Free Public Administration Activity Essay Examples & Topics
Public administration as an activity is responsible for policy application. It involves managing different institutions and delivering services to the community. We can also consider it as a field of political science. It prepares public servants for their role in public management.
Why is public administration important?
Political administration aims to develop local communities. Thus, public officials manage civil services and interact with people. In essence, they try to understand, address, and resolve communal issues. Economic growth and life improvement are other essential priorities. All in all, without public administration, no government laws or rules would be successfully implemented.
If you are writing a public administration essay, you’re in luck. Our experts have analyzed the role of a public official. We have also looked at some examples of their work. Here, you will find some public administration essay topics to start your paper. Under the article, there are free samples to use as inspiration.
6 Examples of Public Administration
Every public official has a countless number of obligations. The common thread is the commitment to deliver high-quality service. The duties themselves vary depending on the organization and the type of work.
There are plenty of public administration examples that you can look at. We have examined some of them below.
The following are some examples of public administration duties:
Sustainability Development. One of the principles of public administration is to balance nature and human activity. This way, they ensure the health and safety of future generations. It is the meaning of sustainability.
Public Guard. Public officials assure the safety of their communities. They look out for their people and improve local spaces. Not to mention, these specialists have to communicate with the safety services in the public sector.
Database Administration. The career of public officials ties in with bureaucracy. Learning to manage and navigate through databases is essential.
Crisis Management. A crisis can arise at any moment. Public administrators have to be ready for these situations. Managing crises involves defense education and efficient logistic skills. Public officials ensure that people in need of help receive it in time.
Local Community Development. Public officials manage the links between the local communities, the government, and the private sector. They study the best ways to address issues and create networks. They promote development programs to ensure economic and social mobility.
Fiscal Administration. In addition to the rest, the scope of public administration involves managing finances. Public officials overlook policies and budgets. They determine where to allocate resources and funding.
15 Great Public Administration Essay Topics
Since there are numerous public administration activities, it could be hard to choose which to focus on. In that case, we have several options for you to consider. First, you could use our topic generator, which will create an original idea just for you.
Second, you could consider the topics we have come up with right here:
The effect of administrative law on public interest.
Max Weber and the development of public administration theories.
The historical evolution of the New Public Administration.
The response of public administration during the 9/11 crisis.
Ethical perspectives on sustainable development in politics.
How did public administration become more involved in immigration?
Researching the differences between corruption in public and private administration.
Is the classical model theory of public administration outdated?
The link between public administration and government liability for perceived offenses.
Ensuring diversity in public administration employment.
Which groups ensure natural sustainability in economic development?
The evolution of drug control methods from a public administration standpoint.
Public administration across the world. What are the differences in the approach to healthcare reform?
Research methods for determining a spending budget on a state level.
228 Best Essay Examples on Public Administration Activity
This paper will discuss the causes of corruption and the reasons why a strong corruption is viewed in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A bureaucratic corruption is a form of corruption which is primarily seen [...]
Public service or public administration is a field with a diverse scope, which main goal is to help in the advancement of policies and management to enable the government to carry its missions in a [...]
However, in order to qualify to be a public administrator in most senior posts in the government, one must possess a minimum of a master's degree in public administration or business administration. In some cases, [...]
Some of the views can still be reconciled; for instance, it is claimed that public administration is primarily related to the executive branch of government, at the same time being related to the other two.
This was in line with the containment foreign policy developed to stop the spread of the Soviet Union's communism. The Truman Doctrine significantly restructured the United States' foreign policy from its usual position of non-interference [...]
Kettl and Fessler, note that public administration is a secondary field branching from the discipline of political science One of the major reasons for creating a separate discipline of public administration and graduate schools of [...]
The Strategic Planning Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation was willing to understand the real role of desk officers for the organization and define their potential.
It is accorded dominance with the reason that it is the first role that is performed and its outcomes are the plans that dole out as the direct for the actions of staff members.
Hence, to protect vulnerable populations from calamities and manage the increasing number of injuries, deaths, and loss of people in disasters, the integration of technological innovations such as drones in search and rescue operations globally [...]
Peterson suggests the following solution to the dilemma described above: to allow the federal government to provide redistributive services and focus on their provision as well as on the provision of regularly services.
According to Ewan, new public management is a fusion of contractual elements in the field of institutional economics such as the principles of measuring performance and introducing competition and of the management by objective in [...]
