Indeed, with growth in technology like smart phones and emergence of the use of internet in research work has caused administrators in universities and colleges to extend the definition of academic honesty or dishonesty.
The combination of colors for example, may affect the students' comfort as well as the public view and perception of the institution The issue of cost should also be put in to check.
In this context, the academic portfolio will demonstrate the quality of work that one is engaged in and the development in it over the period covered by the portfolio.
She argues that it is one of the most important ingredients of prosperity that is lacking in many people. There is a direct relationship between confidence and the attainment of goals.
The standardization procedure is considered to be the most important part of the development of the test. The main purpose of the appendices in the test devoted to Blue, Green, and Combined forms is to [...]
So, the group of students had to come up with the ideas for the project by sharing their thoughts and encouraging one other. Hence, a teacher's control and guidance should be clearly presented to the [...]
The student gets a better understanding of the world around him/her and tries to apply this logic in the conceptual comprehension of other events as well.
Consequently, to determine the existing examination system, the structure of the FSA exam and information from the Florida Department of Education proved to be essential in the conducted analysis.
Indeed, the academic essay is one of the assignments that university students undertake and tests the depth of their knowledge in the respective subjects.
As Brent and Lewis put it, credentialism implies "the tendency to overemphasize the receipt of a diploma or academic degree rather than a particular skill or experience".
'The use of rubrics to code students' work makes the expectations for success clear and thereby solves a major problem of traditional assessment to write the mystery of marking or evaluating the students' performance.' Rubrics [...]
In the UK, 60 percent of the classrooms have adopted IWBs, while adoption rate in the US is just 12 percent. The market share of Smart Technologies in the US market is 60.
Further, based on the calculation of the arithmetic mean of all the activities presented for the period, the student's overall performance in class and in homework is calculated.
An essential condition for the successful development of the personality of schoolchildren is the presence in the school and class of a favorable socio-psychological climate.
As a future teacher, I would like to express solidarity with the report's authors and the topics they covered, especially considering that not all children have at least a primary education to develop literacy. This [...]
In the first month, I began by studying the first two curriculum areas: cultural and social foundations and the growth and development of humans. The goal of the pretest was to assist me in figuring [...]
Friends and acquaintances - friends cannot be many, and in this case, the main rule is that being focused only on oneself is might not be considered a sign of success.
The impact of child neglect in low income elementary school age children. The author presents numerous concepts to support the importance of powerful policies in meeting the needs of the targeted children.
Upon the review of the historical development of educational evaluations and testing, it was revealed that "psychometrics, cognition, curriculum, and the socio-political context of education" were the four major forces that played major roles in [...]
Secondly, apart from the skills of any particular sport or activity, sports and athletics also inculcate special qualities in the performers like the ability to lead, to take and follow orders, to work as a [...]
The growing popularity of social networking and online communication has raised an issue of the influence of these activities on the daily performance of the individuals.
The goal of this part is to give a thorough summary of the research on student motivation and its effects on behavioral and academic development in school.
Written communication is essential in the domestic, academic and professional arenas, a reason why school and college students must strive to be perfect in writing.
The problem is that most students do not trust the current education system, and this legislation should allow students to protect themselves from dangers that may happen in the college environment.
It is widely believed that giving homework to students is one of the ethical behaviors of a professional teacher. Homework is seen as a way of enhancing independent learning as well as the utilization of [...]
I still did not think that I was competent in any of the fields I had studied in the various colleges since I could not relate what I had learned in class and the realities [...]
For instance, when the instructions are given, the teacher may move around the class to monitor whether the students have comprehended the task properly. This type of monitoring helps the teacher to make sure the [...]
The current standards for carrying out assessments in the school environment are supposed to contribute to the creation of opportunities for careful measurement of students' progress and the further identification of the areas that need [...]
In order to optimize a system that includes this standard of grading, it would be necessary to assess the grades for homework and classwork separately.
Furthermore, the reference to standardized tests is not appropriate to measure the teachers' performance because of the external factors' impact on the students' ability to take tests.
Aim and Objectives of the study The purpose or aim of this study is to explore the issue of tardiness in relation to identifying whether it correlates directly with the teaching process and the entire [...]
of the article "The Influence of Technology on Academic Distraction: A Review" by Dontre
of the article "The Influence of Technology on Academic Distraction: A Review" by Dontre
the article "The Influence of Technology on Academic Distraction: A Review
This essay contends that the overuse of standardized assessments gives a poor depiction of students' actual learning and emphasizes the need for improvements in the Texas educational system, particularly in fostering multiple points of view [...]
Therefore, in addition to academic duties and rules that guide the clinical social work faculty. To ensure this role is fulfilled, clinical social work educators ought to ensure that they convey to students a clear [...]
These strategies can be applied separately; however, in the case of Arman, it is much more efficient to visually display the "First-Then" relationship.
