This is propaganda because the development of Germany was not based on the efforts of the labor force alone, but also on all German citizens and the world at large. He is often heard saying [...]
The President warns Katherine and orders her to follow the syllabus failure to which she would lose her job. Also, she agrees with her because she does not like the fact that she is among [...]
He was forced to make time splitting decisions on how the crew in space would be able to navigate back to earth with the help of the sun's altitude, as well as how they were [...]
As a polemic work, Children of Men can be considered an explicit example of Durkheim's understanding of the social structure and an implicit example of religion as a contributing factor to the health and continuation [...]
The film Schindler's List tells the story of a famous German entrepreneur Oskar Schindler who saved the lives of many Polish Jews during the Holocaust. This is one of the main points that can be [...]
The film stirs Benjamin Button as a man who is born with the look and physical maladies of a very old man and to the disappointment of everyone as he ages backwards.
This shows her commitment to her duties because even after she experienced that accident that drained her of her finances, she sought for a means to ensure that those who depended on her, and who [...]
To begin, I learnt about the types of weapons used during the period of the Trojan War, not just the weapons, I got to learn of the mode of transportation of the Greeks during the [...]
Cady's attractiveness is central to the plot, which qualifies her to the alpha group, "The Plastics". Ultimately, Cady supplants both Regina and Gretchen to be the head of the alpha group.
I think that the development of Scientific Racism and further Eugenics became the result of people's attempts to justify their unethical behavior toward other individuals and to support their material goals to develop slavery, and [...]
The film was shot in the actual places where Oskar Schindler resided and where the factory was situated. The candles fade away at the beginning of the film and give out smoke to the world.
The topic of religion runs through every action and scene of the film, showing the rise of the new religion, Christianity. The next significant moment in the film and the protagonist's life is the first [...]
Adapted from Alice Walker's novel by the same name, the movie delves into the life of a girl who was sexually abused by her father before being sold off to an irresponsible and cruel husband.
As shown in the movie Race, the discrimination against black athletes is an issue that often remains unaddressed both by citizens and state officials or institutions.
Housing segregation leads to the extraction of critical resources and wealth that propel social and economic mobility from Black communities, fastening a downward socioeconomic movement.
Significantly, the film is a masterful piece of art created to convey the life's impermanence through spiritual forms and to showcase the ability of every viewer to relate and sympathize with the protagonist, although not [...]
Jake is not in a position to deny this and win since the weapon that was used was his, and the other four members are willing to testify in support of Harris account of events.
The themes and issues of the film and the depth of its characters allow conducting a detailed analysis of this story and posing important questions from the psychological point of view.
While it is true that policymakers and politicians are behind the war, the linkage to the theme of the lions and lambs as seen in the movie creates confusion.
The background to the pessimistic future is the deteriorating cities and countryside of England, along with the geopolitical crisis caused by the inflow of refugees to the country and the regular terrorist attacks in European [...]
The social issues that have been shown in the documentary are living condition of migrant workers in cities, the growing gap between the children and their absentee parents, and the change in the position of [...]
This desire to be free becomes the main motive of the film, as the plot follows Maximus, now enslaved, who tries to avenge his family and the emperor and regain his liberty.
As aforementioned, Utah is brave and he manages to unearth the Ex-President's dealings. He manages to infiltrate the surfing community and identify members of the Ex-Presidents.
Collins, the cousin of the five sisters, is the probable heir to the family's estate because of his close kinship to the family. In the midst of the journeys between London and Derbyshire, the viewers [...]
To catch the attention of the viewers and film analysts, the film has to be directed professionally. He is liked by the people he meets in his life due to his simple nature.
Indeed, the chosen cinematography of the film was as important in production as the plot itself as it enhanced the plot and also helps in character development.
The end result is a very intensified depiction of the theme of violence and terror as the wildebeests make the sound of rolling thunder and the viewer ends up feeling the terror and anxiety that [...]
Discussing the restroom scene within the context of the main theme of race and gender in Hidden Figures is important because it showed the tension between the urgent scientific work and the lack of logic [...]
In the essay, two main arguments will be made based on the events described in the movie: while the women's colleagues at NASA did see the potential in them and tried to eliminate barriers that [...]
During his lessons, he is able to uncover the potential of his students and transform the troublemakers in class. In a recap, Escalante's determination to help the poor, undisciplined and hopeless students takes his career [...]
Perhaps the most talented and successful man in the filmmaking industry is the English filmmaker and film director, Danny Boyle. Much of the movies that Danny Boyle directed reveal his unique philosophies in the field [...]
