Free Research Paper Examples

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Third World War Will Be Over Water

The severity of the case of water scarcity can be best explained by the inclusion of the problem of water as one of the main goals of one of the greatest development frameworks in the [...]

Education in the Third World

The meeting led to development of a framework for the achievement of education for all. Prior to allocation of resources to third world nations, donors often analyze the political will of the concerned government and [...]

Criminology Models Overview and Analysis

This model approaches crime by assuming that the best treatment for any crime is treating the causative factors associated with the crime. According to this model, the reason for the increased crime rate is due [...]

Social Learning Theory in Criminology

The paper concentrates on the history of the introduction of the social learning theory to science, its evolution over the years, and its possible application to the analysis of a recent criminal event.

Positivist School of Criminology

Siegel states that: "Cesare Lombroso, an Italian prison doctor working in the late 19th century and sometimes regarded as the "father" of criminology, was one of the largest contributors to biological positivism and founder of [...]

Criminology as a Social Science

In addition, as McClanahan and South note, the study of crime as a general phenomenon, the causes of crime, the personality of the offender, and crime prevention measures fall within the scope of sociology.

Cancer Treatment Strategies and Challenges

Inspired by the merits of the natural nanovesicles and the state of the art of the advanced engineering versatility of synthetic nanomaterials, we previously presented the synthetic and biological hybrid exosomes for targeted synergistic chemo [...]

The Public Memory of the Holocaust

In addition to his pain, Levi concerns the increasing temporal distance and habitual indifference of hundreds of millions of people towards the Holocaust and the survivors1 It causes the feeling of anxiety that was fuelled [...]

The Risk and Credit Management

Such utility is not limited to the field of consumer buying but is also involved in mercantile transactions and lending.[2] Little Interest in Credit Work The notions that "sellers give credit," that credit service is [...]

The Study of Sagittarius A*

The total duration of the project, including the improvement of observing systems, construction of the station, transportation to the Lagrange point, and obtaining the first results, will take at least 4-7 years.