The company's E-Spoon mobile app will be designed for the United States market and will allow its users to search for food venues and make reservations based on a wide variety of parameters that include, [...]
The sorting process starts from the rightmost digit based on the key or the positions of the numbers being sorted. LSD radix sorts the integers from the least to the most significant digit.
The proximity of SQL infusion weakness enables an assailant to issue command prompts specifically for a web application's database and to subvert the planned use of the application.
The current concept of m-tools as the household strategy for implementing the teaching and learning process is flawed to a significant extent due to the lack of guidance and support from the tutor that it [...]
It is at the front part of the guitar, and it is the most critical part of the instrument, because the back part and the sides of the guitar reflects the sound back to the [...]
The importance of mobility in the current business context has motivated the use of embedded technology to design systems. It is used in the management of energy systems such as production, distribution, and optimization.
The key benefit of passive solar heating systems is that they reduce the number of greenhouse gasses and hardly pollute the air if we compare them to conventional heating systems.
The value of the assets determines the amount of time and resources that can be invested to protect a particular system.
Bring your device refers to the organizational policy of allowing employees to bring their technological devices to the workplace and use them to carry out organizational duties.
For the majority of modern companies, the process of data destruction is one of the essential procedures allowing the organization to run smoothly and manage their data efficiently while staying protected.
The internet has and will continue to change the way people in the United States live because it provides necessary interruptions that have a profound effect on the way people think.
Speaking about the classification of graphs and the way to apply them, it needs to be noted that different graphs present structures helping to represent data related to various fields of knowledge.
It is assumed that one of the major factors that currently affect and will be affecting sales in the future is the artificial intelligence.
A Fresnel lens possesses a large aperture and a short focal length, which allows it to capture and focus more from a light source than a conventional lens, and project it over vast distances while [...]
In order for the students to feel like they are operating on living patients instead of waving instruments in the air, it is necessary to provide the environment that would compensate for the shortcomings of [...]
The creation of the World Wide Web was the premise for the emergence of big data. The development of the Internet enabled people to store data online.
It is possible to note that the author provides sound arguments and helps understand the lack of awareness of technology and its development.
Therefore, it is important to use only the best tools when it comes to securing the network and giving access to the most sensitive areas of the system.
Snow has become popular because it is focused on the Asian market and, in fact, it introduced Asia-specific features earlier than Snapchat managed to develop them and offer local-language versions of the app.
What is currently happening is that parents are now aware of the fact that their children might spend more than enough time in front of the TV or phone/tablet screen, and that scares most of [...]
This development in Apple's software is a reflection of the social construction of technology theory based on how the needs of the user impact how technological development is oriented.
Living in the era of the Internet and online technology increases the vulnerability of the information stored online and on electronic devices.
The guiding principles for E2E economy formulated by the authors include the ability of organizations to provide optimal customer experiences through the right partnerships, capacity to use contextual and predictive analytics to generate customer value, [...]
I argue that it is our understanding of privacy that provides the solution and that the Internet is the biggest factor that influences it.
Since the topic of the lesson is "Domestic Animals," an e-book can provide meaningful and engaging opportunities for the young learners to develop their phonemic awareness and reading skills.
Thus, this project intends to investigate the advantages of using conventional X-ray piping to inspect gas and oil plants over digital x-ray criteria.
The aim was to write an article for "The Guardian" while exploring the today's threat to people's privacy originating in mobile technologies, and to link it to Orwell's concept of "telescreens".
According to experts, one of the things one should consider when buying an ice machine is the type of ice it produces and its suitability to the immediate needs. The other common type of ice [...]
The existing media world provides numerous options for the end-users to reach and scrutinize the information of interest. For the most part, CMS is intended to create a collaborative environment and allow the end-users to [...]
One of the most difficult issues connected to youth culture is their lack of consciousness when it comes to the use of modern means of communication and other things that were invented to promote knowledge [...]
Another reason that justifies that new media has managed to create a new society is the uptake of the concept of pay TV in many parts of the globe.
