Free Education Essay Examples & Topics. Page 35

5,822 samples

Career Growth, Skills, Behaviors, and Challenges

The study will encourage more people to develop specific attributes to achieve their personal and career goals. Before getting a job, people should be aware of their career goals and acquire the best skills that [...]
  • Subjects: Career
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 821

Wedemeyer’s, Moore’s, and Equivalency Theories

It is an intentional method of learning that focuses on the establishment of a foundation of basic knowledge on concepts and information and builds upon this to create a more advanced state of educational attainment.
  • 1
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1389

Reading and Literacy: Teacher Education Program

It is vital to understand that a teacher's role is not only sharing knowledge with his or her students but also shaping their worldview and making them ready for life in an economically, culturally, and [...]
  • Subjects: Teacher Career
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 581

Brian Cambourne: Conditions of Learning

The implication here is that the teacher is expected to provide the children with exciting and stimulating things such as books related to children.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 631

Learning Styles Theory and Instructional Design

Because of the growing importance of the learning styles theory in modern pedagogy, the necessity of applying the learning styles theory and the way to apply it to the instructional design causes quite a concern [...]
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1701

Professional Learning Communities: Teacher Collaboration

The author admits that the result of the standardization and closer attention towards the performance of educators was the appearance of collaborative unions of the teachers created with the purpose of the exchange of knowledge [...]
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1350

Career Planning and Development

The components discussed in the paper include matching my skills and abilities with the preferred occupation of SGM, matching my work styles and values with the position of SGM, establishing the viability of remuneration package [...]
  • Subjects: Career
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2021

King Abu Al Aziz University: Change Initiative

To successfully implement the change initiative, I will use a flexible and coordinated change management strategy to accommodate the needs of all stakeholders who will include the university teaching staff, the management, the students, and [...]
  • Subjects: Educational Stages
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2561

Learning Cycle: Chemistry

In the following section, a student needs to answer the questions about the reactants and products represented in the scheme, and the answers require the application of critical thinking and analysis skills.
  • Subjects: Curriculum Development
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 1925

Motivational Models and Training in Education

Over the years, scholars in the education field have actively developed studies to develop the best motivational models to be applied in the teaching field to enhance the performance of students.
  • Subjects: Approach to Learning
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 2281

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Standards

Jeff criticizes the methods and the attitude of the teacher. Moreover, Irvine describes a teacher who overheard students talking about cars and used this information to build a class for "the classification topic".
  • Subjects: Pedagogical Skills
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 947

Teacher Creativity Fellowship Grant

The skill of learning and creative thinking will be developed by encouraging the students to think of possible solutions to the issue, model a situation where these solutions will be implemented, and to find information [...]
  • Subjects: Teacher Career
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 2756

Cultural Competence in the Classroom

Nikhil Goyal opens the public's eyes towards the realities of school for the young learners and asks a crucial question "why do children hate school?" Speaking about Nick Perez's time at elementary, middle and high [...]
  • Subjects: Aspects of Education
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 950

Mathematics and the Common Core State Standards

The fourth standard is proper learning of mathematical systems, while the fifth is the appropriate use of relevant mathematical tools. The use of websites and applications to ensure that students retain the mathematical concepts taught.
  • Subjects: Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 660

Qualitative Research Methods in Education

The study by Mahnake, Benlian, and Hess looks at online shopping and seeks to develop a grounded theory of flow experiences that will be useful in the context of online shopping.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1212

Applying Self-Regulated Learning

As a result, self-regulated learning can be discussed as highly motivational because a learner sets the value for the goal to achieve, chooses the most effective strategies, constantly monitors and evaluates the progress, and works [...]
  • Subjects: Approach to Learning
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1136

National Security College: Curriculum Enhancements

The curriculum will be designed by factoring in the various aspects that align the curriculum with the requirements of the national symbols, citizenship, representation of the country, and fostering the sense of being ambassadors.
  • Subjects: Curriculum Development
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 946

Contemporary Education: Foundational Theories Comparison

The thinking styles of these experts will be explored along the lines of the roles of interaction with adults and environments in the learning process, and the meaning of the curriculum knowledge.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1222

