A journalism essay is a type of paper that combines personal records and reports. Besides news and facts, it should contain a story. An angle that creates a unique narrative of the events you are describing is crucial. However, let’s start with the definition.
No matter how often people hear about journalism, they still might get confused about what it is. It is an act of informative writing about news stories. It can be digital and non-digital, print and non-print. Journalists strive to present information in an interesting way while staying true to the source.
If you have seen journalistic article examples, you know there are two types. News can cover “hard stories”, meaning world events and politics, and “softer stories” about celebrities, science, etc. Journalism as a profession is multidimensional in nature. It can include texts, photography, interviews, and more. Content varies between different categories, such as literary reportage and yellow journalism.
Here, our experts have combined tips about how to write a good journalistic essay. We gathered information that will be useful for starting research and completing it. Moreover, you will find journalism topic ideas. You can use them for inspiration or to practice. Finally, underneath the article you will discover some stellar journalistic essay examples written by other students.
How to Write a Journalistic Essay
In this section, you’ll find tips that can help you start writing. However, nothing is more vital than choosing an appropriate journalism essay topic beforehand.
Before picking the subject, ask yourself several questions:
What themes do I want to explore?
What will my story be about?
What points do I want to make?
What is my attitude towards the topic?
Answering these questions can allow you to improve your storytelling. What’s more, look for one that can allow you to write intimately. Personal touches and views will influence your paper immensely. With all that in mind, try our free topic generator to get more ideas.
To write an outstanding journalistic essay, you should try these tips:
Gather facts and references first.
Collect all the information you may need for your paper. For a story in journalism, you may be required to interview people or visit a location. Most importantly, you’ll have to research online. Also, you can read stories written by other people on the Internet to gain a better perspective.
Organize your ideas and arguments before writing.
A good story is always organized. The structure of a journalistic should represent an inverted pyramid. The most crucial facts appear on the top, less important details go further, and extra information stays on the bottom. You can reflect in your writing. Organize all your arguments before writing, sticking to a logical structure.
Rely on storytelling.
The story should become the main focus of your work. The writing should serve it and grab the reader’s attention from the start. Think about storytelling techniques that can keep your reader interested till the very end.
Work on your style and language.
Another essential technique to keep your work both logical and engaging is to write in short sentences. If you search for any journalistic writing examples, you’ll see that’s how journalists write. The main goal of your paper is to deliver a clear and strong message. So, working on your style is going to help you further this agenda.
21 Journalism Essay Topics
There are so many journalism topics you can write about, and it can sometimes be challenging to stick to one. If you are still unsure what to describe and explore in your paper, this section can help you make this choice.
Here are some original journalism topic ideas:
The way race impacts the news in different states in the US.
Super Bowl as a phenomenon is more important than the game.
Why people refuse to believe in climate change.
How have sports changed international politics?
Is creative writing in high school an essential subject?
How vital is transparency in broadcast journalism?
Is media responsible for the Covid-19 crisis in the US?
Journalism as a profession can help change the world.
A privacy issue between British journalism and the royal family.
Are social media and blogging the future of journalism?
The role of religion and race in Hollywood.
Why has the Chinese economy risen so much over the past decade?
How can media help in battling poverty in developing countries?
Can music be used as political propaganda?
Connections between social media and depression.
Should mobile phones be allowed in educational institutions?
Has the Internet impacted the way how newspapers and articles are written?
Should fake news be banned on social media?
What are the biggest challenges of investigative journalism?
Can reality television be viewed as a type of journalism?
How can athletes impact social awareness?
Thank you for reading the article! We hope you will find it helpful. Do not hesitate to share this article or a list of journalism essay examples with others. Good luck with your assignment!
The purpose of the interview is to eliminate the candidates who are not fit for the position. This kind of interview is both mentally and physically tiring to the interviewee.
Gelber tries to say that the history of the freedom of speech in Australia consists of the periods of the increasing public debates on the issue of human rights and their protection.
The paper endeavours to unearth the cultural implications of the same and also discuss the role and importance of investigative journalism. This is the main essence of investigative journalism.
This research shows that due to the development in the digital world, the majority of people tend to refer to their devices when searching for news instead of buying a printed source and that social [...]
The Elements of Journalism helps beginners learn about the profession of journalism giving instructions on how to succeed in this profession and which skills and qualities to develop to make a good journalist.
