If one is to discuss the issue with the senior management of the organization in which the crime occurred, there is a high chance that the issue will not be taken as seriously due to [...]
The case of murder of JonBenet Ramsey is one of most mysterious episodes in the American criminology, and this report is the attempt to bring some light to the case based on the mistakes made [...]
CCTV cameras are also used in places of work to aid employers to monitor their employees' activities, improve productivity and security, and reduce theft.
The rise of Internet technology gave way to numerous challenges, and one of them is the spreading of cyberbullying. Recent data show that there is a clear gender distinction in terms of the perpetrators and [...]
In the particular case under analysis the issue, which is presented to the court, is the admissibility of the evidence. As Melear states in her article, if the weapon which was not used in the [...]
Although one of the mandates of the NYPD includes preventing crime from occurring by deploying legal means, this paper questions the legal and ethical foundation of the 'stop and frisk' law applied by the NYPD. [...]
In the end, it was an electrician who identified the typical signs of abuse in Daniel that finally led police to investigate, thereby exposing the weakness and ineffectiveness of the Dual Track System; the child [...]
On the other hand, the hands-on doctrine, known as the inmates' rights era, was a reaction to the harsh conditions and abuse prevalent in many correctional facilities in the mid-twentieth century.
The accused is alleged to have injured his wife due to careless driving that resulted in the demise of the unborn child, consequently a successful escape of the son unhurt.
In particular, according to the TechFite case, one example of a breach of duty of care might be the insufficient attention of the Security Analyst to the operations of the Application Division, which has led [...]
The bullet trajectory includes the progress of the bullet through the barrel of the gun following discharge or detonation and its pathway both through the air and the aim.
According to the defense side of the case, the warrant that was obtained by the detectives only covered the investigation on the residence. For instance, they collected the evidence without a search warrant.
Parents should be held responsible for the crime of their children because in most cases criminal involvement of children is the result of lack of parental control.
One of the key causes of overcrowding is the continuing growth in the population of criminals sent to jail. The people have had to wait for their trial turn, and the only place to wait [...]
The role of the police in the society is central when it comes to ensuring law and order. The policing task is the most prominent manifestation of the government and is easily recognizable by members [...]
In criminal justice management, there are times that a person may be detained under the control of the police/ criminal justice system not because he has been proved to have committed a crime but because [...]
In prisons, the young people are taught to be responsible for their deeds in the society they live in, they are taught to avoid their involvement in criminal activities. The educational programs available in the [...]
One thing that must be cleared to all is that it is not our view that the poor people are all guiltless victims who suffer the persecution of the rich people but it is said [...]
The selected person serves as a mentor to the offender and takes part of the responsibility in case of recidivism. However, the chaperones should not be intimidated to conceal the signs of recidivism due to [...]
In this regard, the criminal justice system possesses the power to control crime and punish those who violate the law. The chapter attempts to familiarize the readers with the structure and function of the criminal [...]
The writer suggests that even if the call for tougher penalties is seen as the answer to the problem, those calling for these penalties are not necessarily affected by the rising crime. There is need [...]
The paper at hand is devoted to the investigation of the life, personality, and criminal behavior of one of the most notorious American serial killers of 1980s-1990s, Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer.
This paper seeks to define fraud, look at the types of fraud and the consequences of fraud to financial systems. Such fraud denies qualified job seekers places in such companies and this increases the number [...]
It happened because of the huge differences between how the state viewed the law enforcement agent's actions and how the defense tried to protect the plaintiff.
Her contributions to the inmate's bail payment also constitute financial support of the Latin Kings criminal group, which is incompatible with the corrections officer's duty to the law enforcement system. The slippery slope theory finds [...]
In the given case, Christopher Watts, a 33-year-old man residing in Frederick, the state of Colorado, was a defendant. Initially, Christopher Watts rejected his involvement in the deaths of his wife and daughters.
The initial stage in which discretion is applied in the system of criminal justice is where police officers make a decision on whether a suspect should be arrested for a particular offense or not., argues [...]
Those words which are often perceived by the public as the usual warning are important to protect the persons, and the Miranda Warning is used as the statement of the right against self-incrimination. The Miranda [...]
The relationship between corporal punishment and naughty behaviors portrays chicken-egg relationship in that, it is difficult to establish which one of two comes first.
