Criminology Essay Examples and Topics. Page 3

841 samples

Black Men Incarceration and Its Effects

The most popular theories include the pointlessness of the War on Drugs a campaign initiated by President Nixon in the 1970s in an attempt to curb the drug flow from Mexico, the inherent prejudice of [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1384

How Violent Offenders Develop and Evolve?

As evidence of violent crime continues to grow, it has become progressively obvious that whereas some individuals could have a greater propensity to engage in criminal acts, other factors also importantly influence the incidence of [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2503

Conflict Theory and Politics in Criminology

The criminological basis of the conflict theory is contingent on the limitations of the social order and the inequalities that are inherent in the ideological perceptions of the society.
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  • Words: 882

Criminological Theory and Its Author: Donald Lindsley

The criminological theory of arousal is usually applied when the crime is based on the feeling of sensation. The notion of sensationalism is inextricably linked to the arousal theory as it is defined by a [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 849

American Police Community Relations

In the US, the introduction of community policing strategies and engagement of the public in crime reporting and detection strategies help to improve security measures in the country.
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  • Words: 1450

Criminology: Water Boarding Torture

Over the years, waterboarding has been used in Europe to get information from suspects. This discussion has revealed that the waterboarding method facilitates access to information from uncooperative suspects.
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  • Words: 535

Ethics in Technology: Cyber Crimes

Furthermore, the defendant altered the data, which compromised the integrity of the information to the detriment of the organizations involved. In this litigation, Aleksey Vladimirovich Ivanov was the defendant while the American government was the [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1104

Criminal Acts as a Threat to Safety of Citizens

According to the United States law, criminal acts are actions that, under the United States law, cause a threat to injure persons even if the offender is considered unable to commit the crime.
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  • Words: 723

“Where Have All the Criminals Gone?” Analysis

The purpose of Levitt and Dubner's discussion is the presentation of arguments to support the direct connection between the legalization of abortions in the USA in the 1970s with decreasing the amount of criminals in [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1086

Organized Crime – John Gotti’s Analyze

He argues that the American social structure and its structure of wealth distribution and that dream of achieving the 'American dream' all require crime to maintain social stability in the face of structural inequality.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 908

Crimes Against Property in Illinois

Reference to Figure 1 reports that the highest number of crimes in terms of frequency of occurrence per 100,000 for the state is maximized for the Larceny-theft rate.
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  • Words: 540

Review: “Victim Impact: Listen and Learn”

In this video, 14 people who have experienced violent crime recount the incidents in which they or a loved one were harmed as well as the physical, mental, and financial effects of the crime and [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 340

Consequentialism in Decision-Making

According to the theory, the correct action is the one that leads to an increase in the positive effect, and the better action is the one that causes an increase in this number.
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  • Words: 290

Prison Life, Recidivism and Reintegration

The purpose of prison is to assist in reducing the rate of offenses committed in society and lessen daily crimes. In Canada, the Circle of Support and Accountability concept uses a team of skilled volunteers [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 901

Criminal Justice Reform and Racism in America

Millions of Americans, especially the young and marginalized communities, had their lives wrecked as a consequence of the way the legal system and the drug trade have been exploited as a form of social control, [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 300

Shoplifting and Preventive Measures

One of the most common methods of misappropriation of things today is shoplifting a type of theft in which a conflict-free theft of goods in retail stores is committed.
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  • Words: 1560

Extortion in Organized Crime Groups

Blackmailing is a standard tool in organized crime, as it relies on one's ability to threaten with severe consequences for non-compliance.
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  • Words: 321

Gang Violence Causational Factors and Deterrence

The value of this source lies in providing recent statistics reflecting the scale and severity of the gang problem, a typology of gangs, and discussing various deterrence strategies statistics.
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  • Words: 496

Victims of Gun Violence in the United States

Nowadays, there are many incidents that involve gun violence and, therefore, require more attention and a necessity to enhance the protection of vulnerable groups of the public.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1476

Forensic Science Timeline and Impact on Trial

Attention to ballistics was drawn after the case of Sacco and Vanzetti in 1920, which, together with the invention of the comparative microscope, led to the establishment of a bureau in New York in 1923.
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  • Words: 848

Contemporary Criminal Justice Issues

When it comes to the dependent variable, it means the effect, and that means the reduction of infectious diseases will be the effect that the independent variable will determine.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1498

Discussion on the Role of Crime

The results of this study can be implemented in the education and training of police officers and lead to a reduction in the number of illegal actions.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 573

Latent Fingermarks: A Nonporous Item

Although it may require additional techniques to improve the quality of the evidence in some cases, it is still considered an effective, inexpensive, and safe way to acquire fingerprints. As mentioned above, the cyanoacrylate technique [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 359