This case study of craftsmanship inspects the ethical implication of integrating the same principles of cultivating virtue and embracing collective values.
The organization was formed by the four nations that had waged war on the Axis Powers the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, China, United States and Great Britain.
The most convincing argument that proves that the new public management model does not pose a direct threat to the integrity of organizations deals with corruption.
Through this it helps reflect on the public opinion that is useful in reconnecting the world to individuals; and as a result recreate the self-image of society.
The attempts of NPM to renovate the public sector through the use of managerial reforms that stress on improved productivity with regards to significance, quality of service offered to the public and efficiency does not [...]
It is important to note that not always the practice of public administration focus on profits but the good of the public is always a mandatory interest of the practitioners of public administration.
Public administration is concerned with the implementation of government policies and management of the behavior of non-elected officials before they are inaugurated to work in the public service.
The following are the specific questions that the researcher seeks to answer through this study: How does a lack of diversity play a role in limited representation in public administration in the country?
Some of the major drivers of the fight for independence and self-rule include the perception of marginalization, the uniqueness of people presented in terms of cultural and social settings, as well as the need to [...]
Post-war period can be regarded as the time when theorists of public administration rejected scientific methods and strategies to enhance effectiveness of the US government. The theorist noted that business management can be used in [...]
The described case reveals the significant demerit in the system of public administration, as the scheme of rank transfer is absolutely incomplete, as the reconfirmation and the appointment of the other person on the heading [...]
Organizations in Canada can be characterized as ones who base their development on the principles not of the strong hierarchy and centralization, but on the possibilities for the communication and interaction on all the levels [...]
Schedler and Proeller observe that new public administration entails the application of new principles of management in the public sector in order to improve the outcomes of public policy in the public sector.
The relations between public administrators, public servants and the representatives of the government and political system in Canada should be neutral according to the doctrine of political neutrality.
This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of fire prevention efforts of the private sector in the United States and the reason why the fire prevention system in some countries is still controlled by the [...]
The pertinent issue, in this case, is that of the suitability of linkage fees in Bradford given the fact that the town needs to boost its growth and development.
The three arms of the government have the responsibility of managing the affairs of the country. The main aim of the three arms of the government is to offer checks and balances to avoid cases [...]
To avoid mistakes and differences of opinion, the application of adequate theoretical and practical methods is an essential attribute of successful work. The relevance of administration in the public sphere is due to a number [...]
RQ2: What is the effect of rule-following leadership on PSM and employee performance? RQ3: What is the effect of political loyalty leadership on PSM and employee performance?
The National Security Agency is a national-level intelligence agency within the United States Department of Defense, supervised by the Director of National Intelligence.
One of the examples of it is the emergence of the discussion about the relevance of diplomacy. In the second part, the importance of the physical presence of the diplomats in the host countries will [...]
This paper will seek to outline the importance of leadership to public safety and reflect on strategies, tools, and leadership styles that can help public safety leaders to protect communities more efficiently.
In the middle of the twentieth century, sociologists and theorists of public administration focused on imperfections of the government. Maslow contributed greatly to the development of public administration.
The response of public administration to the various social needs of the government has been effective, but what emerges from analysis of the concept of public administration is that choice of particular public policy is [...]
The most responsible part of the process is achieving the donors' trust and finding ways to represent the results of the spending, which can be difficult due to the often-blurry consequences of humanitarian efforts.
Political culture is the first theory that can explain democratization in Uruguay and Venezuela. The composition of exports for trade is represented primarily by the agriculture sector in Uruguay and oil in Venezuela.
However, more attention should be paid to public organizations, leading companies to make decisions based on contradictory data on the relationship between diversity and quality and financial outcomes. Thus, the primary goal of the study [...]
The contract protest process is essential to the integrity of the government contracting system, providing a mechanism for bidders and offerors to address their grievances if they believe they have been treated unfairly and helping [...]
Emergency management should be considered simultaneously as a diverse career field and a unique profession within the framework of successfully conducting activities to mitigate the consequences of various types of emergencies and respond to them.
Similar to other prehistoric sites across the world, there is a workaround that would allow the administration at Hopewell Culture National Historical Park to meet the intent of the regulations but satisfy the need to [...]
The debt-to-asset ratio is a financial measure of its leverage extent. Therefore, the fixed-charges ratio is significant in determining a city's financial risk.
It is essential to note that social inequity, in particular, challenges the ethical values and moral code of residents of the United States and the entire planet from the point of view of discrimination and [...]
