However, it is quite important to note that colonial development acted as a benchmark for economic development in colonies. Therefore, as far as colonial development worked to improve economies and was essential phase in Africa, [...]
The standardisation of European languages led to a great development of the European literature and the creation of national ideologies and mythologies in different countries.
The movement towards the republic was the key goal of the people, demanding their rights and freedoms acknowledged but the direction was being constantly halted by economic domination of the ruling class in agriculture and [...]
The author's main argument in this book is that Industrial Revolution degraded the lives of the working class instead of uplifting them.
When working for his father in England as a businessperson, he investigated the lives of workers at night, the results of which persuaded him to publish the book The Condition of the Working Class in [...]
The elements of the costume used by men in France of the 17th century were affected by the social and political situation when kings Louis XIII and Louis XIV presented their own vision of the [...]
He gives a reason that the present Germany is a result of the efforts of himself and partners in the nation's struggle which offered art in Germany fresh incentives as well as environment for a [...]
Macauley's presentation is in the form of an essay in which he argues and analyses historical events that transpired when Cromwell was in power.
This political development led to the emergence of empires that were characterized by poor capital and extreme coercion. This led to the development of national states in Europe.
He transformed to Catholicism in the fiscal 1576 and was the core of hostility to the Catholicism hounding of the Huguenots and the dominant opinionated confederacy. He was the heir and brother to King Henri [...]
The signature of the Treaty of Vervins between France and Spain completely finished the wars of religion in the country. Trying to analyze the real reasons for the wars, it is obvious that e first [...]
Eventually, the poor planning policy of the urban cities and the rise of social class increased the gap between the poor and the rich.
Achievement of geographical knowledge of the world: this was one of the main reasons that made the Europeans start the exploration of the world.
For instance, within his work, one of the chapters has the same views as those of Whig about the politics of England. This would be a reflection of the way of carrying out the revision [...]
It also relates to the style of leadership and the policies adopted by a group of people. Mussolini targeted the anger of the lower class and the veteran soldiers of war to gain popularity.
A person has the freedom to be in business according to the classical liberalism. There were inspectors to check the working conditions of the workers.
In addition, people from the middle classes were the greatest beneficiaries while peasants and the poor were the losers in the revolutions.
An Analysis of the Impact of British Colonization: A Study of Mike Davis' Late Victorian Holocausts: El Ni o Famines and the Making of the Third World The late Nineteenth Century saw an increased political, [...]
Considering the fact that this city was the first one to develop a service-based economy, the economy of London has developed successfully over the decades and has always been one of the most "active participants" [...]
The first effect that had an ethical dimension was the amount of pollution that passenger cars emitted, affecting both the environment and the passengers themselves, especially the operators of the vehicles.
Like any substantial change in the political life of any country, the French Revolution consisted of several stages of the dramatic transformation of the state system, political and social life in France. During the decade [...]
Several historians claimed that it was unfair as it was an act of barbarism and it promoted wicked behavior with the innocent people of Jewish community while on the other hand, it was said that [...]
Holocaust, the extermination of Jews from the European land was the example of brutality and viciousness of the Nazi Germany. Meanwhile, many historians were observing the situation critically and wanted to present their ideas about [...]
Nationalism has various effects to the people involved and this paper looks into the effects of nationalism on the roles of the working class, women, and minorities in an effort to achieve political power through [...]
After the Robespierre and Jacobins taking the over the government in the year 1793, Napoleon took charge of the artillery and his achievements in the area made him the favorite at that time.
In 1960, the East Germany exodus now totaling to millions of civilians was predictably damaging to the political integrity and economic capability of East Germany, making it vital to fortify its borders with the west, [...]
To a great extent, this phenomenon can be attributed to the following factors: 1) official recognition of witchcraft and the activities of religious zealots who inspired the persecution of many people; 2) the stereotypes and [...]
This is one of the issues that can be identified. This is one of the aspects that can be distinguished.
This is because it set apart the rights of man and the idea of being a citizen. This was not effective for the case of the religious minority.
