Writing & Assignments Essay Examples and Topics

346 samples

Components of a Formal Report

Cover or Title page: The cover page is the first front matter of a formal report document and it has the name of the report, receiver's name, title and organization, team name and team members, [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 813

Time Travel and Possible Consequences

Even though the idea of time travel has been practically proven impossible, I would be thrilled to travel to the future and see the innovations and progress that people will have witnessed.
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  • Words: 325

Benefits of Action Research in Education

Giving teachers the power to design and implement their research work improves the overall performance of the students. The author will highlight some of the benefits of action research, in addition to the barriers encountered [...]
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  • Words: 1030

The Drawbacks and Benefits of Expository Writing Essay

The contrast to this kind of theme is the expository text that serves to deliver factual information in a way that is instructive and persistent. The expository text is fact-founded with the determination of revealing [...]
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  • Words: 941

Importance of Academic Writing Essay

Thus, the importance of academic writing for business communication and for working out business plans depends on such principles and purposes of academic writing as the clear and strict structure of the paper, the stress [...]
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  • Words: 853

A Comprehensive Aptitude Test

Aptitude tests should also be capable of reflecting and providing results that can be quantified in terms of the speed and power of the individual in the different areas of testing.
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  • Words: 752

Writing a 250-Word Essay: Sticking to Limits

Sort ideas- sine the 250-word essay is quite short then all unnecessary sentences, ideas and explanations should be eliminated. Sorting the ideas will then be necessary and finally a summary of the ideas should be [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 261

Writing a Research Using Rolfe Reflective Model

The Rolfe model in the literature review is as follows: When carrying out a literature review, I started with the general topic of cloud computing and then narrowed it down to the research topic.
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  • Words: 2810

Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism

At the end of the quotation, credit to the source should be given either in the form of in-text citation or in a footnote.
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  • Words: 586

IQ and GPA of the Ninth Grade Students Correlation

Current research is aimed at the investigation of the relationship between the GPA and IQ of grade 9 students. The null hypothesis for the research is that there is no significant correlation between GPA and [...]
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  • Words: 585

Introduction to Science Essay Writing

From that point, the writer will then go on a journey of research and discovery in order to present his documented conclusions on the science essay topic.
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  • Words: 276

Academic vs. Newspaper Article Writing

In the case of writing an article for the Times Newspaper and academic writing, they both differ in their objectives and in the audience they cater to.
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  • Words: 857

Concept Research Paper Design and Role

A concept research paper can be said to have two versions; one version is where a concept paper is presented before the actual research project takes place, and another version is where a concept paper [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1394

The Characteristics of Good Information

The information is the cornerstone of any research, and its quality determines the value of the assumptions made. In order to evaluate the relevance of information, it is important to understand the purpose of the [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 505

Recommendations for Assignment Writing

The chapter addresses a common issue with the reasoning in writing which occurs from lack of connection or insufficient organization of evidence and claims. The chapter starts by exploring the importance of evidence and claims [...]
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 2968

The Need for Keeping Records in Education

The most critical justification for the keeping of such records is to be aware of the knowledge of any complications that could crop up during the journey. The main reason for keeping records is to [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1074

Case Study Approach and Design

According to Yin a case study design should have structured questionnaire, propositions of the case study, the unit that is employed in analysis of the data, construction of a logical relationship and linkage between the [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 4082

Locate a Research Study

In qualitative research the researcher is the main instrument for gathering data and the data is collected in the form of objects, pictures or words.
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  • Words: 588

Writing Article: CRAAP Analysis

The relevance criterion reveals the relationship of the paper's topic to the information provided. The authority criterion relates to the credibility of the information and the ability to refer to it.
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  • Words: 402

Formal and Informal Types of Writing

Moreover, formal writing is objective, meaning that an individual is disconnected from the context and does not include personal experiences and emotions in the text. On the other hand, informal writing is similar to spoken [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 562

Retelling as a Literacy Assessment

Retelling is the effective tool to assess the students' comprehension of the text while reading with references to understanding the order of events and key points of the story.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2242

Effective and Ineffective Assessment

Teacher made assessments are assessment tools that are created by the teachers and are intended to ensure that the students learn exactly what they are required to learn.
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  • Words: 937

What Is Plagiarism and Why Is It Wrong?

Now using the same paper but adding information to it and revising the content of the paper would not be considered self plagiarism because the paper will change in content in focus.
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  • Words: 581

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

In other instances, the local students in to adventure and having fun may easily influence international students and since they are new to the environment, they may have fun at the expense of the assignment [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1866

Good Writing, Its Importance and Principles

As soon as a person understands that writing is a skill that has to be identified and developed, it is necessary to assess personal skills and decide what kind of work should be done.
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  • Words: 865

Autoethnography Essay

The developing part of this paper is more of a personal reflection on institutional Autoethnography of Tam that narrates her personal experiences with mental illness, providing an analysis of the performative aspects of OCD and [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1152

Dance Writing in Creative and Studying Processes

Eventually, the writing did not only feed the creative process but later on was used as an element of the performance, enhancing the experience of spectators, possibly developing more new treatments for the dance and [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1408