Criminology: Latent Print Residue

The viability of latent prints depends on the residue composition and other factors, such as surface, weather, and time passed since the print was left. In summary, latent print residue comprises organic, inorganic, and other [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 369

Importance of Rehabilitation Programs for Offenders

For example, one of the factors that can increase the effect of rehabilitation programs is risk assessment and targeting. CSG Justice Center notes in the example of the Ohio corrections facility that an increase in [...]
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  • Words: 384

Fingerprints of a Dead Body: Latent Prints

The second case depends on the severity of the rigor mortis: if it has just begun, the stiffness of the fingers needs to be loosened, move the wrist and take prints the same way as [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 360

Crime Control and Prevention Methods

In addition to notations that are usually tiresome for schoolchildren, police officers who specialize in working with minors can show movies about the dangers of drinking alcohol.
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  • Words: 332

The Comparison of the General Methods in Criminology

The main strength of this approach is the possibility of acquiring objective data about the circumstances of the case. The strength of this method is the ability to obtain many useful details, as well as [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 573

Connection Between Weather and Law Violation

The researchers in this industry have studied the change in the violence rate at the end of the twentieth century and are the center of the research program in the United States.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1411

Trial by Jury vs. Trial by Bench

Many academics argue that the US should abandon the jury system in favor of a trial by the bench. A defendant may face a bench trial or a jury trial in a criminal case in [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 628

Phishing as Type of Cybercrime

One of the disadvantages of human development is called 'cybercrime' and refers to the traditional crime committed with the usage of computer technologies, usually with lucrative purposes.
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  • Words: 618

Current Trends in Globalization of Crime

Hence, the major cause of the drugs smuggling routes over the U.S.-Mexico border is still the discrepancies between the U.S.and Mexican drug enforcing legislation as well as the lack of cross-border cooperation.
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  • Words: 957

Construction of a New Prison in New York

The policies will describe when the need to apply force is suitable in the new facility. Once the facility has been established, the resulting impact on the victim's family and the community will be accounted [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 583

Criminal History Core Competencies

Historically, law enforcement was founded on the need to ensure citizens' safety, possession, and health and to safeguard the people from civil disorder and crime.
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  • Words: 283

Crime Rates in the United States

The number of overall violent crimes in 2018 was higher, and as such, 2019 depicted a 0. Other tables have shown that southern regions and states accounted for the most violent crimes, with 41% of [...]
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  • Words: 390

Processing a Physical and Electronic Crime Scene

The third step involves scanning the scene to identify the primary part and the secondary one. The processing of an electronic crime scene should involve the identification of the information about the devices at the [...]
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  • Words: 300

The Gunshot Residue Collection and Analysis

Lastly, the possible sources of the primary elements in the GSR should be considered, such as the occupation of the subjects or the possibility of the subject being near to early firearm discharge.
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  • Words: 329

Investigation and Processing of Evidence

Associative evidence refers to any physical evidence that links a suspect to the scene of a crime. In summary; associative evidence is used to determine the perpetrators of crime.
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  • Words: 318

Researching of Criminal Psychology

It refers to the development of a criminal investigation from the information relating to the offense that can be obtained at the crime scene.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1937

Researching of Impact Panel on Cybercrime

The received email can be recognized as a scam due to poor grammar, lack of proof, and explanation of legal reasons why the money needs to be transferred to the victim.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 781

California’s Criminal Justice Realignment

The existing experience of reducing the number of prisons in California is of some interest to researchers. The articles attempt to study a number of humanitarian problems of the detention of citizens of California.
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2117

The United States Uniform Crime Report’s Aims

The Federal Bureau of Investigation provides the reporting agencies with a handbook that outlines how to classify and score offenses to achieve uniformity in crime and crime data definitions.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 863

Department of Justice Project on Organized Crime

Organized crime is one of the forms of offenses that groups of people conduct. Still, there are leaders and subordinates in international crimes, and it is similar to all organized crime groupings.Mr.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1755

Researching of Hot Spot Policing

Public safety is a major concern of the government, and it is the responsibility of the state through the criminal justice system agencies to offer security to the citizens.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Mass Incarceration: Prison System in America

In 1934, a new building was erected on the island, cause of the transfer of Alcatraz to the U.S.federal system. Guantanamo was established in 2002 on the grounds of a U.S.military base.
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  • Words: 581

Crime Maps of Detroit and Michigan

This paper will analyze the crime maps of Detroit, Michigan, and the available information in the Detroit police department. Moreover, the data also encompasses regions and the rate of any type of criminality that are [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 398

Particularities of Social Diversity in Contemporary World

In this statement, the authors enforced the notion of decreasing communication owing to the development of digital products. The social lens provided an alternative regarding genuine hospitality and clearness in interpersonal communication.
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  • Words: 291

