African American Studies Essay Examples and Topics. Page 2

235 samples

America’s Reconstruction Era

With the emancipation of four million African Americans, the problem of their education and training arose. Those were the black church, the black school, and the Freedmen's Bureau.
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  • Words: 1097

African American Sociology, Psychology, History

Rather, it has to do with the ongoing progress in the field of empirical science, which in turn causes more and people to doubt the appropriateness of the Eurocentric approach to addressing the issues of [...]
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  • Words: 1118

Jim Crow Laws for African Americans in the South

Monroe remembered the time when a famous black musician was unable to sleep in one of the hotels in downtown Alabama because colored people were not allowed to avail of the said accommodation.
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  • Words: 902

The Atlantic Slave Trade Functioning

According to the literatures, the northerners were more accommodating to the slaves and did not embrace the practice as the southerners did.
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  • Words: 822

The Harlem Renaissance and the Struggle for a Black Identity

The failure of Reconstruction and the implementation of the racial segregation threw the Afro-Americans into a difficult dilemma. Booker Washington was a prominent figure of the Post-Reconstruction Era and the leader of the Afro-American community.
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  • Words: 1116

African Americans in the American Revolution

Both the slave masters and the British colonizers sought the help of the African Americans during the American Revolution. The revolutionary nature of the American Revolution did not resonate with both the free and enslaved [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 584

African and Modern Cultural Perspectives

The word refers to the dispersion of Africans across the United States in the aftermath of the Atlantic slave trade. The advent of slavery and the period of the trans-Atlantic trade had many implications in [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2547

Ralph Bunche and James Meredith

He became an academic, adviser, political scientist, and a diplomat with the UN and in the administration of John F. Bunche had some of the most outstanding achievements in the African-American history.
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  • Words: 436

Life of Slaves and Their Owners

With no personal freedoms, the slaves were often forced to sexual relationships with their owners both male and female. So, the lives of the slaves and their masters were completely different.
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  • Words: 550

The Transatlantic Slave Trade

The transatlantic slave trade influenced all the aspects of the white Americans and African Americans' lives in the 18th century because it became the significant social and economic phenomenon in the history of the country.
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  • Words: 576

The History of Democracy in Libya

In Yemen and Syria, the protests are still going on, with the Syria one becoming deadly because of the use of force to stop the protests.
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2742

African-Americans Social Reform

It was one of the biggest steps for consideration African-Americans as the equal members of the American society protected under the Constitution.
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  • Words: 566

African-American Studies: Black Cowboys

The Black cowboys consisted of various groups such as the "Wrangler," who comprised of a common subtype cowboy, whose tasks were specifically riding on horsebacks to guide plowing cattle in the fields.
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  • Words: 944

African American Soldiers During Vietnam War

In the 1960s and 70s, African Americans battled racial discrimination at home in the United States but also faced similar if not the same tension as a member of the Armed Forces while fighting in [...]
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  • Words: 1138

Christianity, Slavery and Colonialism Paradox

He is prominent in opposing the Atlanta Compromise Treaty that advocated for the subjection of the southern blacks to the whites' political rule. In conclusion, the paradox of Christianity, slavery, and colonialism has been a [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1734

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter From Birmingham Jail

He raises the stakes in his letter by pointing out "...the intent of our peaceful, active action is to generate a crisis-filled situation that will certainly necessitate commencement of negotiations". King's letter reveal a man [...]
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  • Words: 604

The Black Americans Ideologies and Stereotypes

The discipline of African-American studies is committed in the study of the black Americans. It specifically covers the North American region and the peripheries that were shaped and reshaped the history of the black people [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1671

African Americans Community and Family

From the discussion, it is evident that the community and family formed central pillars in the lives of African Americans, especially in terms of helping them to maintain their identity, focus on their political and [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 629

Stories of Rwanda’s Recovery From Genocide

Today, the killers and the victims of the genocide live side by side, and the government focuses on finding the effective measures and legacies to overcome the consequences of the genocide and to state the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

African American Women Writers

It makes people realize that she has deeply felt the pain and this gives her an understanding of others, and that reflects in her writing."The Song in the Front Yard" shows an attitude of a [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1101

What Prompted Bahrain Protests?