Oral and Written Feedback in ESL Teaching

The aim of the present paper is to connect the theoretical foundations of oral and written feedback in ESL teaching to the practical activities that take place in my classroom.
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 451

Phonetic Awareness Among Young Learners: Lesson Plan

It is expected that by the end of the lesson, the following goals will be accomplished: The students will be able to pronounce the diphthongs such as "-aw-" and "-ow-" correctly.
  • Subjects: Curriculum Development
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1127

Dhahran Ahliyya School and Saudi Arabian Education

The goal of this project is to support the development of the sphere of education in Saudi Arabia on the example of one of its well-known institutions, Dhahran Ahliyya School, through the provision of educational [...]
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1660

Scholarship, Leadership and Practice

With regard to information literacy, information can only be acquired if a leader is studious and reads many scholarly works to gain knowledge that would be of great significance to him or her, and the [...]
  • Subjects: Teacher Career
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 823

The Public School Industry

The public school industry is one that is slowly rising in retention of the secondary students, but the rate is so slow that it is necessary to find other outlets to increase it.
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 297

Learning Cycle Activities: Chemistry

In the invention phase, the teacher leads the students to the core of the lesson. Which reactant is in excess?" are of the invention or introduction phase because students are asked to compare and analyze [...]
  • Subjects: Curriculum Development
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 946

Leader’s Role in an Educational Process

The purpose is to evaluate the process of work in three groups and underline the role of a leader that is defined by students themselves.
  • Subjects: Aspects of Education
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 864

Dubai vs. Boston Higher Education

The intent of this paper is to compare the higher education sectors of Boston and Dubai. In the last decade, Dubai's higher education sector has witnessed increased public and private investments that have not only [...]
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 30
  • Words: 8303

Multiculturalism in Australian Education System

At the same time, the system is subjected to the influence of trends existing in the society and prejudice existing in Australian society is manifested in educational establishments.
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1948

High Turnover Rates of Teachers in Ohio

In this study, the focus is to conduct an assessment of the high turnover rates of teachers in Ohio, and how this affects the quality of education in this state.
  • Subjects: Teacher Career
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1420

Career Development Theories

The individuals inappropriate for the application of social learning theory are the individuals that happened to be isolated from life in the society and interactions with other people.
  • Subjects: Career
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1217

South City Prep Schools’ Competitive Advantage

On the whole, this approach is based on the assumption that inequalities in the academic performance of students can be explained by the inefficiencies in the work of educators.
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 560

Understanding by Design Lesson Plan Model

The primary aim of the teacher is to adhere to the curriculum and employ all necessary strategies and methods to provide students with the lesson that is maximally useful.
  • Subjects: Curriculum Development
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1144

New York Education Programs and Limitations

Moreover, it was acclaimed that the reading passages that were included into the Pearson Core Testing for the third grade corresponded to the level of the seventh-grade students. The critical issue is the role of [...]
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 665

Code Switching in Oman ESL Classrooms

As a second language in Oman, English was adopted in learning institutions in the 1970s. The use of English as a second language in Oman is not limited to business purposes.
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 3025

State-Aid for Schooling in Post-War Australia

The need to improve education standards and the widespread call for students' aid in both vocational and higher learning institutions prompted various governments to appoint committees with varied responsibilities to probe into the funding system [...]
  • Subjects: Educational Resources
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1995

History Lesson Plans and TPE Domain D

Students should analyze, unite, and determine various WWI causes and use their experience and gained abilities to understand the general role of the war in history.
  • Subjects: Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2267

Behaviorist Approach in Education

Rad is expected to demonstrate the interest in the lesson and provide answers to the teacher's questions without making irrelevant comments.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1185

Change Forces in the Educational Settings

To conclude, all forces mentioned in the article by Fullan, Cuttress, and Kilcher are necessary for the successful implementation of the organizational change.
  • Subjects: Aspects of Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 672

Deaf Children’s Education and Social Skills Development

The topic of special education interventions is of crucial importance due to the fact that children with HI commonly have additional trouble developing their social skills, perhaps due to the lack of early exposure to [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1763

Deaf Students’ Education and Language Development

The optimal time for intervention and the ways to address the problems children may experience due to delayed intervention is an important subject to address for the contemporary scientists because the timeliness of the diagnosis [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1367