The president is reluctant on the decisions by the Joint Chief of Staff; to invade Cuba and destroy the missile site, as this will make the Soviet Union to invade Berlin, which was supported by [...]
The following film review aims to observe the strengths and weaknesses of this film as an informative resource for the students of the political and historical background of Afghanistan.
The viewing of Conan the Barbarian leaves very little doubt as to the fact that, semantically speaking, the conceptual genre of this movie closely relates to the genre of Scandinavian sagas, which glorify the virtue [...]
Maximus realizes the facts about murder of his emperor and he is not ready to give loyalty to Commodus. Gladiators of Proximo come to participate in the game in the leadership of Maximus.
Even through the producers of the movie state in the beginning that the movie does not represent the chronology of events, it is shown clearly that the movie portrays a historical account.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical accuracy and academic worthiness of the 2011 film "The Iron Lady", a British-American movie that attempts to portray the life and political career of Margaret [...]
The choice of color and lighting relates to the period in which the film was cast. As with cinematography, the effect of a film is determined by its capacity to keep the audience's undivided attention [...]
The movie is set just before the Great Fire of London, which occurs the following year and coincides with the historic outbreak of the bubonic plague in 1665.
Thus, the reboot of the franchise due to the continuation of the world-famous story and the demonstration of the beloved hero from a different side, not only in the role of a cold-blooded professional but [...]
The Theme of the Film and The general theme of the film is that even if the world is a bad place to live in, it is still worth fighting for in the end.
Additionally the paper respond to the questions: does the film expel, discipline, or otherwise "manage" the elements of the film that might conflict the sanctioned meaning and whether these elements end up subverting or overwhelming [...]
Frankenstein's monster represents the mangled and depressed soldiers returning from the war only to find an economy in crisis, given that the Great Depression was in the offing after the war.
Nature, loved and praised by Morrie, is used in the film to show the end of his life. The conversations with Morrie help him to remember who he actually is, reconsider his life, and focus [...]
For instance, the Arctic scenery, the subtle fact that the creature can converse in the human voice and is smart and able to experience pain, the series of events related to William's death and the [...]
I can compare A Thousand Roads to a dart thrown into the bullseye because the film achieved its two goals with surgical precision. Given the short yet meaningful form of A Thousand Roads, I composed [...]
The producer used Samurai Swords to help audiences understand that criminal activities are not devoid of conduct and order. He used different camera angles to create variation and jiggle the memory of his audiences.
When the king spoke, all the country was still and quiet listening to the radio and waiting for the words to reveal themselves from the unbearable throat seizures. The movie is about the attempt to [...]
It was interesting to learn about the effects of population growth on the environment and global poverty and the potential solutions to managing population growth.
The intention involves showcasing life in the prisons as a deterrent to ensure the juveniles do not commit further crimes. The juveniles, such as Ben, admit that life in prison is scary and would have [...]
Ben Carson may be a controversial figure in modernity, his biographical life, as shown in Gifted Hands, is one of struggle, respect, and admiration as a man who overcame hardship and took risks to help [...]
When the sun sets on the reservation, We are left alone with our sorrows. Our pockets are empty, our hearts are heavy As we struggle to make sense of it all.
Black Robe, a 1991 movie, narrates the story of the first encounters between the Huron Indians of Quebec and the French Jesuit priests who tried to convert them to Christianity but ultimately turned them over [...]
Similar to the connection between "structure" and "culture" in society, there is a connection between film and sociology. The Parasite uses an exaggerated narrative through the wealth gap to emphasize class struggle and social inequality.
In addition, I was excited about the setting since the plot was going to feature Comanche, a Native American nation, instead of the usual commandos or futuristic marines and scientists.
According to the communication model, the person sending the message encodes it, and the recipient of this message has to decode it to gain its meaning. A simple explanation of the problem can turn into [...]
However, the PBS Documentary The Spirit of Crazy Horse effectively dispels such myths, as it unveils the cultural beliefs, traditions, lifestyles, history, and worldview of one Native American tribe the Lakota. The film highlights the [...]
The first episode if the documentary series "Unnatural Causes" discusses the modern system of healthcare in the United States and the causes of health inequalities between different groups of the population.
Yet the way in which the comparison between the Holocaust and the War on Drugs makes the most sense is the fact that mass incarceration for drug-related offenses disproportionally targets one group of population.
