As much as the psychiatrists related his problems to mental disturbances, this was not a major issue that determined the outcome of the cases.
Solitude, peer pressure, need to belong, esteem, and the excitement of the odds of arrest entice adolescents to join these youth gangs.
Hate crime offenders are people who think or have created the perception that they have been oppressed by the system or the prevailing conditions in their country; they feel that they are suffering because of [...]
The high level of organized crimes, made the court and the prisons working system overworked making the police and the public officials to practice corruption.
Though the intermediary may do a lot of justice to the children in explaining to them what they are not in understanding it is still clear that the intimidation the courts offers to the child [...]
In fact, the federal government is on the hunt to fight down all these groups that are perceived to be a strain in the economy and integrity of the American nation.
I truly believe that such sciences like fingerprinting and background checks help to control society and establish justice, and in spite of the fact that people's identification and investigation deprive lots of people of personal [...]