Writing & Assignments Essay Examples and Topics

396 samples

Components of a Formal Report

Cover or Title page: The cover page is the first front matter of a formal report document and it has the name of the report, receiver's name, title and organization, team name and team members, [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 813

Time Travel and Possible Consequences

Even though the idea of time travel has been practically proven impossible, I would be thrilled to travel to the future and see the innovations and progress that people will have witnessed.
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  • Words: 325

Benefits of Action Research in Education

Giving teachers the power to design and implement their research work improves the overall performance of the students. The author will highlight some of the benefits of action research, in addition to the barriers encountered [...]
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  • Words: 1030

The Drawbacks and Benefits of Expository Writing Essay

The contrast to this kind of theme is the expository text that serves to deliver factual information in a way that is instructive and persistent. The expository text is fact-founded with the determination of revealing [...]
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  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 941

Locate a Research Study

In qualitative research the researcher is the main instrument for gathering data and the data is collected in the form of objects, pictures or words.
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  • Words: 588

The Characteristics of Good Information

The information is the cornerstone of any research, and its quality determines the value of the assumptions made. In order to evaluate the relevance of information, it is important to understand the purpose of the [...]
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  • Words: 505

The Need for Keeping Records in Education

The most critical justification for the keeping of such records is to be aware of the knowledge of any complications that could crop up during the journey. The main reason for keeping records is to [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1074

Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model

The Rolfe model in the literature review is as follows: When carrying out a literature review, I started with the general topic of cloud computing and then narrowed it down to the research topic.
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  • Words: 2810

A Comprehensive Aptitude Test

Aptitude tests should also be capable of reflecting and providing results that can be quantified in terms of the speed and power of the individual in the different areas of testing.
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  • Words: 752

Writing Article: CRAAP Analysis

The relevance criterion reveals the relationship of the paper's topic to the information provided. The authority criterion relates to the credibility of the information and the ability to refer to it.
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  • Words: 402

Academic vs. Newspaper Article Writing

In the case of writing an article for the Times Newspaper and academic writing, they both differ in their objectives and in the audience they cater to.
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  • Words: 857

How to Write a Resume

To critique any given content regardless of the mode, the following elements need to be focused: the content of the essay or the resume, one has also to consider the organizational structure of the resume, [...]
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  • Words: 760

Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism

At the end of the quotation, credit to the source should be given either in the form of in-text citation or in a footnote.
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  • Words: 586

Functions and Importance of Citations

According to Hyland, a citation facilitates the writer in describing the background to which the facts or issues of contention under discussion help to shed some light on.
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  • Words: 1128

What Is Plagiarism and Why Is It Wrong?

Now using the same paper but adding information to it and revising the content of the paper would not be considered self plagiarism because the paper will change in content in focus.
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  • Words: 581

The Letter Grading System

In comparison with the pass or fail grades, one of the major benefits of the letter grading model is that it represents the more detailed breakdown of the students' results.
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  • Words: 553

Dance Writing in Creative and Studying Processes

Eventually, the writing did not only feed the creative process but later on was used as an element of the performance, enhancing the experience of spectators, possibly developing more new treatments for the dance and [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1408

Describing an Object: Showing vs. Telling

The combination of yellow, white, and blue, as well as tinges of these colors, creates the atmosphere of fun and excitement. The third difference is related to the level of subjectivity.
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  • Words: 562

Autoethnography Essay

The developing part of this paper is more of a personal reflection on institutional Autoethnography of Tam that narrates her personal experiences with mental illness, providing an analysis of the performative aspects of OCD and [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1152

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

In other instances, the local students in to adventure and having fun may easily influence international students and since they are new to the environment, they may have fun at the expense of the assignment [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1866

A Love Essay and How to Write It

Paternal Love This is the love that a father gives to his children, and this is another kind of love that you can make use of in your love essay describing how great the love [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 286

Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits

Sort ideas- sine the 250-word essay is quite short then all unnecessary sentences, ideas and explanations should be eliminated. Sorting the ideas will then be necessary and finally a summary of the ideas should be [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 261

Introduction to Science Essay Writing

From that point, the writer will then go on a journey of research and discovery in order to present his documented conclusions on the science essay topic.
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  • Words: 276

Professor Wangari Maathai: Life and Success

The academic attainment of her doctoral degree was also a celebrated achievement as she was the first woman in the whole of east African region to attain that award.
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  • Words: 608

Good Writing, Its Importance and Principles

As soon as a person understands that writing is a skill that has to be identified and developed, it is necessary to assess personal skills and decide what kind of work should be done.
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  • Words: 865

Effective and Ineffective Assessment

Teacher made assessments are assessment tools that are created by the teachers and are intended to ensure that the students learn exactly what they are required to learn.
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  • Words: 937

Case Study Approach and Design

According to Yin a case study design should have structured questionnaire, propositions of the case study, the unit that is employed in analysis of the data, construction of a logical relationship and linkage between the [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 4082