The major focus of the uprising was the violation of human rights and people demanded the government to change the way it was carrying out the order.
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  • Words: 598

The American People to 1865

The increasing number of the slaves in the region shortly changed the white farmers' perception and treatment of the African workers.
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  • Words: 1144

Role of the Press in Civil Rights

This paper proves that although the black press started the push for Civil Rights in the south, the integration of the nation's press turned the tables on segregation."The Race Beat" outlines the progress of media [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 569

African Diaspora and Globalization

The concepts of colonialism and imperialism as the base of the progress of the racial capitalism traditionally depend on the racial discrimination toward the Africans moved to America as slaves and toward the developed Africans' [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1112

African American Soldier in American Revolution

It was revealed that the blacks were behind the American's liberation from the British colonial rule, and this was witnessed with Ned Hector's brevity to salvage his army at the battle of Brandywine.
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  • Words: 559

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome

As slavery is a social issue that depicts discrimination in terms of color, the treatment of slaves by the whites gives an impression to African Americans that they are the minority group and less human.
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  • Words: 1626

Loury, Douglass, and King Jr.

Loury addressed the challenge to liberals and conservatives that was in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Loury found it difficult to sell the idea of self help and reliance among the black because [...]
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  • Words: 551

Racial Capitalism and Colonialism

The oppressions brought by racial capitalism are responsible for the transformation of the culture of Africans in the Diaspora in their attempt to raise against it.
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  • Words: 803

African Diaspora in the Modern World

The explanation concerning African Diaspora as a process describes a continuous trend related to the formation of African Diaspora through migration where the Diasporas and Africa continue to maintain linkages. The African race as a [...]
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  • Words: 814

The Black Other and African Diaspora Experiences

As a result, the immigration of blacks and the inter-play of influencing facets has resulted to complications of notions of race, identities and desire which are assumed and presumed in the revealing faces of experiences [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1288

African Diaspora as a Concept in Unfinished Migrations

Thus, in their article "Unfinished Migrations: Reflections on the African Diaspora and the Making of the Modern World", Patterson and Kelley provide the investigation of the African diaspora scholarship basing on the mentioned concepts, and [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1102

What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?

He points to the existence of drudge markets as proof of slavery and calls for the abolishment of the trade. The comparison of the colonial oppression and slavery infers to the audience the notion that [...]
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  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1824

The Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal

The Black Panther Party fell into disarray in 1970, and Abu-Jamal joined radio journalism where he was called as the 'voice of the voiceless'.
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  • Words: 592

African American Political History

The advent of organizations like the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies is widely perceived as necessary for this advancement of African Americans. This is what makes the organizations pivotal to the advancement of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1257

Nat Turner and the Slave Revolt

The belief of his explanations by other slaves initiated the planning of the "Nat Turner's revolt". This became the beginning of a journey to slave rebellion in the South.
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  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1843

African Americans: A Journey Towards Freedom

All of the slaves desired to have freedom, but the means of attaining that was still unknown. His intention was to kill all the slave owners in Charleston and free the slaves.
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  • Words: 1438

The Civil War Dilemmas: Slave-Owner Relations

From other letters, it becomes clear that the vast majority of people could not realize a true essence of slavery and properly define the reasons of why people had to be divided into slaves and [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1362

Literary Works of Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance was a term used collectively by social thinkers to represent the efforts by African-Americans to transcend the white-favored government systems in the new states, especially New York, from the southern states where [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 886

Race Relations During the Progressive Era

The need to solve the problems led to the emergence of pro-reform groups. During this era, the American constitution was amended several times to accommodate the reforms.
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  • Words: 546

Social and Political Conflicts: Analysis

The Declaration stated that the Constitution of the United States restricted the power of the certain states. After the long period of slavery, the Declaration of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 was the breakthrough [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1058

Culture and the Black Freedom Struggle

The need to have a political structure that advocates the needs of the black community has also played a big part in the shaping of black culture.
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  • Words: 1105

African Americans-Prejudice and Discrimination

This began during the civil war in which African Americans stood to fight against prejudice and discrimination. It is undeniable that African Americans have faced many challenges in the U.S.ranging from prejudice to racial discrimination.
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  • Words: 678

Response to Panther Film

By founding the organization called Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, the members were strongly convinced that using armed struggle was the only way to prove the power and dominance of the black community over the [...]
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  • Words: 819

