Whether you are studying political science, international relations, law, or economics, you might be asked to write a diplomacy essay as a part of your coursework. This article aims to help you in this process.
Let’s start with the basics: what does diplomacy mean?
Diplomacy influences foreign governments’ decisions and behaviors through negotiation, conversation, and dialogue. It involves steps to prevent violence and armed conflicts worldwide by finding common ground and mutual interest. Indeed, it is an essential instrument in international relationships, and you should explain its importance in your essay on diplomacy. One crucial role of a diplomat and the field, in general, is to protect the country’s national interests. However, there is more to that. Diplomacy strives to create a better world, a more peaceful world.
As you can imagine, this topic is not easy. Our experts gathered some excellent subjects for your diplomacy essay to simplify the writing process for you. Additionally, we’ve combined some cases, ideas, and tips for your academic paper.
What Is Diplomacy Essay about?
When we speak about diplomacy and international relations, you cannot do it without mentioning diplomats and their job. Their work is significant. Yet, not everyone knows what their duties and responsibilities are. So, let’s define diplomats and understand what they do.
First of all, we should establish the difference between diplomats and ambassadors. Both represent a foreign nation in a target nation. However, while there can be many diplomats to a specific country, there can be only one ambassador.
Simply put:
An ambassador is the diplomat of the highest rank and position. An ambassador is a diplomat, but not all diplomats are ambassadors.
Nevertheless, both roles manage and contribute to diplomacy and international relations between the countries. Besides ambassadors, there are three other classes of diplomatic workers. All of them work to further the foreign interests of their country.
The role of the ambassador is to ensure the following:
the promotion of friendly relationships between two countries,
the furthering of the interests,
the initiation of treaties and agreements.
11 Diplomacy Essay Topics
In this section, you will find unique diplomacy essay topics. We’ve combined this list for you to train or to use in your next assignment. For more ideas for your writing, try our topic generator.
These ideas for an essay on diplomacy are entirely original:
Russian diplomacy before WW1.
What is cultural diplomacy, and what does it allow to achieve?
Different diplomacy models around the world.
The one-dimensional approach of American diplomacy.
The rise of the modern states and the effects of diplomacy.
The war on terror and diplomatic approach to the problem.
America’s diplomacy in the post 9/11 world.
The role of diplomacy in the 19th century.
The change in diplomacy from the 19th century to the 21st century.
The Cold War diplomacy.
Negotiations in international relations.
8 Diplomacy Research Topics
A research project is a much more complex assignment compared to an essay about diplomacy. For that reason, it requires much more investigation and knowledge from students. So, we have prepared a list of research paper topics on diplomacy for you.
These ideas will help you develop your thesis and reasoning:
Position of women in international relations and diplomacy.
Women have played an essential role in international relations. Nonetheless, there are still not enough female voices, scholars, and diplomats in this field. This research paper analyzes what steps and policies the UN took to change this imbalance. You can also look at the root of the problem and track what caused this situation.
Modern diplomacy and the importance of maintaining the balance of power politics.
This research topic should focus on the balance of power theory. Explain what principles are involved in maintaining it. An excellent subject for anyone seeing diplomacy as the primary tool to maintain peace around the globe.
The future of digital diplomacy and its function.
Explore what digital diplomacy is, what countries have developed it. Elaborate on the benefits of traditional diplomacy. You can also tell about the history of eDiplomacy and bring some examples of its use.
The history and the advancement of science diplomacy.
Why is it also called “hearts and minds” diplomacy? And what does it promote? Focus on the primary reasons why science diplomacy has evolved. How can it solve some of the most pending world issues?
New realities in foreign affairs: diplomacy today.
This research topic is quite broad. You can try to focus on one or two aspects of modern diplomacy. For instance, the use of social media or doing diplomatic work under economic sanctions. It is up to you!
The history of diplomacy and the critical aspects of Ancient Greek diplomacy.
This research paper is crucial not only for informational purposes. It will give an excellent overview of Roman Law. Here you should analyze similar aspects of contemporary diplomacy. Make sure to include some early diplomatic affairs and interstate relations in your research.
The origin and the development of modern diplomacy.
Many of the contemporary diplomacy traditions have begun in Italy. Traceback how exactly modern diplomacy started. Where was one of the first embassies established? Why? One thing is clear: the field has significantly evolved.
How to overcome limitations of traditional diplomacy.
Today diplomats and ambassadors can use digital technologies, social media, and blockchain. These tools can help them overcome some of the most pending issues of conventional diplomacy. Moreover, such technologies can transcend time, space, languages, and borders.
