The emergence of the British rule expressed a lot of optimism and the establishment of an era, which would unlock all the challenges of beliefs and traditions in South Asia, thus opening the way for [...]
The country's economy has experienced massive growth in the last two decades, making it the second largest in the world after the economy of the United States.
The empire was insensitive to the cultural values of the neighboring communities like Chinese and went ahead to distrust the influence of the neighbors.
According to Pye, "the turmoil of Cultural Revolution in China and the subsequent crisis of legitimacy...have been central features of traditional Chinese political culture".
It is hard to argue with the fact that it was not an easy task to forget years of brutality and unfair treatment, but it needs to be said that exploitation was not a single [...]
It should be pointed out that the way the United States viewed the implementation of the new political system, and the changing of the economic environment in Asia was polar to the approaches Great Britain [...]
The main thesis of the book is that the United States used to reconstruction period to transform Japan from an imperialistic aggressor to a cooperative partner. The author explores the major evils that affected Japan [...]
In March 2011, the citizens of Syria and some of the government officials began a call for both economic and social change in the administration of the ruling regime.
During the Han Empire, the Chinese society was portrayed as one of the most creative and innovative, especially in terms of the works of art.
At the same time, however, there is a certain rationale in believing that the reason why today's China is considered nothing short of a world's major superpower, is that in 1989, the Chinese government had [...]
It led to the changing of the name dynasty to the Republic of China. Conclusively, the 1911 Revolution was not an alleviation of the socioeconomic standards of the Republic of China but a source of [...]
The rapid spread of Islam in the world incorporated inhabitants of Islamic civilization and non-believers who resided in the same evolution.
Without the Mamluks and Mongols, the history of ancient empires stands to lose its meaning and impact in the Muslim and Arabian societies. The unity of the two tribes was the major factor that led [...]
In spite of this, the Chinese government has been presenting claims that Taiwan is part of China and this government is ready to engage in a war in case any international actor holds recognition that [...]
It is crucial that people unite in the fight for their freedoms and establish democracies and governments that are ruled by individuals who decide what is best for the majority of the population.
In this article, I highlight some of the inventions and contributions and examine four that I consider to be outstanding. A sample of these inventions and contributions include "silk, tea, porcelain, paper, printing, gunpowder, the [...]
It is important to analyze the way Confucianism appeared as the political doctrine to understand the way it affects the contemporary Chinese society.
One of the major political consequences of the demonstration was that it marked the upsurge of the Chinese nationalism, where the political culture of the country shifted towards political mobilization.
This is one of the points that can be made. This is one of the points that can be made.
Zen Buddhism comes to Japan in the eighth century after the Japanese monks' visits to China. Dogen followed the strict form of Sung Zen, and his teachings were supported by the followers of Nonin.
It is pertinent to mention that there were several packets of terror during the 70s even before the insurgent group could be fully known in South Asia.
According to a number of studies, the increasing interests and involvement of the western world and the USSR in the region inspired the rise of the Militarism in Vietnam during the War.
Cultural borrowing and assimilation in the period between 1500 and1800 were some of the factors that caused the fall of China.
Most of the English resources uphold that Macartney did not perform the ritual to preserve the sovereignty of his King and that, perhaps, became the reason for the failure of the mission headed by him.
As a result U.S.interests in the country declined resulting in a boycott of Iranian oil by the U.S.government and various U.S.based companies.
Besides, after the Second World War, North Korea was left in the hands of the Soviet Civil Authority, who established a domestic regime in the country to rule on behalf of the Unite Nations Organization.
It is necessary to underline that the rise of Communism in China and the activities of Mao Zedong had a certain impact on consumerism, and Chinese consumers had to changes their strategies and improve priorities [...]
The major events that influenced on the development of the consumerist culture in China were: the establishment of China Republic in 1912 and its early years till the 1920s, Cultural Revolution and establishment of communism [...]
The key factor in the unification of the Chinese people is their adherence to the standardized belief system employed by the empire.
Sometimes, it is referred to as the 'six days in June,' while in other cases, it is simply 'the war in June.' Importantly, the 1967 War between Israel and the Arab neighbors was just a [...]