Ex-Offenders Struggle to Find Jobs

The services an online career resource center must provide in order to meet the needs of former prisoners reentering the legal employment market are the help with transitional issues, counseling, and advice about stabilization, survival, [...]
  • Subjects: Career
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 773

Regency Hotel: Career Center Designing

The company has a mission to become a "giving member" of society and improve the lives of people by indulging in 'corporate social responsibility.' The corporate objective of Hotel Regency is to address the issues [...]
  • Subjects: Career
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1159

Applied Learning Initiative Values and Principles

C seeks to adopt the most-effective leadership style and skills that commit to excellence and to improve on the allocation of appropriate and adequate resources by providing assistance where required.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1661

Family Engagement in Children’s Learning Process

Engaging family members throughout the learning processes of their children will improve the level of morale, address challenges, and promote the best educational outcomes. The targeted family members will be ready to support the learning [...]
  • Subjects: Aspects of Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 558

Educational Services for K-12 Immigrant Students

Although the number of immigrant students increases, more attention is paid to the realization of federal laws and principles regarding the education of the immigrant population, services proposed in the majority of public schools cannot [...]
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 21
  • Words: 5663

Effective Leaders in Educational Settings

The main aim of this empirical inquiry was to gather student teachers' views to determine the gender differences in the effectiveness of educational leaders and also to understand what kind of qualities are inherent to [...]
  • Subjects: Teacher Career
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1219

Qatari Females’ Education and Opportunities

This success can be explained by the countries commitment to ongoing reforms and adoption of approaches that have proved to be successful such as the introduction of electronic record-keeping in Qatari healthcare facilities, the development [...]
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 19
  • Words: 4025

Webster School District’s Leader Interview

Erickson on the recent organizational change in the Webster School District, on the process steps used by the leader to implement the change successfully, and on possible obstacles and barriers to the change.
  • Subjects: Teacher Career
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1412

Intervention for Children with Hearing Impairments

Thus, it is important to study how the interventions are carried out in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to be able to improve the quality of their implementation in that region.
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 405

Senior Development Administrator Career

What are the fringe benefits you get from your role in the school? What are the common problems you face in your current role in the school?
  • Subjects: Career
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 810

English Language Arts and Common Core State Standards

In the proposal, the author does not define the target audience, and it is impossible to say whether the chosen subject matter is age-appropriate for the audience.
  • Subjects: Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 441

Students Protection from Infectections

First of all, in a limited space where groups of children are put close to one another it is important to keep the germs from getting in the air. In every school there are areas [...]
  • Subjects: Learning Challenges
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 839

Saudi Arabian Education: Autistic Children’ Inclusion

Since this study does not have specific findings in relation to the nature of the disability, this study will aim to correlate aspects that govern teachers' attitudes with the inclusion of autistic children. What are [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 645

Assessing Student Learning: Domain B

This domain proves that assessment is a serious and long process that cannot be neglected as it helps teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of their work and the level of students' achievements.
  • Subjects: Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 577

Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis

The reflection covers the climate of the school; health and safety; and policy and procedure issues. For instance, the new school, known as 'quiet school', has incorporated several aspects of modern designs and is equipped [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 579

Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning

Classroom activities, the necessity to develop a lesson plan, and the evaluation of an individualized education program are the three main factors that help to comprehend how it is crucial to engage students in an [...]
  • Subjects: Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1122

Teaching Speaking and ESP Students

Feak claims that, by reducing the complexity of the tasks and simplifying the instructions, teachers will be capable of catering to the needs of ESP students; as a result, the process of language acquisition will [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1196

Pedagogical Scenarios: Teaching Arabic

Each task could be divided into several stages, and accomplishment of each phase will lead to the better understanding of the material and the increase of the level of satisfaction of students.
  • Subjects: Pedagogical Approaches
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 434

Professional Learning Communities

The principal further stated that to ensure that students are learning the school has remained committed to ensure that the school goals and objectives value the demands of the PLC model.
  • Subjects: Teacher Career
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2243

Virginia Commonwealth University

This leads to expansion of the university as new facilities are built to meet the demands of newcomers and attract more students. New parks and squares will contribute to transformation of the city into a [...]
  • Subjects: Educational Stages
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 553

