Matching the new pieces of the puzzle to the already existing ones is similar to sorting out the "stuff" and putting it onto proper labeled "shelves" that the learner already has in their head.
The teachers' awareness of the possibility of having indigenous students in class and the necessity to adhere to their learning needs is the key to a successful diversity experience here.
In particular, the researcher outlined their research question as an exploration of the extent to which the present special education efforts match the needs of students with disabilities and meet the expected standards of inclusion [...]
Talking about the role of models in the gain of knowledge, it is important to note that the knowledge is not limited by the concrete information received in the process of studying.
The curricula of the Public Schools of Brookline are developed by the Office of Teaching and Learning. After this, the curriculum is implemented in four phases: the production of a curriculum product, the testing phase, [...]
The first idea of defining closing the gap as an overarching goal relates to a range of problems that exist in the society the contrasts in performers like the rich and the poor, boys and [...]
At that, the basic principle of the sensorial teaching is to encourage the child to self-learning and self-development. The peak of the movement period is accounted for three years, and the child is to be [...]
While the humanistic theory underpins the general decisions behind the design of the document, the situated learning theory is visible in suggested approaches and activities.
The discussed case is one of the disturbing examples of unethical behavior on the part of the school authorities that covered up for the individuals that abused their students.
The question that this research was aimed to answer seems to be what is the influence of the student self-evaluation on "the improvement of students' learning and effectiveness of maritime studies".
The article also contributes towards positive change in the administration and leadership of adult education, lifelong learning and training programs. The article also contributes to the development of an effective curriculum for adult education and [...]
The research question not only brings out the primary objective of this research, but it also demonstrates the nature of the study and the sources of data to be used.
Although the current study is not aimed at detecting the differences in the efficacy of the intervention based on the gender of the participants, the outcomes of the research may create prerequisites for a follow-up [...]
Any curriculum plays a significant role in the educational process because it provides teachers and students with a certain list of activities or tasks that have to be discussed and completed during the forthcoming course.
In her article, Duff investigates the impacts of ethnography of communication method to learning that is a qualitative research method widely used to study cultural and social issues.
It is necessary to note that Sternberg claims that the development of expertise is crucial, though it is still unclear whether the degree of expertise can be measured.
The technological breakthrough that was witnessed in the late 90s and the early 2000s also contributed to the development of the phenomenon, sparking the concepts such as cyberbullying and online bullying.
The larger issue associated with the problem faced by the school administration is the problem of collaboration between teachers, policymakers, and stakeholders in the process of change, and the importance of the application of relevant [...]
To enhance the learning environment in the classroom, one has to consider the implications of social class on schooling. Consequently, this aspect creates a wrong perception of a student in the classroom and leads to [...]
It took me a lot of time and research to come to this conclusion, as I always believed that teaching is a natural talent instead of hard work, and all of the needed decisions are [...]
Practically, the learners could use the information offered in the title of the text and the vocabulary in order to explain the perceived intention of the author, the message he or she attempted to communicate, [...]
Furthermore, the authors design a feedback analysis and assessment tool that can be applied to measure the efficiency of the reform in the area of social education.
Additional purposes for the project include the description of assessment and monitoring tools in the context of the learning programme, the discussion of the necessary adjustments to address the needs of diverse students and the [...]
It should be noted that the process of learning is central to the curriculum's activities, which, in turn, are directed by the educational objectives of the corresponding level.
If this is to happen, "libraries at the school, public, and academic level" have to engage in the creation of a vibrant atmosphere for learning that comes with patron training and resource allocation.
Overall, it is clear that both literacy and numeracy can help societies all over the world to achieve a better future in the 21st century.
In the traditional class management models, the education process is primarily driven by teachers, and, in such class environment, it may be difficult to keep all students engaged in learning because it is almost impossible [...]
Some of the charges that the proposition requests the universities in the United States to remove include meals and parking fees.
However, the findings of researchers are usually incompatible due to the different definitions of parental involvement and, as a result, the use of different metrics for evaluation.
Banks is a daughter of a woman of Irish-German origins and of a man from the Arapaho tribe, which is a Native American tribe living mainly in the states of Oklahoma and Wyoming.