Thanks for reading the article till the end. We hope you have enjoyed it. You will find diplomacy essays and research papers below.
It should also be known that diplomacy is a continuation of war based on the fact that one party might be involved in diplomacy to get enough support in defense of war.
Nevertheless, the paper selected for the investigation delves into the results of the U.S.- Japan Structural Impediments Initiative and makes a case for the analysis of Putnams theory as a model that could be applied [...]
However, at the same time, these negotiations are necessary, as they are the most high-quality and accessible way of conveying the correct position of the state since the percentage of distortion when using impersonal channels [...]
In pursuit of idealistic leadership, Berlin articulates that leaders and organizations should be able to differentiate actions that could impede the achievement of the goals that are in the best interest of the majority.
Article 39 of the UN Charter states, "The Security Council will determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and will make recommendations.."..
Democracy is a type of governance where people participate in making laws and rules; "it is the political regime where people will become the law of the country".
Diplomacy in the Middle East: the international relations of regional & outside powers. In this article, a group of prominent and up-and-coming academics from around the world analyze the effects of China's expanding footprint in [...]
The future of diplomacy will be the contest of credibility as it will continue to become easier for a nation to adopt the ideologies of another when there is trust due to a good reputation.
The requirement for joint work of public diplomats and their colleagues from other educate within the agent workplaces to the EU, as well as within the bodies of the Union itself, is fundamentally due to [...]
The emergence of digital diplomacy and the growth of social networks is changing the international landscape and forcing foreign policy specialists to consider new priorities and democratize the diplomatic process.
In the nineteenth century, the wars were more localized, and the level of tension in the world was no less. The development of diplomacy, mainly due to the various directions listed, has achieved excellent results [...]
The process of reaching an agreement entails three main stages: the diagnostic stage, during which issues are determined, stakeholders are involved, and information is gathered; the formula phase, during which a common framework for agreement [...]
Originally, the communication and negotiation techniques, which were used during these regulations are various, as the result of the negotiations, and sometimes the destiny of the world and peace depended on them.
However, the critics of the argument stress that the legal right to adopt the methodology of the execution of the resolutions lies with the Security Council.
Because of differences in traditions, customs, religions, and related cultural features of a society, extreme care should be taken in selecting gestures and behavior that can convey the intended message and offend the sensibilities of [...]
It is also important to understand that at the time, the crisis was portrayed in the U.S.media as a major violation of the rights of American citizens and a threat to national security.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the concept of cultural diplomacy and understanding what modern-day politicians and diplomats may do to enhance cultural and political ties between the countries.
In other words, the skills of international communication and etiquette are no longer a rarity but are common knowledge that is essential for one to function in the contemporary world successfully.
Some of the major figures in international relations and communications participated in the panel, discussing the ways in which diplomacy has evolved over time, and how social media allows the government to broaden the array [...]
In this context, the most important principle of negotiations can be formulated as the orientation to the agreement or to the best solution that can respond to the interests and needs of all sides, as [...]
The global media and soft power aim to attract the 'the rest' without any forms of coercion in terms of cultures, political values, and foreign policies, all of which must be attractive to others.
What is even more important, the latter increases unpredictably on a daily basis, and this reveals a number of opportunities for the UN to develop a successful approach to the effective use of social media [...]
What it means is that, when it comes to assessing the book's practical implications, one must be able to do it from the critical perspective while never ceasing to take into account the fact that [...]
The high number of international passengers entering or passing through the UAE means that the diplomats can work in liaison with the government to develop strategies and policy directives to help local companies in the [...]
In the end, the creation of the UK's Ministry of Foreign Affairs was due in large part to the need to protect the interest of the British government through the adroit use of diplomatic skills.
Department of State and "Digital Diplomacy: A New Era of Advancing Policy" by Carnegie Endowment have provided the audience with the chance to see the official point of view of the American government and the [...]
The success of a negotiation can thus be a measure of the ability of a negotiator to come up with unanimous common positions in the face of conflicting and divergent positions.
The Convention is comprised of fifty-three articles regulating the rules and orders of the diplomatic relations establishment and termination and defining the norms of the diplomatic status assignment.
The study of international relations has been enhanced by the introduction of programs such as Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy Studies in the European Union.
Apart from considering the specifics of the economics, politics, and the legal system of each party, one also has to adjust the negotiation strategy to the culture of the opponent.