The major finding of the report is that it was negligence in following the safety rules and procedures that led to the accidents.
The organization has been operating in the environment of the global market since 1933 and has gained a reputation of the company that promotes technological innovation as the foundational tool for attaining high-quality rates.
Due to the lack of resources, it is important to sort out priorities and assess the impact of the proposed changes with the help of the means of simulating traffic.
The aim of this report is to present actual finding on the probable cause of the accident in which the 4,450 chemical tanker to run aground just some few moments after the change of guard [...]
The article stated that the majority of large and successful businesses that operate with the help of the Internet are fighting very hard to prevent fresh and new businesses from entering the market and capturing [...]
Consequently, if the policy is endorsed, it means that the administration fully supports it; if the policy is relevant, it means that the policy can be applied at an organizational level; if the policy is [...]
This paper examines how airlines can maximize the usefulness of practical guidelines that can be used to implement a performance-based contracting approach in their procurement process and the value the aviation industry will acquire in [...]
The engineer is responsible for achieving the goals of the organization he works for, as well as, answering the concerns of the public safety.
This paper is aimed to prove that even though two years of technical studies is enough to work in the sphere of Mechanical engineering as a technician, it is not enough to prepare an efficient [...]
In other cases, some employers tend to ignore the safety needs of their employees by providing unsafe working conditions, which eventually contribute to accidents within the workplace.
The technology is deployed in border monitoring in the US. Conclusively, the future market for drone technology is promising.
It is quite evident that the quality of maintenance procedures on the plant was not satisfactory, and it is one of the primary issues that have caused the incident.
Nowadays, the majority of the representatives of the general public all over the world are familiar with the concept of virtual reality, and many of them have already experienced it.
At the time of the crash, the NTSB estimate revealed that the wind was from the west with a strength that varied between 35 and 40 knots.
The purpose of the study is to explore the concept of digital citizenship in connection to learning and teaching among Saudi Arabia teachers.
The author seeks to convince the faculty to carry out a ban on the use of cell phones and laptops in classrooms.
The benefits of the Penetration Testing Framework 0. The Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual and Penetration Testing Framework 0.
The fact is that the last version of a document contains numerous changes made in the course of editing. The usage of this tool conditions the increased efficiency as there is no need in various [...]
Despite the fictional and speculative nature of the majority of implications connected to the supposed threat that the artificial intelligence poses to mankind and the resulting low credibility ascribed to all such suggestions, at least [...]
The system discharges the customer's card, and when the customer collects the bank card, the system then hands out the requested amount of cash to the customer.
Also, the system must also capture any individual trying to access the door and relay that information to the cameras at the security control room. The project's scope involves the successful installation of the Access [...]
The biggest advantage of LMS is the opportunity to prepare substantial resources for educating the employees or students. DoceboLMS is a powerful and extendable SaaS incorporating a function of activating an Enterprise Cloud Solution application [...]
Such measures as laws prohibiting direct links in the e-mail, or authentication and anti-virus systems, might be beneficial to secure citizens from cybercrime.
The IT department is responsible for the production, review, and maintenance of IT equipment inventory, formulation of requests for replacement and disposal, and management of the equipment throughout its lifecycle.
The organization makes enterprise software that is used in the management of business operations and customer relations. The firm is able to manage the delivery of new systems and products.
Arguably, the history of the turbine engine dates back to the era of the Old Testament of the Bible. The first engine to demonstrate the viability of the gas-turbine engine was made of a three-piston [...]
Generally, when a case involving loss of data through leakage or any other way, security firms entrusted with the responsibility of handling confidential information of clients stand to face serious challenges directly associated with loss [...]
This paper studies the issue of cybercrime in relation to ethical concerns, the cybercrime dilemma, and the international involvement in the fight against cybercrime with a special focus on global interconnectedness.
SWYP-printer is, therefore, a device with a touch screen that uses the screen to view the image for easy editing and see how the print out will look like since the screen is calibrated to [...]
Fire codes promoted the maintenance and inspection of different fire safety devices to facilitate effective measures. Fire codes provided effective measures that encouraged residents to minimize the chances of causing fire incidences.