Importantly, the realities of a modern world present certain challenges for individuals involved in the curricular development. Therefore, the updated curriculum is to be built upon a broader learner-centered theory, with particular emphasis on experience.
The text is accompanied by several images, most of which are included to illustrate the dynamics of change in women's body measurements over the years, as well as a photograph of an obese woman to [...]
The teacher asks the student to match the words in the text and the flashcards. The teacher then shows the problems and the first student to say the correct number can cross the number in [...]
Finally, the practical contribution of the paper pertains to the demonstration of the areas which should be improved in teacher education, and to the issues which teachers implementing RTI in schools are faced with.
This is the case because early childhood professionals, teachers, and institutional leaders are required to promote desirable behaviors that can support the needs of the targeted chidlren. I strongly believe that my leadership competencies have [...]
The authors of the article seek to investigate how the differentiated reading method of teaching can achieve success or failure in a classroom.
Among the participants of the meeting were the members of the public and citizens. Opposition to the plan was scarce and consisted of the general public.
In this study, the researcher focused on determining the degree of teacher satisfaction in relation to principles and styles of the leaders embraced by the management unit at the school level.
In 2013, Abu Dhabi launched the "Abu Dhabi Reads" program, which is a program for students and children to be acquainted with national and world literature and enhances their reading and writing skills.
The amount of literature related to vocational self-efficacy of high school students with disabilities and their transition to post-school life is rather limited; therefore, several studies pertaining to vocational self-efficacy in some other contexts were [...]
Composing is another element of music curriculum that promotes a variety of experiences among learners such as experimenting, organizing ideas, making decisions as to the chosen direction, and overall exploring musical genres and styles.
The article Barriers and facilitators to inclusive education written by Pivik, McComas, and Laflamme centers around the problems of students with mobility limitations and focuses on four categories of barriers: physical environment, intentional, unintentional attitudinal [...]
The authors note that the widespread production of counterfeit credentials has been fueled by technological advancements and the proliferation of fraudulent institutions that offer online degrees.
The purpose of this research is to study the impact that economic factors can have on the language development of deaf and hard-of-hearing children who study in primary schools in Saudi Arabia to conclude about [...]
In spite of the gravity of multiculturalism in the American society, the teachers and students tend to misinterpret the concept of the intercultural environment by often regarding representatives of various ethnicities as "monocultural".
Furthermore, given the fact that a lot of learners come from an EFL background, it is desirable to shape the curriculum so that the process of acquiring the necessary English language skills could occur at [...]
The subject of the research is the determining of the efficiency of the point-of-view video intervention while teaching the students with ASD the necessary skills of manipulations with fractions word problem-solving.
The teachers are the ultimate implementers of the curriculum and have the closest contact with the learners. The responsibilities of a superintendent include establishing the communication between the committee and the school board, providing an [...]
The vision of the nursing school is to pursue and share innovative ideas in nursing education, research and practice with a view of developing caring communities. The corporate culture of Masomo Nursing School is that [...]
However, she is legally obligated not to leak exams to her students in any way because that would defeat the very purpose of the exams.
In this paper, the comparison of different theories will be given on the basis of their strengths and weaknesses in regards to the interdisciplinary instruction.
In addition to that, I will have a chance to explain something or ask to clarify even though in some cases it may lead to the introduction of bias.
The current reform aimed at the replacement of the federally mandated Elementary and Secondary Education Act, including the passing of Every Student Succeeds Act, is aimed at the weaknesses of its predecessor the No Child [...]
Honingh and Oort used the Dutch vocational educational training sector as the study context to evaluate if the organizational behavior of teachers in publicly funded and privately funded Dutch VET schools has converged as a [...]
In the context of the given experience, the pressure of the culture clash, or the clash of people belonging to different generations, i.e, to teacher and the students, should be named.
The following are the research objectives for this study: To explore different factors of innovation development in Dubai schools and how effective they are;
The problem that is discussed in this research article concerns the challenges that teachers in China face in the course of their work.
The model is complex, and it includes numerous channels and forms of interaction between all the participants; the learner is "placed" between the teacher and the students and engaged in collaborative and cooperative learning, which [...]
