Writing an essay on taxes can be a chore. Yet, it will seem much more manageable once you sort out the details. So, let’s explore some definitions:
Taxation refers to the situation when an authority, such as the government, imposes a financial charge on individuals or businesses. In exchange, it delivers various public provisions. They include infrastructure development, security, etc. Since the dawn of civilization, this process has been a part of human society.
The importance of taxation lies in it being the primary source of revenue for governmental institutions. Locally, taxes account for running and maintaining services (e.g., the fire department or public libraries). They also fund transit systems and institutions such as schools at the state level. Federally, the government uses taxes to run the welfare system and redistribute income.
In your tax essay, you have the opportunity to discuss and highlight topics that are important to you and your community. Here, our experts have gathered some advice that will help you begin your work. Furthermore, you will also find tax essay topics and samples below.
Tips on Writing a Taxation Essay
An essay about taxes will require a significant amount of research and analysis. You will also have to follow the rules of the academic writing style. In this section, we’ve explained which tips can assist you in your writing.
To compose a successful tax essay, rely on this advice:
Take the time to familiarize yourself with the topic. Regardless of whether it is given or chosen, explore it in detail. Establish which country’s laws you are analyzing or whether you are contrasting differences in taxation systems. Keep in mind that various areas will have different legislations.
Conduct your research thoroughly. Once you have an idea of what to look for, take the time to delve into the relevant laws. You can always find or get a summary to read first to save yourself some time. Some texts may have references to particular articles of the source law. These can guide you to the key materials immediately.
Make sure you have all your resources in order. Double-check everything you’ve gathered so far. Think of what you are trying to accomplish and whether your information is enough. For example, if you are writing a comparative paper. Then, you will need to gather data sets that are notably different.
Work on your essay structure. Any essay will include the basic elements: an introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Jot down the arguments you will be providing and where they will go in the paper.
Be clear with your terminology. Legal jargon can be overwhelming. Thus, clarify all the concepts that may be unfamiliar for your readers. Laws rely on exact wording to avoid misinterpretation. Take extra care when choosing your phrasing not to make any mistakes.
Use evidence and citations wherever necessary. Depending on your essay type, you may need to use more or less proof to support your claims. You can make assumptions about your topic. However, make sure they are not baseless. Provide ample citations and add a formatted bibliography in the end.
17 Tax Essay Topics
Once you have sorted through our writing tips, feel free to look for the right idea. Over here, you will find taxation essay topics for your assignment. And if you realize that these are not enough, you can always use our title generator. It will create an original title for an essay about taxes.
Studying how to counter tax evasion of multinational corporations.
Comparing income tax revenue between the US and the UK.
How can we counter the phenomenon of pink tax?
Examining Adam Smith’s four principles of taxes.
Do we really need to tax rich people? Pros and cons of income tax for billionaires.
Appropriate strategies for deciding taxation levels for goods and services.
How feasible is the optimal tax theory in practice?
Exploring the differences between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
Mexico and the fast-food tax – a case study.
Outlining the long-term benefits of paying taxes.
Analyzing the impacts of the 2017 US tax reform.
Principles of the budgeting process behind the federal income tax.
How can tax money be extracted from cryptocurrency?
Exploring the key differences in tax systems of China and Japan.
Why do we pay taxes? A brief history of taxation leading back to Ancient Egypt.
Is there a need to tax cigarettes and alcohol more heavily than other products?
Evaluating the Tyco accounting scandal and the many iterations of tax fraud.
Thank you for reading through our article! We hope that these tips and topics will be of use to you. Now, you can proceed to browse through our selection of taxation essay examples.
The primary objective of the essay is to evaluate the pros and cons of tariffs. As the primary goal of tariffs is to provide favorable conditions for the development of national manufacturers, foreign producers experience [...]
The second argument for establishing a tax break for the owners of the Habitat for Humanity houses is the patent unfairness of the current system of determining the tax rate for this category of property [...]
There will be prosperity in the country and the same will motivate the people to work very hard, this will again work in the benefit of the economy. This will make a nation prosper and [...]
Some MNCs use a standard compensation rate, while others depend on the market forces of the host country to determine the compensation of the employees.
