In as much as the strike was a negative event, it culminated to significant changes in the relations of persons in educational institutions.
Despite the fact that, as we have mentioned earlier, the growing number of educators come to realize the indispensability of providing students with a stimulus to develop critical thinking, only few of them seem to [...]
Of course, it is not the most important for teacher to teach students to do sums or know where human's heart is.
Allen said that this is not the way to give grades to students and that teachers must learn to use a more objective way of evaluating the performance of their students.
These neurons are usually created in a place called the hippocampus, which happens to be the section of the brain involved in learning and storage of memory.
This paper sets out to argue that while the benefits of a college education are monumental to the society, a college degree is not necessary for all students.
A supervisor should find out the reasons of such behavior and persuade the principles to be serious about their work. In order to be a good supervisor, one should be well aware of the school [...]
Some of the primary functions of the taskforce should be the establishment of the best practices in childhood education, the confirmation of the details to be considered in the overall curriculum plus the consideration of [...]
This is the education theory that puts a lot of emphasis on improvement of an individual and the society in general.
An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats shall be used to evaluate the costs and benefits that are present in these courses and at the same time to pin point the major concerns [...]
Still, systematizing the materials and implementing the principle of proceeding from the simple to the complex, the authors managed to make the text accessible for high school students. The language of the text is simple [...]
The set of objectives developed in this model are likely to change depending on the needs of individual learners, hence the need to create a link between the problem identification and the recursion and reflection [...]
In most high schools in the Jefferson County, students get engaged in websites which sell the papers and later submit in the work to their teachers claiming that it is their own piece of work.
A plagiarism policy in the University of Sydney states that "Where an Examiner detects or is made aware of alleged Plagiarism or Academic Dishonesty by a student; the Examiner must report the alleged Plagiarism or [...]
This leads to the question of the roles played by adult educators and learners with the influences of the context of learning determining the nature of adult learning.
The objective of the article is to offer a description of the process of behavior modification for a child diagnosed with ADHD.
This was the reason why the teacher was concerned knowing that reading skills are important to the success of the students and the school in future.
The starting point of evaluation is based on the instruction program adopted, the goals of education and the initiative of the school towards education.
Considering the diversity nature of students in any classroom scenario, it is important for the teaching orientation to adopt a variety of mechanisms, which will ensure there is satisfaction of all learner needs.
In addition, the researcher aimed to evaluate the stability and constancy of social status classification on the children over a period of 6 months.
The Neo-Vygotskian approach to child development is positive stratagems of education, which are resource-oriented and presents the society with the view of the child as an empowered individual with a will, apparent ability, and unique [...]
According to Ungar, the major professional issues in the discipline of child and youth, care practices include the programs models that are in use within the learning setting, the preparation procedures concerning educator's role, functions [...]
So, the works by such writers like Daniel Pink and Peter Singer should help me to comprehend how education is important and prove once again that one of the best ways to learn is to [...]
I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in these activities and help the members of the Children's Book Bank to repair donated books; it was a great experience where I could not only contact with [...]