Argumentative Essay Writing

The second section of the essay will emphasize the importance of literature in essay writing, pointing out why research of existing literature on the topic is necessary for composing an effective argumentative essay.
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  • Words: 1119

Writing in the 21st Century

Academic writing requires students to have cute information on the various styles of writing based on the systems of writing advocated for by institutions of higher education.
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  • Words: 1756

Functions and Importance of Citations

According to Hyland, a citation facilitates the writer in describing the background to which the facts or issues of contention under discussion help to shed some light on.
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  • Words: 1128

How to Write Academic Papers: Preferred Outline Style

An important part of the Alphanumeric outline is the strict hierarchy of characters, which indicates the status of the section within the context of the paper Roman numerals, capitalized letters, Arabic numerals, and lowercase letters.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 542

Invention in Writing

It refers to the creation of new ideas in relation to the question given or the use of old ideas to come up with new ideas in writing.
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  • Words: 551

Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques

The areas to be covered under this research entail the research design, definition of the population to be used for the study, the sampling techniques and then the data collection and analysis methods.
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  • Words: 806

Collaborative Writing: Enhancing Academic Arguments

Furthermore, working as a team enables the writers to have diverse opinions that can impact the outcome of the material. To effectively align the text, author, and audience in the collaborative process, the writers should [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1177

The Importance of Writing Skills in Communication

I can boldly share my views and ideas in my writing, which is one of my advanced writing abilities. The cornerstones of effective writing are through, where an individual can outline their views and ideas.
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  • Words: 359

Epistemology, Ontology, and Researcher Positionality

However, the awareness of such characteristic features of the qualitative research process and the influential role of the researcher's positionality allows for predicting the bias and addressing it effectively for more reliability and credibility of [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 825

How to Write a Resume

To critique any given content regardless of the mode, the following elements need to be focused: the content of the essay or the resume, one has also to consider the organizational structure of the resume, [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 760

SFSU needs to replace JEPET

The first major reason is that JEPET is a highly generalized one-time exam and not a writing course that only tests a student's general writing proficiency.
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  • Words: 548

Coursework vs. Dissertation: Comparative Analysis

In the case of the organisation of coursework, it is simpler and less extensive compared to a dissertation. Therefore, both propose a specific and evidence-based claim, but the latter is derived from differential types of [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1722

Lyric Essays: Structure and Content

Like most other essays, lyric essay are written in order to make sense of the world around us. Poems and lyric essays both embrace complexity, poetic language and ingenuity in order to make sense of [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 266

The art of summarizing

According to Elbow, any one making a cogent summary ought's to position himself or herself in the place of the original author or the main speaker and play a believing game even though he or [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 546

John Holt and Daniel Pink

Within the school setting, the child that he does not know how to learn and must adapt himself to the methods of the teacher."In a great many other ways he learns that he is worthless, [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 1092

Writing Self-Assessment and Improvement Plan

Specifically, the positive features of my writing are the strong use of evidence, defining the purpose, and applying scholarly tone, but the negative characteristics are the incoherent structure of the text and sometimes incorrect syntax.
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  • Words: 560

Determining Credibility of Sources

When assessing a source's credibility, it is essential first to establish whether or not it is accurate in terms of the information it contains.
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  • Words: 396

Comparison of Video Gaming Articles

Article "Is Gaming Good for Kids?" is more aimed at providing general information that is based on the observations and knowledge of the author. The article "Gaming and Gamers.
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  • Words: 317

Writing Dissertation: Personal Development Plan

The selection of research methods and the application of the respective tools for the assessment of the target setting can be seen as the main advantage of the study since it has allowed producing accurate [...]
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1455

Comparison of Abstract, Review and Essay

On the other hand, a review of the same report will explain the structure of the report, question, the appropriateness of the methodology used, identify gaps in the findings and compare it to findings of [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1087

Formal Essays: What You Need to Know

Students need to realize that although formal essay writing entails the use of facts to advance one's argument, this is no excuse for writers to be boring.
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  • Words: 246

Teaching Writing. Process Approach to Writing

At this step, the student also proofreads the text of the paper and prints it to handle to the teacher. This step is useful as it enables the student to see his or her writing [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 556

Personal Academic Writing Progress

In the course of my writing, I have noticed that I have evident strengths that are adequately reflected in my writing experience.
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  • Words: 877

“Life Is a Smorgasbord” by Dan Lewis

As a matter of fact, I usually find myself in a dilemma similar to the one presented by the author of the article when deciding what's important in my own life as I make choices [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 918

Plagiarism Effects and Strategies

The failure to recognize the contributions of other scholars in one's work is generally referred to as plagiarism. Also, the paper recommends strategies that may be adopted by educators and learners to address the problem [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1653

Plagiarism: For and Against

Therefore, the argument against plagiarism is based on the loss of the perpetrator in terms of the shame of the act and the loss of the original author.
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  • Words: 615

Writing: 14 Tuesdays With Lionel Messi

If one will take a look at his success in the present time it is hard to believe that at one point his life was about to end in terrible defeat because of a medical [...]
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  • Words: 907