An interview is a conversation between the interviewee and the interviewer where information is sort from the interviewee by the interviewer through a series of questions.
The felt effects of this phenomenon are the infiltration of the industry with a lot of information and data paying no attention to the main objective of providing a discursive and analytical approach to the [...]
According to Jowitt, in order to describe a dance properly the writer is to possess a variety of different skills allowing them to select appropriate metaphors, apply correct judgment, draw clever comparisons, and present dance [...]
One of the notorious cases of plagiarism is the Jason Blair scandal that happened in 2003. Another example of real-world plagiarism is Melania Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention in 2016.
Zinczenko wants to develop in people a sense of responsibility for their future and draw attention to the urgency of the problem of obesity as one of the likely outcomes of fast food addiction.
It is noteworthy that the advertisement are presented through the media, which confirms the assertion that global media is all about money and profit making. The media firms control the information passed to the public [...]
This paper seeks to prove that the print media is on the verge of becoming extinct although the industry is exploring some of its available options to remain relevant.
This genre of an interview does not have the task of obtaining strictly defined information the mission of the journalist is to form the image of the defendant in the eyes of the reader.
The result is "new media" the likes of which the world has never seen and has prompted journalists, thinkers, political leaders, and the elderly to be overly concerned that in the near future the science [...]
In fact, it is a story of mixing up professional journalism standards, which resulted in taking a famous journal to court.[1] This analysis presents the background for the case, alternative variants of the situation development, [...]
In conclusion, the future of journalism is moving away from authenticity towards sensationalism due to market forces and a high degree of competition for people's attention.
Thus, the main purpose of the article is to compare the process of bioengineering the domestic dog to that of the evolution of guns so as to satisfy the need of the users as well [...]
This paper analyzes the use and purpose of broadcasting and proper use of media."The days of broadcasting are behind us", as the new age has brought a number of other mediums that make broadcasting unnecessary.
The advent of the information communication industry has changed the monotonous use of print media into rapid adoption of digital media to spread information in the fashion and design industry.
The enhanced progress of economic and social development in the present-day world implies the emergence of new means to transmit essential information to the citizens. In conclusion, online journalism is more beneficial than distributed printed [...]
While personal interviews are very popular and have gained recognition as the official standard methods of interview, video and audio interviews are growing in significance and relevance and may soon replace the traditional one on [...]
The First Amendment of the American constitution protects the paparazzi individually as American citizens through the protection of their freedom of speech and expression and professionally through the freedom of the press clause.
Josh Sides tackles the misconstructions concerning Compton and exposes an unknown history that controverts the modern conceptions of the suburb. Donald Bogle puts in his book, the tale of a place filled with both allegorical [...]
Moreover, the author continuously describes situations that have happened to her before the experiment to make a clear comparison between her feelings before and after she decided to undergo this process.
For both purposes, the use of metaphorical language in headlines is crucial to catch the people's attention and to trigger a chain of association that will direct the readers' focus to a particular side of [...]
This study was conducted in the form of a case study. In addition, this study was to address the reasons for enrollment of at-risk students in courses related to technology education.
The emotional impact of Cole's photos can not be replicated by any writer. This assertion is true, yet it does not link directly to the medium of information that Wilkie detests.
It appears that for this journalist, trying to deny the emotion of being in a war is a false coverage, as it is not possible for humans to not feel the emotion of some sort [...]
According to Lule, media depicts male characters as leaders who are energetic, antagonistic, and full of aspirations in their lives, a situation that the chapter emphasizes a demonstrating the level of gender-based labeling in the [...]
Many organizations in the modern world have employed PR personnel to improve the company image and products to the public in a bid to improve the reputation and performance of the firm.
The use of in-depth interviews and developing trust with informants is another journalism technique that comes to life in S-Town. S-Town is a fantastic illustration of the ability of story journalism to enthrall and inspire [...]
Exploring the dynamics of media, journalists are the link between the legal authorities and the greater society. And this is against the dynamics of journalism.
In 1959 he got tired of the climate in the east and became determined to move to the Caribbean. After the publication of his article he was offered to write a book on the same [...]
Two important aspects of the digital world are worth discussion as a cause of the decline- the economics of print media versus digital media and the change of consumer preference from print media to digital [...]