The end goals of the country would be to: Increase the amount of foreign direct investments into the country in order to improve its range of local industries Develop better relations within the region as [...]
The term 'Cold War' refers to the persistent state of military and political anxiety that was experienced by countries in the Eastern Bloc, including Russia and Warsaw pact allies; and the Western Bloc countries such [...]
While Islam in the region is as old as the civilization of the region, it has been noted by a substantial number of analysts that the exploration of history and the subsequent documentation of Islam [...]
While the Kuwaiti government obviously had another choice, it is worth keeping in mind that, first, the temptation to cooperate with the American government was too big to resist, and, on the other hand, refusing [...]
Nevertheless, individual negotiators are more likely to influence the outcome of the negotiations in the choice and decisions made. Similarly, the 1992 UN Conference on Water and the Environment held in Dublin brought together stakeholders [...]
In conclusion, the current political, economic, and humanitarian environments have highlighted a significant shift in modern diplomacy due to the emergence of non-state actors, groupings and NGOs.
The primary goal of the public diplomacy project is to examine and evaluate the consequences of the implementation of the United States Office of War Information in 1942, the establishment of the Bureau of Motion [...]
PATCO did not anticipate the strong the Reagan administration reaction to the strike and the government's determination to 'stick to its guns and as the as the chairman he should be able to come to [...]
Previously, he had actively participated in the signing of 'The Treaty of Paris' which ended the 'Napoleonic Wars.' When Talleyrand entered the conference, he had the sole purpose of maintaining the power of France among [...]
Therefore, the research project will seek to explore and investigate the following: The extent to which multilateral diplomacy contributes to peaceful coexistence among nations of the world To identify economic gains that member states receive [...]
Experts and analysts of the emergency plans for Branford and Groton indicate that the plans have been se up to mostly tackle disasters which are economic in nature.
The proposals made by the "9/11 Commission" put a lot of emphasizes on the need to develop the intelligence community of the US in an attempt to tighten security of the nation for the safety [...]
The diplomatic protocol and diplomatic privileges apply to both the diplomats and the supporting staff working in the embassy. The provision that gives them the right not to be searched extends to the family members [...]
The legal agreement about the protection to be accorded to diplomats is arrived at after the government which is sending the diplomat and the one where the diplomat is being hosted agree on the rights [...]
The higher the economic gap among the people the lower is the country in terms of development. On the other hand, the smaller the gap among the people the higher is the level of development.
The situation that was presented by the threat and the final occurrence of the Second World War then facilitated research into the nuclear field which led to the development of nuclear weapons.
It is worth noting that since 1945 the concept of non use of nuclear weapons have occupied the minds of scholars, the general public and have remain the most and single important issues in the [...]
Deliberations of the conference led to restoration of French territories and even larger than it was before 1789 because it was in the interest of the powers represented in the conference.
A major reason for the decline of NPM is that these practices were entirely brought to public sector without a clear understanding of differences that exist in public and private sectors. To begin with there [...]
In an effort to solve the homelessness issue, the municipal council of the city in conjunction with other governmental and non-governmental agencies concerned had the goal of eliminating homelessness in the city by the year [...]
However, LeVine explains that alternative energy in the US accounts only for a small percentage of its energy use and as such cannot be entirely depend upon as supplement to oil.
The second principle was to secure the population, "the main aim for the security line of operation in counterinsurgency was the security of the population, instead of security for the forces themselves or slow destruction [...]
The aim of this research paper is to compare and contrast the gradual shift in America's diplomatic position over the past 20 years with respect to two countries that matter a lot to its foreign [...]
One of the reasons is because President Clinton has been explaining the importance of volunteering to the community by the American students and the public.
This paper will discuss the concept of bridging the generation gap in the workplace in relation to a public institution that has all the present generations working in it.
Research Methodology Based on the above considerations, the methodology for the research include a combination of the survey and a case study, while the aims of both will be to identify the role of the [...]
The following are some of the factors that lead to the collapse of negotiations; During the period of negotiations, poverty levels in developing countries had increased instead of improved as the negotiations aimed at.
The basic models presented in this chapter illustrate the central of the book, i.e.complex system behavior is influenced by the system elements and to a large extent, the interrelationships, or interactions between these systems elements [...]
Bines and other two firms were involved in selling unregistered securities to people and this was in violation to section 5 of the securities Act of 1933, this was a similar case to that of [...]
The success of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology is attributed to the fact that it "considers the needs, aspirations and requirements of the Aboriginal People of the Shire of Broome in relation to town [...]
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