Mini-Games as Educational Tools

It requires an exploration of the perceptions of teachers, who play a role in the integration of the technology into the classroom, to determine how the games support learning.
  • Subjects: Approach to Learning
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1141

School District Budget Development

Thus, it alerts the owner of the organization about what is going on with the money and helps organize spending and savings, makes the leader decide in advance how the financing strategy will work within [...]
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 952

Teaching Program: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible

Thus, if the subject matter is presented with the focus on the instruction that is inappropriate for the concrete students who are different in their backgrounds and abilities, students become deprived of the opportunity to [...]
  • Subjects: Pedagogical Approaches
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 837

The Saudi Arabian Students Challenges

It is assumed that the misrepresentation of the culture of dialogue in most of the Saudi Arabian schools, as well as the lack of opportunities for students' self-expression, must lead to drastic results, including a [...]
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2806

Language Needs of an English Learner

The purpose of the paper is to make an accent on the level of English and what approaches and methods can be implemented into the studying process to improve the learning process of the foreign [...]
  • Subjects: Approach to Learning
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 985

How Inclusion Impacts Autistic Children?

Furthermore, the normalization theory advocates for the creation, support, and defense of the social attributes of the individuals with disabilities. Therefore, this implies that the impacts of inclusion on autistic children can be productive and [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 594

Special Education: Visioning and Reflecting on Course

What is the current perception of the society towards the services of special-education teachers, special-education schools, and that of the principals about the disabled students?
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 896

Importance of Sex Education for Teens

One of the advantages of cohabitation in modern society is that it eliminates the obligations of marriage while providing sexual and emotional intimacy for couples. One of the disadvantages is that for most couples, cohabitation [...]
  • Subjects: Aspects of Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 576

The Relationship Between Poverty and Education

My research paper tends to provide investigation towards the amount of characteristics that alter the degree of registration into institutions of higher education of scholars from inferior social groups; to define the relative importance of [...]
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 889

Adult Learning: Cognitivist and Constructivist Theories

It is necessary to note that both theories were developed in the middle of the 20th century as a response to the behaviorist theory. According to this theory, the learning happens as a result of [...]
  • Subjects: Adult Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 572

Mahara ePortfolio Role in Education

Thinking of my S.M.A.R.T.objectives I remembered that my plan would not be effective if there was no way to evaluate the progress.
  • Subjects: Approach to Learning
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 605

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Educational Interventions

From this point, this paper aims to discuss the definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders, examine the etiology and incidence of the disorder, focus on the prevalence of autism, and analyze the effectiveness of the DTT [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2203

Co-Educational and Same-Sex Education Programs

The thesis for this paper is that co-educational programs have the potential to support the learning, social, and developmental needs of different students, thus making them successful adults.
  • Subjects: Study Courses and Education Programs
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 840

Motivational Theory in the Instructional Program

As such, motivational-based strategies are acquired and developed when the students see the manifestations of those lessons in the actual sense. Lastly, motivational theory helps the instructors to develop a sense of self-drive in the [...]
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 853

STEM Education: Strategies and Approaches for Teaching

Some of the subjects that are targeted in scientific literacy under STEM include chemistry, biology, and physics, with the technological literacy portion focusing on the development, the use and effects of technology to the United [...]
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2215

Introduction with Logical Fallacies Arguments

The research conducted by Blunt was directed at the evaluation of the efficiency of a game-based approach compared to the traditional teaching for the groups of students determined by gender, age, and ethnicity.
  • Subjects: Writing & Assignments
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 1273

Education Funding Sources and Laws

Studying Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Black notices that the initial purpose of the Act was to provide equality about educational opportunities for the students coming from low-income families.
  • Subjects: Education System
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 473

Motivation in Adults and Young Learners

First, it is important to outline the major differences between motivation in adult and young learners. They may often observe other learners to complete certain tasks and utilize these strategies in the future.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 566

Logical Fallacies: Definition and Identification

This way a wrong doing from the side of Japan is taught to be viewed as a reason serving as a justification of the following actions of the United States army, which is a logic [...]
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 576

Counseling Theories on Elementary School Students

This paper explores the validity of the idea that school-counselors are indeed being in the position to combine the provisions of the methodologically incompatible theories of counseling, while designing a specific counseling-strategy.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2020