The history of Vietnam is one of the longest histories in the world. The explanation of the decision the USA made to go to Vietnam is very clear.
The same explains the existence of certain vessels During the reign of the Zhou dynasty, there are elements of religion and.warfare which characterize the Bronze vessels.
Ichikawa's film "Fires on the Plain" provides evidence of his contribution to the changing of perceptions towards Japanese involvement in military activities in the region and the world12.
In turn, this issue can be examined with the help of Jose Rizal's novel Noli Me Tangere1 Since this literary work throws light on the experiences of the Pilipino people during the Spanish rule, overall, [...]
The "history of the PRC can be traced to the earliest civilization, which happened in the fertile area of the North China Plain".
Bronze Age in the development of human culture follows the Neolithic Age, the period of time when humans were using tools made of stone for hunting, as weapons and as appliances for the household.
Following the imperialist invasion and exploitation of the country in the early twentieth century, the nation was set on the verge of radical revolutions in all sectors.
The epoch of the Tang dynasty is often considered the highest point of the early Chinese civilization evolution. By designing a very specific and quite rigid set of rules and regulations for addressing the increasing [...]
It is also necessary to add that the two groups resorted to the help of other states. It is necessary to note that this collaboration affected the development of the country and the escalation of [...]
The decline of the colonial rule in Vietnam gave rise to the development of the nationalist movement in this country. In particular, one should focus on the views of Phan Chu Trinh, Ho Chi Minh, [...]
According to the author's analysis, a combination of all the fundamental documentation proved that previous demographers were wrong in their estimations of the number of deaths arising from the famine and the unorthodox implementation of [...]
According to Mahatma Gandhi, the Charkha and the Khadi represented civilization for the country; it enabled the country to display its potential in creating its resources and employing the huge population of youths.
Written by Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro in 1983, the book Son of the Revolution is a classical masterpiece, which highlights the tribulations of the Chinese people during the Mao's regime.
The main topic in the reading is imperialism, which the author believes motivated Japan to economic and political development. The author applies a variety of data to present the concept of imperialism in Japan's history.
This is one of the points that can be made. This is one of the main arguments that can be put forward.
The treaty that was signed by Japan and Taiwan and the one between Japan and Korea had the same specificity. Treaties signed between Japan, Korea, Taiwan and People's Republic of China each have unique characteristics [...]
However, there was always a great wave of violence and sufferings of the people from the countryside which was entirely ignored by the Chinese government and considered merely part of the inevitable cost of revolutionary.
The two artists had to inculcate Chinese practices in designing their products in order to control the market. Even though the article presents Chinese as people who chose freely, it is not absolute since Huang [...]
2 The paper focuses on the in-depth analysis and understanding of the various effects of colonization on French Indochina, financial benefits that might have been accrued from the colonization process, and undertaking a comparison between [...]
This is a proof that colonial capitalism is an unwarranted approach to the development of a country's economy as it mainly focuses on advancing the policies and operational mechanisms of the colony and not the [...]
The book highlights struggles peasants in the Northwest have to contend with, to conform to new communist ideals advanced by the Communist Party.
The floating world, also referred to as Ukiyo is a term that was used to describe the aspect of seeking for pleasure in the urban lifestyle in the Tokugawa or Edo-period Japan.
Minke is the name derived by the author to develop the ideas of nationalism. The artwork is intertwined with the author's role in the revolution that sorts to end the era of colonization.
After a few years, the city of han was abolished and Hiroshima became the capital city of the whole Hiroshima region.
The political stability, steady growth in the country's economy, positive reforms in the national institutions and participation in the global forum through the productive engagements with the international society are factors that have led to [...]
It was a decisive battle that established the power of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium government on the territory of the present-day Sudan: "In 1898 Kitchener led a force of 8,200 British troops, 17,600 Sudanese and Egyptians [...]
Hourani argues that the influences of both the Ottoman Empire and Islam are pertinent to the Middle Eastern history. In his talk, Hourani sought to address the different methodologies and strategies that could be used [...]
The discovery of crude oil in the region during the 20th century has changed the fortunes of the region. The issue of the Jewish resettlement in the Middle East has been viewed as central to [...]
Other names, such as the War of 1967, the June War, 1967 Arab Israel War, and the Third Arab-Israel war are used as well.