The data demonstrates the performance of students by the criterion of achievement over the general sample, demonstrating the general and particular level of success in learning.
The primary sampling technique is the quantitative strata approach that enables the comparison of certain groups in the population based on the chosen criteria.
In 2018-2019, a trend towards improvement is visible, although in these years there were somewhat fewer participants and the figure dropped to 396 and 392 thousand, with students who crossed the threshold of the third [...]
However, the research problem addressed in this paper is related to the ambiguity of the implications of the relationship between having no siblings and academic performance.
This paper focuses on the following two research questions: What are the lived experiences of university students in Ghana as they relate to social development skills in higher education?
Secondly, social expectations and perceptions can cause stress for students because many of them want to be accepted and admired since low grades are stigmatized. In summary, college students experience pressure from their families and [...]
The main principle of a short description of this problem is the social group that falls under the negative influence of school students taking an examination in mathematics.
Thus, intelligence has additional values represented by social and operational skills, especially when it comes to evaluating students; they are described in the New York Times article and in the theories of the above-mentioned scholars.
The sphere of education has many significant issues, and one of them is the school performance of students from low-income families. Therefore, my proposal is to analyze the relationship between the academic performance of students [...]
The performance of student A is excellent and it show that the student solved the problem correctly, and he included the correct units for Area and Perimeter; thus he scores all the marks.
THESIS: Generally, after the evaluation of the situation it appears that the main reasons for such problem by the Acme University can be explained by establishing lower standards for the new coming students during the [...]
According to many experts, eating breakfast in the morning is likely to have a major impact on how students perform in schools and this is the reason why parents have been encouraged to ensure that [...]
Next, the problem-solving model as the basis for the design of the assessment should be viewed as the most important element of the multidisciplinary assessment.
In the following paper, I will seek to find out and discuss the common expectations in an American University by means of analyzing several reputable sources containing the information about the Seattle University, the Florida [...]
The percentage of students who consider their college time as an opportunity to have fun and spend their time in a pleasant way in constant parties is growing ever more.
In the recent past, a lot of research has been carried out to determine the nature of learning among students and the type of skills that facilitate their performance in school."Many scholars have also observed [...]
This is captured in the report on 'Education Attainment in the United States,' which revealed that holders of a master's degree earned $70, 000 more than their counterparts with less than a high-school diploma.
In order to decide to, or not to accept the request to join a friend in a party on the eve of a philosophical paper entirely depends on personal perception, and understanding of the two [...]
Teachers can also adapt necessary teaching curriculum involving the use of web pages and other reading necessities and resources to create lesson plans that comprise visions, goals, learning practices, evaluation of students, and assessment of [...]
In the regression method, the test is based on the formula that is based on the relationship between the mean of Y against X.for the case of linear regression, the two are related in a [...]
In a bid to develop the overall standards of schools, the school administration decided to build links with the community by allowing parents to interact with staff members and the students alike.
Arthur Cohen outlines the use of Community Colleges in their support for the employment of graduates or making continuation of studying possible on the upper levels of education, gaining bachelor degree, for example.
The first requirement influencing the course effectiveness is concentrated on the clarification of the key points and positions of the course, helping the students to succeed in the study.
The value of the portfolio can only depend on the way that it is taken or the process that is used to measure the quality and it should depend on the end product instead.
Easy access to the internet is one of the reason why there has been a drop in academic honesty and responsibility specifically in the case of plagiarism as there are indications of extensive plagiarism in [...]
This helps a teacher to gain the awareness of a student, his/her knowledge, and the interest of a student. Some oral assessments are used to assess the performance of a student.
This study revolves around the premise that the "prevalence of stress is increasing among students" and it is affecting their performance in should be noted that retention rate is the most common basis for [...]
On the other hand, data results also stated that performance-avoidance goals are negatively related to academic standing."Students in good academic standing reported having higher self-efficacy and adopted significantly more mastery goals toward learning than students [...]
This in return negatively affects the student's performance and teachers might end up losing their best student as a result of this because most of them opt to drop out of school instead of being [...]
Following Martin: "Given the history of African-Americans in the United States, a big-picture explanation might suggest that these outcomes are the legacies of mathematical experiences characterized by differential treatment and denied opportunity in socioeconomic and [...]
This is a show of autonomy, the evading of the aversive task, avoidance of a state of anxiety, a response to their fear of failure or they are said to suffer from perfectionism and usually [...]
In order to ensure the security of these records, the system is proposed to have a two-step identification process. The system itself would have to be centralized, in order to ensure access to the database [...]
For example, these authors determined the links between the grade and physical activity the higher the grade, the greater the abandonment of physical activity.
In both instances, the lessons of keeping time and the values of patience, hard work, and faith will be invaluable. Patience is a virtue that will facilitate the attainment of success either at work or [...]
They conduct a study on 110 students in a variety of majors and gauge their test anxiety and self-efficacy, then collect their results on a test and analyze the results. Notably, they find that the [...]
