public to prevent future occurrence of the same.

LPNs at Happy Trail: Labor Relations Project

Should the majority of LPNs at the Happy Trails vote in support of representation by the union, the NLRB issues the union with a formal certification showing that they are the duly designated union to [...]

The Play “Hekabe” by Euripides

At the beginning of the play, the Chorus delivers the terrible news that Hekabe's daughter is the latest casualty of the Trojan War, and more specifically, Odysseus's machinations."They say that the Greeks, in a general [...]

“Pieces”: the Poem Explication

Moreover, the reader can understand the attitude with references to the changes in the poem's tone which is melancholic in the first lines and rather optimistic in the ending lines in order to represent my [...]

Religion as the Cause of Wars

In fact, it is common for husbands and wives to fight on the religion that the family should adopt. Each of these individuals has the hope that everyone will eventually see the righteousness in the [...]