In Figure 2 below, the motor is connected to a fan that generates the suction power: The electric motor is the central interior item in vacuum cleaners because it generates power and makes the device [...]
The equation for the moment of inertia of the connecting rod about its centre of mass as a function of the period of oscillations measured is also determined from the data that is collected from [...]
Data by Dang and fellow researchers shows that patent application for nanotechnology inventions in developed countries increased from zero percent in 1991 to about 27 % in 2008 and that this growth is set to [...]
The latter is designed for putting the starter in the waiting regime while the voltage is supplied to the supply lines of the starter but the starter as such and the motor are switched off [...]
In addition, to yield strength, percentage of elongation, and ultimate strength, the tensile test experiment may be used to assess additional mechanical properties of the specimen.
The study investigates the behavior of composite materials at the points of interaction with the composite materials to understand the effect caused by the forces of shear stress, shear strain, flexural failure, and other forces [...]
The purpose of the preliminary study is to examine suitability of the study for the proposed construction, economize the design, assess ground conditions, and evaluate impact on the pre-existing neighbouring structures.
The plane could be easily converted to a car by removing the wings and tail hood of the plane to fit on the road and the propellers could be kept in the craft's fuselage.
The power from this part of the electrical system plays a great role in the running of the building operations. To realize a high performance of both the electrical and mechanical systems, integrated designs should [...]
Fuse: The purpose of the fuse is to protect the short circuit as well as provide protection for the coil, and this will energise the voltage at a normal of 70%.
The use of these systems results in much less complicated systems as parts like gears and cams are eliminated and fluids used in the transmission of power instead of solid parts.
Resins bind other components of the ink and form a film for binding the ink and the paper. Transportation of wood, paper fiber, and ink is also necessary to deliver the raw material to the [...]
Applying the Kantian theory of ethics the software engineer will have to inform the stakeholders including the investors of the company and the clients that there will be a delay in the launching of the [...]
Many people have questioned the health risks that arise from genetically modified crops, thus it is the politicians who have to ensure that the interests of the people are met and their safety is assured. [...]
The ECU is able to regulate these functions of the engine in response to the information it receives from a horde of sensors mounted on various parts of the engine.
Biomedical engineers join sound skills of engineering and biological science, and so tend to have a bachelor of science and superior degrees from major universities, who are now recovering their biomedical engineering program as interest [...]
The importance of safety culture and management To achieve safety goals, any organization is to be familiar with safety culture. Safety engineering is really the important science as it gives the students the opportunity to [...]
Nanoengineering is considered to be the practical application of nanoscience and involves the application of its theoretical principles to develop structures and materials that are small, powerful, and efficient.
The welding process is so broad that mechanical engineering as a discipline is part and parcel of it. Within the process of arc welding are other types which are described below: In this process, the [...]
The most common application of smart grid technology is in electricity distribution. In conclusion, smart grid technology has changed the way power is generated and transmitted.
This is to facilitate development of appropriate construction designs, allocation of resources, and crafting of superior strategic plan to enhance effectiveness.
It is responsible for the transfer of power produced by the exploding gases in the combustion chamber, to the crankshaft through a connecting rod that is usually attached to it.
Electronics engineering is the branch of electrical engineering, which deals with the uses of "the electromagnetic spectrum and with the application of such electronic devices as integrated circuits, transistors, and vacuum tubes".
In this light, the paper tracks changes in the operation mechanisms of the clock in the quest to provide theoretical records of evolution of engineering.
It is mainly characterized by the deepening of the specialization of production and the expansion of its scale."Small" metallurgy should be added to the listed divisions of mechanical engineering.
This marked the beginning of the car industry, which ultimately led to the development of modern automobiles and opened the way for their production. The reliability and safety of automobiles have increased due to technological [...]
Software Engineering is a field in engineering that requires the practitioner to apply the principles of engineering in the design and development of software products.
Similarities between NSPE code of ethics and AiChE Engineers should use their skills to ensure health, welfare and safety of the public as provided by the first principle. The goal is to enhance health and [...]
Welding, which is "the fusion of material by the use of heat," dates back to the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, arc welding developed only after the invention of the electric generator in the middle of the [...]
The other types of cement include the blended and the hydraulic cement. Type one and Type one-A constitute of the Portland cement used for most of the basic construction.
Specific heat of a material is the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of unit mass of material by one degree Celsius and is denoted by the letter S.
The shop believes that the short-termed life of the kits is attributed to the materials used in making the toolboxes. Similarly, it was noted that the cost of acquiring aluminum alloy was cheaper than the [...]