A critical view of the tax reveals that its intention was not to boost health outcomes for the citizens of Cook County, but to help the administration in raising about $1.
Thus, they enable the expansion of global value chains through the importation and exportation of goods and services The first advantage of multinational corporations in global trade is the inflow of capital internationally. The second [...]
Eventually, in the mid-to-late 1800s, some states, especially in the northern and northeastern United States, began passing state laws requiring that all children be offered or required to attend school up to a certain level [...]
Unlike the income tax, where the target population is low, focusing on the consumption tax gives the government access to all people, increasing revenues. With the elimination of the income tax system, people are encouraged [...]
At the beginning of the 1990s, tax morale drew widespread interest and has since become a fundamental problem in the scholarly investigation of tax compliance.
Increased taxes are perceived to be detrimental to the growth of economy in the sense that, increased taxes on income discourage majority of people from working, more so due to the fact that, they work [...]
A Limited Liability Company is a business entity that protects the partners and stakeholders from being liable for the financial losses of the company and depts, if any, in an event where the company has [...]
Each of the individuals had their opposite stance when it came to the operations of the government in the economy. Therefore, the aspect of saving is harmful to the performance of an economy.
The author emphasizes the problem of insufficient effectiveness of the blacklisting approach to regulating tax avoidance by states directing the attention of the research to the criteria used for blacklisting in the context of postcolonialism.
Nevertheless, relying on the government to choose the proper scope, makeup, and timing of fiscal policy is unrealistic. Research findings support this assertion and the overall state of affairs.
If this were the case, it would be subject to the gross income requirements of Section 109 or the taxable amount corresponding to the amount obtained through the sale.
In this context, the reduction of after-tax incomes of low-income families tends to be much more profound, which contributes to the disparities in income and overall wealth inequality.
This article is about the food tax in Oklahoma, one of the few states where this measure exists. In the news about the passage of the food tax ban bill, there is a brief interview [...]
As a result, the history of taxes is inextricably linked to the nation's progress and influence since the colonial period. Individuals in the UAE are not subject to income tax.
In the practical sense, the Laffer Curve is a simple graph, which is demonstrated below: In the chart, the far left point on the X-axis represents the 0% tax rate which would result in the [...]
According to the creators of this bill and the research conducted, the CTC reflects the ideological idea of providing as many citizens of the country as possible with the same living standards.
The analysis of the trade structure allows highlighting the requirements for companies, the benefits of structuring, profit distribution, and ethical and legal issues.
Opponents of the Pink Tax argue that it denies women of agency and choice by implying that women are susceptible to a marketing strategy that prevents them from selecting cheaper products.
Today, the financial systems of separate states and other aspects of the economy are improving and progressing in the context of globalization, the spread of IT technologies, and general computerization.
However, despite the direct impact of the levies on the household budgets, taxes are critical in supporting governmental expenditure, including offsetting costs of delivery of public utilities and services, such as road construction and healthcare.
According to Prosser & Murray, "tax avoidance" is the legitimate use of the taxation system to decrease the amount of tax payable within a regulatory framework.
This study also explained the provisions of the IRD that relate to the Goods and Services Tax in Hong Kong. Tax administration of a particular country is a significant concern as the issue of development [...]
The formation of the digital economy determines the need for appropriate development and improvement of the processes and mechanisms of state regulation.
According to Page, "Implications of Federal tax policies of significance to farmers are particularly notable in tax burdens, land prices and the ownership of capital assets, the cost of capital relative to labor, the size [...]
Another difference is that taxes are levied on dividends that are paid to the owners of the company. Therefore, from a taxation point of view, the business stands to benefit and lose in some aspects.
The taxability of the elemental document that was discovered by use of CCH remedies will be dependent on manifold concerns, encompassing: whether there is a taxable income that is associated with this document and if [...]
Several measures have been enacted to address the issues of income inequality in the tax system, including the changes in the treatment of capital income, changes in unemployment and the structure of the labor market, [...]
Studies by Gordon and Lee in the second half of the twentieth century sought to find out the impact of taxation on the economic guidelines of various corporations.