Nevertheless, such a claim is questionable because it is the same constitution that has a bill of rights indicating that it is the right of every citizen to be protected and to live.
The central values of the US criminal justice system are to protect the rights of citizens and ensure the safety of a society in which everyone is equal before the law.
Because hate crimes are associated with the violation of the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and association, it is believed that the motive for hate crimes is a crime itself.
Meanwhile, Dempsey and Forst assume that discretion is particularly vital in the context of the police officers' activity. Despite the ambiguous character of the discretion outcomes, there is a series of reasons that explain the [...]
Officers in such a culture are educated on how to see the warning indications of domestic abuse, are encouraged to sympathize with victims, and are expected to take swift action to stop the violence.
The cases of female sex offenders are not unknown to the society; for example, a high school or college teacher that was accused of student's sex abuse and confronts the criminal justice system.
For the case of murder or crimes that necessitate capital punishment, the incentive to commit murder is directly related to the uncertainties that punishments for the crime will generate.
Correctional ideology is reflected in the swinging pendulum analogy because the history of criminal justice in the United States shows the oscillation between severe judicial discretion and mild rehabilitation.
During the trial, the Tennessee preacher's wife claimed that her partner had been abusing her both sexually and physically for a long time. Mary's mental condition and responsibility for the crime were mitigating factors that [...]
Evidence-based practice in the criminal justice sector has concentrated on policies that deal with the administration of these sectors based on the correctional process of the incarcerated persons.
The two approaches to criminal justice are in a normative state and there is always a risk of seeing one or the other as better or worse depending on the application.
As the review of self-defense, provocation, and diminished responsibility revealed, they refer to different circumstances in which full or partial defense may be given to an accused who committed a homicide unintentionally.
The Exclusionary rule is based on the rights granted to the United States citizens by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution that was designed to protect the right of the American citizens "to be secure [...]
The officer should also package information in a way that it is easy to decode and understand. Such communication enables police officers in charge of the inmates to access important information from them.
Cases of murder falls in the rule of felony murder which is well stipulated by the constitution of any given country and the penalty is administered depending on whether the case was committed in an [...]
On the one hand, the difficulty is that the offender and victim are spouses. To conclude, the court should reject the case and evidence from Perez because it neither excuses the offender's behavior in the [...]
The Court decided that there were objective markers of society's new preferences and standards, such as the fact that only a minority of the US States permitted the death penalty for the mentally retarded. Moreover, [...]
It should be clear that, for an accused to "create defense because of insaneness," at the time of the acting, it must be demonstrated that the party charged with the charge worked under such a [...]
Other than the problem of failure to complete jail terms, overcrowding in prisons called for the building of more prisoners to accommodate a large number of prisoners and this translated to heavy costs to the [...]
Apart from the court staff, I expect to learn about the sections of the courtroom and the function of each. I am hoping to observe how, in the initial court proceedings, the charges are filed [...]
Overall, it can be argued that the Mapp v Ohio ruling dramatically changed the operations and behavior of state police officers by putting a stop to the admission of evidence obtained by a search in [...]
The same society and government also receive the output of the law enforcement organizations, meaning that the activity of the criminal justice system is never focused unto itself.
In my opinion, exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule should only be made in the few cases where there is no other way to obtain evidence and only on the grounds of the probable cause, supported [...]
The decision of the court in the case of Gitlow versus New York is that it supported the arrested due to the subversive nature of the text that was published.
Various ethical issues such as the code of silence, the mental status of the offender, and limited evidence play a vital role in challenging the discretion of police officers in arresting the DV perpetrators.
A pre-term release can negatively affect prisoners' mindsets, increase the risk of ex-inmates committing a crime and returning to prison, and be dangerous to society.
According to the National Institute of Justice, mandatory arrest laws are the most prevalent in US states, indicating a widespread agreement on their effectiveness.
Once inside the courtroom, he sits at the bench facing the rest of the court.the defense lawyers sit in the left side of the court, close to the dock, while the prosecution sits on the [...]
They also had to swear to stay and follow the rules of the gang for a lifetime. Most members of the gang were also known to be talented in rap music and broadcasting and they [...]