The development of the transmission system was a very important problem that engineers were struggling to solve because of the many challenges that were experienced in transferring the torque from the engine to the differential [...]
The working principle of the Turbo charged engine A turbo charger used by an automotive is made up of a turbine, a compressor and a couple of common shafts.
These procedures require the collaboration of the team of designers and architects as well as the owner of the building at all the phases of the project.
The reason why civil engineering is dominant over other engineering disciplines is that it is broad and deals with many things such as design, building, and refurbishment of corporeal and ordinary built environment.
The manufacturer had to design a decision tree and weigh the options to proceed with the process. Developing a decision tree helps Ventron Company identify the optimal option with the feasible options and the significance [...]
It is interesting to discuss that Tesla's AC system led to the event in the history of the scientific and commercial world called the war of the currents.
The planetary gear system borrows its name from the behavior of the sun and the planets in the solar system, as the gears in the system behave in a similar manner to the planets.
The success of the solar power initiatives in the UAE is largely attributed to the wide range of financial incentives that the UAE government has offered to the companies that are prepared to advance the [...]
The furnace stands as a demonstration of the potential of solar energy to the world and it remains amongst the world's greatest projects especially in the line of solar energy exploitation.
Professor Roentgen's discovery of X-Ray in 1895 was a very big step in the field of medicine since it was the beginning of a long and interesting journey in the study of radiation.
In addition to that, the architect asserted that such stairs were used to accommodate the needs of escaping children and disabled people who could be in the building in the event of a fire.
However, the period of technological advancements that started after the Second World War saw a breakthrough in the extraction of aluminum and easy smelting of aluminum.
It has been established that the thickness of the dead zone is in the range of tens of micrometres, which calls for a judicious estimation of the correct parameters to be used as conceptualised in [...]
In the past decades, the safety of the underwater welding practice has been put into question, thus prompting the need to address the issue. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed report [...]
This paper examines the working mechanism and applications of Thermistors Thermistors are special kind of variable resistors whose resistance changes with changing temperature i.e.a change in thermal temperature results in changes in its resistance value.
The lawsuit between Ron Engineering and Construction Ltd.and the Government of Ontario can be considered one of the most consequential and prominent quarrels in Canada.
The application and constant development of mobile phone technology in the modern era is experiencing a boom, as innovators in the technology sector look forward to a future of introducing wireless charging technology for the [...]
To study the behavior of stainless steel at elevated temperatures, the material data of the steel obtained through testing is Steady-state tensile tests and transient-state procedures determine the stress-strain relationships of stainless steel at [...]
Vibration in rotating machines occurs because the centre of rotation of a machine does not coincide with center of mass. Machine imbalance is the most common cause of vibration in rotating machines.
Consequently, the emission wavelength of a semiconductor laser diode is described by a temperature dependence similar to the bandgap in the same linear order.
NASA's Best Engineering Design Process course demonstrates how presenting the audience with the idea of bringing a satellite to the Moon can lead to introducing deeper problems associated with the engineering side of the idea.
As a field of study, mechanical engineering has evolved to encompass the study of sophisticated machinery of the twenty-first century. This invention led to the development of mechanical engineering as a field of study.
It is important to note that the number of parts to be replaced is limited to one in the period of the completion and part that are replaced should have the same technical specifications as [...]
Despite the significant efforts of the responders to the Chernobyl accident, its consequences included the creation of the exclusion zone, people's deaths, and worsening of the population's health.
This essay explores the geological information of the raw materials, the processing steps and the environmental issues. With the raw materials ready, brass is obtained from a mixture of the two, with copper dominating the [...]
The first essential part of the system is the source of warmed or cooled air. It is the origin of all gases distributed within the system and in the rooms.
This is because, power required to run the oven and freezers for long should be available and if a power supply cannot produce that equivalent of power the tests will be invalid.
The experiences in terms of the effects and the response measures used in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident can be considered by Japan to help it address the consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
The primary reasons for it are the outdated equipment in UPS's facilities, as well as the necessity to modernize them instead of buying new technology outright.
The current moment provides a unique business opportunity to implement a community-level battery storage system based on blockchain technology that would provide sustainable electricity for the Egyptians and contribute to the development of new RES [...]
The optimal involvement of the relevant stakeholders in the engineering sector is an essential initiative cause of the profound articulation of the apt operative standards.
Engineering and technology management group is aimed at encouraging the coordination of engineering and technology to management technicalities which has divisions for national and international conference participation.