Young black people in the United States

Although the actual size of their constituency and membership is a subject of debate, the party had a significant impact on the consciousness and political developments of the late 1960s and early 1970s both nationally [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1699

The Influence of Elijah Muhammad in the Nation of Islam

Elijah Muhammad was a leader who managed to continue the development of the Nation of Islam as social, religious and political organization and contributed to the development of the movement aimed at making the rights [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2160

Discrimination in Sarah Baartman’s Life

Besides her treatment as an object of racial inferiority and medical research, Bartman's experience manifested the intersection of various forms of discrimination, such as, gender, race, nationality, and class discrimination. Bartman's experience was a manifestation [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

Brown versus Board of Education

The court held that it was improper to have separate schools for white and black children yet the children were not any different.
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  • Words: 563

The Emergence of a Law of Slavery in Mississippi

Turning to the analysis of the book and the cases presented there with the purpose to understand the process of the emergence of the law of slavery in Mississippi, it should be stated that this [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1904

The Effects of Slavery on the American Society

The response to this challenge led to the formation of a defensive posture that acknowledged the place of slavery in the natural order of the things and viewed abolitionist challenges to the peculiar institution as [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1613

Slave Trade Begins in America at Santo Domingo

According to Spielvogel, the discovery of the Americas in 1490s and the growth of sugar plantations in South America and the Caribbean are significant factors which drastically changed the destination of slaves i.e.the destination of [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1632

African American Culture: A History of Slavery

The slaves who were born in America developed African American culture out of slavery. The African-American communities were developed out of the American born slaves in America.
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  • Words: 504

One Can Never Judge a Book by Its Cover

There were others who managed to escape this repatriation and contributed to the formation of the African American Society in the United States of America.
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  • Words: 1344

The African Diaspora Network

In this paper, I show that the appreciation of the African Diaspora continues as the African Americans seek to treasure the struggles their ancestors went through.
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  • Words: 939

The African American Rights Movement Success

This paper presents the summary of the success of the African American rights movement which resulted to the passing of the Voting rights Act in 1965 bringing about a significant change in the American social [...]
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  • Words: 596

The Journey of African American Rights Movements

Among the most oppressed and discriminated races in America were the Americans of African origin in most of places they were seen as servant by the whites and most of them used to work in [...]
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2300

The Legacy of the Civil Rights Era

The southern states had used slaves as their source of labour in their plantations, meaning that the leading population of blacks was in the south. The aim of the black movement was to fight for [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2802

Mis-education of the Negro

Surprisingly, the education system forbids the culture and history of the Negros with the primary aim of the whites being to impose inferiority complex in their black counterparts.
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  • Words: 572

American History: The Kingdom of Matthias

Its capture of a myriad of characters with divergent cultures and social class and its basis on contemporary issues that affected the people of the time is particularly of great interest and makes the story [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1281

Newspaper Reactions to Brown V. Board of Education

It is therefore incorrect to note that the difference in Newspaper reaction to the Brown V. Board of education case was a representation of the difference in opinion between the Southern states and other states.
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  • Words: 555

The Incidences in the Life of a Slave Girl

Linda finds herself between the rock and the hard place when she was told that she hard to part with her children because they are to be shifted to the new masters. Bruce was willing [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1132

Blacks in the American West

Researchers however are quick to point that the movement of black people to the West was by and large influenced by the westward movement in America. The west by and large represent the situation of [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1753

Slavery, Racism, and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

The advent of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in the early modern period gives evidence of how old slavery is. In England, for example, the staff was thoroughly Black; hence the appearance of the idea of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1157

The African American Civil Rights Movement

During the 1960s notable achievements were made including the passage of a Civil rights Act in 1964 that outlawed any form of discrimination towards people of a different "race, color or national origin in employment [...]
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  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1442

The American Civil Right Movement

By the year 1966, the rise of the Black Power Movement, which took place between1966 and1975, widened the aims of the Civil Rights Movement into racial honor, economic and political satisfaction, and freedom from the [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 841

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade History

Miers explains that it was "Initially it was known as the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa company and was only involved in gold trading and was created by the Stuart family and London [...]
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  • Pages: 13
  • Words: 3976