To this extent, the literature review and the research analysis agree since non-subjective reviews of a product act as a central determinant of trust in the opinions that are provided by the blogger.
In this company, he worked for three years and gained more experience as a reporter doing several bits of news such as the Streatham and Tooting News as well as the South London News.
In the article, the author seeks to provide an explanation of the role the media plays in development communication. For this purpose, the author first provides explains that communication plays a critical role in development.
This essay analyses two print adverts from Coca Cola Company by focusing on some of the characteristics of a print advert that make it resourceful or disastrous to any business in the world.
This essay reviews and explains the investigative journalists brought to light hidden cases of child sexual abuse in the Irish catholic society and corruption cases involving government officials. The development of media and investigative journalism [...]
The point is that in the overwhelming majority of cases, journalists deliberately place emphasis on public interests, though the only thing they are concerned with is the popularity of the magazine or the book.
The young tend to be more interested in moving news or continual news that has three dimensions; the notion has created a negative perception to print news media The main question that triggers in the [...]
With the help of her essay, Walker is able to write her own autobiography of her early years of life. Towards the end of her essay, it is evident that she is a successful woman [...]
This seems to be the biggest challenge for satirists since the audience is the most powerful person in their work. It is this power of the media that has taken these shows to facebook, twitter, [...]
Hence, the Code was essential legislation that allows you to regulate the relationship between digital platforms and the media, contributed to the maintenance of independent journalism in Australia, and positively impacted other countries' legislation.
The New York Times and Fox News are the sources of the first and second articles. According to the New York Times article's main frame, a violent crowd invaded the Capitol and halted the certification [...]
The opinion pieces served as a platform to channel the voice of the public on various topics, whereas investigative journalism aimed to uncover the hidden truths.
The filmmakers mention the dangers and difficulties the newspaper faces in the early half of the film. Therefore, the New York Times will continue thriving in the competitive media environment due to excellence in their [...]
Journalism should be seen as not only creative art but an industrial field, wherein one must show a complete understanding of the issue and show it through a different lens.
Through investigation of multiple sources, it is possible to see a rough outline of the relationship between the subject from the 20th century to the present.
In terms of accuracy, the material presents facts, and the author does not present his personal opinion on the issue, which makes the article the most devoid of bias.
While I agree with the fundamental logic of the argument and do not believe that James Damore should have been fired, I have also identified an issue in his argument related to the interpretation of [...]
According to Section eighteen of the 1960 Broadcasting Authority Act, it is the agency's responsibility to ensure that when information and movies are publicized that correspond to a public uproar or are the focus of [...]
In her cover story for the former, Moore displays her writing skills and competencies as a journalist, surprising many critics with a combination of insight and professionalism.
The article is almost worshipping the concept of music, and Elliott Carter as a composer, expressing the endless love in the choice of words and sentences.
Gross started her questions from the current point of Lizzo's career, slowly leading her into the past to discuss the origins of the extraordinary combo of Lizzo's music and performance styles.
The humanistic perspective can be increased in the reporting of accidents by providing fatality and injury counts according to the demographics of the casualties of the accident.
The development of more effective and quick printing methods resulted in the rise of the use of newspapers all over the world and the newspaper press was at all times prepared to capture any events [...]
The representatives of the local newspaper are concerned about the future of the homeless people because there are no other available locations in the city for a new shelter.
Sometimes, this may come in the form of words uttered by persons in the case or the form of photographs and images of the scenario if they are reporting about it in court.
With the exceptions of revenue centers that we presume to have no expenses, all of the other departments have budgets since they incur costs, other cost centers that we have include rent & utilities and [...]
The coronavirus is unpredictable and hard to control, and people have to cooperate, communicate, and exchange available information to predict the growth of complications and health-related problems.
There are two groups of people: some think that newspapers have to exist, and others believe that this sphere has to be replaced by the Internet. Probably, the same is happening to newspapers, and they [...]
The second priority is full coverage, which implies that the channel presents the news from different perspectives and provides different opinions on the situation so that the audience gets a full picture of the events.
The news writers should adhere to the principle of interest that requires a broad appeal and efforts to deliver to the audience what it needs and wants at the same time.
It is possible to argue that the development of digital technology became one of the reasons for the growth and the concept of content creation being used in corporate settings.