In public administration, the term diversity, equity, and inclusion refers to programs and policies which encourage the participation and representation of distinct groups of people by considering the inclusion of distinct races, religion, age, culture, [...]
The standard deviation is the measure of dispersion that indicates the closeness of the data cluster to the mean. In general, it is defined as "the number of standard deviations a score of interest lies [...]
The street-level bureaucracy theory is one of the most prominent approaches within public administration that permits one to demonstrate the fallacy of neoliberals judgments. The theory of street bureaucrats stimulates a debate about ways to [...]
Consequently, it leads to the limitation of the scientific and societal views on the role and character of the individual in society to their industrial function and the connivance of their rights and freedoms in [...]
The government and its citizens uphold the rule of law; therefore, everybody is equally accountable to the country's laws as outlined in the constitution.
Innovations in the public sector can have a significant role in the life of society. More accurate targeting of user needs is also becoming a significant contribution to innovation in the public sector.
On the other hand, the potential impact of poor service delivery has attuned consumers to seek the benefit of private organizations that offers a similar service. Thus, the government could potentially lose even more money [...]
In contrast to NPR, the main focus of this research is on social issues and a general retrospective on the long-lasting consequences of the crisis at the beginning of the 21st century.
The political component of public opinion is the most dynamic element, reflecting the high activity of the political sphere of society, the change in the mood of citizens.
It is intended to maintain the competitive employment marketplace, prevent violation of the mentioned provisions, and ensure that HR professionals are in the best position to comply with the hiring practices of a particular company.
While the public sector is essential for any country, the role of the private sector should not be underestimated as it is a crucial part of the economy.
In the context of this video lies the idea that progressives fought for the rights of certain groups of people who were once deprived of them, the struggle for justice and for the eradication of [...]
Most of the economic decisions made by the key players in the US government are usually fallacious in the sense that, all decisions made exhibit pure partisanship considering the fact that this is an election [...]
The National Response Framework governs the national security and crisis response to dynamic emergencies and natural disasters that occur in the community.
United Nations citizen ambassador's campaign is a moral and ethical concept that can influence the understanding of individuals and groups in both local and global situations and encourage them to see the need for their [...]
In the U.S. the administrative political system has one of the highest numbers of veto points, which combined with ideology makes healthcare policy exceptionally slow.
The author states that the situation in the Congress is not the reason for this mistrust. Compared to the 1950s, in 2011 only ten percent of the respondents agreed that they could trust the government [...]
These three broad categories are crucial to follow because they build the basis for successful communal existence and complement each other in terms of the work that they do, especially when the number of the [...]
The question of to which extent the government should be able to interfere with the market is always relevant to the United States and the whole world.
The integration of the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program is one of the recent activities supported by the US government to eliminate sexual harassment and assault by training, reporting, and prevention.
However, according to the United States Signals Intelligence Directive SP0018, the identity of a U.S.person may be revealed if it is necessary for the understanding of the foreign intelligence data.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the extent to which the adoption of flexible work schedules would improve the morale of employees in the public sector.
On the other hand, government excellence refers to the quality of the outcome of various tasks and activities undertaken by the government. It describes the performance of the government in delivering quality service to the [...]
Regardless of the propagation and persistence of requests concerning the process of serving customers, the relationships between the public and the organizations that provide services are impacted by the performance expectations and public priorities.
As a result of the study, the author confirms that public administrators' trust in citizens is a relevant and separate issue and that it does affect citizen involvement efforts in direct proportion: a higher degree [...]
First of all, Durant and Ali make two major points about the American public administration system: that it was designed in a way that facilitates estrangement in the early 20th century and that later attempts [...]
According to the authors, the most popular approach to organizational learning is to consider the topic from two points of view: organizational and individualistic.
The goal of the study is to identify the nature of the innovation as well as assess its specificities, such as received support or ways of dealing with the obstacles, and, using this data, conclude [...]
Robert Behn's article "What Right Do Public Managers Have to Lead?" made an attempt to explore the subject of leadership with regards to correcting the organizational, political, analytical, executive, and judicial failures that exist in [...]
It is in the context of the failures that Behn explores the roles of public managers in providing leadership to their agencies to overcome the governance challenges.
The coproduction formed the basis of determining the relationships between scholars and practitioners in the design and delivery of public services and goods.
The Government of Canada pays special attention to the quality of delivery of social programs and promotes an idea of family development and child care.