The movie's plot centers on a transgender man Emilie, who was born a woman, and the circumstances leading up to a dinner with several families. That is, a person's biological sex has nothing to do [...]
Marwan's story involved a conflict of interests between him, the wife Mona, and the father-in-law Nasser. After Nasser's death, vice president Sadat was sworn in as the President, and Ashraf quickly gained his trust by [...]
Also, to put further reasoning in the proper context, it is critical to notice that the whole assessment and discussion of the treatment plan are based entirely on what is presented in the movie, and [...]
Having invited many participants and witnesses to star in the movie and having included numerous original recordings of the events that happened in 1961, Nelson became able to create a profoundly impressive account of one [...]
In their documentary Immigration Battle film, Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini show the human factor and the guilt of both the Democrats and the Republicans regarding this failure to end the deportations.
Systems in which Olive as a character is part of Olive is part of the family and the community systems. Here, the impact of Olive is felt in the family.
The movie is an expose on the communities that are affected by the mining, and it is also a critique of the political and corporate pressures that result in the destruction of natural resources.
The main question that the film raises is whether parents and other members of a family have the ability to cope with such challenges and come out victoriou in the end by being unified with [...]
The first part of the essay summarizes the storyline and the significant aspects of the film. Set in the Texas countryside in the 1960s, the 2003 film, Second Hand Lions tells the story of a [...]
The movie is a strong representation of the battle that marked the struggle for freedom by the native Algerians against the French colonial government.
One major aspect of these issues is the presence of South American culture and individuals in a modern European society, which contributes to the cultural differences and conflicts.
By integrating the tropes of New Comedy with the atmosphere of ancient Rome and American contemporary culture, the film A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum appealed to the American audience of [...]
Men have been exploited by the community, and it is from side to side the Fight Club that they can preserve their physicality and consider themselves lively.
Through the analysis of its key thematic and semiotic elements, the present paper will aim to answer the following question: how does the film explore the topic of terminal disease and its impact on the [...]
Many classical tales and more of these outlooks of classic crime films draw ideas from the hard-edged pool of crime fiction that later on invaded the film industry in the farther side of the United [...]
Despite the abundance of exaggerated scenes of ridiculously unbelievable fight moves and the over-the-top twists of the plot, as an attempt to introduce the specifics of the Asian aesthetics to the viewer, the movie can [...]
It is a disease which can emotionally devastate the [patient as well as the relatives and the loved ones of the patient causes the patients to have hallucinations as well as delusions and even in [...]
In contrast to the freedom of accepting disabled individual in the community, the movie depicts the destructive effects of prejudices toward a mentally impaired person through the prism of high school bullying.
As a matter of fact, this is the only scene where Blu, Jewel, Linda, Tulio, and the smugglers are present at the same time without being aware of each other's presence.
This historical drama re-tells the story of a character with great emphasis to the location and plot in regards to his struggles and denials of the presence of his disorder.
The plot is written in different viewpoints that range from the society itself and the representatives attached at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to the government officials, all in an attempt to recognize [...]
Not accustomed to the discretion required for the desk job he is assigned to, he is again sent to the field and given the task of assassinating the emirate's foreign minister, Prince Nasir Al-Subaai.
The history of the cinema is filled with the works of many directors, but only a few of them can be ranked among the geniuses of this kind of art, like David Lynch.
Among other myths such as the one of Perseus, it is important to mention the Greek myth about Medusa who also acts as one of the characters of the movie.
According to the documentary, hacking is of three different types: white hackers, black hackers, and grey hackers. On the other side, there are black hackers who use their hacking pedigree to extort money from innocent [...]
This paper offers an in-depth analysis of the movie A Beautiful Mind to ascertain its display of schizophrenia as well as societal and cultural attitudes towards the disorder.
The Stagecoach movie is a classic Western movie that was released in 1939, and it tells the story of a group of people who are forced to take refuge in a stagecoach. The outlaws then [...]
This is a Jewish film owing to the title, language, setting, themes and even the actors involved in the film. The level of concern that they have for the Sukkot festival is indicative of their [...]
The study reveals the link between the economic status of people, and their ability to access health. Specifically, the study reveals that people who belong to the middle to lower classes on the class pyramid [...]
The company has been criticized for a long time by the ecological organizations and opponents of GMOs; in 2013, 2014 and 2015 the waves of protest against the company spread across the world.
The National Geographic photographer James Balog, the main hero of the documentary, before 2005 did not believe in global warming until he received the editorial board's task to travel to the Arctic and to capture [...]