Moreover, a prosecutor also needs to prove that the accused had the intent to act, or go through with the plan, and the intent to kill, and not merely maim or disfigure the victim.
Despite the doubtless coherency of the argument and reasonability of the claims, Martinson's article has a number of problems, which brings the significance of the results a few notches down.
It is interested in the fluidity of one's behavior and the process of change. The authors point out that while other factors are also crucial to the process of developing offending behavior, one's ethnicity and [...]
In the process of conducting the investigation, the prosecutor- and the entire investigative team- must realize that they are yet to prove the crime committed by the suspect.
A Presentation of the Mission Statement of the Social Agency The parole agency in the United States has an important role on the security well being and the freedom of the inmates.
Therefore, facts on crimes and decisions of the judge is referenced from the constitution, which prescribes the nature and extend of the punishment or fine awarded to an individual found guilty of an offense. One [...]
Still, the court authorities denied him a request to listen and consider the testimony of a witness or an accomplice, because of which the court's verdict turned in the opposite direction.
The given case will be analyzed from the perspective of Agnew's General Strain Theory, which was built upon the ideas of Merton's Strain Theory. Agnew's general strain theory fails to explain the magnitude and range [...]
It occurs when a person "drives or takes a vehicle not his or her own, without the consent of the owner thereof, and with intent either to permanently or temporarily deprive the owner thereof of [...]
A judge may impose a penalty on the perpetrator according to the severity of the crime. In such instances, a convicted must pay a certain amount of money to the court.
Over the past decades, the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the US Department of Justice have adopted many reforms to ensure successful reentry, including the transfer of prisoners to halfway houses in the final months [...]
However, the court upheld that in line with the Fourth Amendment of the constitution, the security agents had to prove that they had a legitimate lead making them believe that the particular vehicle had contraband [...]
It was brought to the attention of the judge that a week before Caroline was found dead, she had been seen in the company of the accused at a city fitness centre.
Organic evidence is obtained from the body of the victim or the perpetrator's body. At other times the evidence may be interfered with when chemical compounds are used near the crime scene to conceal the [...]
The defendant in this case, the house owner, was held responsible for a battery of injuries sustained by the plaintiff, a trespasser, who set off a spring gun set as a booby trap in an [...]
During their study, they measured the strain asserted on the children both in a home and school setting and did a comparison between that strain and the level of constraint exhibited by the children along [...]
However, the current social realities and experience gained from the use of the registry have presented certain practical challenges and an incentive for the potential amelioration of its purpose. The cost of operation for facilities [...]
Other types of graffiti such as the commercial graffiti are categorized as crimes because making use of graffiti as a form of advertisement is usually against the advertisement along with media laws established in most [...]
Advertisements in pornographic materials show the level of support and endorsement of the degrading acts in the materials. The increase in production and consumption of pornographic materials is correlated to the increasing actual cases of [...]
Kahan, therefore, proposes that the use of shame as punishment is put to trial and if found effective, must be implemented as an alternative to the imprisonment.
Mills rightly points out that the very grounds of humanity used to support the removal of the death penalty should also be the ones used to support retaining of the sentence.
To prevent and lessen the frequency of mass shootings and other forms of community violence, the current gun laws in the United States need to be updated, made harsher, and regulated more intensely.
The last category of negligence is the most dangerous, and essentially stems to injury or death caused by the actions or lack thereof by the employees of the criminal justice system.
Notably, recidivism has raised national interest owing to the input of resources to the corrections institutes in the U.S. Among the three classes, ex-convicts are more likely to be re-arrested than the other two categories.
The theory of ethical formalism that is represented in the works of Immanuel Kant and John Rawls argues that "the only thing truly good is goodwill, and that what is good is that which conforms [...]
The story of Marilee Jones is about that particular act, and, while her motivation is interesting to unravel, the reaction to the case reveals much about the tolerance to that kind of deception.
This paper argues that trying juveniles in the same manner as adults is not a deterrent to criminal activities as it might harden the hearts of the children so convicted.
In the charge of homicide the evidence is as follows the skin particles under the victim's finger nails match the DNA that were acquired from the accused.
The book uses "the social designation theory to analyze the nature of these gangs". Every citizen should read this book in order to understand the nature of American gangs.
Pages: 2
Words: 589
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