The first one is the phases of the fight between the Kurdish populace and the governments, which they are subject for control.
It should be noted that the plan to modernize originated from outside the country and not from the people. The first 10 years to the post war era was more of a continuation of the [...]
Centralization of china was brought about by King Ch'eng, the king of Ch'ing after the weakening of the Chou and Shang states in 500BC.
Describe the British governing of the Palestinian Mandate from the end of WWI to the creation of the state of Israel.
The strong presence of Buddhism and its practices and artistic impressions of designs in United States is an example of how Coolie history has denoted its culture across the world.
The book gives an account of the massacre and atrocities that the Japanese army committed against the Chinese in Nanking between 1937 and 1938.
The account of his journey is considered to be the most comprehensive and unique description of Chinese society, culture and government system from the point of view of a Confucian scholar. The first part of [...]
The war and refusal of the Israeli government to grant the Arabs return rights created the Palestine refugee problem. The Palestinian Arabs also initiated riots immediately to protest against the proposal of the United Nations [...]
This paper attempts to investigate the events in the Middle East that steered the Islamic revolution in Iran during 1979, the significance of the Arab Peninsula to the Middle East and other parts of the [...]
According to Lee, the Chinese year is different from the English year because the months of the year are determined by the revolution of the moon around the earth.
The paper examines the effect of consumption in Korea from the colonial era to the contemporary era. Nonetheless, the dawn of the seventeenth century became instrumental in terms of changing the culture of consumption in [...]
The opposition by the Chinese peasants weakened the dynasty, such that it was unable to address the challenges of the 19th century and reform China as well.
Much attention should be paid to the impact of Confucianism on these countries and the role of individuality in these cultures.
The main aim of Kai-shek was to eliminate the bottlenecks that remained within the part, and undertake a thorough restructuring of the party organization.
In the same light, the author reveals that the continuous rebellion by the neighboring countries led to the formation of anti-Yuan dynasty which aimed at conquering it.
The high yield profit from the importation of opium is the result of the insistence of the 19th century Chinese government that opium is destructive to the health and well-being of the general population.
Shanghai is found on the western shore of the pacific sea and at the innermost part of the north-south shoreline of china.
This type of rule was only aimed at enriching few members of the society and subjecting majority members to absolute poverty which is contrary to new dimension of governing. Yangban status was passed from one [...]
The situation was made worse by the humiliating treaties and the rise fall and defeat of the various rebellions such as the Taiping rebellion and the Muslim rebellion which culminated in the foreign occupation of [...]
The Early Chinese Empires: Qin and Han covers the history and cultures of China between 221 BC and 220 AD, the period during which the first two dynasties of imperial China ruled and which the [...]
Even though much of the concerns about the alteration of the dressing to have the capacity to erode the culture of the Chinese people concerned what women wore in the ninetieth century, the link between [...]
The article also expresses the validity of the criteria employed in the location of the place of publication for one of their famous article commonly referred to as the "The National Newspaper".
To begin with, the letter was diplomatic due to the level of diplomacy that the Chinese empire had exhibited then. Other sources indicate that the letter was send to the Queen through a British friend [...]
The author makes sure that throughout the entire novel, the story of Su Qi's family relates extensively to the historical context of the book.
During the late part of the 19th century, the development of Zionism as the focus on the historic connection between the Jews and the lands of Palestine led to the active Arabs' opposition because of [...]
One of the major dilemmas that faced Churchill was Britain's ambitious plan to replace the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East.
As Dunn notes in page 14, the Sultans failed to control commerce in this region, a fact that led to the fall of the economy of the empire.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors that led to the economic and social development in UAE so as to give the reader an insight into the features of UAE as they [...]
Good behavior was also valued among the Oghuz people and this was eminent in the fact that individuals were expected to respect each other as well as the elderly.
Therefore, the urge and strive by the people of the Middle East to spread their religion leads to conflicts with other countries in the Western world.
He counters this on the basis of his argument that changes in the economics and politics of a civilization are anchored in the diverse culture of the concerned civilization.
After the defeat of the Arabs by the Israelis in the six day war in 1967 as well as the inability of the Arab nations that embraced the pan African ideology to ensure economic recovery [...]
It is clear that such factors as the comparative isolation of China, the religious influences, the dynasty form of political order, and the peculiarities of trade relations and overlordship over the Silk Way contributed to [...]
S wanted the world to practice free trade while the Soviet union wanted nothing to do with international trade, the power rivalry where each of the nations wanted to dominate the other, another cause of [...]
As a result world leaders, especially those working in conjunction with the United Nations, decided to initiate a convention against torture and their rationale for doing so was stated as follows: "Considering that, in accordance [...]
This paper discusses Confucian ethics and legalist's authority in shaping Chinese history and explores: the analects of Confucius and how they would serve as primary moral and ethical code in shaping the intellectual period of [...]
Similarly, the Emergency law in Egypt that was enacted in 1967 and suspended in 1980 by President Sadat for eighteen month in 1981 continued to affect the lives of citizens as the law extended the [...]
The period of the 17th century in the history of these two countries can be discussed as the shift to the era of the modern times which depends on the successes in the economic and [...]
The Qing dynasty was formed after the military conquest of the chinese empire by the Manchu. The capture of Beijing by the Manchurian people signified the beginning of the Qing dynasty.
The effect of the war in Libya is greatly felt by the immigrants who are said to have migrated from different countries since 1970s after the discovery of oil and hydrocarbons reserves in the country.
The Manchus took advantage of the fact that the Ming dynasty was collapsing due to the rebellion taking place in the year 1644.
Secondly, the emperors exempted the Buddhist monks from taxation, which promoted the flourishing of the religion by more people joining the monasteries. However, the rulers promoted corruption and social discrimination, which led to the fall [...]
The presence of the whites created revolts that were perpetrated on grounds of prejudice Most of the natives therefore stuck to their culture including wearing the veil and speaking the native Arabic.