The current paper aims to review the key elements of the VLF cable testing and outline the potential areas of development that could be addressed by the experts in the field to improve the quality [...]
However, it is important to note that before the appropriate AT services and devices are provided to the disabled learners, it is important to carry out an assessment on the UDL of the students to [...]
I have been able to exhibit the above elements in a number of ways. As a leader, I have been able to understand the engineering students' challenges during placements.
The main aim of the report is to enable the career consultants who will be acting as career advisors to be able to understand my career field and in the process, they will be able [...]
At the same time, it threatens nature and creates many long-term issues related to pollution of air, soil, water, the weakening of the ozone layer, and the facilitation of the greenhouse gas effect.
The uninterruptible power supply system is a power supply backup technology, which provides emergency energy to a system load when the main power supply system fails.
After exploring ICE types, their application, recent technological advancements in improving the performance of ICEs, and the obstacles that prevent the realisation of optimum efficiency for these engines, this paper proposes the adoption of variable [...]
The weight of the barge and the ballast water drives the support legs to the bottom of ocean or the sea in order to avoid further penetration when the rig is in operation.
In addition, the general plan of the competitor in a bid to control the market is a vital toolkit which this company can use to estimate the competitive edge of the market.
The equipment running under the UPS gets supply of power for several minutes before switching the power to an alternative or emergency power options such as batteries in case of electric failures.
In 1888, the practically of Benz's car would come to test when his wife, Bertha, and their two sons embarked on a journey using a better version of the car.
Therefore, the more the energy required to break a material the tougher the material and the lesser the energy required to break the material the less tough the material.
In a diesel engine fuel and gas are mixed in the cylinder before ignition while in a spark engine fuel is mixed external to the cylinder before ignition. The coupling of diesel engine and Maxwell's [...]
While constructing the last missing link of the highway to connect the tunnel beneath the channel to interstate 90, the engineers encountered two critical problems, namely, the daily train moves and the soft soil beneath [...]
In the area of Knowledge and Skill Base, it is important to determine for the analysis such competence as "Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline"; and in the area of Professional and Personal [...]
Experts strive to develop materials that can work under high temperatures and forces while minimizing the proneness to wear of a cutting tool during machining operations.
Patenting an improved version of a program that belongs to a company an engineer is working for is unethical. This is because the original version of the program was registered in the name of the [...]
The imbibing and suppuration nozzles in a single stage horizontal split centrifugal are integrally built in the lower half of the chamber and on the same horizontal centreline.
In 1872, Stolze of Germany received the first patent marking a milestone in the development of the gas turbine. The gas turbine is one of the most flexible machines in the class of turbomachinery.
The transistor, which applies Moore's Law, is known for the development of the first packed computer chip that enabled the reduction of the size of the computer.
The challenge with planning building foundations on moderate to highly expansive clay soils are the probable damaging effects of differential movements of the foundation structural elements owing to volumetric changes of the underlying and adjoining [...]
Role of subsidiaries, in this case, would be to foresee the completion of grid-based rural electrification to off-grid areas that have poor and dispersed population.
Additionally, concessions should be made by stakeholders in terms of funding and availing the necessary conditions for engineers to come up with innovative ways aimed at dealing with these challenges.
Most of the schools claim to lack some important resources to handle science lessons well, and that is one of the reasons of this campaign to influence both the teachers and the students to have [...]
Fire safety engineering refers to the usage of scientific measures to improve the detection, prevention, and extinguishment of destructive fire. This is a recount of the successes of fire protection and safety engineering.
The principle of operation of CNC systems is to issue a control action by the microcontroller - electrical impulses of a strictly defined duration, to the actuators of the machine, as well as control their [...]
The cause of how the voltage supplied to the fuel pump affects the fuel injector output of fuel is because the fuel pump is the source of the power necessary for the fuel injector to [...]
The components of circuit diagrams consist of the electric cell that provides the circuit with the source of current. The circuit diagrams correlate with AutoCAD in providing a visual representation of the circuit to the [...]
The mass appears to push outward due to its inertia in the case of a spinning system because the centripetal force pulls the mass inward to follow a curved path.
Before defining how the voice recognition technology built into the chair will avoid the disadvantages of working from home, it is essential to highlight some features of its work. In conclusion, it will be essential [...]
During the audit of the premises, all distances were measured in detail, including the width of the doors, the accessibility and height of the elevator buttons, the width of the elevator doors, and the exit [...]