The goal of the study is to explore the effects that the adoption of music-based strategies has on the personal, academic, and spiritual growth of UAE female students, as well as their relationships and memory [...]
Students can write down all of the projects they need to complete and the deadlines for those. It is also crucial for individuals to study at what time of the day they can be the [...]
The purpose of the study in question was to investigate the relationship between academic performance and test anxiety. The study was designed to determine causality between the level of test anxiety and average grades of [...]
On the one hand, the lack of student engagement among the specific student population may increase the level of self-esteem and pride among other groups of students.
In this part of the work, attention to the strategies with the help of which it is possible to improve student engagement will be paid through the analysis of the information obtained from an interview [...]
The purpose of this paper is to present the self-evaluation of my Grammar knowledge and writing skills according to the Grammar quizzes and to the information, I learned about writing and formatting academic papers on [...]
The primary goal of the questionnaire is to measure the satisfaction with the overall academic performance and determine the fundamental influences on it.
In essence, Tim shows that formative assessment is the most effective in helping students become a part of the learning process. According to Tim, formative assessment is the most effective way of improving classroom assessment.
After the presentation of the lesson, the students completed exercises, which tested their ability to sort, compare, and to write numbers. Following the completion of the first lesson, I was able to integrate the Montessori [...]
Department of Education should not use grades to define student's intelligence and performance because grading system depends on the judgment of a professional teacher, but not the learners, the performance of a student relies on [...]
The dependent variables used in this study were the effects that the implementation of CMB had on the performance of students in basic mathematics skills. The performance and achievement of students in math were also [...]
One of the disadvantages of the standardized test system is that this system encourages creativity among learners and teachers. In this system, teachers are forced to teach on the test because of the pressure to [...]
The purpose of the research paper was to find out whether social skills training improves social skills and academic performance. The research design is utilized in the study requires the collection, processing, and analysis of [...]
Despite the view that the current generation of students is somewhat neglecting the seriousness of plagiarism, it is still viewed that originality must be emphasized and not to allow digital technology to violate principles of [...]
As Robert Frost Middle School received grants to renovate its laboratory and there is a need to advance the performance of science courses, this study sought to establish the role of graded laboratory activities in [...]
Probably the best indication that this is indeed the case can be deemed that fact that in the preface of just about every qualitative study on the causes of educational underachievement, the authors express their [...]
An important factor that has to be considered is that Alex does not have any medical conditions that could affect his ability to learn; his traits such as shyness and the love of daydreaming affect [...]
However, the findings of researchers are usually incompatible due to the different definitions of parental involvement and, as a result, the use of different metrics for evaluation.
While neither category is directly related to the academic performance of the group, it would be reasonable to expect that the improvements in both would indirectly influence the efficiency of education in other words, the [...]
According to what the statistical data and the results of the opinion poll held among the Pennsylvania students say, one of the most complicated issues concerning the PSSA testing is the time-lapse in which the [...]
The purpose of this paper is to present the review of the state data regarding students' scores, analyze the assessment data against the state benchmarks, discuss the state authorities' strategies to improve results and provide [...]
Moreover, the attitude in the group did not allow us to consider aspects like age and careers as issues of concern. Moreover, we did not know what was required of us in the group.
The difficulty of the dissimilarity of the abilities of students in learning academic material while perceiving and comprehending it ought to be approached based on the study of the situation of the educational background.
In their article "University Students' Emotions in Lectures: The Effect of Competence Beliefs, Value Beliefs and Perceived Task-Difficulty, and the Impact on Academic Performance", Greek researchers Georgia Stephanou, Petros Kariotoglou, and Konstantinos Dinas present the [...]
There is a general tendency among students who work and study at the same time consisting in the fact that students tend to spend more time at work instead of devoting their time to studies.
The main aim of the STAAR is to appraise the knowledge of students and skills. However the advocates of the STAAR state the standardized testing is the only viable option to assess students' knowledge and [...]
The purpose of the research is to conduct a quantitative analysis about the impact of academic preparation in a virtual environment on college admission for online high school students.
Some of the most significant issues he highlights include the following: The quality of information on the web varies significantly While internet search may help to narrow down on a topic, it may erode the [...]
This implies that NCLB guarantees no wastage of federal education improvement funds It is imperative to state that under the NCLB program, each state is responsible for the performance of every student and is thus [...]
In addition, the results of this study will act as guidance to mathematics teachers on whether the use of calculators at lower grades is helpful or detrimental to the mathematics learners understanding of mathematics concepts.
The safeguards entail the processes involved in the development and integration of the differentiated educational curricula for the gifted students after the identification and evaluation of such students by a qualified professional.
Their programs are based on the principles of on-line communication and e-mails between tutors, advisors, and students with the help of which students and advisors learn the details of students' difficulties in studying and implement [...]