He is in charge of employees' academic development and ensures that their qualifications are valid and relevant to the company. In addition, he confirmed that this department molds employee and ensures they are qualified to [...]
Castillo will be charged with several crimes which will include the illegal possession of a firearm, the possession of illegal substances in terms of drugs with an intention of distributing them and being in the [...]
The purpose of the investigation is to examine the impact of the Internet on journalism with the help of analyzing the role of print newspapers, online newspapers, and social networking in presenting the information and [...]
The aim of this study was to investigate the research areas that are covered in most of the publications on IRRODL and the authorship patterns that apply to this area.
This paper will briefly outline a service experience in the restaurant sector from the perspective of the customers', the providers' point of view and then a conclusion is made on how a service encounter contributes [...]
As such, the paper will be a critique of the presentational statue of the informative article. But later, the village realizes the truth of a new visitor -a whale- in the community.
In general terms, journalists take caution to ensure that the integrity of the press is protected, offering protection of the sources of information, and also carrying out verification of the information before it is published, [...]
Whereas, the adherents of Sociological paradigm suggest that Medias serve the cause of social stratification by subtly legitimizing the political authority of rich and powerful, the adherents of Culturalist paradigm imply that, by allowing news [...]
It is by virtue of this final that it comes evident the lack of government's support in terms of subsidies to the press in the current regarded capitalist system full of democracy but only makes [...]
The background of the event is the following: Dan Rather was preparing for the evening remote news broadcast from Miami. Dan Rather wished to discuss this incident with the sport department, as he disliked that [...]
This paper discusses skill development and training requirements one needs to have in this new form of media and communication; expectations of individuals and changes that happened in the individuals with this sort of media [...]
The following analysis of four business items is going to show the importance of relevant sources for the credibility and reliability of the information presented in the article.
ABC has for along time been in the broadcast field in Australia and due to it being a public broadcaster, many of the audience of the radio stations and those who watch the TVs, especially [...]
The Time Out Group Limited is one of the leading publishing companies in the United Kingdom. In other cases, the Time Out brand is licensed in different cities of the world.
Yet, the most horrible thing about the phenomenon of paparazzi is not that they sometimes spoil the mood of movie stars, but the fact that more and more ordinary citizens appear to grow increasingly incapable [...]
It is obvious that no matter what this man did, whether having to do with his personal life or his professional life or political life, in each and every sphere he remained a highly motivated [...]
Streitmatter used at least fourteen events in the United States history from Sam Adams of the 1776 Revolution, the Abolition or America's Conscience Against the Sins of Slavery, Momentum for Women's Rights, Attacking Municipal Corruption [...]
They are unaware of the fact that during the past 50 years, the U.S.news media has contributed towards the political pitfalls and therefore in doing their basic job of reporting the news for local audiences, [...]
The media have recently have taken an identity almost undistinguishable from entertainment or pop culture and marketing where news serve as "spices" that add up flavor to the whole serving, such as the Guardian Unlimited [...]
Based on the analysis results, it is possible to say that the Wiki-article is better than the NWE article in multiple aspects: informativeness and detail, structure and readability, credibility, and visual representation.
The main idea that underlines the discursive significance of the obtained responses from the interviewee is that it is the government's fault that the amok runs, such as the ones in Vienna and Munster, continue [...]
The government makes decisions, impacting large groups of people, so being able to generate the highest response rate and most dependable results is the main priority in their choice of the approach.
However, the way the woman told the listeners about the case and presented her conversations with the people involved in it showed that she wanted to prove that Adnan was not guilty of killing Hae.
The omission of the story would likely make the overall argument weaker and increase the probability that nothing would be done to help resolve the matter.
On the contrary, she quotes respected figures in the area of the importance of data in reporting. In the second story, she seems to question the use of data to argue that a "creative apocalypse" [...]
The implantation of journalists into the army units could have been used to show the problems that the war is causing for the country, but instead, the journalists played into the promotion of the war.
The basis of the article by Meacham is the study of the personalities of American presidents, in particular, Trump and Roosevelt, to compare their political positions and achievements.
The author of the discussed article analyzes the role and meaning of dreams in one of the most prominent Shakespeare’s plays by referring to the psychological theories of dreaming.
The author uses imagery that helps readers to understand her ideas and uses an informative tone breaking down a barrier between her and her audience. The author sets the rules and creates her boundaries, making [...]
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