John Wayne Gacy – “The Killer Clown”

The jury rejected the testimonials, and Gacy was found responsible for all thirty-three murders he had been accused of and then was killed by poisonous injection in 1994.
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  • Words: 363

Victimization of Individuals Online: Cyber-Stalking and Prostitution

It is critical to identify viable solutions to reduce the prevalence of cyberstalking, prostitution, human trafficking, exploitation, and child targeting. In addition to identifying victims, it is critical to educate internet users on cyberstalking, prostitution, [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1936

Dealing With Jail Overcrowding

The first step of the plan is to ensure public support in this endeavor, which can be achieved by giving them easier access to the inside of prison walls for support and education.
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  • Words: 319

The Broken Windows Theory in Criminology

The theory of broken windows is a theory in criminology that considers minor offenses not only as an indicator of the criminogenic situation but also as an active factor affecting the serious crime rate.
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  • Words: 322

Criminal Behavior and Environmental Influences

Upbringing and childhood experience, especially if it was adverse, are some of the primary sources of influence on the offender's behaviors, habits, trends, and patterns. The negative and hostile social environment is also capable of [...]
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  • Words: 305

Excessive Force and Deviance, Police Brutality

The events highlighting racial injustice could positively influence our society, maintaining an appropriate level of awareness regarding the issues encountered by African-Americans and prompting a change in police behaviors.
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  • Words: 337

A Policy Analysis Regarding the Issue of Child Endangerment

The problems of raising children in dysfunctional families and the consequences of such upbringing require the attention of the authorities. The registration of cases of abuse by parents and the subsequent removal of children from [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1227

The Gangs in the US Community

To begin with, the most dangerous criminal gang in the US seems to be the American Mafia, or as it is called Italian-American Mafia.
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  • Words: 831

Cell Phone Information and Investigation

In conclusion, cell phone data can give a lot of information to the investigator about the cell phone owner, who can then simplify the investigation process.
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  • Words: 684

Digital Forensic Examination, DVR

Another application would be to determine the network's or a user's IP and track their online activity. The information can be used to determine an unknown individual's location and possibly identity, or for a known [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 283

Chapter Review and Analysis

The chapter "Introduction to the Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology" offers a detailed analysis of the common types of statistics tools that analysts can use to convey specific messages.
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  • Words: 312

Crime Commitment and Punishment

Regardless of the variations between the views on the characteristic features of a crime and proper ways for punishment, one idea remains commonly relevant; namely, crimes are the results of delinquent behavior.
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  • Words: 327

The Federal Bureau Investigation Crime Statistics

The NIBRS is an event-based reporting system that will replace the usual data provided by the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports. The traditional UCR Program was summary-based, and NIBRS is incident-driven.
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  • Words: 380

Police Departments in Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta

The Knapp Commission was a major investigation of corruption within the New York Police Department in the 1970s. It was influential as it uncovered a massive and deliberate system of chain corruption that pulled in [...]
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  • Words: 364

Actus Reus in Criminology

The prerequisites of actus reus vary based on the crime definition and rely on place, individual, victim's state of mind, preparation, time, and consent.
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  • Words: 350

Trafficking: Transferring in Illegal Ways

Trafficking also attracts the people in order to bring the items that are banned and also the high duties over some goods have made the people to do this illegal transportation just to avoid paying [...]
  • Pages: 15
  • Words: 4344

Elmer Fudd: Law Case Study

First, it is crucial to establish a contact with the offender and communicate to obtain some new facts that might help when determining the main points of the plan.
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  • Words: 1133

Correctional Administration and Factual Situations

Although the above opinions can be justified when viewed through the lens of the proclamation of human rights as stipulated in the US Constitution and international laws, a question emerges whether the lives of the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 564

Rediscovery of Crime Victims

Voicing of problems of crime-affected persons is a good effort in addressing their plights because it brings their troubles to the attention of the public.
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  • Words: 302

Measuring Crime Within Lynfield Estate

Crime refers to a serious offense that violates the code of morality, unlawful actions of individuals, or acts committed or omitted to result in violations of the prescribed code of conduct and the established rules [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2251

Slovenia Department of Corrections for Male and Female Detainees

For effective management of correction facilities and ensuring that detainees are accorded the fairest and appropriate treatment, structural change is very crucial in enhancing effectual and fair treatment of people in the Slovenian correction facilities. [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1441

Discriminations in Expert Testimony and Assessment

The first case that was linked to the admissibility of expert evidence was the Frye v.the United States, in 1923. The proposed study will assess the methods of examining race using pelvic and femur so [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1385

State Report: Crime Rates in Wisconsin

Specifically, the overall violent crime rate diminished by a rate of six percent, and the rate of crime involving property dwindled by five percent. In the Murder category, the number of people murdered in Wisconsin [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2058