Moreover, one should speak about the growing class division which can be explained by the fact that a growing number of people became dissatisfied with the lack of opportunities for climbing social ladder. He wanted [...]
The French Revolution led to the spread of revolutionary ideas. After the French Revolution, the law prohibited slavery and abolished in Santo Domingo.
Therefore, the need to strengthen natural science as an independent discipline led to the establishment of scientific societies such as the Accademia del Cimento, the Academie des Sciences, and the Royal Society of London, which [...]
Religion in the Holy Roman Empire was a far contrast to the religion in ancient Rome. In the Byzantine Empire religion is the lifeblood of the whole society.
He compiled the estimates of wages and the costs of living during and after the industrial revolution in order to get a fresh picture of the trends in real earnings during this time.
However, great thinkers in the past came to appreciate that it would be very beneficial if the government was to be inclined to people's interest as opposed to the personal interests of its leader.
According to Hitler, the German's defeat in the First World War, the Bolshevik Revolution, German's post war inflation, and the economic crisis of the year 1929 were accredited to International Jewry. Over time, the masses [...]
Most of the problems faced by Jews were due to the government's quest to make Jewish populations to integrate into the rest of the people in religious and cultural terms.
The movement concentrated on issues relating to history of man and the intrigues of civilization. This brought a new dimension to understanding of social situations and the required procedure for diffusing upheavals in society.
In this publication, Anderson referred to the constructed nature of culture and the role of print capitalism in nationalism. The Revolution attracted the National Guard, the militia, and a section of the army.
One of the key disputes was the failure of the Soviets to accept the reconstruction strategies for revamping the economy and political stability of Germany."Britain, France, the United States and the Benelux countries later combined [...]
The latter is the one that looks backward with nostalgia while the former looks forward for explanations of the present and the future.
In regard to the buildup of history of the continent, it was characterized by many uprisings from countries including France and Germany. This paper seeks to explain the intrigues that led to the historical uprisings [...]
The Second Estate consisted of the nobility, another privileged group which held the highest positions in the government, the Church and the army.
In this paper, however, the term imperialism is used to refer to the era from the year 1848 to 1914 when the power of Europe was extended over several nations of the world.
The author of the book 'The Age of Empire', Hobsbawn, clearly shows the transition of the continent from the revolution period to the period of 'empire' which occurred in the 19th century.
With the introduction of renaissance, it made sense to focus on an individual as a contributor to the beauty of the world and hence the one, who values the ideas of each and everyone.
The movie by the name Marie Antoinette tells the story of the Austrian-born queen and the events leading to the collapse of the monarchy in France.
This paper will discuss the role of the French Revolution in shaping the concept of nation, freedom, and citizenship. This author argued that people of the Third Estate constituted the bulk of the French nation [...]
Cold war refers to the military and political tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union immediately after the World War 2.
The painters and the sculptors started to portray the dying and the dead with images of the grim and death reapers.
The representation of the Yorkists by a white rose and the Lancastrians by a red rose led to the emergence of the name "War of the Roses".
The period of renaissance began in the city of Florence, Italy, and it was characterized by numerous innovations, particularly in art, which, was the main concern regarding perspective, composition and the subject matter.
It was possible for the European to question the doctrines of science, and do research to find new answers in science leading to developments in science in Europe.
The inventions changed the agricultural way of life which by a large extent determined the nature of the industries which relies on it for the raw materials. As a result of the revolution, the population [...]
Such decision proves the significance of the chosen site and the unbelievable role of the palace in the history of the city.
The Boys' Literature and the Idea of Empire, 1870- 1914, one of the adventures literatures tried to argue that; boys as the role model of Britons "are you proud to be a Briton?". Overtime, the [...]
The consolidation of monarchies in Europe led to the advancement of vernacular as the main language that could help stir nationalism and the feeling of pride by the people of the monarch.
In order to overcome these problems, the British politician insists on the necessity to singly out clearly the purposes, to grant simplicity of the decisions made, and declare the human rights and freedoms on the [...]
The wars of old were among the wars that were hailed as being among the most prolific and devastating wars in the world's history of military and political conflict.