Public officers assume the sole responsibility to serve the interest of the public upon assumption of office. Public officers have a responsibility to protect the interests of the public.
Hypothesis two would be: some sections of the government Laws are not clear to allow non-profit organizations participation in the policy-making process.
While Iraq and Sudan have the highest corruption rating and are experiencing political uprooting as a result, Algeria and Syria also have a history of corrupt governments but have not seen any major changes to [...]
After the elections, vested interests resume control of the government, greatly reducing the number of policies passed with the interest of the electorate.
The new "bill stipulates that the amount of fees charged by banks to process debit card transactions need to be realistic and relative to the cost of the transaction".
The interested list in the Woodbee development plan is the people who are the residents who will be the major beneficiary of the jobs created by the company.
The purpose for producing such a detailed description of the inside world of the Congress and the main value of the book recognized by readers is that Redman opened the mystery of the Capitol Hill [...]
The Town would accept any plots which would be interesting in terms of the passive recreational activities, the Timber Company is not likely to abandon its plots which are of commercial value; so, it is [...]
Political forces are the pressure groups that constitute the different organizations that are involved in the agreement and transactions of the political affairs of the society in question; personalities that participate in the running of [...]
Three decades ago, political theories of political control of bureaucracy underwent complete transformation; shifting from the paradigm that emphasizes the extreme difficulty with which electoral institutions have in controlling the massive powers of the federal [...]
They authors portray the struggles of average people who strive to prove to themselves and to the rest of the world that they must not be treated as inferior or subhuman.
Professionals are supposed to be prepared by providing theories inform of public safety scholars and research did to understand them before availing the information to the public.
But, the technological development and introduction of wireless communication and other ways of communication, there caused a decrease in the profitability to a level that it is now almost impossible to run for the government.
The DIMHRS is a project which is expected to enhance quality, Speed, Dependability and Flexibility in costs in the U. DIMHRS will also develop the value of services in the logic that it anticipate to [...]
The running of this department is not transparent and there is the issue of classified material and information where the junior and senior staff has different levels of clearance and it ends in junior staff [...]
The history of the continent is versatile notwithstanding relatively young age of state formation."Green Continent" is known to be the driest one in the world, so are the attitudes and relations within the popularity of [...]
People think that as the time goes along, no or little increase in the salary does not satisfy the employees of police departments and compel them to leave the job.
The fire prevention services and the US Forest service have a lot in common, specifically fighting fire and take precautions against any possible risks."Established in 1905, the Forest Service is an agency of the U.S.
This is also the responsibility of the government to provide every available facilities and benefits to their peoples or to the participant of society in against of restricting them in rules and regulation.
Taking into account the objectives of the rideshare week, it is necessary to emphasize, that the increase of participants may be defined either using the registration data of Ohio Rideshare, or arranging surveys and questionnaires [...]
The authorities of the University showed their negative attitude towards the situation and spoke on the topic a lot, and students of the CSU were eager to visit the meetings of the protest to express [...]
With the American economy in the depths of depression and with many of the nation's citizens questioning the viability of the American democratic experiment, Franklin D.
The aim of the paper is to review and analyze literature on the topic of public leadership. The other layer of literature discusses the influence of leadership over the general public, the role of leaders [...]
Second, the rising awareness of the 'human feature' of administration is an area of interest in public administration because the administration is concerned with the behaviors of people in the public environment and the psychology [...]
One of the major lessons learned from this is that defensive counter-intelligence operations in a nation are very essential. 3 This is one of the operations that are carried out by United States counter-intelligence department.
Davis's assessment of the situation indicates that transferring the increased expenses on the beneficiaries is not going to yield a positive result, as the overall percentage of yearly healthcare bills is going to increase, and [...]
The wave of globalization is attracting individuals and expatriates from different regions to work in foreign countries. In different towns and cities, many sectors are involved that require the input of all stakeholders.
This approach allows the corporation to keep the interest of a large audience, and all the costs that are needed to create such technologies are fully paid off due to a large number of subscribers [...]
The circuit judge in the state capital is requesting $87,120 to pay for yearly gym memberships for local employees of the police department, adult and juvenile courts, jail and juvenile detention centers, and adult and [...]
It is enough to be a citizen of the UAE and have a need. Besides, it is expected to develop a specific background and a plan with the help of which the idea may be [...]
Apart from that, the administrative rules, the budget appropriation and the tendencies connected to the resources available, the personnel and the related trends, and committee hearings are discussed.
Pages: 24
Words: 6186
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