Also, the teacher needs to take into account the speech issue and the lack of acceptance that is exhibited by the Dunn Middle children.
The section 'Operational definition of terms' was also expanded because the terms presented in the previous version of the paper were not linked to the research literature; therefore, they could not be correctly applied to [...]
Despite the fact that the introduction of new education principles and restructuring of the current Central Asian educational system will require much time, money and effort, which may possibly trigger even greater economical and financial [...]
Despite the fact that every participant of the crisis management process has a distinct set of roles and responsibilities to which they must adhere, collaboration and active information sharing is crucial to the success of [...]
While neither category is directly related to the academic performance of the group, it would be reasonable to expect that the improvements in both would indirectly influence the efficiency of education in other words, the [...]
In addition, the inclusion of rationale for each of the choices increases accessibility of the teaching plan it accompanies and improves understanding of the steps taken by the responsible parties.
From this perspective, the major objective of any teaching plan is to potentially improve the quality of teaching because it serves as the foundation for reflection on a completed teaching program as well as constructing [...]
The study by Sluijsmans, Dochy, and Moerkerke focuses on the use of self-, peer, and co-assessment in higher education and the impact the employment of these forms of assessment on the academic success of the [...]
As such, the current research study is an effort to illuminate the factors that affect the implementation of gamification in learning contexts, its emergence, and consolidation in Abu Dhabi.
As is clear from the literature review section included in the article, the researchers have found out that there is a lack of articles studying and confirming the effectiveness of educational interventions including the use [...]
As for the shooting incident, the initial step was to calm down the students to avoid the panic, and after that, inform the rest of the school about the red code situation and initiate the [...]
Curriculum theorizing is a set of interdependent theoretical approaches that are upgraded to have the capacity to accommodate flexibility and tolerance to meet the demands of the modernized and globalized world.
The following paper explores the significance of needs assessment for the instructional design and details the process of analysis of the obtained data in order to identify and address the existing gap in student performance.
The best method to teach and be close to students is being receptive to their criticisms. The teacher's goal should be to always have students understand the lesson but not its end.
That is why I have set the aim of learning how to craft exciting pieces of writing that will engage my readers.
Bloom's Taxonomy is a pedagogical tool that can be utilized to understand better the process of attaining knowledge, its integration with previously existing knowledge, retention, and further utilization and application.
The lesson aims to help young actors develop the imaginative application of the five senses and create the environment for a role to be acted.
In the period of the Young Republic, education policy was oriented on the market. The privatization of public schools is a controversial issue in education.
The understanding of these processes and the attempts to solve the interrelated educational and social problems brought plenty of countries to the awareness of the phenomenon of multiculturalism in education.
For instance, the goal of the first plan is to improve the students' comprehension and to promote collaboration, aiding the students in improving their social skills; the activities of the experience were chosen following this [...]
The purpose and message of the paper is a criterion applicable to any paper, no matter the level and depth of research.
Depending on the goals set by the project designers, the areas of interest, and the specificities of the involved audiences, different types of evaluation can be used. The first level of evaluation corresponds to the [...]
The author is an editor of business ethics journals; therefore, the topic of the article is within the area of expertise.
Studies show that the school does not convene the needs of a child in the way that is expected because of the narrower understanding of the terms masculinity and femininity.
Even though the case does not specify the percentages, it is still obvious that the law applies to the action plan because the schools in the newly realigned district are minority schools that point to [...]
Some of the things that instructional leaders can do to engage their stakeholders in developing improvement plans include capacity-building, promoting visions, and embodying instructional leadership.
The high school world history curriculum designed by Georgia Department of Education for the World History course of the state of Georgia is targeted at providing students with a comprehensive overview and study of the [...]
The course taught me the importance of applying the EBP approach as the foundation for further decision-making, including the design of the appropriate therapy and the identification of the strategies that can be used to [...]
The study shows quite clearly that efficient communication and negotiation based on the understanding of the needs of diverse students should be promoted in the target educational environment so that all students could be represented [...]
In this regard, the especially strong emphasis is placed on encouraging students to think of LGBT practices as such that pose many hazards to one's health.