He was crowned king of France in 1589 following the death of Henry III and signed the Edict of Nantes in 1598; this brought to an end the wars of religion in France effectively and [...]
The wave of revolutions that swept across Western Europe in 1848 brought what can be described as lasting reforms to the regimes that governed the affected territories; and even those that watched their neighbors' revolts [...]
James was a hard worker and thus in India, by the help of his wife, he strengthened his illegal trade. This was a terrible extremity to Elizabeth and her husband.
Portuguese colonialism in Angola later seemed not to care about the local people social- economic development rather to exploit the Angolans' natural resources for the benefit of the Portuguese and the locals were discriminated against [...]
Hence, according to Melish, the concept of family and kinship was considered as "the rhetorical framework in which slave owners themselves represented slavery and formally incorporated slaves into their lives", being the so-called "members" of [...]
The effectiveness of military strategies and tactics depends on the ability of military commander to mobilize his armies and resources effectively.
He had two stints as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, was Home Secretary, a period during which he was instrumental in establishing the contemporary idea of the police force which has impacted law enforcement [...]
The sequence of splits, beginning in the Holy Roman Empire and spreading to the whole of Europe by the end of the century, transformed the relationship of the reformed churches with state, society, and the [...]
This was followed by the formation of a new institution with a new treasurer who was vested with the role of collecting the proceeds of dissolution and the first fruits and tenths on behalf of [...]
It is the period of human existence that experienced the highest number of performers in all areas of academic study, literary art, economic empowerment and philosophical advancement emerge to prominence coming up with some of [...]
The most obvious message that comes through in the movie is the rigid and unbending hierarchy that the ancien regime imposed on itself and the rest of the nation.
The Commonwealth of England took over from the authoritarian English monarchy and continued up to 1653 when Oliver Cromwell led the Protectorate until his death in 1658.
Before the unification, majority of the east people had the believe that, alleviation of poverty from a nation was a function of the state, as promised, a notion that was contrary to inhabitants of the [...]
But it was only after the occurrence of World War 1 that women in United States and Great Britain attained the right to vote in parliamentary elections.
The First Estate consisted of the clergy; the second one was nobility while the third estate was known as the commoners. The major goal of the commoners was to attain more power and independence from [...]
The population growth combined with the increased productivity of small parts of the country and the migration of the now landless people in search of work opportunities led to the phenomena of urbanization.
However, politically, this word became known after the French Revolution whereby it spread all over Europe especially after return of downright monarchy in 1823."Various English, French and German encyclopedias evidence the rapid spread of the [...]
The paper will establish the main forces between the policies of the two leaders and identify the force with significant contribution to the GDR collapse.
This means that gender was the central issue to the European witch-hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The belief in the existence of witchcraft goes back to the time of Old Testament of the [...]
The American Revolution: In 1775-1783, America experienced a revolution and the government of France sent its troops and navy to help the rebelling colonists. This consequently led to the rise of hunger and high prices [...]
It means that the contemporaries of Louis XIV did not use this term, but preferred to use the word-combination "absolute power of the crown", which they understood as the "concentration of sovereign authority in the [...]
There was no law in England's history that dealt with the prosecution of a king and so, the rule of organizing the court for Charles's trial was compiled by a Dutch lawyer called Issac Dorislaus, [...]
Many nations were influenced by the colonizers by the use of the English language through which they were forced to believe and act according to the will of their colonizers.
What was communicated from the pope was final regardless of who the subject was.[1] The Catholic Church was the only church in the world and its branches were in many countries.
Renaissance Humanism: During the period of 1400 and 1650, the humanism term was used for main social philosophy and intellectual and literary works."Expansion of trade, growth of prosperity and luxury and widening social contacts created [...]
The main causes were; Economic: The United States was interested in supporting free trade in the whole World but The Soviet Union did not show any interest in this venture as it feared if it [...]
While examining this context, I aim to trace the changes and explain; the intersections of the colonial trends in social and legal thinking, colonial administrative policies in Kisii, colonial political economy, and the ideals and [...]