The first started with the British military control in 1917 and up to the favorable reception of the Mandate of Palestine in 1922.
It is generally believed that the fall of the Ottoman Empire gave rise to the creation of the modern Middle East.
Manchukuo features in the history of the war because of its significance, or otherwise, in the war. The creation of Manchukuo preceded the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1941.
The need to address Mao's interests in the rivalry with his opponents was disguised in the fight for the preservation of socialism in China through the Cultural Revolution.
The same thing cannot be said if the only structure of authority in the city is a garrison filled with battle-scarred soldiers and a general who may not be sympathetic to the plight of the [...]
This essay will explore the history of the Qing Dynasty by comparing and contrasting the state and the Chinese society during this dynasty to the earlier periods in the history of the country.
Japanese recruits were forced to torture and maim their victims by their seniors to display their commitment and loyalty. Japanese soldiers thought they were highly respected by other Japanese civilians because of their willingness to [...]
During the 1980s and 1990s, the history of the Middle East was shaped by three main events namely the Gulf War, the Palestinian rebellion, and the meltdown of the U.S.S R.
The primary goal of this paper is to provide the sufficient analysis of the turning points in the history of the Middle East and explain their effect on the development of the region.
Sun was not happy when the pillar was pulled out by the monkeys and was accused that he was a thief, which made him to be insulted.
According to Stubbs, economic growth in Asia arose out of the experiences in the War in the region and not the American and IMF policies of free market systems.
The military fascism was a way of expressing the Japanese economic, power and policy dissatisfaction by the west, and it hence contributed in some ways to the rise of World War II.
On the one hand, it is necessary to admit that there was certain balance of power equilibrium in the late 1940s in the region.
This has further led to the loss of heritage in the city. The loss of historic fabric in Al-Gamaliya is a challenge to the historic Cairo.
The Qing Empire opposed the move by proscribing the use of opium in the state. The counselors to the monarch requested the emperor to stop using force and institute a legal system that would respond [...]
The Middle East seems to be the centre of the world or to put it lightly, the centre of attraction due to its many conflicts, controversies, and issues.
Gandhi says that, he decided to examine further, the nature of British colonialism, and he realized the cause of all the problems was the modern civilization.
The new set of new empires spurred military conflicts, but at the same time advancements in science and technology and the widespread of the idea of exploration became prominent during the 19th century.
Being rather the author of numerous paintings and poems than the man who defined the style and tendencies of the Chinese art, Huizong is definitely rather a creator of the Chinese art than its connoisseur [...]
However, in general, it must be admitted that Sima Qian's historiography deserves appreciation as one of the earliest attempts at revisiting and evaluating the Chinese history.
History about the conflict in the Middle East reveals that the close of the 1800s showed increasing concerns regarding how the Jews would prevail over the maltreatment and anti-Semitism in Europe. The political and social [...]
The daimyos and the shogun could not increase taxes because rice farmers were reluctant to appreciate the role of the samurai in society.
Contemporarily, the Hizbut Tahrir, which is the party of liberation, is one of the biggest Islamic groups across the world. Hizbut Tahrir saw this opportunity and established the caliphate as a solution to the conflicts, [...]
The given relationships between the plains people and the head of the state must have led to the idea that expanding the economics of the country beyond the borders of agriculture would be a good [...]
The negotiations that were held in 1905 did not help the Chinese who were in the United States of America because the government of China was weak.
Although the Japanese remained in control of the cities, the people of China started to view the communists as the probable force behind China's liberation.
The actions of the learned and the Chinese administration from the start of the People's Republic to the Hundred Flowers Bloom era in 1956 were characterized by a certain trend, which included the division among [...]
It is also evident that the native people increased poverty levels in Philippines bearing in mind that Ibarra's father used to feed the poor Spaniards in Philippines.
In the early years, the Japan emperor was a religious leader and the position of emperor was integral to the country's harmony since the emperor was the symbol of unity and continuity.
In mid 1880's there was a financial crisis in Japan due to the huge expenses on industrialization. The Sino-Japanese war between 1894and 1895 was due to divergence of interests in Korea involving China and Japan.