E-learning in Higher Education in Morocco

The authors of the paper 'Collaborative and Cooperative E-learning in Higher Education in Morocco: A Case Study' revealed the outcomes of the case study regarding the presentation of recent online electronics in order to defend [...]
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 596

Sharjah Capabilities in Exporting Education

The government of Sharjah supports the education system in conjunction to the UAE country which has set up the national leadership in learning. The development of the education systems in UAE is effective and reliable [...]
  • Subjects: Education Abroad
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1137

Girl-To-Girl Bullying and Mean Stinks Program

The positive results can be achieved by the implementation of the multiple educational programs, the increase in public awareness, and promotion of the values of the healthy relationships."Mean Stinks" is exactly the program with the [...]
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 608

Pre-School Education and Its Significance

The issues related to the knowledge of learning, discipline and scientific approaches emerge as crucial aspects of education in the modern world.
  • Subjects: Educational Stages
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 670

Christmas Balls Making in the Art Classes

In anticipation of the holidays, it is expected that the students will be eager to create objects related to Christmas, and this eagerness will serve as the activator of the motivated behavior that will enhance [...]
  • Subjects: Pedagogy
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 578

Discovery Learning in Online Instructional Design

It shows that learners experience different motivations for the learner, and the role of the instructional design is to ensure the motivation for learning remains high.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 11
  • Words: 2993

Play-Based Learning: Games and Creativity

The articles viewed for this paper discuss the role of the educator during the play, and the effects a play has on the learners, what has not been discussed is the kinds of games that [...]
  • Subjects: Approach to Learning
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1089

Differentiated Learning: the Pledge of Allegiance

In particular, learners who may have severe short-term memory impairments should be allowed to use the text of the Pledge while presenting it to the class. It may be difficult for them to memorize the [...]
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 228

Leadership and Learning Relationship

The assumptions contained in the 21st Century Skills, as a theory of learning, equally offer improvements to the other learning theories, such as humanism and cognitivism.
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1125

Autonomy Supportive Teaching and Motivational Systems Theory

It is the approach to human's motifs and personality which uses traditional empiric methods, combined with recognition of people using some inner sources to accomplish task better In other words, it is the idea of [...]
  • Subjects: Education Theories
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 866

Early Childhood Special Education

These devices will support the learning needs of the targeted children. The individual should also consider the nature of the surrounding environment.
  • Subjects: Special Education
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 604

Education for Sustainability: Students Posts’ Differences

My posting stresses the importance of EE/ES in transforming or shifting the attitudes of individuals in taking a proactive approach to preserve the environment and address arising environmental challenges.
  • Subjects: Writing & Assignments
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2033

Steps for Writing a Research Report

It is useful to participate in online discussions of the topic and list keywords to focus on the research. Ideas in body paragraphs should be supported with evidence and results of the research.
  • Subjects: Writing & Assignments
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 538

Motivation and Change in Schools

Thus, the chapter is devoted to the exploration of the culture of a typical XXI century student, who, as it turns out, is quite different from the students of the previous era.
  • Subjects: Pedagogy
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1382

Education Funding in England and Cuba

Today, with the growth of demanding to the academic level of working professionals and rapid growth of requirements to the quality of education at national and international levels, achieving of high standards of education is [...]
  • Subjects: Education Issues
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1891

College Majors and Its Role in Education and Work

This implied that, what mattered most was the value of higher education to enable an individual to apply mastery in accomplishing a variety of duties in different fields.
  • Subjects: Educational Stages
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 865

Discipline and Managing Behavior in the Classroom

Attainment of discipline and acceptable behavior within a child is important; hence, the purpose of this paper, which is to give insight into the strategies that educators can adapt to discipline and guide behavior during [...]
  • Subjects: Pedagogical Approaches
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1480

Diversity in School and Its Advantages

School classrooms need to be responsive to diversity for varied groups to interact and leverage the benefits of diversity. Most researchers agree that education founded on diversity offers the capacity for schools and teachers to [...]
  • Subjects: Aspects of Education
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2856

Techniques of Improving Writing Skills

The purpose of this report is to come up with techniques that would help students improve and develop their writing skills.
  • Subjects: Writing & Assignments
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2325