The invention of the printing press altered the history of the world the most notable one being the reduction of the power of the church.
The core purpose of any multi-touch interface is to detect and process the users' intuitive gestures. The first and foremost advantage of multi-touch interfaces is that they can be adjusted to virtually every situation where [...]
The apps are programmed to cooperate with the operating systems of the devices and can take advantage of the features and options of the devices.
The usage of uber in Saudi Arabia has become viral, especially with the ban of women to drive. In conclusion, the usage of uber in Saudi Arabia has become viral, especially with the ban for [...]
The tool will provide solutions for assessing both solid and liquid substances for the presence of the agents harmful to the human body.
Another introduction to recommender systems, the processes behind them, the basic and the hybrid approaches of the systems is described by Jones; cluster algorithms are also approached.
And while entering the market in a right time, "Trip Organizer" may take an advantage in the industry by uniting the functions of the trip organization with the social activities in one app.
The reason for the scope of the paper is the success the system has had so far, the possibilities it offers in a multitude of fields and the impressive list of achievements already made possible [...]
Later on, the shower was getting stronger, and the captain of the plane noticed lightning in the cloud before him. At that moment, the only thing the pilots could do to prevent a crash was [...]
The research goes in-depth to analyze the various examples of underwater welding, the defects associated with underwater welding, and the possible remedies.
When one opens the page, it gives clear guidelines that enable the user to access the relevant information that is useful for the learning.
The key objective of the current research is to learn about the peculiarities of the SMS and SMSC technologies and, after that, to be able to evaluate the quality of these services and propose the [...]
The expansion of the Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport and the construction of the fifth runway were as a result of several reasons.
The case of Dyn attack presents powerful insights that should be taken seriously in order to minimize the chances of being attacked by cybercriminals. The hackers are believed to have targeted thousands of internet-of-things in [...]
At the same time, it made the recruiting process on the part of the companies much more complex due to a larger number of resumes waiting to be processed.
The rapid growths of technologies and the rise of digital devices that impact the functioning of various establishments and organizations introduce numerous changes to the way the modern world functions.
The innovation and development of the circuit also made radio receivers, the chief communication tools of the time, more susceptible and selective.
The construction of the United States high-speed rail promoted the popularity of rail transport in the country, especially in the major cities where a traffic jam is becoming common during rush hours.
Such issues as the current strategic position described in the document, the adequacy of the plan to the existing Australian aviation safety performance, the plan's strengths and weaknesses, are investigated; also, safety standards and guidelines [...]
The usage of the Australian Corporate Plan related to aviation safety and security could also contribute to the reconsideration of the existing approach to airport operations and help outline the spheres of change that should [...]
The defense could have used this information to prove that Duronio was not the only suspect, and further investigation was needed.
Meanwhile, the policies and standards could be considered of a higher power, as they identify the issue and determine the necessity to comply with the law regarding the particular issues. In turn, the continuous enforcement [...]
Developing a company training program to educate employees on cybersecurity policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines to ensure state and federal cyber law compliance is a difficult and a meticulous task, which needs to take into [...]
Corporate policies for the use of email to support sound cybersecurity include the following: Remote Access Policy The mode in which company employees access the internal network of an organization should be guarded by certain [...]
In their work, Clark and Mayer formulated six specific principles that are used in e-learning, such as the multimedia principle, the modality principle, the contiguity principle, the redundancy principle, the coherence principle, and the personalization [...]
One of the most effective accounting software solutions is NetSuite and Razor one of those organizations that have greatly benefited from the introduction of NetSuite as part of its intuitive to upgrade its accounting [...]
Therefore, the primary target of this research is to assess the extent of the impact the introduction of progressive mobile apps has on the clients' loyalty.
Besides the demands advanced by the world of IT, virtualization is implemented with a view to economy as it helps reduce power consumption and air conditioning needs of a company.
Skin grafting is a component of tissue engineering that involves taking skin from one area of the body and using it to cover and stimulate healing in the injured portion of the skin.