Retelling as a Literacy Assessment

Retelling is the effective tool to assess the students' comprehension of the text while reading with references to understanding the order of events and key points of the story.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2242

IQ and GPA of the Ninth Grade Students Correlation

Current research is aimed at the investigation of the relationship between the GPA and IQ of grade 9 students. The null hypothesis for the research is that there is no significant correlation between GPA and [...]
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  • Words: 585

Plagiarism Effects and Strategies

The failure to recognize the contributions of other scholars in one's work is generally referred to as plagiarism. Also, the paper recommends strategies that may be adopted by educators and learners to address the problem [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1653

Recommendations for Assignment Writing

The chapter addresses a common issue with the reasoning in writing which occurs from lack of connection or insufficient organization of evidence and claims. The chapter starts by exploring the importance of evidence and claims [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2968

Concepts of Critical Writing

It is not that easy to claim what can be considered the theft of other people's ideas and what is used just as the confirmation of a specific theory.
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  • Words: 613

Personal Academic Writing Progress

In the course of my writing, I have noticed that I have evident strengths that are adequately reflected in my writing experience.
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  • Words: 877

Invention in Writing

It refers to the creation of new ideas in relation to the question given or the use of old ideas to come up with new ideas in writing.
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  • Words: 551

How to Write a Research Paper

The quality of a research paper depends on the writer's ability to follow the standard procedure recommended for writing a research paper. A printer of good quality should be used to print the final research [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1188

The importance of referencing in university assignments

Here, the sources can be recorded in form of references or a bibliographic list relative to the applicable referencing principles, the nature of academic sources, the frequency of citing, and the acceptable documentation styles. This [...]
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  • Words: 892

Critical Thinking in the Writing Process

The academic writing process can be summarized by five distinctive stages. First, the discovery and investigation stages require writers to engage with sources.
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  • Words: 298

Netiquette: The Use and Importance of Emails

I am writing to share my experience related to the use of emails. I appreciate the opportunity to obtain better knowledge in netiquette through lessons and constant writing of emails.
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  • Words: 274

Lyric Essays: Structure and Content

Like most other essays, lyric essay are written in order to make sense of the world around us. Poems and lyric essays both embrace complexity, poetic language and ingenuity in order to make sense of [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 266

Writing on a Descriptive Essay Topic

Descriptive essay topics could be a discussion of topics like a marriage ceremony, a house-warming party, a farmhouse, a picnic, an event or just about any topic which can and needs to be described in [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 376

Informal Reading Inventory as Literacy Assessment

To assess the student's ability to recognize words and determine the reading level, it is necessary to use graded word lists and graded text passages to conduct the informal reading inventory.
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 3153

Critical Research Writing

It is important to locate all the original sources to uncover ideas about the variables that are important in the field of study to modify and expand the research being done.
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  • Words: 543

Formal and Informal Types of Writing

Moreover, formal writing is objective, meaning that an individual is disconnected from the context and does not include personal experiences and emotions in the text. On the other hand, informal writing is similar to spoken [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 562

Have Fun With Short Essay Writing

Short essay writing helps students learn the rudiments of writing. Whatever the topic, a short essay tends to indulge the writer's imagination as he tells of stories or activities that others may find of interest [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 295

Plagiarism: For and Against

Therefore, the argument against plagiarism is based on the loss of the perpetrator in terms of the shame of the act and the loss of the original author.
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  • Words: 615

Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques

The areas to be covered under this research entail the research design, definition of the population to be used for the study, the sampling techniques and then the data collection and analysis methods.
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  • Words: 806

Good Research Debate in Education

The role of science cannot be ignored in research, and therefore, it seems to be reasonable and interesting to compare the opinions and beliefs of different theorists on research, its main characteristics, and a scientific [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1942

Good Education Research: What Is It?

Education research tends to solve issues for improving the quality of education and contribute to the welfare of society. Hostetler emphasizes the main theme inherent in good education research is the well-being of stakeholders in [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 2558

Reflection on Pathos, Ethos and Logos

For example, we may reflect on past experiences such as what went wrong, how we felt about it, whether there is a better way of doing it again, and the future prospects. Perhaps, it is [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 618

Reading and Writing Experiences

This paper is a reflection on the reading and writing experiences I have had during the course, the biggest challenges, the perceived personal performance, and ideas for improvement. To sum up, during this course, I [...]
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  • Words: 786

Academic Writing and Skills Development

Moreover, I think that the process of determining the effective sources and facts necessary for the research to support the thesis statement is more problematic than the process of writing the main body of the [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 887

Developing Instruction Writing Skills

Design the work's title page following the rules of the APA: no more than 12 words and the title is placed in the upper half of the first page.
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  • Words: 579

Comparison of Abstract, Review and Essay

On the other hand, a review of the same report will explain the structure of the report, question, the appropriateness of the methodology used, identify gaps in the findings and compare it to findings of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1087

Formal Essays: What You Need to Know

Students need to realize that although formal essay writing entails the use of facts to advance one's argument, this is no excuse for writers to be boring.
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  • Words: 246