In the case of SE Machinery Pty Ltd, the Capital contribution to modifications of US$ 500,000 is assessable since SE Machinery Pty Ltd is a company based in Australia and the income, which Australia has [...]
The tax implication on the shares that Amy intents to dispose depends on two issues: First, whether Amy sells her shares to Beth and Meg or to either Beth or Meg, and secondly, whether she [...]
A consumption tax is a duty on goods and services spent by a household. Third, consumption taxes have a wider base, easier to implement as all consumption levels are taxed and it is considered a [...]
For example, if the Adidas products are being manufactured in Germany and transferred to the US for sale, a high transfer price raises divisional income to the German division of the company, and hence increases [...]
Indeed, one of the outstanding attributes of this tax plan is that it attempts to level down all major tax deductions. The good element in this tax plan is that it brings about total change [...]
The tax collected is principally used to finance the expenditure of the government, for instance, paying of government officials and provision of essential services to the residents of the country.
During the pendency of her appeal in the court of law, the Texas County changed the zoning law permitting two residences per acre as against the original law of only one residence per every two [...]
Arguments in favor of corporate formations as taxable events: Taxable events refer to financial transactions that are likely to lead to tax consequences.
To ease the burden of taxation on the citizens, the United States Congress included the deduction for home mortgage interest in the internal revenue code.
Further, Mo wants to write off the loans as a bad debt expense on the returns for the personal tax. Mo is a shareholder and an employee of the company.
Thus, taxpayers' reaction to payment of taxes should focus on tax compliance and tax evasion in order to understand underlying behaviours that influence tax payment and evasion and get insights on such reactions.
Throughout the article, the authors revolve around the desire to push the conversation forward bearing in mind that it is long overdue. The energy sector is the latest target in the proposed White House budget [...]
In this scenario, the number of cars produced in Japan will be reduced from 200 to 150 while the quantity produced in Cayman Island will be increased to 150.
According to Bourdieu's school of thought, economic capital is the total sum of material objects that a person possesses. Carbon taxes indicate these costs, and they have the capacity to minimise inequalities from forms of [...]
The tax imposition is governed by stipulated tax rules that direct on the taxes to be imposed on the corporations. In most cases, the rates imposed on the foreign corporations are higher than the rates [...]
It is believed that the French and the Latin initiated the concept as government source of revenue. Leaders in power imposed and collected tax from their subjects as a way of funding operations.
The main source of income / revenue in this business will be offering of SEO services to website owners. Einstein Web Solutions is committed to provision of SEO services that will raise the online presence [...]
After the end of the civil war, the need for federal revenue declined considerably, and the government officials thought that abolishing the income taxes would be a fair approach to relieve the citizens.
The main distinction between the United States' tax system and that of most countries is the manner in which the earnings that are made in foreign countries are handled when they are repatriated back to [...]
In her arguments, Stone maintained that the decision by the Commissioner to make her pay her taxes was in bad faith because most of the payments she received from her winnings were gratuitous.
The defensible strategy for the client is based on the six steps in the tax research process namely establishment of facts, identification of issues, location of the authority, evaluation of the authority, development of conclusions [...]
The possible methods are the distribution of the assets to the partners who are expected to contribute the assets to the corporation; the method of transferring the assets to the corporation directly; and the method [...]
The approach is relevant for determining the undisclosed income since it involves assessing the tax accountability by examining the financial performance of a taxpayer from assortment of sources outside the declaration of the taxpayer and [...]
It is within this layover moment that Mark takes a 4-hour nap in the ferryboat Is the cost of meals Mark purchased while on his usual rounds deductible?
The main point of the decision concerning this question can be illustrated by the words of the judge: "the first limb of s 8-1 was concerned with whether the outgoing was incurred in the course [...]
She is entitled for tax deduction if the equipment purchased is for producing income for the business and in this case the equipment has to be capitalized in the year of purchase.
It is important to note that according to the Special Law for the Promotion of Venture Business, the new technology investment company is not considered registered.
According to Fishman, income tax is the tax levied on the incomes of businesses both corporations and other legal entities and on the income of individual citizens of a country.