The article "Digital Readers: The Next Chapter in E-Book Reading and Response" explains how digital technology can support the needs of many students.
Powerpointlessness The author delves into the advantages and disadvantages of the mass usage of technologies in the modern sphere of education.
Auditory, when on phone, drivers shift their focus to the sound of the phone instead of listening to the adjoining atmosphere on the road.
According to Ravich, drones have enhanced the productivity, safety, and efficiency of property claims adjusters. Drones have eliminated the risks of claim adjusters having to scale risky ladders with cameras.
In this context, the history of the company is viewed briefly, and the main competitors of Salesforce are identified. Finally, the possible use of this collaborative tool is considered in the context of the company [...]
A guide can help the users to set up a capture with no difficulties. Ensure that it is allowed to change the network.
The basic concept of the proposed ride is to utilize the current advances in VR technology to create a simulated experience for park-goers that is safe, widely usable, and sufficiently immersive that there is a [...]
The gray box testing is the most appropriate method for testing the software system to be used in a healthcare context. While the box method tests the internal structure of the software code, the black [...]
The evolution of IT has resulted in the creation of multiple branches, tendencies, and trends, some of which are extremely promising and may change the world in the immediate future.
According to a report prepared by twenty US universities and compiled by Kaufman and Mohan, the usage of videos in the sphere of education is a widely used practice with a great potential in the [...]
The examination of IWB and web camera application in educational settings aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages associated with integrating each technology and identify the potential benefits and positive effects of its application on [...]
For all the visitors getting into the park, there will be a guide that will be used to guide them when they are staying at the resort.
The seven elements of the brewer Security Matrix are as follows: organizational cyber compliance can be enhanced through the following elements Identification-assist in detecting the compliance level of an organization Authentication-refers to the process of [...]
Still, the issue became critical only with time, as the filling of the tank continued, which resulted in the overflow that happened on the morning of the next day.
When dealing with an emergency, the head of crisis communication has to carefully follow a crisis communication plan. He or she will compile a list of key publics that have to be notified of the [...]
This survey aims at investigating the peculiar features of VANETs and the reasons for why privacy location is defined as one of the most serious concerns in the field. The primary goal of this survey [...]
I think I should learn more about Minitab for the reason that it is a powerful instrument allowing us to process and review data obtained in the process of a quantitative study.
The data were grouped into two categories according to the weather conditions relevant for the study: the traffic during the dry weather and the wet weather.
The mission of Challenger was to revive the interest of the press and public in the NASA space program. The principal cause of the disaster was the leakage of gas through the connection elements of [...]
It is significant to ensure the security of this system because it focuses not only on the audio and video entertainment but also allows to control navigation system and manipulate the behavior of the car.
The algorithm is useful in the automation of marketing strategy. The practice of a data broker company infringes on the rights of privacy and security to personal information.
The head of the school will be convinced that the implementation of the initiative will help to substantially improve education experiences of the students. Communication activities will be conducted with the help of electronic media [...]
It is agreeable that many companies are ready to ensure the remotest parts of the world have free internet access. The internet is accessible to more people in the world.
Airport managers have to measure the level of performance in airport terminals in relation to the expectations of customers and the possible quality of services offered.
The workload is an essential notion in the discipline of human resource management; in the field of aviation, this notion gains critical importance because it is one of the factors upon which the safety of [...]
Walt Disney Imagineering team, which encompassed a wide range of professionals responsible for various entertainments offered by theme parks, resorts, and other venues, is currently devoting a lot of time and effort to unlock the [...]
In addition, it is the objective of the CSM to address the training needs of the company's employees regarding the security measures.
The systems facilitate in setting the criteria used to determine the individuals that are allowed to access the facility or sensitive sections of the building.
In particular, regulation number 300/2008, issued and approved by the European Parliament and Council, outlines a set of common standards and rules affecting the procedures involved in aviation security matters; to be more precise, the [...]
According to this concept, the irrelevant material needs to be removed entirely not to distract a reader from the main content. The main idea of this principle is to introduce key concepts before the start [...]