Causes and Effects of Plagiarism

Writing is a daily activity that every person has to indulge in, and this is especially significant in the case of students who pursue academic degrees.
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  • Words: 568

Writing Style, Its Strengths and Weaknesses

Knowledge of the kind of writer that I am is of great importance since it enables me to capitalize on the positive attributes of my writing style while minimizing the negatives.
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  • Words: 1098

Concept Research Paper Design and Role

A concept research paper can be said to have two versions; one version is where a concept paper is presented before the actual research project takes place, and another version is where a concept paper [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 382

Writing: 14 Tuesdays With Lionel Messi

If one will take a look at his success in the present time it is hard to believe that at one point his life was about to end in terrible defeat because of a medical [...]
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  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 907

Content Outline and Assessment

A content outline includes; the objectives of the study, information to be explained, procedures to be used, and the assessment criteria to be used on students.
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  • Words: 837

Handwriting and Writing

We can use the following avenues to learn the old fashioned methods of doing things. For example, one may have to be trained for some time to gain the skills of hand sewing.
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  • Words: 1099

The Importance of Writing Skills in Communication

I can boldly share my views and ideas in my writing, which is one of my advanced writing abilities. The cornerstones of effective writing are through, where an individual can outline their views and ideas.
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  • Words: 359

“Life Is a Smorgasbord” by Dan Lewis

As a matter of fact, I usually find myself in a dilemma similar to the one presented by the author of the article when deciding what's important in my own life as I make choices [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 918

Argumentative Essay Writing

The second section of the essay will emphasize the importance of literature in essay writing, pointing out why research of existing literature on the topic is necessary for composing an effective argumentative essay.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1119

Credibility of an academic piece of writing

A good writing has its main points as the introduction of the section, and a strong conclusion highlighting the strength of the section and linking it to the next idea in the paper.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1514

Plagiarism as a Form of Theft

What is of importance in the realm of ideas is not the ownership of the rights to a certain piece of work but the originality[6].
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  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2679

Elements of a Typical College Paper

The header of such a paper should contain a page number and the author's surname. The arguments contained in a college paper should be both informative and elaborate.
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  • Words: 538

Concept of Narrative Essay

Just like normal essays, the last paragraph in a narrative essay serves to conclude it. Descriptive language and a premise in narrative essays usually make the essays interesting to read.
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  • Words: 580

Skimming and Cramming: Does It Work?

At that particular time, the student tries to go through all the work and to retain a lot of information as much as possible. The brain can be likened to a sponge such that there [...]
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  • Words: 653

Elements of a Good Essay

One must also consider the type of outline to use in the essay writing, as it will contribute to the overall outlook.
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  • Words: 588

A Five-Paragraph Essay: How to Write

3rd Paragraph This is the second body paragraph of your 5 paragraph essay. 4th Paragraph This is the third body paragraph of your 5 paragraph essay.
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  • Words: 283

Plagiarism Is Morally Reprehensible

Thus, to discuss the ethical component of plagiarism, it is necessary to pay attention to the definition of the concept and its meaning in relation to the idea of academic integrity.
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  • Words: 1112

Documentary Research

In concluding, the fundamental requirement when writing either a documentary research or a literature review is the quality and relevance of the paper in connection to the research topic.
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  • Words: 616

Importance of Academic Writing Essay

Thus, the importance of academic writing for business communication and for working out business plans depends on such principles and purposes of academic writing as the clear and strict structure of the paper, the stress [...]
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  • Words: 853

Scientific Writing in Humanities and Sciences

It was crucial to become familiar with the MLA style, frequently used in the humanities. The study of languages and literature is the focus of this association in the United States.
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  • Words: 611

Creative Work: Writing and Checking

Firstly, it is necessary to begin with an analysis of the subject since it is the basis of the creative work. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the content of the work [...]
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  • Words: 649

Tips to Improve Business Writing

The goal of my writing is to get the reader to accept the information presented. My writing is for colleagues and subordinates as I am the human resources manager.
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  • Words: 575

The Process of Writing and Its Challenges

The process can be split into the critical stages of brainstorming, writing, and editing, each of which has repercussions that affect me as a writer and a teacher of writing.
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  • Words: 392

Mentor Texts: Different Writing Techniques Usage

In this case, the positive reaction of students will be a motivating factor for the teacher to improve mentoring texts. In some cases, such actions, on the contrary, can be considered by students as a [...]
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  • Words: 282

Aspects of the Writing an Argumentative Essay

Moreover, the last sentence of the introduction paragraph is the thesis statement and consists of an opposing point of view, your argument, and the reason for readers to buy the writer's line of thought. Like [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 360

Avoiding Plagiarism With Paraphrasing

There are several strategies for avoiding plagiarism, among them competent citation of sources with the mention of the author's name and words in quotation marks and paraphrasing the source's content are.
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  • Words: 290

The College Writing Course Reflection

For this reason, to remain focused, it is critical to develop and support the thesis sentence, introducing the topic of the essay and the author's perspective on it.
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  • Words: 1216
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