The instructor has to carry out a constant evaluation of the learning needs of students which will help him to plan on the effectiveness of teaching.
Therefore, the main purpose of the dissertation committee is to work closely with the candidate and make sure that the proposal and the final dissertation document is approved and ensures that the dissertation program is [...]
To deal with the effects of climate change on the economic growth of companies and businesses in the market, companies have come up with ways to minimise the global climatic changes by incorporating social responsibility [...]
There is a group of five individuals whose seats are never occupied by others, and they tend to be the leaders of the class.
In an effective literacy coaching, literacy coach should make strategic class visits to access the level of delivery that teachers are attaining.
Consequently, a critical theory of adult learning can greatly contribute to the organization of consistent information about political and social values.
Though the process of the development of the reformation package was rather prolonged, not all the due process laws were followed and it became one of the preconditions for the failure.
The various articles in these encyclopedias will help to form a basis for the research and will also act as a guide in conducting further research in other publications.
These data offer a glimpse of the size of the responsibility that the education department has and the number of direct stakeholders of the system.
When it comes to defining the peculiarities of the workplace setting in the school that I work at, I must mention that, even though the schedule is impeccable and the classes are arranged so that [...]
Taking a closer look at the way in which churches participate in the homeschooling issues and the arrangement of homeschooling for the families, one can possibly offer the solutions to the existing problems.
Their main task is to show that the main objective of learning is to gain knowledge and skills, and that education cannot be reduced only to good grades and recognition of other people. This is [...]
The school can also reduce Mike's workload and compensate this by arranging private tuition for Mike. As for Mike's problem with math, the teacher should understand how this problem is manifested.
Once establishing the connection between people's activities and the changes which have occurred recently in the climate of the planet, as well as the change of the animals' habitat and the extinction of certain species [...]
With this assistance, adult learners can be able to develop goals that are less vague, realistic and achievable in the long run.
The pivotal purpose of the paper is to highlight the main differences between the standards, discuss the relevance of the rules to the social, emotional, and academic development of children, and examine the implementation of [...]
The positive role of the society in dictation of standards and norms is in the regulation of social relations and interactions.
Such communication will ensure that teachers learn from the parents while the parents also learn from the teachers to support the development and growth of children. In addition, it will be difficult to meet all [...]
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the appropriateness of using the management-oriented approach to evaluating the Student Team Reading program with references to strengths and weaknesses of the approach.
Therefore, the objective of this paper is to analyze factors of differentiation between global and multicultural education, to discuss the preparation methods to the workshop on the environmental issues, to identify the role of instructional [...]
Thus, it will be focused on the creation of the appropriate environment or rather learning community where students will be motivated to acquire and share knowledge.
With this in mind, I begin to wonder if a tutor does not cope with his work or that is the problem of motivation.
It involves reasoning and understanding of the values and shapes depending on the circumstances of the presentation. This is where the children start to notice and acknowledge the attributes and properties of shapes.
The material was chosen because the publisher and the author made a deliberate attempt to tailor-made the story to cater to children that are in Grade One and Grade Two.
In the given paper, the issue of children autism, the developmental issues that autism triggers and the educational prospects for children with autism are going to be considered.
This research aims to determine the role of parents and child caregivers in developing a child's reading style; from the data to be collected and analyzed, an advisory guide to parents will be developed to [...]
The first is the Stanford Early School Achievement Test, which is administered on learners in kindergarten and the first half of the first grade of learning in the United States of America.
Some pre-scrutiny of the topics is essential to be done principally by students before the teacher takes up to provide the students with an amicable opportunity to have attained the gist of what is to [...]
The core elements of an instructional design model developed for the private sector should be modified in a specific way. In the implementation step, an educator should be required to coordinate the teaching strategy with [...]
The key reason is that in many assessments the stakes are so high that teaching attentions move to passing the assessment instead of transferring useful skills to the students.
The main components of the program are the focus on the tasks and direct instructions related to the certain story discussed in the classroom; the focus on the read ing comprehension; and the focus on [...]
One of the benefits of this approach is that it is going to be incredibly flexible, and it will be possible to make particular changes to the curriculum if it is necessary.