Cheating Plagiarism Issues

Cheating in exams and assignments among college and university students is in the rise due to the access of the internet and poor culture where integrity is not a key aspect.
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  • Words: 570

Paraphrasing and Plagiarism

A majority of the students fails to realize that they need to give credit to the original author even when they have paraphrased their work.
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  • Words: 567

Concept of Narrative Essay

Just like normal essays, the last paragraph in a narrative essay serves to conclude it. Descriptive language and a premise in narrative essays usually make the essays interesting to read.
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  • Words: 580

Describing an Object: Showing vs. Telling

The combination of yellow, white, and blue, as well as tinges of these colors, creates the atmosphere of fun and excitement. The third difference is related to the level of subjectivity.
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  • Words: 562

The Letter Grading System

In comparison with the pass or fail grades, one of the major benefits of the letter grading model is that it represents the more detailed breakdown of the students' results.
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  • Words: 553

Action Research in Science Education

He is motivated to improve the perception of students when learning science and raising the school performance in the region. Other factors regulating the performance of the students will be determined in accordance to the [...]
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1199

Credibility of an academic piece of writing

A good writing has its main points as the introduction of the section, and a strong conclusion highlighting the strength of the section and linking it to the next idea in the paper.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1514

The Use of Sensory Details in Fiction

The depiction of the estate is dedicated primarily to the nature that began to reign over the estate in the character's dream. Overall, sensory details are instrumental in creating the mood of the scene and [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 594

Scientific Writing in Humanities and Sciences

It was crucial to become familiar with the MLA style, frequently used in the humanities. The study of languages and literature is the focus of this association in the United States.
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  • Words: 611

Creative Work: Writing and Checking

Firstly, it is necessary to begin with an analysis of the subject since it is the basis of the creative work. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the content of the work [...]
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  • Words: 649

Tips to Improve Business Writing

The goal of my writing is to get the reader to accept the information presented. My writing is for colleagues and subordinates as I am the human resources manager.
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  • Words: 575

The Process of Writing and Its Challenges

The process can be split into the critical stages of brainstorming, writing, and editing, each of which has repercussions that affect me as a writer and a teacher of writing.
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  • Words: 392

Mentor Texts: Different Writing Techniques Usage

In this case, the positive reaction of students will be a motivating factor for the teacher to improve mentoring texts. In some cases, such actions, on the contrary, can be considered by students as a [...]
  • Pages: 1
  • Words: 282

Aspects of the Writing an Argumentative Essay

Moreover, the last sentence of the introduction paragraph is the thesis statement and consists of an opposing point of view, your argument, and the reason for readers to buy the writer's line of thought. Like [...]
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  • Words: 360

Avoiding Plagiarism With Paraphrasing

There are several strategies for avoiding plagiarism, among them competent citation of sources with the mention of the author's name and words in quotation marks and paraphrasing the source's content are.
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  • Words: 290

The College Writing Course Reflection

For this reason, to remain focused, it is critical to develop and support the thesis sentence, introducing the topic of the essay and the author's perspective on it.
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  • Words: 1216

Thesis and Argumentation: The Writing Concepts

In such a way, a strong thesis and argumentation are the major components necessary for a good paper. At the same time, it should be interesting for readers and create the basis for discussion.
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  • Words: 290

The Importance of Good Writing

In addition to improving communication skills, good writing is an opportunity to learn to analyze and understand the background and ways information is received and communicated.
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  • Words: 339

Live, Online Short-Courses Article by Marrero et al.

Methodological issues and questions in the research approach and the subject itself are extremely interesting in terms of developing research potential. For example, short course meetings enabled students to ask questions of both the teachers [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1132

Developing Instruction Writing Skills

Design the work's title page following the rules of the APA: no more than 12 words and the title is placed in the upper half of the first page.
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  • Words: 579

Getting Published in Professional Journals

For this part of the process, the main aim is to carefully evaluate the direction of the research, assuming that open access is beneficial for beginners in the field that can provide a wider audience.
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  • Words: 584

Reflective Writing on Past and Future Events

The topic of the video is reflective writing and its concept, regarding the analysis of the past and future events. However, the most important point is that reflection writing is useless without the analysis of [...]
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  • Words: 283

Information Structures in Technical Writing

Description paints a picture of what the writer is discussing and enables the audience to be on the same page with the author concerning the event or subject in the analysis.
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  • Words: 1166

Tables and Figures in the APA Citation Style

American Psychological Association APA is a style of citation of scientific papers in research and is one of the most common and widely used in educational institutions in the United States of America and many [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1917

Concept-Building and Strong Argument-Making

The relevant materials include theoretical concerns about the content and concepts of the research and the practical frameworks to analyze the practical scientific experience.
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  • Words: 621

How to Write a Good Research Paper

As such, you need to organize your research by checking on aspects such as author credibility, reliability, relevance and timeliness of the research.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 417

Critical Thinking in the Writing Process

The academic writing process can be summarized by five distinctive stages. First, the discovery and investigation stages require writers to engage with sources.
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  • Words: 298

Evaluating the Academic Writing Process

This paper aims to explain the academic writing process and evaluate the importance of each stage, with particular attention to the critical thinking skills application.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 642
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