The definition of family in the family trust selection regulations will be changed to restrict lineal successors to children or grandchildren of the test persons or the test someone's spouse.
The difficulty might be the result of the inability of the legislature to include every receipt in the definition of income in the legislation covering taxation.
The idea of gaining wealth, as well as power and social status that go with it, has been seen as the embodiment of the American Dream for several centuries, yet the recent developments in the [...]
The initial purpose of the taxation system, of course, was for the government to levy a fee for its services. The research for the majority of the tax models of the capital structure was conducted [...]
To increase local governments' responsibility for overspending, the legislation should enact the next measures: force the local government's State Controller to resign in case of such overspending; create a procedure of reimbursing local taxpayers by [...]
This paper aims to dwell upon several issues, including previously mentioned problems along with the use of the Double Irish and the Dutch Sandwich by Google, Google's negotiation with the Internal Revenue Service, and Microsoft's [...]
Thus, the primary source of tax income for Saudi Arabia is the taxation of various types of businesses. The authors went on to theorize that the tax system in general and tax rates for both [...]
Moreover, it also affected the setting of taxes in the region, as it created a need for the government to investigate cross-border taxation schemes before setting their taxes to decrease the possible negative influence of [...]
With regards to this, the short-term effect of the BTAs is that they will create equal competition conditions in the world market, while the long-term one is that the BTAs will contribute to the achievement [...]
Despite the fact that under the current economic crisis the world prices for such energy resources as the natural gas and oil fall, the overall situation is rather critical the world's deposits of these fuels [...]
The following graph outlines the proposed tax cut relief plan in detail and it would be analyzed in terms of the effect that it has had on the economy and it's bearing on the American [...]
Because of the lack of honesty by taxpayers, there is always a shortfall of about 300 billion dollars compared with the amount of tax owed to the federal government.
This is especially clear in the case of sales and use taxes where the tax is supposedly only nominally imposed on business as a means of collecting the tax from the purchasers.
This paper would, accordingly, take up a wide, broad, and in-depth review of the established body of literature on the issues of transfer pricing definition, methods applicable to various transactions, and core issues such as [...]
In general, it can be said that taxable income is the portion of an individual's income that is the subject of taxation according to the laws that determine what is income and the taxation rate [...]
Apply the provisions of tax treaties in a fair and consistent manner; promote the fair sharing of taxing rights in tax treaties and the development of domestic laws; not promote or facilitate tax evasion or [...]
This is an analytical as well as empirical study with a view to exploring the deficiencies and impediments in the way of effective operation and management of the Internal Revenue Service.
The complexity of this framework might be confusing for people and presuppose some difficulties with the determination of various types of payments that are obliged to do.
The government should consider not only the current value of the property in the area and state of the evaluated object but also the term of ownership to distribute taxes equitably.
The analysis of the City of Rome, GA budget showed that the policymakers highlighted the importance of the state budget for public safety and general government.
Nevertheless, the possible income is also significant due to the attractiveness of the project to various parties and the likelihood of economic improvement in the near future.St.
The definition in the legislation on taxation of profits of the enterprise is the principle of accrual and conformity of income and expenses, according to which the financial result of the enterprise's activity in the [...]
Nonetheless, as revealed in this paper, the introduction of the 5% VAT affects the spending patterns of consumers in the UAE since it indicates the potential rise in prices of goods and services among other [...]
Taxation refers to a strategy that a government uses to collect money from its citizens and businesses to aid in the provision of vital services like security, health care, and education.
The principles of taxation affect the equal distribution and collection of taxes. The three tiers of government include the executive, state, and local government.
The reason is that the commission has put it clear that the financial transaction tax will not only be implemented to financial institutions that are within the FTT region.
Most of the tax rates are imposed by either the central government or the local authority. When the income tax rates are set locally, there is a tendency for the authority to offer lower tax [...]
It is noteworthy that companies-residents of countries that have established income tax treaties with the US are only subjected to taxation "only to the extent the income is attributable to a permanent establishments in the [...]
The perception of the economic values of public versus private goods is directly tied to the concept of taxation. Before connecting the concepts of public and private goods to the existing measures of taxation, it [...]
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