The main reason why most of the international bodies fail to support Taiwan's call for independence is the influence that China has in the global economy.
Following the ratification of the new marriage law in 1950, the reforms were extended to the rest of the nation even though they had only been tested in the border areas.
It is important to note that the change in the political set-up of China in the mid of the 20th century is the main landmark in the industrial transformation of China.
In spite of the fact the proposed transformations can be discussed as typical for the process of the sphere's development, the differences were in the country's orientation to gaining the military superiority in the region.
Among the most important parameters that have influenced the economic paths of China and Japan include pre-existing conditions before the onset of westernization, the role of western powers, the pace of embracing new ideas and [...]
Towards the end of the 1930s, the government took control of the rice markets and licensed all the brokers as well as rice dealers.
The Mongol Empire deployed a tactic which they used to wipe away all urban populations and then later on refused to surrender in one of the attacks by the Kievan Rus. In fact, as one [...]
The paper delineates on the significance of foreigner and foreign ideas, their views, and the role of the views during the reformation period and modernisation of China between 1860s and 1890s.
Consequently, the stretch of communism in the region resulted into the establishment of the People Republic of China in the fiscal nineteen forty-nine.
The rituals, policies and rules prevalent in South East Asian nations engrained the identity of the native as a colonized person and the white settler as the colonizer.
In the wake of the mid 1950, the warfare in Korea instigated and lasted for three years prior to the declaration of ceasefire.
To be more exact, the Chinese ideology focused on the advantages of gender equality for the Chinese people in addition to the advantages received by women in particular whereas the Western approach was concerned more [...]
In 1857, the Bengal defense force was reportedly the largest despite the fact most national troops were incorporated in the three presidential militias of Bengal, Bombay, and Madras.
To fully understand the crimes committed, the discourse will also analyze the Japanese and international law and some of the agreements that Japan signed in relation to the crimes that were later committed.
Despite the fact that nomadic groups started to settle the territory of the northern China without a strong military support, the Chinese had no opportunity to protect themselves.
The greatest value of the book should be explained via the opportunity to see the events which happened in the society through the perspective of the victim of those events.
The Meiji Revolution generally refers to the period between 1868 and 1912, during the reign of the Meiji emperor. As a result, Tokugawa Shogunate submitted to foreign demands and endorsed agreements, which contributed to the [...]
In the 17th of May, he agreed but was then reluctant to send troops to the capital city of China. By the end of the day, Deng had already ordered the army to clear the [...]
After the end of The Sui dynasty, the Tang dynasty emerged and it existed between 618 and 917. Political structure: During this era, the Chinese population increased considerably and the dynasty established a strong and [...]
This paper will endeavor to explore the manner in which political, religious and ideological systems of China have enabled continuity and change China is regarded as one of the oldest of Civilizations in the world.
The Chinese culture over its long history; how it has remained constant throughout as seen from the Silk Road and Opium Wars, by the evidence of artifacts. The other part: "Evolution of Chinese Community in [...]
The history of science and technology in China contributed much to the advancement of the global knowledge in science and technology.
The role has undergone significant changes and the Japanese emperor today is, according to the constitution, only the "symbol of the state" and not the head of state.
In a fascist authority, the issue of taking control over the people is of great significance and fascist leaders know that for them to control the naivety of the people well then they have to [...]
The theme of the book is to bring out the cultural revolution of China in the twentieth century. When the daughter, De Hong grew up, she joined the Communist Party of China as their employee [...]
Another important aspect of women oppression is captured in the kind of relationships that women shared with men in the pre-communist China.
In addition, the history and synopsis of Korean colonization is still important in the history of the world bearing in mind that it later shaped global political history of the major powers as they are [...]
According to research findings, gunpowder technology was discovered in Asia by the Chinese in the 9th century and was used to make firearms before being used in the manufacture of rockets.
Through the description of her three generations, Chang highlights the theme of oppression, which comes up due to the barbarism of the reigning regime.
The Spanish established a form of centralized government in the Philippines, which was against the will of the Filipinos. The Filipinos also established the first Republic of the Philippines under the first constitution in the [...]
He also made a commentary on the ugly architecture and seems to have given the implication that the revolution did not create the kind of transformation that he was hoping to see.